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Shawnee, KS

Shawnee Mission Park DGC

3.585(based on 37 reviews)
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Shawnee Mission Park DGC reviews

8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 9.2 years 335 played 252 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Park Style in a LARGE park

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 29, 2022 Played the course:once


-Nice tees
-Decent Baskets
-Good signage / map
-Stays away from most other park activities
-Practice Basket in the lot


-#12 to #16 gets a little repetitive
-Walking path in play on #4 and #6

Other Thoughts:

Shawnee Mission Park hosts a very good DGC in the SW part of Shawnee, KS. The park is a very large park with playgrounds, walking and equestrian trails, and a good size lake on the west. The course stays mostly to itself on the east side of the park. A good start from the parking lot along a stream for the first couple of holes. #4 starts your ascent to the top through #11. #12 - #16 are mostly just back and forth up and down a hill with a few trees, became a little repetitive in the back part of the round. The finish is a little more technical for #17 and #18. This is a long course, especially for a rec player like me. I enjoyed it though. Playing in late October meant less bugs and long grass to work around for rough, although most holes are pretty wide and the rough is not too bad. I can see it being a little sweltering in the Kansas summer heat and humidity. Mechanics are good here, baskets/tees/signage. Be aware of the elevation and length of the course but take the time and enjoy. I have many other KC area courses to explore, but I would play this one again.
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 193 played 122 reviews
3.50 star(s)

[No Title Provided]

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 9, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


Shawnee Mission is a standard park-style course with good maintenance, decent elevation change, and challenge for all skill levels. Parking is fantastic, tees are good, and the course got new Veteran baskets and signs recently.

The start of this course is really good. Holes 1-5 are pretty heavily wooded, but also mix in some elevation as well. There are several excellent par 4 pins on those holes that allow for some really aggressive shots, but a lot of opportunity for danger. I especially like the new par 4 pin on hole 3, which encourages a tighter line by the woods than an open line to the left by the road. Overall, I really like the par 4 pins that have come in; a long setting could be par 59 for the course (and maybe one or two higher if you call pins like 1 long and 12 long par 4), which isn't super high, but would have a lot of excellent challenge.

Some of the later holes allow you to air it out a lot more, but there's always something you have to avoid. The rough on the right side on 17 and the left side on 18 are super nasty, and encourage some players to play a safer shot. Some of the downhill holes (12, 14, 16) have a low ceiling off the tee or some annoying trees that you might get stuck behind. Some of these are rather open, but have longer pins for balanced challenge.

This course excels in variety in shot shapes. No two holes are the same, and many encourage different lines, both backhand and forehand. Every hole can be attacked with either, but some will be easier than others. There are probably a few (16 and 17) that could be decent for an overhand as well. On some, the backhand is the safe shot while forehand is the aggressive shot, and on others, it's the other way around (of course, this will depend on your skill level).


While a lot of the course has its merits, holes 8-15 are rather open and bland at times. Some of these have a good pin or two, but also have way too much room on the fairways to be truly challenging holes. There's some elevation on these, but there's no excuse for holes 8 and 11, which just encourage you to throw it super hard and hope you don't end up in the tall grass.

Some new pins have been added in the last two years that aren't reflected on the signs. There are at least seven of these that I know of. They do add more par 4 holes and mitigate some of the openness by adding more distance, but it's clearly a patch solution on the real problem, not a long-term fix.

Some of the holes feel a little odd to me. Hole 7 seems like little thought went into it, especially for the long pin, where you're either throwing over pine trees (never a good idea), or you're going through a crazy-tight gap. Hole 10 has an odd shape, which again can be avoided by throwing over some shorter trees on the left side. Either of these require a very powerful arm, which this course probably wasn't designed for, which means these two holes don't make much sense for everyone else.

A few minor gripes that really aren't that big of a deal: The course doesn't loop by the parking lot until hole 18, a walking path is near several holes (but can be avoided easily), and a few pins can't be seen from the tees (holes 3, 10, 17, 18).

Other Thoughts:

I think some of the openness of this course was caused by some important trees falling down in the last two decades or so. Judging by the pictures, hole 12 used to be much more interesting, and I know hole 13 is more open than it used to be. Tournaments sometimes call some of the tall grass OB, which is a little too oppressive for my tastes but does add more challenge. Anyway, removing or combining a few of the open holes and adding a few holes in the woods behind hole 18, or past hole 12, is the best way to fix this course.

