For the really small amount of land on this property, the designer did a pretty adequate job of making an okay putt and approach course. The course has short easy ace runs as well as very tightly wooded tunnel shots.
The biggest pro this course has is its equipment. Discgolfpark provides great signs and baskets, as well as a brick line that serves as a tee. Since cement tees are very rare in Germany, this is about as good as it gets.
Aside from these two, I can't really think of any's a very plain course.
This youth hostel doesn't have a very memorable or attractive course. It does, however, do its job of providing entertainment to those who happen to be in the area. With the only challenge provided being the few wooded shots near the end of the course, the best word to describe this course is "comfortable".
This course is denoted as pay2play on the German Disc Golf website (, but nobody came out and said anything during my three rounds here. I'd imagine that they'll probably charge you if you go in to rent discs though.
Other Thoughts:
Not the most attractive disc golf course in Germany by any means. Definitely not worth a trip by itself unless you happen to be in the area and are hungry for disc golf.
Pictures are up and course information page is 100% accurate!