Everybody check out this article by one of the best disc golf course designers out there, John Houck. He's the designer of both Selah Ranch courses (DGCR Rating - 4.79 and 4.93), both Trey Texas Ranch courses (4.50), and WR Jackson Memorial (4.38). He knows how to design courses. He also knows how one shouldn't design courses and that's what this article is about. Here's an excerpt from that article that perfectly describes this course (13/18 holes are exactly this):
"Good holes allow players to pick up a stroke on the field by making skillful shots. So you decide to make a pro hole. You go into the woods 200' away. You take your chain saw and clear a tunnel 80' long and 3' wide. Now look at the scores from your top pros: 5 (whacked a tree and kicked into the deep woods, took two throws to get back into the fairway, layup, drop-in putt), 4 (whack with a kind kick, layup, layup, drop-in), 3 (missed the window by 6" and kicked across the fairway, sidearm roller to 70', best putt of the day), 2 (missed the window by 10' but kicked out to 30' from the basket, putt), and 2 (nailed the window and tapped in). Now you're seeing a great range of scores, but guess what? Really dumb hole. It's all luck and no skill. Hitting a 3' window with velocity from 80' is not a shot anyone can make consistently. On top of that, shots that are slightly off can get punished big time, while bad shots may get rewarded with lucky kicks."
I will increase my rating if they get out and work on this course some more (I know there are plans to add teepads so that will help). But mainly, what needs to be done clear the fairways a little more so it makes more sense.
UPDATE: I increased my rating a tad because I felt I was being just a bit too harsh. I still feel strongly about "dumb" holes but, all in all, it's still a place you can go play disc golf and that is a plus. Now...if only we could get another course in Edmond to contrast Mitch.