The tall grass that's in play on holes 4 and 8-18 isn't too bad most of the time, except holes 8 and 9 (though this could depend on the day). In my experience, while there isn't a whole lot of woods here, it's harder to find discs there than in the tall grass.

There's a weird strip of mowed grass that runs through the tall grass from hole 9's tee to hole 18's tee. I have no idea why it's there; hopefully there isn't a road going in.

It's great a course like this exists in such a large, multi-use park while avoiding the rest of the park features pretty well. As far as park-style courses go, this is certainly one of the better ones, but it's missing the consistent excellence that would be required for an even better course. If you're travelling through, there may be better courses you can stop at, but you won't leave this place unhappy.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.1 years 175 played 173 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good Park Golf

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 10, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


Shawnee has a well-designed and maintained disc golf course that gets lots of play from the KC area. While usually busy, it is a spot that provides challenge, but nothing that would scare away a beginner.

Concrete tees on all 18 holes, Holes 1 and 2 have longer tees. All the main tees have excellent signage. Baskets are DD Veterans that do the job as well as any other Veteran... so not great but still passable. The long pins on 1, 2, 4, 9, and 17 are set permanently with the old Mach 3s.

The course has a practice area, not just a basket... however it does have three of those. Two old Mach3s and a Veteran, each set about 125ft from each other in a line, there are brick markers for the 10 and 20 meter distances on the furthest two from the first tee. Putting practice and short upshot practice are both possible.

To the course itself, the first six holes are excellent, winding in and out of the treeline, a big culvert to throw over on 4 with a hole that finishes right, the rest have some very tight gaps (Hole 1's 60ft from the long pin or 6's right off the tee) or are tight tunnels (2 and 5), the beginning really is the highlight of the course.

More elevation is used on 12-18, booming downhills on 12, 14, and 16 are offset by uphills on 13 and 15 that require a lot more power than the distances on the tee signs would lead you to believe. 18 is one of the best holes on the property, with thick trees all the way down on the left and having about a 15ft drop in elevation to the green, both pins are equally tough to stick.


The more park-style holes of 7 through 11 are the weakest part of the course. Lines are either sharp doglegs (10 and 11) or open bombs off the tee with a little work to do at the end in the trees if it's set in the longer pins. But with little elevation (except hole 9) or shot shaping to speak of off the tee, there's not a lot going for these holes. 12-16 suffer from this to an extent, but are saved by their elevation.

The rough is nasty in the summer. 4, 8, 11, and 17 are the scariest, but there are plenty of other spots to watch your disc take its last flight.

Crossing the road from 3 to 4 and from 18 back to the parking lot isn't ideal, and teeing over the walking path on 6 can cause a short backup from time to time. Nothing too awful, just worth noting.

Other Thoughts:

My opinion of Shawnee Mission has greatly improved since my original review (which I'm sorry if you took the time to read, it was awful). The weaknesses of a lot of holes are saved by trees or elevation to keep most of the course fresh. There are definitely better courses in the area, but if it's nearby SMP is definitely worth a stop.

An update planned for 2025 will add 18 new holes throughout the park are and split the now 36 holes into four 9-hole courses.
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8 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.3 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Splendid Course For Tournament Play! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 6, 2018 Played the course:once


Shawnee Mission Park is a large multi-use Park but the disc golf course seems isolated. There is an ample sized parking lot with the practice basket nearby. The large kiosk contains a course map as well as league and tourney information. The tee pads are large concrete and nicely tapered. The baskets are DGA models with the always hard to read red numbers. The tee signs give you the information you need, par, distance and a map.

Navigation here is very intuitive, you always walk to the longest basket placement and there you'll find a route to the next tee. There are 2-3 basket placements for each hole. This morning, all were in the short position. The first three holes play through the woods with the rest being more open. There is some rolling elevation but nothing too severe. The rough is thick but not terribly difficult to avoid. I found Shawnee Mission to be a very comfortable round. The course loops back close to the beginning.

Although I didn't really recognize any one hole as being that signature hole, I did think that # 2 was just a pretty little throw. # 9 is the longest here here at just over 500 feet. 12-14 and 16 all play in the mid-400 range.


