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Parsons, KS

Glenwood Park

Permanent course
3.35(based on 10 reviews)
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Glenwood Park reviews

7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 553 played 429 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Puts the Wood in Glenwood 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 25, 2020 Played the course:once


Plenty of trees, a pond and nice garden areas around the front nine make for a couple of tricky drives on the front nine. The back is a bit more open, with a couple of holes near a large culvert that has tall grass and water that can eat a disc or two.

Every hole plays as a par 3 and there are a couple that are pretty lengthy. Plenty of birdies out there too, most of mine were on the back 9. The standard concrete tee pads are nice, and the baskets are good.

My favorite hole was 10, because it has a window with trouble on both sides and a bit of elevation as you near the pin. Thick woods to the left, and to the right is a drop toward an overgrown ditch with dark water. The toughest tee shot might have been hole 3, due to trees with low, thick branches lined in front of the basket. The tee is on the edge of a pond, but the water carry is not very long.


Layout is a bit choppy. I had no map, and started on hole 2. Locals had to point out where the tee for hole 3 was, but after that I was able to follow the route fairly easily. The first tee is next to the park exit on 21st St, across from the 18th basket. A course map or a few prompts to find the next tee could be a helpful addition.

Other Thoughts:

Glenwood is a pretty fun course. Not extremely tough, but has some demanding throws. Windy days will turn up the challenge dial a few clicks. The arboretum is a nice setting, I would like to see it in the spring when the green is coming back around.

I shot a 56 for +2. 5 birdies, 5 bogies, and a double bogey. There was some bad putting, questionable upshots, and definitely lots of room for improvement. Might try to return for another try if I should ever be passing through again.
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3 0
Experience: 16 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice course for the location 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Decent use of the terrainGreat variety of shots to try and useWell maintained courseEasily accessible to everyone


Some of the pads can be hard to find for new players.Water comes into play,especially more after a good rainstorm

Other Thoughts:

This is the course I have played the most as it's my local course and it's where I learned to play and for what it is it's a great course.The front 9 is a tight,lot of trees technical course as where the back 9 opens up and will let you throw harder.The baskets are in good condition but are nothing great.The signs could use some maintenance but they are there and show you accurate placement.Its a great course for the area and if you ever drive thru stop and give it a shot.
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5 0
Chained Evil
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 1166 played 232 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Strolling through the Arboretum 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 29, 2013 Played the course:once


There is good signage and ample tee pads on this course. The course plays through a beautiful arboretum and has many trees of various species. The grounds are well taken care of and the front 9 was litter free, always a plus. The front 9 offers shorter holes while the back 9 offers holes with more length and even a couple of holes that are fairly open. There is a water threat on this course that if anything else it will keep you on your toes. Of course there are plenty of trees that provide a good amount of shade as well as provide you many obstacles to throw around. The trees make the front 9 challenging for the holes being shorter in distance than the back 9, but they do have lines that you can hit if you know where to look.
Memorable holes for me were #3 where you throw across a little pond, and it had water upon my visit, #4 had a elevated tee box with trees protecting the pin. Also holes #10 and #11 were good holes as well as #17 which was a longer hole and had a ditch that was full which made you decide if you wanted to layup and be safe or rip it and risk the chance of being wet.


Finding #3's tee from #2's basket was confusing upon my visit and we had to scout ahead and found where it was. Hint go across the road and it is up by the pond. Wind could be a problem on the back 9 so factor this in before you throw. Holes #18 and #1 were close to the parking lot, if the arboretum was busy it might affect the hyzer line for a RHBH thrower. There is the potential to hit someone on a walking path that would be in the arboretum looking at the trees, please pay attention. I don't remember there being any trashcans on any of the holes. There was one by a picnic bench that was next to the parking lot however.
There is not a good area to cross the creek if it is full, and a bridge of some kind would be nice. The drainage ditch was full upon my visit and I had to cross the draw to get to my drive on #10 and then again to throw my second shot. I was up to my calf in water, and it might be down when you play but something to cross without getting wet would be a nice option.

Other Thoughts:

This is not a destination course by any means, but if you are close to the area I think its worth your time to play this course. More challenging than its cross town counterpart Forest Park and more fun in my opinion. I would suggest playing this course before the arboretum gets a lot of visitors. We played about 11am on a Sunday morning and there was only 1 walker on the front 9 our whole round. Also playing with a local or following another group might be helpful for a first timer.
I enjoyed what this course had to offer. It made me think about lines before I threw and there was enough trees to challenge your shots, as well as just the right amount of water threat. If you enjoy a nice, quiet, and challenging round then give this course a try. Just play before the arboretum is full and you should do just fine.
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2 0
Experience: 15.3 years 133 played 31 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 5, 2013 Played the course:once


Great variation in hole distances- Everything is from 170 feet to 430 feet which makes sure to utilize every disc in your bag. There are lots of different lines on each hole-this would be a great course to play alone or throw multiples on for practice. The arboretum is a very picturesque and fairly peaceful setting for a disc golf course. Tee pads are very nice and the tee signs are effective.


