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Lancaster, OH

Flat Rocks DGC

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3.795(based on 36 reviews)
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Flat Rocks DGC reviews

1 5
Experience: 11 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

The Disc Golf Crop Circle 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2021 Played the course:once


*Multiple tees for most holes.*Course was well marked and easy to navigate.Fun tricky shots with rolling hills and heavy dog legs.*Well maintained fairways.


The "Con" would be that the baskets are very plain and unpainted making them difficult to see at times but the signage is accurate enough for you to find the basket.
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13 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.4 years 75 played 24 reviews
2.50 star(s)

An Ohio 4 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 22, 2021 Played the course:once


-Short and long pads are always nice!-Well maintained-Friendly locals-Near to other disc golf courses-Some shot variety


-Several (6-8) holes are quite repetitive: Field/Open hole, 250-400, a little blind.-Bad layout: While they have done a great job mowing, why are there so many field holes in a course surrounded by trees? Only a handful of holes play in the woods in any meaningful way. This means the course is hot as hades, too.-Unguarded or badly guarded baskets. With the field holes, they\'re just out in the open. The blind shots guard them, but as long as your drive is decent then you should have a solid birdie chance and essentially no chance at a bogey. One basket is randomly elevated; they just made the pile 8 feet tall.-The signage is bad. There are a few spots where it\'s confusing, and there were a couple of signs to help sometimes. But it wasn\'t great. On the wooded holes, the paint on the boxes is wearing out, so it took a little looking to find the right box we wanted. -Long and short boxes. Yeah, they\'re there, but most of them are the same shot with the long box just being farther away. Given the style of the course, there\'s not much else they could\'ve done.

Other Thoughts:

This course is definitely overrated. We weren\'t able to play Eagles Nest, but I\'ve heard from multiple people that Flat Rocks is better. We had played Hippo\'s Ridge earlier, and that was an excellent course. I would not recommend making any sort of a special trip to play this course on its merits alone.I always end reviews by speculating what kind of player I\'d be if the course I\'m reviewing were my home course: meaning I played it 4+ times a month. If that were the case with Flat Rocks I wouldn\'t take much stock in having a variety of discs, 5 would be plenty. I wouldn\'t have a variety of throws either. Maybe a tomahawk, but certainly no long bending anhyzers or rollers or the like. I would develop a solid straight throw with my mids and fairway drivers. I\'d be able to throw pretty far but without much heed for accuracy. I wouldn\'t have much regard for accuracy, really. And my putting would be limited to just backhands since I wouldn\'t have needed to develop straddle putts, forehands, or the like. I would plateau in skill pretty quickly, probably.
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1 3
Jesse Santiago
Experience: 24.6 years 117 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Check it out! drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 10, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Fun and challenging track. Plenty of parking. Great local club!! Restrooms. Nice rubber tees. Easy to follow.


Rubber tees if you prefer concrete. Not much else.

Other Thoughts:

Check it out if you're in the area. It's worth a drive too.
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1 3
Experience: 151 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good all around course with lots of fun to be had drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 1, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Lots of fun holes with a lot of different shots. Quite a few elevated holes and a couple of interesting pin positions.


Tee pads are carpet. Better than the slippery rubber they used to be, but still needs concrete.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 205 played 195 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Whoever Cuts the Grass Deserves a Raise! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2018 Played the course:once


+ Ok, Flat Rocks is just a perfect piece of property for disc golf. It features rolling hills, and a perfect mix of wooded and open areas. It's really a beautiful piece of land for a course.

+ You've got just about everything you could ask for with this one. The wooded holes play through dense forest with plenty of different lines to choose from, some bolder than others. The more open holes take full advantage of the scenic rolling meadows. Most holes here are pretty straight forward, but the strategic patches of taller grass keep you modest in your shot selection.

+ Props to the guy that cuts the grass. He/she mows around perfectly placed patches of grass. These patches kind of act like bunkers, making the open holes more enjoyable than they would've been if everything was mowed.

+ A good mix of lefty and righty holes. Thinking back, #1 might be the only opening hole I've played with a sharp right turn.

+ The tee signs are really awesome. Provides elevation, distances, and a detailed map with great presentation, all without being overly complicated.

+ The kiosk is very nice. Huge parking lot, 2 practice baskets, a restroom, scattered benches, etc.