As with every other KC area course, I would like to see yards and yards of wood chips brought in to spread over every inch of exposed and very slippery dirt.

Course is open enough so as not to frustrate. I can see better players, advanced and up, being a little bored here.

This course could benefit from a bolt and washer set up on the tee signs where a hole is drilled next to each basket placement distance. Then a small bolt is inserted through the hole with a colored washer. This is a simple way to indicate which basket position you're playing that round. Whoever changes the baskets can easily change the washers.

Other Thoughts:

Although I played Shawnee Mission in terrible conditions, it's easy to see what all the fuss is about. This is just a very solid intermediate level course with lots of fun throws. Rec players can play it without a lot of frustrating moments. It's not terribly long. The rough is quite forgiving and not hard to avoid.

Kansas City golfers have a nice stable of enjoyable courses at their reach. Enjoy them.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 553 played 429 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Mission: Disc Golfable 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 29, 2017 Played the course:once


The Shawnee Mission Park DGC has it's virtues. The tees are paved, and the signs are good. The baskets are fine as well. Benches and trash cans are not hard to find. It is a straight up par 54 on 18 holes. Navigation is not hard. Though there are other uses within the park, you will seldom come into range of other traffic.

The terrain has good elevation changes for Kansas that plays on several holes. There are a few holes that are moderately wooded as well. I liked the first 6 holes and number 18 a lot. 1 is across an open area slightly downhill until you approach the pin. It is place in a gap between clusters of trees and brush. 2 has a fairway that is not too narrow and is lined with trees on either side. 3 comes out of the trees, and crosses an open run towards a pin that sits on a slope with another cluster of trees on the right. 4 is very uphill, and has a hard dogleg right, with heavy woods once you make the turn. 5 and 6 are shorter holes with good birdie chances. 18 is kind of the opposite of 4 but without as many trees, a long downhill, and turning left.


The entrance to the park was under construction, and I didn't go far enough to make it to the proper parking lot for disc golf. I parked at one of the first lots, and started the course at hole 7. Starting at 1 gives you better quality right off the bat, and a better finishing hole.

Not a super challenging course, but it was no push over and was still fun for me. Some of the holes are pretty wide open, and winds can have strong effects

Other Thoughts:

I liked Shawnee Mission, but wasn't blown away. It is set in a very nice park. The middle portion is less wooded, and makes the best of the landscape, but is a little bland.

Made a 56 (+2) because of a double bogey on the tricky hole 4. Only birdie was on hole 6, on a nice drive with the putter. Could've had 2 or 3 more, but wasn't able to make the putts.
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2 1
Experience: 24.3 years 12 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great disc golf course for all skill levels 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 3, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Concrete pads
Benches at most holes
Hooks to hold your disc golf bag on some of the signs
Good signage for most holes
Multiple basket placements
Fairway grass mowed shorter than rough grass
Fun for all skill level players
Good mixture of wooded/open holes


No trash cans
No facilities/water stations near course
Some baskets are very close to the ground
Slightly rough terrain since my friend Joe fell twice

Other Thoughts:

Overall this is a great course to play, I think that most if not all players will enjoy this mixture of open fairways and tight wooded shots. Glad to see that this park has great upkeep with its landscaping.
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5 0
air show
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.7 years 223 played 27 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Another great kc course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 21, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


+ Ample concrete tees and mach 3s.
+ Practice basket by parking lot.
+ Beautifully manicured fairways give the disc golf experience a ball golf course feel.
+ Enough technical shots to entertain that crowd and long and open enough on long pins to keep the big arms happy
+ Course is easy to navigate and flows well enough to finish under 2 hours.
+ KCFDC summer league on Tuesday evenings.


Course can become very busy on weekends and after 3pm on weekdays.

During growing season rough can become very thick so all eyes on deck.

Course does not swing by parking lot during round so pack for 18 holes.

We call hole 9 the kite hole. May have to skip during kite flying season.

Other Thoughts:

I have followed this course from inception and have watched it evolve into one of kc's most beautiful disc golf destinations. You can really feel the love the parks department puts into this course. They should be commended.
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10 1
Experience: 23.3 years 24 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great beginner/intermediate course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 20, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Really well kept course with nice signage, benches, garbage cans, bag hangers, etc. Can't really complain about the amenities!

