Sand, Pines, Elevation, Wildflowers, Beaver Bay Beach, Bike Trails, & Discgolf
Prettiest of the Farragut Courses
There's a little Ridge throughout the Course, so AWOL has the most Elevation Involved out there
The Fun and Excellent Design uses the Ridge in numerous different ways
Challenging Greens with the Basket precariously positioned on a Ledge 2 8 11 14 & 15
Fun and Challenging Deuce Opportunities! 2 3 5 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 & 17
Par4s on a Third of the Holes 1 4 6 10 11 & 18
Each of these Holes are Excellent
Challenging Doglegs on Par4s, can really Spice things up for a Card! 4 & 18
500 foot Hole 1 is pretty Awesome. In the Theme of the Hole 1s, but a Great Par 4 Version
5 n 6 have a Parkish style to them that adds to the Diversity on Awol, a couple good examples of the Fun and Esthetically Pleasing Design
Like how 7 n 8 Reciprocate Down n Up
10s been really Pretty with all the Yellow and Purple Flowers into mid August
11 and 18 are Beasts
Not sure which one is Tougher to 3, but they both involve about as much Elevation change as you'll get in One Hole out at Farragut, and it's Up
12-17 can be a Birdy Fest if you're Dialed-In
Teesigns with an Overhead Illustration are Sweet, and they show Next Tee too