+ The front 9 and back 9 both make loops back to the kiosk area. Perfect if you only have time to toss nine holes, or if you need a break in the middle of your round.

+ Flat Rocks is pretty hilly, so luckily there are benches everywhere.

+ The tees are very firm carpet. I had no issues on the tee boxes and they seem like a decent alternative to the typical concrete.

+ Lots of great holes throughout the round, but my favorite is probably #13. Makes a half horseshoe shape around a dense wooded area with a tricky pin position.


- The long tees have sign posts, but many are completely overgrown with grass. Really, there's just the one set of established tee boxes.

- There's a few "meh" holes out there that feel like they were thrown in to make 18. #16 was the one that stood out the most in that regard.

- Not a ton of variety in hole distance. Most are somewhere between 250' and 340'.

Other Thoughts:

Flat Rocks is a gem in east-central Ohio, and is treated like royalty by the locals. Very good mix of shots, come give it a shot!
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11 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.3 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Lovely Hilly Course Featuring Friendly Locals! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 15, 2017 Played the course:once


Flats Rocks DGC in Lancaster (pronounced lank' a ster) occupies a just about perfect piece of land for a disc golf course. Keller-Kirin Nature Park features gentle rolling hills of emerald green grass, pockets of thick trees and meadows of grass, which by the way is mowed in multiple fairways strips still leaving strips of tall grass but thereby eliminating some, but not all of the hunting for discs in said tall grass. There is a sign at the entrance stating that the Lancaster Disc Club has taken over guardianship of the course or something to that effect. Club members-feel free to correct me on both my pronunication of Lancaster and the exact words on the sign. I'd be happy to make some editorial corrections.

Upon entering the disc golf area there is a decent sized parking lot. There is a kiosk with course information, sani can, practice basket and some picnic tables set under the shade of some large trees. This is a wonderful spot for awaiting friends or hanging out after your rounds or on the Sunday morning I visited, a staging area for tournaments. Speaking of tournaments, I showed up just a few minutes too late to participate in their weekly Sunday morning at 11:00 random doubles draw. One of the Lancaster locals was extremely fortunate to have missed the burden of being stuck with the likes of me.

The tee signs are nice colored ones with all the pertinent information including the next arrow. That's the next tee arrow that I can never remember to watch for, only rembering it as I putt out. The pads are nice long, carpet with railroad ties for borders. There are two tees (blue and red) for each hole. Besides the cleverly mowed strip fairways, Flat Rocks has one feature that I have not seen on my over 1000 courses played. Hole # 4 has a spotting tower set behind the long tee box. The basket is sitting atop a small hill and not visible from the tee pad. This tower is probably 4 feet high and is well constructed. It looks like it could be set on a children's playground.

The course plays at an intermediate level. It was a pretty comfortable round for a complete recreation level player like myself, playing alone. Advanced players would have their way here. There was a group of rank beginners starting a round and they weren't going to have a fun experience here. The course is way over their heads, too long and too much rough.

Many holes stand out to me. # 1 is a big, slightly uphill Annie toss. # 9 is a 325' downhill with the basket hidden. You have to throw to a spot on this hole. 17 was perhaps my favorite. It's 298' down and up again with a very pretty natural looking fairway.


Certainly nothing major comes to mind. I guess more next tee signs would be helpful. I got turned around a couple of times and had to ask the friendly local players for help.
Even on the grass strips, I witnessed players hunting for discs.
I read other reviewer's cons and feel they were just stretching to find something to write in the cons section. I mean, no water fountain. Com'on! Well, I was disappointed there wasn't a Coke machine. I coulda used a cold Diet Coke after my round. Get on it, would you guys!
Oh yeah, I thought of another con. There is another spotting tower somewhere on the course but it was shoddily constructed and I wasn't sure of it's holding my weight.

Other Thoughts:

Beside being a lovely green course with wonderful rolling terrain, this course was a perfect fit for my game. Challenging enough, some rough but not menacing, some nice downhills, a couple of ace runs and a nice variety of hysers, long bombs and annies. This is a course that I would love to transport back home with me. My congrats to the local club scene and I was told that the other Lancaster course is a good one, with more challenge involved.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.2 years 36 played 36 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Beautiful course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 18, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Multiple tees and pin positions.