Good shot selection requiring both hyzer and anhyzer shots, and some good use of terrain taking you up and down some hills. I'm a fan of just getting to toss a disc down a hill and watching it fly, so I enjoy courses that allow me that satisfaction once or twice!

If you like chances at a hole in one, many of the short pin locations are doable for intermediate players, but are still some challenge to approach due to trees or terrain.

Speaking of pin locations, every hole has 3 pin locations, and the alternate locations really change things up in a meaningful way.


May not be super exciting for advanced players, as it's a fairly short course, and the terrain isn't super challenging. There are some trees and hills in play, but they aren't all that challenging to navigate.

I also felt like the more "interesting" parts of the course (I tend to enjoy wooded holes to the wide open ones; for a frame of reference, I LOVE Rosedale Down Under) were clustered together too much. There's a stretch of a couple more interesting stuff, but then you're back out of it and into the open. I would have preferred some time in the thicker stuff, then back out, then back in, etc.

On that note, there's a looong stretch of holes that are just wide open with the pin dead ahead of the pad. That section of the course is really why I'm dinging the rating so much, as it's a good half the course that gets pretty boring and monotonous.

Other Thoughts:

If you see other groups at Hole 1, consider starting at Hole 13, which is just across the street from the parking. The course flows just fine from there, so it makes a good alternate starting point if it helps get you staggered from another group.

I actually like that starting point better anyways, as it puts the more wooded stuff in the middle of the round, so you get to play some open stuff, some wooded stuff, and then back open, rather than all the more wooded stuff at the end. It also ends you on 12, which is a longer, satisfying, downhill shot. I enjoy ending a round that way!
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1 6
Experience: 10.4 years 14 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 28, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


- Good balance of technical/distance


- Back 9 has some repetitive holes back and forth.
- More than optimal walking between some holes.

Other Thoughts:

- One of the better courses in the area if you live on the south side of KC.
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9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.2 years 40 played 34 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A walk in the park!

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 31, 2024 Played the course:5+ times


UPDATE (6/4/2024): This is my second-favorite course in the KC area to play. It's really on the cusp between a 4 and a 4.5 to me; the multiple pins, great setting, ample creature comforts, and variety of shots get me to round up to the 4.5. That's quite a bit higher than a lot of other folks have rated this one, but keep in mind many of the reviews (including my old one) were from before multiple pins were installed; I think that, along with the excellent maintenance, is enough to get it there. Original review from 2013 follows:

Wow, this is a very visually pleasing and beautiful course! Shawnee Mission Park is huge and very pretty, and this course gives you a gorgeous tour of the park.

This course had a great variety of wooded, open, downhill, uphill, and right/left or left/right shots.

Baskets, tee pads, and signs are all in good condition. I noticed there was minimal trash on the course and it appeared to be in good condition. The bag hangers on each sign were also a nice touch.

Not overly crowded on the Sunday afternoon that we played! It didn't look very heavily used; I know it's a bit out of the way of most of the metro, so maybe that's why.

Course navigation is super easy. Just look for the pea gravel surrounding every tee pad and you'll be golden.

And, obviously, there IS pea gravel around every tee, which I love because it really helps with erosion. You won't get your shoes so muddy this way.

The course is designed really nicely and makes full use of the land that is available.

Alternate pin positions aren't marked, but they frequently change how you'll play the hole. Not sure how often they change them out, but they're generally pretty well thought out.

This course just played super easily, no stress, no worries, and gave a great scenic view of the park. Well designed and very fun to play!

Although some of the holes switchbacked on each other (see more on that in the cons), they didn't play excessively close (like Swope) and you'd really have to have a bad shot to end up in someone else's fairway. We played in a very stiff Kansas wind and didn't have issues. I like the length and spread out feel the course has.

No burrs and the course maintenance was well done. No branches or anything that needed attention.


From 12-16, you're shooting up and down the same basic hill. They do a good job of giving some different shots and I get that they're just using the elevation, but I'm not generally a fan of switchbacking like this.

No benches and I didn't see any restrooms super close by, but that's not a big deal to me.