Some of the holes do not flow as logically as I would like-You should try to play this course with a local first. I had a few moments where I got turned around. Many holes don't seem to have a defined fairway which can add to the confusion. Sometimes, being in an arboretum, I feel like there are no lines-you have to choose which trees to hit, not which line to hit, but I feel this might have something to do with the fact I have played this course once-I'm sure the locals know some routes I couldn't see playing it once. The use of the hillon holes 10 and 11 is pretty annoying-You MUST get lucky to stay near the basket and not roll down the hill and into the creek. Wind is usually consistently strong (from what I've been told).

Other Thoughts:

There is no good reason to go out of your way 30 miles to play this course if you are traveling along 69 highway. If you happen to be passing through the area It would be a good course to stop and play, but I would not make this part of your itinerary. If you want to go off the highway, Go either to Joplin or pass this course and head down to Altamont. This seems to be a consistent problem in SE Kansas-The courses are all ok, but none are worth the gas money to get there.
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3 0
Experience: 14.1 years 13 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Course in SEK 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2011 Played the course:once


- Nice tee pads.
- Benches at some tees.
- Very well taken care of.
- Nice hole variety.
- Good shade on a hot, sunny day.
- Fun course to play.
- Friendly locals.
- Some long, some short.
- Good for all skill levels.
- Nice atmosphere.


- The creeks come into play on some holes and could be an issue for newer discers or discers who don't have a lot of control.

Other Thoughts:

This was a very fun course to play. The front 9 was a little short compared to the back 9. The front 9 would be good to learn the game on. The course made use of the land very well, and I had to use a variety of shots on different holes. I started by myself behind a group of five other dicers. When I caught up to them, rather than shoo me away, they asked if I would like to play the rest of the course with them. They were nice, and were fun to throw with. This is a really nice course and is one of the better ones I have played recently. I will definitely play here again.
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2 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 52 played 41 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice SEK Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 5, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Different lengths of drives, not too short.
Have to have accuracy as well, the trees definitely come into play.
Beautiful, especially in the lush seasons.
Has 3 water holes
Uses a lot of land, so no going back and forth.


This course often does has some very unfriendly locals right in the way of your shots. I had to skip an entire hole because they were having a picnic with the basket in the middle and then on my next tee they were making me feel very uncomfortable. I would not be suprised if this is the group that stole the 8th basket.
Another con is that it is out of the way from a lot of other courses in the area.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course to go take a trip to play. It has a lot of great things going for it, but at the same time, it definitely does take some gas to get there. A lot of the times this rough group wont be there, so don't let that deter you from going.
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1 1
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Built near a river and inside an arboretum which can provide for some nice shade in between throws. Decent fairways and the trees don't wreck the holes. Baskets are usually not too hard to see, and the distances are manageable. Is playable by beginners.


Two or three of the holes are very difficult on the back nine, but negotiable. Water comes into play on several holes.

Other Thoughts:

If you are a bit of a wild thrower, consider using a floating disc or one you don't mind losing in the water. Played with my left hand as my right hand was fractured from a previous accident.
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3 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun little course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Course is in an arboretum which is pretty cool. Great course for a beginner due to its length and lack of dangerous holes. This course requires just about every shot in your bag- straight, hyzer, anhyzer, overheads, rollers. Well maintained park. Easy to navigate for the most part.


Not much of a challenge for more advanced players. I think there were only a couple of holes over 350'.

Other Thoughts:

There was definitely a rough crowd congregating in the park near the picnic tables and basketball court. Drinkin' 40's and playing dominoes and blasting their gangsta rap so loud it sounded like their speakers were going to explode. Probably 10-20 of them. They were there all three nights that I played. They didn't mess with me but I definitely wouldn't want to mess with them!
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.2 years 360 played 100 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Decent southeast Kansas course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 16, 2010 Played the course:once


Good beginner to intermediate level course. For its short length, it makes up for it with some tricky tight holes. A decent amount of water threat from the park's creek on the back nine. You're gonna perhaps need to go vertical on a few holes to get a birdie, but there are opportunities aplenty. Good signage, and flows pretty logically once you know where you're going. (Remember to cross the road after Hole 2).


Easy does it there Mr. big arm. The front nine cuts through the city arboretum, essentially land that was established as a tree collection and not necessarily conducive for disc golf. (This is why you have to go vertical on some holes, so you don't destroy all the flora and fauna). I hate to feel like I'm throwing my discs in a glass house. Some other holes cut dangerously close to the parking lot or busy streets bordering the park. Advanced players may find it underwhelming.

Other Thoughts:

For a small town like Parsons, you can probably pass this off as neither the arboretum or the disc course is likely to get a lot of traffic. In a larger city, this would be a major space conflict. Still its much better (and safer to play) than the other course at Forest Park across town. Not on my must play list, but probably the best course between Wichita and Joplin.
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1 3
Experience: 36.5 years 19 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Arboretum ROCKS!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Everything. The layout is amazing. As the trees grow the course changes. Since I started playing it in 2006 until now it is totally different. Maintained by the local scouts, it is always ready to play.


Those trees. They just grow. Whatever worked last time has to be refigured next time out.

Other Thoughts:

Hole 11 runs on a dike along a set of ralroad tracks. 248 feet strait and level for a 2. If not 5 is an easilly attainable score. Or a double circle snowman even.
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