Solid mix of wooded and open holes, as well as long and short.

Nice amenities such as elevated viewing platforms so your playing partners can keep and eye on your shot on hilly holes.

Hilly terrain means the open holes play harder than they look with even a mild breeze.

Well manicured rough makes it hard to lose a disc, but punishes errant throws by restricting run ups.


Tees are carpet (long) and rubber (short).

Open holes can be somewhat repetitive, but could certainly be worse.

Other Thoughts:

Flat Rocks is is a beautiful moderately hilly course set roughly half an hour southeast of Columbus. I've only played the course a couple times on a single weekday morning, so I didn't factor in potential issues I could foresee, but that didn't come up on the day I played. Those issues include the fact that the course looked like it wouldn't be much fun at all on a 90 degree hot summer day, and the fact that as the best course in the area it looked as though the course gets quite busy at times. But as I said, I played the course under near ideal conditions (65-70 degrees, light to moderate wind) so I graded the course on those.

Flat Rocks offers minimal challenge to an Intermediate player or above from the short tees. However, the course is fun from the short tees regardless of your skill level, and I'd recommend playing the shorts first to learn the course. The long tees up the level of difficulty on all holes, and are creatively cruel on a couple. I mean that in the best possible way, as the long tees on certain holes provide a significant opportunity to separate yourself from the pack or make up strokes with a good drive.

Grooming the rough on the field holes by leaving ~3' of rough for every 6' that's mowed is a great idea. As I mentioned in my pros, this allows you to find your disc, but punishes you for a bad throw by preventing a run-up.

I'd play this course frequently if it were only 20-30 minutes from my home. At 45 minutes, it's competing with Lobdell and Deleware, and comes up in 3rd when compared to those two. However, it's a close third, and overall I'd rate this in the top 5 courses within an hour of Columbus.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Like ‘em Flat…or Hard? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


...either way, the Rocks aren't really that noticeable here in Lancaster, Ohio, but the disc golf course is really wonderful! A popular course that gets a lot of play, Flat Rocks has something to challenge all levels. If they wanted to set the baskets in all the shortest positions, it would total 4894 feet: a fun Recreational level layout. If they set them all as long as possible, and you play all long tees, the course can muster up 7538 feet: enough to challenge Advanced and Open players.

The course features shot shaping in both directions, excellent use of elevation, woods, and gorgeously mown tall grass, rolling fields (see pictures for a tease). Amenities include really long, narrow, well-maintained rubber (short course: "Flat Rocks") tee pads and similarly sized, flipped carpet (long course: "Hard Rocks") tee pads. Signage is fantastic at the short tees, including map, distance, obstacles, alternate basket positions, and other details, all protected in an aluminum frame. Really classy. The long tees have simpler posts indicating distance and hole number. Baskets are top quality Chainstars with the orange logo on the center post for increased visibility.

They've added benches, and (leave it to folks likely to have a little hunting in their backgrounds) two climbing stands behind the teeboxes on holes 4 & 8, where a spotter can get up and see over the blind rise to track a partner's tee shot. There's a practice basket right by the parking area, course kiosk/ info sign (with scorecards), port-o-let, and at least four picnic tables in the shade of a group of mature trees. For the most part, the course flow is intuitive, and does feature two loops of nine holes.

Memorable holes abound, from the hard bending 1st and 16th (long), to the run into the woods on 2, the long downhill glide on 9, the views across the smartly mown grassy lanes on 11, another tough turn into the woods on 13, all the way to the incredibly tough line required on 17 long, and another downhill finish on 18.


The only issue I had was as a traveling player getting used to some of the transitions. After 5 (in the longer, 'B' position), you need to double back left, and not go forward down the path, even though there appears to be a path sign down the hill to your right. It's really confusing after hole 12, as the tees for 13 and 17 somewhat overlap towards the woods line, and after finishing 18, the natural tendency is to wander back to the left, where you'll be crossing the 10th fairway and the 9th green (I assume there's a more direct path in the woods to the parking lot). I would guess that, if the folks doing such a good job here with course upkeep and improvements visualized playing it for the first time, they'd spot the areas that need improved 'next tee' signage.