Shawnee Mission Park is a many, many, many multi-use park. We had some issues with other park goers wandering directly in front of us while we were throwing; we also ran into some folks just messing around on the holes while we were waiting to tee off. They did finally let us play through -- I think they just didn't know that's the courteous thing to do, so no biggie, but it doesn't look like this course has staked itself out as a DG-exclusive area.

Other Thoughts:

UPDATE (6/4/2024): I did bump this to a 4.5. It's a "soft" 4.5 vs. courses like Lakeside Hills in Olathe and Bad Rock Creek in Liberty, which clearly make the cut, but I think it gets there on its accessibility, shot selection, and setting. Original review from 2013 follows:

This course is in a very safe, clean park in northwest Johnson County. Take I-435 to the Midland Road exit and go east, then south on Renner and you're there.

Seeing as it's very close to Wyandotte County Park, it seems fitting it reminded me of it a bit, albeit much shorter. If you like WyCo but it's just too long for you, you'll probably like it here better (I personally love both).

Gorgeous vistas, nice maintenance, and good variety get this one a 4.0. Happy discing!
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14 years 72 played 40 reviews
4.00 star(s)

This is a fantastic course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2013 Played the course:once


- This course is beginer friendly and can also be a challenge for more expirienced players
- Course has good flow to it and no hole really felt misplaced
- Mach 3 baskets in great condition
- Love the tee areas! Dirt around the great concrete teepads and there were trash cans and benches
- Course will make you pull out almost every shot you have (It did on my round at least.) You will have dogleg lefts, dogleft rights, straight up the middle, hyzers, anhyzers, uphill, downhill, and much more!
- More than one pin position on each hole makes this a totally different course on each round
- Disc golf secluded was a big plus in my opinion because you could just play your game and not worry about hitting someone
- Extremely well taken care of park! We saw a staff member picking up trash which shows me that they really do care
- Fairways were never too tight and were very distinct towards the basket
- Navigation was easy for the most part
- Senic views
- Tee signs were very descriptive


- Some holes were repetitive. I wish there had been more of a variety
- As mentioned before, there was some unused wooded areas at the beggining of the course which would have been nice to have holes through
- The rough made it sometimes hard to find a disc
- The lengths were in the same range most of the time. Would have liked some varied distances from hole to hole
- There were some holes that had a long walk to next tee which isnt terrible but could have been avoided
- Depending on time you have to play, once you start playing, no holes come to the parking lot until 18 so you will need to have some time
- I wish there had been more tight holes as most were wide open

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this course was a very fun play. I enjoyed this course so much. It is worth the time to play and I will come back to play this one again.
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3 0
Experience: 11.5 years 34 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A great course for both experienced and beginners. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 28, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Front nine has some good technical shots, especially teeing off from #3 and #6. Keep it low and avoid the trees on both sides. My favorite is #5, which even in it's second basket pin is still fairly easy to birdie. Depending upon what time you tee off (I usually head out around 6pm), by the time you get to #18 (Course usually takes about an hour to two hours to play), you can spot deer grazing in the evening.


The thick rough! The grass outside of the fairways is usually above knee height. Often, you need to be right on top of your disc to see it. I recommend brightly colored discs where the fairways have more foilage and chances of losing a disc.

Other Thoughts:

I've played this course six times now and I'm still challenged each time. Depending on the multiple basket locations on each hole, some holes can be a close par 4 versus a long par 3. The course is fun. The players out here are friendly and helpful. I'm amazed out how many times I've been offered help in locating a lost disc or been given advice on throwing. Definitely worth the trip!
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4 3
Experience: 16.4 years 64 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 2, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


New signs and bag holders on every hole make this course one of the best I've ever played. Multiple pin locations and excellent maintainence make this course fun to play. Good mix of challenging holes and birdie chances. A must play in the KC area.


The back 9 gets a little repetitive and has a few holes where it is easy to lose a disc. Beware of poison ivy, especially on hole 16 in the trees on the left side of the fairway.

Other Thoughts:

This was my 'home' course for 2 years, and definitely one of my all time favorites. A must play for the KC area!
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4 0
Experience: 16.3 years 34 played 8 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Good Day Out 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 8, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Very nice course! Signs and each hole and benches and trash cans throughout. Poured concrete tee boxes and multiple pin locations to keep things interesting. Variety of hole types and shot selections. Kept up very well especially since it's in a nicer part of the KC area. Elevation and trees put to good use.


