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Janesville, WI

Lustig Park

3.475(based on 32 reviews)
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Lustig Park reviews

2 1
Experience: 18.4 years 10 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 26, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Just a beautiful course. I love playing through the oaks and ravine. A lot of variety with elevation and hole lengths. It's a great intermediate player course and keeps the experienced player just loose enough.


Gets pretty busy during the summer. If you don't mind the heat you can play in the middle of the day and not have anything to worry about. Some signs are missing.
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2 2
Experience: 15.3 years 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

new baskets 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 1, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


lustig is a hilly and woody course. the local club is doing a great job with course maintenance. All Chainstars 2011 winter and some new pin positions and a couple new tee pads plus a staircase on 12 and an elevated pin are coming soon which will really up the fun level and overall safety of the course.its a very clean park and has good signage, which will also be upgraded this season.
And big tee boxes on most holes.


all new baskets and a local club that helps with maintenance and hole placements
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1 1
Experience: 24.3 years 30 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

home course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 4, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


this is my curent home course so i play it a lot and have a decint avreage at -2. most hole have big tee pads. if you play rounds before noon course is empty.


longest hole smallest tee pad. large amont of vandalism. most baskeets are home made but for home made are decent.

Other Thoughts:

the course has a new club friends of lustig on face book and work is being done to improve course well the pins have been pulled.
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6 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23 years 218 played 68 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Worth playing 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 2, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- Great course design
- Nice baskets
- Big cement pads
- Good signs
- Great flow
- Large mature trees
- No "rough" for the majority of the course
- River doesn't really come into play (normally i would consider this bad but there would be no recovery on this one)
- Large range of shot selection - something for everyone on most holes
- Playground for the kiddies
- Nice bathrooms and water fountains


- Every hole is reachable by a descent player
- Wind doesn't play much of a factor (it has to be REALLY wind to get a lil action)
- Can be crowded
- Some holes are almost on top each other
- A commonly used road goes through the course

Other Thoughts:

This course is a blast to play. Good play is highly rewarded and poor play is not punished. Great course for working midranges and shorter drives. There are 2 holes you can let the canon out.
I can't really pick out a hole that stands out. They all have there fun about them. I suggest taking a hour out of your life to stop and play the course.
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12 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Anna Page Clone, Miniwaukan on steroids! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 11, 2010 Played the course:once


1) Massive concrete tees on every hole.

2) Nice teesigns list hole #, distance, and show a simple diagram. Vandalism does not seem to have gotten the best of these tee signs . . . yet.

3) Nice park with amenities. Looks to be a bathroom, a small playground, a fair amount of parking available.

4) Awesome mature Oak trees just like Anna Page used very effectively to make you pick your routes.

5) Very little underbrush which is very nice. Only a few spots behind the baskets late on the backnine. In those spots it is 25-40' away from the basket which still allows for you to get out, but it also emphasizes laying short rather than making the ace run may be the best play.

6) Nice variety of shot shaping allowed ont his course. Many of the holes have multiple lines to get to the baskets which is also nice, not favoring a sidearmer or a backhander, or a righty or a lefty. There are holes that are definitely better anny lines and sidearm shooters, but an equal amount that seem to go the other way also and that means good design.

7) Course flows pretty well, a few walks backtrack to the next tee, but it is not too difficult to figure out and it is not that far to begin with.

8) Elevation is used very well here with some rolling terrain, some slight uphills, and some slight downhills, one big downhiller (#12).

9) Garbage cans everywhere keeps the course pretty clean, but I played with a local and he said thye get people walking through the park all the time picking up garbage. NICE!!!

10) I like that the course is generally open, but it has two tighter wooded holes, and the elevation changes make this very well rounded.

11) Beginner friendly course because of its openness. It would be a perfect place to learn the game because you can learn how to do max drives, but it is long enough to force you to throw good upshots, and the green are relatively fair.

12) Alternate baskets on most holes, unfortunately not much difference between the two locations on most holes.


1) Concrete teepads are not consistent in size. It isnt a huge deal but excess concrete on short holes costs extra money, and one of the longest holes has one of the smaller teepads! Sillyness.

2) Tee signs are put too close to the teepad. There is no reason they need to be on the back corner of the teepad, they could be 5' away allowing for a full use of the teepad.

3) Alternate baskets are almost no different on most holes. If they are going to make the effort the baskets hsould not be 20' apart they should be 50'+ away so the circles have recovery time and the turf can come back, plus it would offer some very different holes.

4) Not enough challenge for my liking. Sure I enjoyed the course but with some more trees or a few more holes in the more densely wooded part of the park would make it more well rounded. I like both styles of the open feel under a large canopy of trees and also the tigher wooded and technical holes. Having only two of the shorter technical holes is what I am referencing, but it is about all they could do with this park I believe.