Other Thoughts:

When you drive in, look for the sign for Keller-Kim nature park at the 2nd drive (Bogear Circle is one way, counterclockwise). Finally, when I first started playing, I committed myself to giving courses multiple looks before considering writing a review, so it's actually been a few years between plays for me here. But if I were road-tripping to the area around Pickerington and Lancaster, Ohio, I'd make time to play Simsbury and Flat Rocks again and again!
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4 1
Billy K2
Experience: 14.3 years 34 played 28 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Flat Rocks: I'm in love! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 20, 2014 Played the course:once


Flat Rocks DGC was the final stop on my southeast Ohio disc golf spree. I had a ton of fun here and it is one of my favorite courses. The design was phenomenal. The designer really took advantage of the epic terrain, and delivered a great course! There was a lot of landscaping throughout the course, and it really caught my eye. I'm a fan of rubber tees, and these ones were pretty grippy.


I couldn't find any restrooms on the course. I could see a few areas where navigation could be a problem, but I didn't have a hard time finding my way around the course.

Other Thoughts:

Flat Rocks was tag perfect course to end my little roadtrip. It wasn't overly frustrating, or too easy. I reccomend you check out this course if you are in the area!
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2 3
Experience: 19.6 years 10 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

One of my favs 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Fun fun fun! Nice tees, fairways are clean and clear, holes are marked well and it's a great place for the average player to take his game up a notch!


Sometimes it's crowded

Other Thoughts:

Great fun! One of my personal favs. Good combination of woody and open holes. Plays in a couple hours or less.
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2 5
Experience: 19.3 years 321 played 37 reviews
2.50 star(s)

fly by review here 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 17, 2014 Played the course:once


-course seemed well cared for.
-good mix of open and wooded holes
-great piece of land dedicated to dg


a lot of blind shots that could be fixed by putting a mark on the signs telling you where the baskets are.

Other Thoughts:

no memorable holes
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4 0
Nasty Nate
Experience: 21.5 years 12 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A nice course but can be confusing to navigate 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 20, 2015 Played the course:once


-Practice putting area
-Picnic area
-Porta potty on site
-Trash cans
-Tee signs
-Score cards
-Pro and Am tees
-A nice park in a nice area
-Dog friendly
-Nice use of space and interesting course design with loads of different shot opportunities
-Lots of elevation change to keep things interesting


-No water fountain
-Tee sign maps are inaccurate with their distances and they only display one pin location. Numerous pins were not where they were said to be on the map. The Pro tee signs are just a wooden post with the hole number carved into it.
-Not a single "next tee" sign in sight so there is a lot of guessing where you need to go next. Some of the course direction is confusing and you will definitely be searching for the next tee.
-The entrance to this park is hard to find

Other Thoughts:

This is a decent golf course that will have you throwing every disc in your bag. It is a nice park in a nice area and makes for a good stroll through the woods. The course is in good shape and looks like it is well taken care of. It has numerous memorable shots and scenic views. It is challenging and the natural hilliness makes for a good workout.
My first time playing here the park entrance was a bit difficult to find. The flow of this course is confusing at times because there are paths all over the place and no signs to point you to the next tee which is not always immediately apparent. The Pro tees finally got pads of their own, which is an improvement from the clunky natural tees they were. The tee signs that are on the Am tees are way off on their distances and the pin placement is not always correct. The holes have multiple pin locations but the tee signs do not account for this.

This course is a nice change of pace from my usual home-base courses. It offers many shot opportunities and has its own sense of charm. The confusedness of the signage or lack thereof is kind of annoying but it can be managed. It would be nice to see something done about that and if they put in concrete tees it would make this course even better. Also a drink machine would be nice. Regardless, Flat Rocks is a nice course that should definitely be in anyone's rotation in the area.
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1 6
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Flatrocks Rules 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Great balance of shots off the tee . excellent vibe here. Nice rolling hills , some tighter wooded holes and the long tees . . . . are a MUST play. Motivated club for just one course; LDGA .