The last part of the course gets a little repetitive by going up and down the same hill, but the holes still present their own challenges. Tall grass near the fairways could cost you a disc if you're not careful, so watch closely where it lands and use brightly colored discs if you have them. Some pedestrian traffic, but it is minimal.

Other Thoughts:

Made for intermediate/casual players. I always enjoy playing this course. It presents good challenges and a good opportunity to practice multiple types of throws. Stop by if you're in the area.
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1 5
Experience: 13.3 years 7 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

OK, Just Wasn't What Was Wanted 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2012 Played the course:once


The first five holes. This course starts you off playing through a fairly open, yet technical section. Just the right amount of trees to keep you on your toes. When I played, hole 5 was at the long position which is an uphill shot to a great right dogleg (quickly becoming one of my favorite throws). Holes 17 offers a great uphill shot with another dogleg right throw just with a bit of a difference from 5. And as you go to 18 to finish the round you get to throw a nice tight hyzer shot wrapping around the woods rather tightly. Thus ending a round at a fairly decent course


Now onto the bad. After five your led to a short (200-255') hole that offers little challenge other than the few low hanging branches. Six was alright, not too challenging, as long as you can get a decent amount of distance without hitting one of the few trees scattered about it's an easy birdie hole. Then seven is just a straight shot with a few trees protecting the pin, again a fairly easy birdie shot. The part that really starts to just blend together is when you get to ten. Ten to fifteen are all the same shot for the most part. One goes downhill slightly, the next goes uphill slightly, rinse, repeat. At sixteen you get to break that cycle but barely due to the chance to shank one into the woods.

Then comes the lack of signage. After you get out of the woods and into the open almost all of the tee signs have been removed, leaving distances to ones imagination. Benches are present on most holes, but a lack of trash cans means you'll be hauling any trash you may have accrued with you.

Other Thoughts:

All in all this course is worth a play at least once. With the great selection of great courses spread throughout the kansas city metro area, this one is kind of placed on the back burner. Yes it is a great course, but the challenge just isn't what I expected. In my opinion if you have the time, go to water works, or better yet head out to smithville and play at Woodhenge.
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2 2
Experience: 13.1 years 76 played 42 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 18, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


+ well groomed course, upkeep is good
+ nice park


- par 3 birdie fest. Plenty of room to stretch out the distance; course does not fully use land available.
-Most shots are the same, esp on 12-16
-only about half the wholes had tee signs as of review time

Other Thoughts:

Not a course you hear a lot about in KC, which is odd because it's one of the better ones. Maybe better than Swope and Rosedale depending on configuration and opinion. There is also room for expansion/improvement which the Holy Trinity of KC courses don't have going for them.
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3 1
Experience: 54.8 years 11 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Course - Memorable 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


The par 3 holes are appropriate distances.
Very easy to follow.

Hole 1: Most memorable on the course. Its a great distance and its a great tunnel shot to start off the round.

Hole 2: If the hole is on the short position, its very possible to birdie this hole.

Hole 4: Perfect variation for left handed players.

Hole 5: Very easy to par. This hole is almost a confidence booster.

Hole 6: Perfect for right handed hyzer throws. Good practice for fairway drivers.

Hole 7: Great Distance. I always get good practice with my drivers here.

Hole 8: Another memorable hole. It's fun to have room to throw initially and then have to make it into a bit of a wooded area.

Hole 9: Good elevation change toward the end of the whole. (Downhill)

Hole 16: This is a fun hole as long as you can keep your drive low. Great elevation change. One of my favorite holes on the course, even if I do throw it into the woods half the time.

Hole 17: Fun hole to practice right hand forehand throws and right hand back hand anhyzers.

Hole 18: Great way to end the round. Great elevation change. Memorable hook around the trees if you get your throw right.


Back 9: 4 of the holes are on the same hill. It gets very boring.
Few Benches.
Almost no trash cans.

Hole 3: Very difficult to par this hole without a great drive and a great up shot.

Hole 4: Great for left handed players.

Hole 10: Basically the same as hole 11.

Hole 11: Basically the same as hole 10.