5) Still lots of leaves from the fall on the ground. Apparently they do not mulch them up after a certain point in the year.

6) Baskets leave a little to be desired. They are not all one kind, some Mach baskets and some homemade ones also. They catch ok, but the points on some of the assemblies are shapr and can ding up your soft putter. The paint coating ont he baskets is also starting to peel off so that might need some attention, but the chains are good and they catch just fine.

7) For the most part it lacks the risk/reward. There are a few that the risky line can also cost ou some strokes, but often times the lines are open enough and with both options that there isnt a clear cut advantage to a certain line. This leaves most disc golfers comfortable to throw whatever they want and are comfortable with.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this course. I love the setting of the big massive oak trees and a mostly open feel, but the oaks are there to force specific lines but at the same time give you options. Do not underestimate the importance of the lateral branching however because if you elevate the disc at all you might have to avoide some of the big lateral branching on the oaks. The tees are nice, the maintenance of the park seems pretty good too and the course gives a challenge because the holes are that perfect distance to force a really accurate drive to have a run at birdie. I had about 7 or 8 chances at birdie from inside 32' and only made three of them, so my round could have been much better, the funny thing is I drove the disc so well to get inside the circle on half of the holes. Not bad for a first time visit.

This course remindsme of Anna Page West with the massive oaks and rolling terrain. It also is a much better version of Miniwaukan in Mukwonago but with more Oaks, much more elevation, but it very much the same sort of feel.
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15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.3 years 394 played 276 reviews
3.50 star(s)

B+ = be bery bery nice and fun! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2009 Played the course:once


"Lustig" in German means "happy". That is what this course is all about!

What I personally like and how this course stacks up:
1) Holes with good risk/reward. Fair, but harsh punishment for bad decisions or execution. == C+ (Most of the course plays through beautiful grassy areas with huge mature oak trees sprinkled about. It is almost impossible to take a 4 other than doinked putts. The wooded holes are short, so recovery from errant throws is easy)
2) Holes that have rewarding birdie opportunities for me. I throw 300' accurately, 360' max. == A- (Other than 3 holes that are shorter than 250' and one very fun hole that is too long for me to reach, the others all yeild rewarding birdies. It is a birdie fest course to be sure, but many of the birdies are truly rewarding and fun to get.)
3) More wooded than open - lots of variety of shots required caused by hole shape and topography == B (There is enough room between the trees usually pick at least 2-4 routes to the basket, so you never feel "forced" into making a specific throw. But there are plenty of holes where you need to shape you shot well to get on the dance floor.)
4) Natural beauty (Appalachian beauty preferred) and seclusion. == A- (Very well manicured. The oaks and grass are gorgeous. There is no seculusion from the other holes except on 1 wodded hole, but there is seclusion as this is a disc golf only park).
5) Bonus points for multi-shot holes with defined landing zones, good risk/reward and multiple options to play them. == N/A

Other Thoughts:

It's all about feeding the addiction, so I ranked this course subjectively based on my own "personal addiction factor". The grades above tell how well the course will draw me back to itself again and again and again. Since I have played a decent number of courses (125 18-hole, 64 9-hole as of mid 2009), my hope is that players/explorers who have similar addiction tastes will find my ratings list helpful as they choose courses to play and explore.

I fully expect others with different tastes/philosophies to disagree with me....that's the fun of things here. See my profile for my rating philosophy.
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5 2
Experience: 23 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 23, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Nice, large tee pads and an easy to navigate course layout. The park has lots of huge trees but is open enough to offer plenty of shot choices. It has a good variety of open and wooded holes with a couple offering some nice distance.


Most of the holes are short, some can be driven with a putter. Expect to park on the grass when the course is busy.

Other Thoughts:

Watch out for other players! Some tee pads are within an easy drive of the previous hole and can easily be hit.
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11 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.6 years 138 played 79 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Solid Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 17, 2009 Played the course:once


Nice course. One of the first things I noticed about this course, is it has some of the widest teepads I've ever seen. Nice. Also, nice, clear signs, and (homemade) baskets in good shape. I even noticed empty sleeves for alternate pin placements on at least a few holes, which they apparently switch around regularly, though no alt pins or distances are noted on the signs. The alt spots were mostly close to the regulars, so probably for erosion control as much as variety, but still, alt pins are alt pins, and alt pins need not be nearly as different as the A & B pins at Anna Page East to give the hole a fresh twist.

Most of this course plays up and down a hillside with scattered trees, with a few holes weaving through the woods and a few more open bomber holes.