No concrete pads allowed .
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4 0
Experience: 13.7 years 24 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very open 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 3, 2012 Played the course:once


-Very open (my preference)
-Fun, tight, wooded holes
-Very well maintained
-Benches and trash cans located throughout the course
-Rubber tee boxes, and good signage at the tee box


-Can get crowded
-Need a spotter on a few wooded holes, some wooded towers are there if you're playing with a buddy
-The rough seemed to be a little too rough. Had a few tics on me after I was done

Other Thoughts:

This is a very fun, intermediate course. It is very well maintained and easy to navigate. The rubber tee pads are nice but easy to slip on if your trying to bomb one. The long tees are hard to find and not as well made as the short tees. The baskets are also a little odd. Small compared to others I have played. Many different holes for all types of shots. Not much of elevation changes. #18 is an interesting hole and fun to end on.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 38.3 years 450 played 94 reviews
3.50 star(s)

way better than average 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 4, 2011 Played the course:once


Located in a very clean, scenic and well maintained park. A nice mixture of open and wooded holes.

The tee signs were great showing the details.

The grass fairways were cut like a ball golf course helping define and/or frame the fairways.

Benches on most of the holes. The tower behind the tee of #4 to watch the others in your group on the blind tee shot.

Great uses of the elevation changes within the park, this might be it's biggest plus.

Multiple tees on most of the holes, I played the shorts and they were easy to locate.

While not a 4 star course, it was a lot of FUN to play. #18 is a great finishing hole!


Print a map ahead of time, it helped with my navigation of the course my only time through.

A next tee sign is needed btw 15 and 16.

The hard rubber tee pads were slippery even on a nice summer day. Fly Pads would be better.

The model of baskets are just OK.

Other Thoughts:

A few blind shots with the elevation changes. A spotter,especially on hole 18 is recommended.

A nice detour off I-70, it's worth the time if passing by the south side of Columbus. I played here on my way to Cincinnati and since I'm a tough grader of courses, it simply doesn't match up to Mt Airy and Lincoln Ridge which I will give both 4 stars.

I don't get the "Flat Rocks" name, it wasn't flat and I didn't see many rocks.

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2 1
Experience: 18.4 years 27 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2011 Played the course:once


Well kept fairways
Moderately wooded, but not so much as to make it impossible
Long and short tees
Benches and trash cans at pretty much every short tee


More signage is needed, it got a little hard to find the next hole sometimes
The baskets are old and the chains are very stiff

Other Thoughts:

This is an awesome course, the park it is in is amazing, beautiful rolling hills, lots of trees and wildlife.
There is a great variety of holes, some short that require precision and some long that let you open up and chuck it.
Very easy course to score well on
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18 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.6 years 287 played 57 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Little Things 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 23, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Pro and Am Tees on Most Holes
Benches at Nearly Every Hole
Great Variety
Distances Vary
Very Well-Maintained
Great Use of Elevation
Trash Cans at Many Tee Pads
Great Views
Both Wooded and Open Holes
Bathroom On-Site (Port-O-Jon)
Good Tee Signs at Am Tees
Very Clean
Rarely Crowded
Disc Golf Exclusive Area
Ample Parking
Fairly Easy To Navigate
Practice Basket


Rubber Tee Pads Are Slick (Both wet and dry.)
Pro Tees (Natural) Are Hard To Locate
Baskets Are Older and Could Use Work

Other Thoughts:

Flat Rock Disc Golf Course in Lancaster, Ohio is a scenic and well-maintained 18-hole course. From Route 33 East get on the business loop and make a left at the first light, Coothpath Road. Drive for 2.2 miles and make a right on Rainbow Drive. Stay on Rainbow Drive for 3.2 miles and turn right onto Stringtown Road. The entrance to the park will be on your right, exactly 1.5 miles ahead. The park name, on the sign, is Keller Kilns Nature Park.

The parking lot has ample parking for the course and from the lot you can see the port-o-jon. The first tee is located past the port-o-john, near the benches.

Near the first tee pad you will see a log bench and table to sit your bag on. These features will be found throughout the course, the benches are at all of the short tees. The tee pads are rubber. I have played rubber tee pads before and the other didn't really seem as slick as these are. The first time I played here it had recently rained so I chalked it up to the tee pads being wet. I have since been out to play and even though the course and tee pads were dry, they were still a little more slippery than I would like. A lot of times I found myself throwing from beside the tee pad, but I'm not sure if they are really slick or if I am just not use to them and have problems with them myself. Just be sure to a feel for them before you try to rip drives off them and you should be okay.

