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Fayetteville, AR

Holt Middle School DGC

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Holt Middle School DGC reviews

2 0
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Well, I need to remember this is for kids 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 23, 2019 Played the course:once


Tee signs for most of the holes
Baskets were still in decent shape


Fence has been installed, but there is a gate near hole 1 and next to the basketball course. Fence comes into play on hole 7, gate was unlocked.

Mostly open shots

Other Thoughts:

This is a middle school course, the holes are longer than what you would normally find on an Elementary course. This is a good thing.

A couple of the holes actually have a tree or two. But most of the holes are wide open with some elevation changes making them at least interesting. Specially hole 6, that one is on the side of a steep hill.

The course does play all the way around the school and has a decent flow for the most part. Hole 9 is a fun shot under a huge tree limb.

Would I play here again? No, been there, done that. This course might be good to use to check out a new disc, but as far as a challenge, not worth the time unless you live nearby.
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1 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14 years 72 played 40 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty decent course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 23, 2015 Played the course:once


- New Innova Discatcher baskets are always great
- Tee posts so the tees are marked. Each tee post said the number of the hole and distance, which were helpful
- Course was mowed very well
- Some baskets had arrows below them in order to find the next tee, which is very helpful
- Decent elevation. The rolling hills on the campus of Holt Middle are used pretty well for the course. I enjoyed how I got to go uphill, downhill, and on the side of hills. I thought the land was used pretty well in order to give some sort of elevation to the course
- Ace runs. There are lots of ace opportunities on this course for those who can throw 200+
- Beginner friendly course. This course is good for the beginner because it allows for open throws and short distances. This is a good course to learn how to play on
- Navigation was pretty easy on this course
- There aren't many chances to lose a disc on this course, which makes it extra beginner friendly
- Quick play- This course allows for a round to be played in only 30 minutes, which is good for people stressed for time or daylight, etc.


- Definitely cannot play this course during school hours, which cuts down the window to play this course.
- Natural tees. While this isn't a big con (because the natural tees are mostly grass) it needs to be noted because they aren't as grippy as concrete tees would be
- While the elevation helps with making the holes not so similar, it can't hide the fact that most of the holes are very very similar. All holes are in the 190-280 foot range, trees are nonexistent on the course, every hole is wide open, all holes are straight shots to the basket, etc. This course lacks variety, which made the course somewhat boring. I wish there had been some trees or something in order to make each hole different from another, but there simply isn't.
- There isn't much challenge here. With distances averaging to be pretty short and no objects to stop your disc, this course doesn't really yield a challenge.
- The course runs along backyards of houses, which could be an issue if the wind takes your disc or you have a bad throw.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this course was pretty decent. I enjoyed my round, but I definitely would have enjoyed it more if there had been more variety from hole to hole and were more challenging. This course is a quick play and is pretty good for beginners and people who want to bag another course. This course was fun and is worth your time to play a quick round!
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