Sand and Pines, make good Discgolf times
A Very Fun Yard to Discgolf around, is definitely something I'd type on the Interweb about Stimpi Ridge
One of a Kind Disc Golf Course... with something Cool, Funky, or Weird anywhere you Look
Course consists of 9 Fairways, using either Two Tees or Two Baskets to make 18 different unique Challenges
Guessing the Course plays on less than 5? acres
So things are Tight, but Steve created an Inspired Design that keeps everyone Safe
OB surrounds Every Hole
Each Hole then essentially plays like it's a Peninsula... with OB Ridges on all sides
Teesigns are Painted on Shovels! Great Idea
White is for one 9 and Red for the other
Accurate with good Illustrated Detail and Info pertinent to OB, DZ, etc etc
They're really quite Helpful the First time through... cause Steve will give you the Rundown, but it's actually a lot of info to compartmentalize
So these Signs will jog the old memory banks, and hopefully keep you from going OB off a Ridge or into one of the Ponds
If you're feeling Lost or Confused, there's usually a Sign letting you know what Street you're on... which is Nice, cause you don't want to wander off into the wrong neighborhood
Plethora of different Baskets Models, which is something I enjoyed too