Hole 1 at this course is pretty unique and a nice way to start the course. The basket is on an extreme hyzer (LHBH), making it quite challenging for a RHBH player and even a RHFH shot is hard to cut around this corner. The fairway is bordered by tall grass on one side, the far side, and heavy woods on the inside. While right handed players should be able to par with no problems getting there in two would be difficult without a fairly long putt so just try to play it safe and not take anything more than that. Left handers, backhand, could get it fairly close to the basket, with birdie being reachable for exerienced players.

Hole 2, short and technical, starts near the edge of the woods, and plays down a hill and into the woods. The fairway is fairly tight, but with the right shot a birdie can easily be picked up here. Holes 3 through 5 are all on the short side, and moderately to heavily wooded. While these holes are shorter, that doesn't neccessarily translate to easy. The trees are fairly thick and elevation comes into play as well. A bad bounce off of a tree or roll down a hill can put you into the woods and rough leaving you with a lot of work left to do.

After hole 5, head towards the treeline and out of the woods. The tee pad for 6 will be just outside of the trees. Hole 6 has an open fairway that is bordered by moderate woods on each side. If you keep it in the fairway, there will be no problems, but the rough on each side can be thick and does a good job of hiding discs. Keep an eye on your throws and you should be fine.

Holes 7 through 11 all play out in the open. While a couple of the open holes on this course are similar, most of them, especially holes 9 and 11 have some great character to them and are also the longest two holes on the course. Hole 9, 358 feet, plays down a very large rolling hill. Its a blind shot so be sure to make sure its clear and let them rip, its a fun hole. Hole 11, the longest hole at 385 feet, plays across rolling hills with a huge grassy fairway.

Holes 12 and 13 start to bring the trees back into play. Hole 12 is more open with trees forcing the anhyzer/straight shot (RHBH). Some elevation comes into play here, and an errant shot can end up in the woods or in the tall grass.

Holes 14 and 15 are both heavily wooded. They are both great holes but the fairway for 14 creates more of a "poke and hope" type hole, where luck may have more to do with a good shot than skill. Just clearing out a tree or two could go a long way on this hole.

After hole 15 you continue past the basket to the treeline and out of the woods. This is the only place we had any issues navigating the course. To get to the tee pad for hole 16 head right once you get out of the woods and follow the treeline around until you see the tee. This hole is pretty self eplanatory, straight and short, as well as the flatest hole on the course. You do want to watch for the slope that is just past the basket, overshoot it and it could take off on you.

To get to hole 17 look for the path through the woods, shouldn't be hard to spot and follow it to the other side of the trees. The tee pad will be up the hill facing away from you. Hole 17 is somewhat of a ravine shot where you are throwing from the top of one hill to the top of the other. The fairway is bordered, on both side, by trees but it is pretty wide so there shouldn't be too many problems here.

Last but not least hole 18 is a blind shot over a decent sized rolling hill. From the tee pad the fairway goes uphill, flattens for a very short distance, then drops back down to the basket. Get the nose up on this one, or put to much behind it and your disc could really said on you. Just keep an eye out and maybe even have a spotter near the top of the hill.

Overall I really enjoy Flat Rocks and plan on playing it whenever I can get out to Lancaster. Its a fun, very well-maintained course and you can gell the folks that take care of it really put a lot of work into it. All of the little things/nice touches they have added really make this a great disc golf experience. The first is the log benches. Rustic and very visually appealing they are perfect for disc golf courses. Another thing to look out for is the downed tree/log just in front of the tee pad of hole 3. If you look at the ends of the log they have disc golf baskets carved into them. I thought this was a really cool idea, and things like this really add to the appeal of a course. Another added tough is the platforms on holes 4 and 8, if you climb up to the top you can see the baskets, otherwise these are blind shots.

All of these things, plus the fact that the course is pretty fun to begin with are what keep the rating of this course up. Its not the most difficult and it doesn't have the longest holes in the world, but it does have a great crew taking care of it, a nice variety, and like I said, its just downright fun to play. I would recommend this course to anyone thinking about making the trip out to play it, its definitely worth the drive or stop if you are in the area.
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 200 played 61 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Secluded Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 28, 2010 Played the course:once


Course is located is a beautiful and scenic secluded park which seems to only be used for disc golf and walking.

A practice basket and scorecards with map available near hole #1.