This course mixes it up with a nice variety of left and right curves, though oftentimes there's more than one way to play most holes. Overall, this course is about accurately-shaping drives. If you do that off the tee and avoid the trees, you'll do alright. If you can combine that with some decent distance, you will do well, and set yourself up for several birdie possibilities, provided you make the putts. The par 4's on this course are all good opportunities to pick up a few strokes with a good drive.

I'd say the signature hole on this course, which is also the hardest hole, is hole 11. You through a narrow winding path in the woods, on a hillside sloping up to the right. The basket sits at the edge of a dropoff, so overshooting or missing a putt is disastrous, and where you land your drive is key.


Cramped in places. A few tee pads are close to the previous fairway, so close we almost hit the group in front of us, and the group behind us came close to nailing me on the tee pad. Keep your eyes open here so you don't get hit. This park isnt huge, so all things considered, I'm glad they have 18 holes in here, even if there are a few places that feel a bit squished.

This course is very fun, but not extremely challenging. Most holes arent too long, so accurate drives through the trees should leave you with birdie putts on most holes. This park reminded me of a shorter, less technical Anna Page West.

This park seems like a very nicely marked and maintained rec course, but overall, a little easier than most nearby courses I've played. It's a really fun place for a casual round, but not the most technical course in the area. Understandably, most of the players that were out playing the course the day it reopened were pretty casual, with a handful of discs at most. This is not a bad thing by any means, but speaks to the kind of course this is: casual and fun to play with two discs, though still interesting.

This course throws in some variety, but after awhile, most of the holes begin to seem similar: bend the disc left or right around the scattered trees to the pin. The terrain here makes for several variations on the theme, but the holes themselves aren't quite as memorable or challenging as those on similar courses (ie. scattered trees) in the area like Anna Page West, or Fireman's Park in Waterloo, though Lustig has better signage and teepads than either of those two courses.

However, there's nothing really wrong with this course, and a lot of things right. Its fun and easy to navigate, worth a stop if you are in the area. I don't want it to seem like I'm dogging this place, because I quite enjoyed my round here and plan on returning when I get a chance, I just think other nearby courses set the bar a little higher.

Other Thoughts:

I drove directly to this course after three rounds at Anna Page Park West, so maybe that's why this course seemed a bit on the easy side, since its a bit shorter than West, with wider gaps between the trees. However, this is still a fun and interesting course, its just not quite as Epic as West
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7 1
Experience: 16.4 years 8 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Beautiful 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 7, 2008 Played the course:once


Very well maintained last time I was there. Nothing about this 18 is boring,always something fun and simple. If you play everything as a par 3 it's a lot of fun. Some are easy to birdie while others will set you back a stroke or two.


No water hazards! I love playin over the water,so to me this is a con. This park in the summer is always busy it seems. This may or may not be a bad thing for you. For me,it's bad. I like the course empty,but I know that's not that realistic. Not too many reasonable cons here.

Other Thoughts:

Play this course. If I lived closer I would play i a lot more often. Cheers!
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6 4
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.3 years 86 played 85 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Big Oaks 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2007 Played the course:never


good variety of holes, some elevation, lots of nice big oaks to play around


baskets seemed a bit old and decrepit, got a little confused about hole sequence due to lack of good signage (numbers on tee pads are a nice touch though)

Other Thoughts:

Our first 'Wisconsin' course on a self guided tour of the eastern side of the state in '07. A lot of nice courses in this state.
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4 2
Experience: 17.4 years 4 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 13, 2008 Played the course:never


Nice layout With some interesting holes. has a verity of holes with uphill downhill trough woods and by water.


NEEDS SIGNS AS SAID ALREADY. Needs some real baskets and not those home made ones.

Other Thoughts:

if they get good baskets it would be one of the best courses around.
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10 0
Muh' Hucker
Experience: 18.4 years 6 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 6, 2008 Played the course:never


This course has some surprising holes along with the duds, 10 and 11, tight through the woods are good fun, 11 even more so as its also uphill, and 12 is a long downhill open throw that reminds me of a smaller 7 at Ellison in Rochester, NY. The park is up on a bluff overlooking the Rock river and the natural shape provides good drainage, not a lot of mud at all. Lots of big oaks to throw around and under. Some of the pins have a sharp camber under them, makes for high risk high loss putting. The concrete tees are nice, but...


...Lustig park needs signage. Badly. Lots of big oaks to throw around and under. The baskets need some help, they are functional, but it ain't pretty. Many of the holes are there it seems simply because that was the space available, not really to make the course interesting. Its still early in the spring so I'll give a pass on park condition until the crews have a chance to clean up.

Other Thoughts:

I'll follow up this review later in the year after the city has had a chance to clean up the park after the winter, providing that they do. This is the closest course to where I live in WI, having just transplanted from Rochester. You should see the locals faces when you try to describe a Garbage Plate.
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