Hole 12-15: Up and down the same hill. The view gets a bit boring.

Other Thoughts:

Great course for beginners and pros alike. I have fun playing there every time I go.
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1 1
Experience: 5 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Amazing park great DG course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Very clean course and park for that matter.
Baskets are easy to locate and are very practical par 3s.
Easy to follow and front 9 really mixes up different locations.
Beautiful landscaping.


The front 9 has a lot of walking between tees and hard to play just a quick front 9 cause the ninth hole is the farthest from the parking lot. If u play 9 u might as well play all 18.
The back 9 is just up and down the same hill so u don't get to see any new scenery (unlike the beautiful front 9)
Trash cans and benches are far and few between. I think the first bench is hole 10 so it wears on the body when playing in 100+ degrees

Other Thoughts:

Definitely a course everyone should play. I started out playing on this course cause its just right down the street from my house but fell in love with it after a couple of difficult birdies. I usually just play the front 9 1) because each hole looks like it could be from dirrfent courses.
2) the lack of shade and resting areas in this 100+degree summer really eats at ya.
3) and walking up and down the same hill kinda seems redundant and the last 9 almost play the same.
Nevertheless amazing place to play all 18.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.6 years 206 played 63 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great for anyone SW of KC 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 26, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Tees are concrete and baskets are in good condition. 10/10

Almost all baskets can be seen from the tees. A couple alternate hole positions can be a little tricky to know exactly, but you get the general idea from the tee. 10/10

Obstacles are used very well to make holes interesting and unique without making any impossible. 10/10

Almost all the tees are easy to find from the end of the hole before, between hole 7 and 8 is one of the few exceptions (it's through/around the bushes on the left). 9/10

What elevation that is present is used very well, there are some uphill, downhill, both sidehill, flat. there just aren't many severe slopes. 9/10

Course is maintained very well. Fairways are regularly mowed and benches are present on every hole. My only minor complaint is that baskets aren't moved very often. 9/10

There is a great variety of openness throughout the course. Some holes require tighter drives, some more open drives with tighter second shots. The back nine gets a little repetitive in this regard between 10 and 15. 8/10

This course is great at challenging all levels, it's not impossible, just a little long, for beginners, and it's not too easy for advanced players when the holes are in the back positions. 8/10

There are multiple ways to play many of the holes, especially from hole 7 on. 8/10

There are several holes that require different shot paths to succeed. For example, holes 3 and 18 require a R to L drive, while 4 and 17 require a L to R. 7/10

Alternate hole positions are pretty good about making the holes different, and more were recently added. Now every hole has at least two and many of them have three. It would be nice and they were moved more often though. 8/10


Variety of Distances: The holes all have pretty much two distances depending on which hole position. There's the kind of short birdieable length that requires good shape on the drive, and the pretty long holes that require two good shots to have a realistic shot at par. 3/10

There isn't really that much elevation present compared to other courses. Most holes are either steadily slightly downhill, steadily slightly uphill or pretty flat (4, 16, and 17 are exceptions). It's kind of hard to describe, but there is slope but not really hills. After the first three holes everything just feeds down toward the road and the lake. 3/10

Some holes have long walks between baskets and the next tee. 3/10

Tall grass makes discs hard to find some of the time, and it gets pretty uncomfortable if you're in there very long. Also watch for ticks and snakes in the tall grass. I do like the use of tall grass for rough though. I've played ball golf for a long time and I think more courses need to be more punishing if you venture off the fairway. 4/10

No multiple tees, which I still think every course should have.

Other Thoughts:

Overall difficulty 5/10

This is the course that helped me learn how to really play the game. It really helped me with shaping shots and knowing what shots to play.

If you live in the Olathe/Overland Park area (or anywhere southwest of downtown KC) and don't feel like driving a long way, this course is great.

*edit 9-8* New baskets recently added. There are now 3 spots on 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 17 and 2 spots on 4 and 15 (maybe a few more, I had to skip a few because it was getting dark)
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1 6
Experience: 13.5 years 7 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

My origin course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 1, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Professionally designed and good teaching course


fairly challenging and lake wind always present and gusty.

Other Thoughts:

This is where I fell a in love with disc golf. The course is designed like a golf golf course. The view is great.
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