There is a great mix of very wooded and very open holes with a few that have both. Elevation is present on every hole. The course design fits the property perfectly with the woods holes playing around the large open middle. Shot selection is pretty basic out in the open but the elevation that is a part of pretty much every hole keeps it interesting.

The tee signs are very well done and very informative.

There are two tees for every hole and each provides a very different look at the same hole.

The landscaping on the open holes is very nice.

This course has a very high fun factor. Where it might not be the most challenging course it still requires you to think about your disc selection. A great course for all levels of players


Not really the most challenging course. A good player should have no problem duecing every hole from the short tees.

Some of the tees were not in great shape. And a few of the pro tees were a little difficult to locate.

Baskets are a little suspect.

Course was kind of in the middle of nowhere.

There was no water available, but there was a port-a-jon

Other Thoughts:

Like I said before this course has a high fun factor. I usually do not like courses with alot of wide open holes but the long grass and the elevation made each open hole interesting. They even had a hole (12??) that had Church Pews, like ball golf, mowed into the grass. That was pretty sweet. I played this course on a disc golf road trip and I was happy that we decided to hit this one on the way home. It was worth the detour off of I-70 to play Flat Rocks. This is a very nice addition to the Columbus region's disc golf courses.
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7 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 46 played 18 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Hill Of a Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 21, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


+ Excellent Variety of Holes
+ Lots and Lots of Changing Elevation
+ Informative and Nice Looking Signs
+ Well Maintained All Around


- Clunky DB-5 Baskets

Other Thoughts:

I made the trip down for the first time on Saturday and went back again on Sunday. I think that there says a lot. The scenic Flat Rocks is a fun and varied course that asks you to deal with significant elevation changes constantly. It has a real nice balance of wooded and open holes and a wide variety of lines to shape.

I enjoyed the flow of the holes, especially how it all ends on a fun to throw on hole 18. Its a 300' hole where after about 230' it slopes down steeply enough that you can't see the basket on the side of the hill. The open holes are generally a lot of fun to tee off on with uphill, downhill, and across valleys type of shots and on many the elevation change is severe enough that the shot is blind. The wooded holes on the other hand are pretty tight and require a good control and finesse game. On most of these there are multiple lines to choose from, but all have little room for error. Throw elevation in to the mix on these and you have holes sub 300' with significant challenge to them. The fairways are all nicely mowed and defined, Hole 11 even has a huge basket shape mowed into the center.

The tees are all rubber mats, and there are brooms by many of them. It was my first time using this kind of tee and they seemed just fine, I've heard they can get slippy when wet but it was mostly dry when I was there and they seemed to provide adequate traction to me. The signs were all in good condition, looked nice and provided all the necessary information, can't ask for much more. One thing that bugs me is going to a course and having a lot of the benches broken or non existent. Not a problem here, with plenty of cool looking log benches. The baskets here work but I think they are less than desirable. The DB-5s are very heavy duty with a very tall tray and heavier than normal chains. They just felt kind of clunky to putt on and the make-able target seemed smaller. Some of them seemed to be on short poles and thus closer to the ground. They just don't feel like what I'm used to and I'm sure most people are used to putting on. They do catch good solid putts though and in my mind they only detract a little from the fun and do add to the challenge.

Overall I really appreciated what this course offered up in the way of challenge and fun to play. Definitely glad I made the trip down there finally.
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5 1
Experience: 18.3 years 14 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 29, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Good shot mix(open,woods,dogleg left, dogleg right)
decent amount of elevation change
great community of golfers
park is almost solely used for disc
nice rubber tees
benches on almost every hole +1!


baskets are not uniform
depending on the day, can be very crowded
course could be hard to find if youre not from the area

Other Thoughts:

This course is my home course so my review might be a little biased but ill try to make it objective. The best thing about this course is that it will challenge your shot making ability without destroying your soul. The course is broken up by the mix of wooded and open holes. Sometimes you have days when it seems like you've hit 70% of the trees on a hole but then you always get a nice open hole right after that to breath easy on. If you find the course too easy then feel free to throw from the "Hardrocks" which almost every hole has. I've only played a few hole from them so I cant speak much about it. No pro shop as it is in a city park but the Shell Gas station down the hill on the corner of Fair and High has a decent selection of discs plus drinks and food. Good course, go play it!
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