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Asheville, NC

UNC Asheville DGC

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1.635(based on 19 reviews)
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UNC Asheville DGC reviews

9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.1 years 83 played 39 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Poison ivy paradise 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 31, 2020 Played the course:once


- Great use of elevation on #3, #4, and #5 makes for interesting tee shots. Also makes birdies hard to earn, so you're not bored.

- Though the fairways are tight due to the numerous trees and heavy undergrowth (especially on #3, 4, & 5), there is a clear throwing lane from the tee on every hole.

- Rubber tee pads, not just grass.


- POISON IVY EVERYWHERE. Saw it throughout the rough on every hole. On #4 I placed a perfect tee shot through the only clear flight path through the trees into what I thought was a sloping berm of normal landscaping ivy to the left of the basket, only to learn when I walked up to it that it was mostly poison ivy... Joy.......

- The Rough - Don't let the old photos posted here deceive you, the course looks nothing like them (at least during summer). The rough is tall, thick, and overgrowing the fairways which seem infrequently (if ever) mowed. And that means mosquitos everywhere too. I escaped with only a couple bites, but expect that I was really lucky. It's clear the course is being given back to nature with little maintenance.

- No tee signs, and the rubber tee pads are a little short. Also the painted parking space for tee #5 has almost completely faded. To find it, walk toward the academic building from basket #4 and look for a narrow trail (the 'fairway') down the hill to basket #5 in the gully.

- Finding The Course - This was a nightmare, and the old directions were inaccurate as the university has changed traffic patterns on the street right by the course. I've corrected the directions on the course homepage here for any other traveling player, so now you have a slim hope of finding the starting tee (for #2, not #1, by the way).

- Navigation from hole to hole was difficult even with the course map. Look for narrow, slightly worn walking trails that lead you to the next tee.

- An overthrown tee shot on #4 could nail a parked car in the lot right behind the basket.

- Only 5 holes - The original #1 was permanently removed due to construction of new university buildings; the 5 holes are thus numbered #2 through #6.

Other Thoughts:

Was going to give UNC-A a 1 star rating because there's great use of the hills on some holes, but there's just too many negatives here. Hope the university or student body mounts an effort to reclaim the course from nature, otherwise it's destined to be a forgotten jungle pretty soon.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 540 played 256 reviews
1.00 star(s)

UNC A mess !! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 7, 2018 Played the course:once


There are baskets, on a part of campus that doesn't seem to get much other traffic, and, oh yea, there is parking nearby!
That about does it for the Pros, wait, one more, its real close to Richmond Hill, so an easy course bagging opportunity. That's about it!


#1 has been removed for a new Dorm, more on that later.
Tee pads can be slippery, I teed from the grass on most of the holes.
Without #1 starting near the parking lot, #2 is pretty tough to find.
Pretty rough to play, no good lines on most holes, lots of undergrowth, easy way to lose a disc.

Other Thoughts:

It looks like this course was put in, and not much has been done to it since. Doesn't look anything like the pics on here from 2010.
So, the new Dorm that took out hole 1 ... seems the State of NC contracted to built a new dorm on a state campus, and just before it was to open last year, with a compliment of students assigned there, the state Fire Marshall declared it a fire hazard. Seems the fire exit stairwells were built with flammable materials included, so they initially declared it unsafe. After considering hotel housing for those students, and several negotiations, they came up with a compromise, the students could move in, repairs would be started, and a team of 4 city firefighters would move into one of the Quads, full-time until it passed inspection! I actually saw them on the day I was there, I couldn't catch up to them to ask the big question, "how many keggers have you been invited to?"
That's really the most interesting thing I can share about this course.
I guess you could get some practice in here, but its really a mess.
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3 0
Experience: 6.5 years 22 played 8 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Meh 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2019 Played the course:once


-Ok little short game practice for better than beginner players-narrow short slot lanes-lots of elevation for such a short course


-Not well maintained-potentially slippery small rubber tees -not good for newbs ... Thick underbrush/ lots of disk loss potential for sucha small course-missing hole one due too new dorm?--lots of poison ivy

Other Thoughts:

Staying at an airbnb nearby and didnt have time for Richmond hill/18... So I threw some middy/putter shape shots through narrow gaps a couple of throws per hole ... Had a decent little practice session, but only because of sheer convenience... Poorly maintained not well thought out layout.. Lots of poison ivy... Missing one of its 6 holes... DO NOT GO OUT OF YOUR WAY FOR THIS COURSE... But if you need a quick practice round and your right close its ok
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2 0
Experience: 11.6 years 14 played 7 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Not worth it unless you live on campus 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2016 Played the course:once


You get outside and get some sun


Only 6 holes and all are very short, so it only takes 20-15 to play

Very hard to find

No way to tell where you start or where you're going

Other Thoughts:

Not much to it, but if you're close by and need a warmup it's good for practice
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.5 years 198 played 192 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 12, 2016 Played the course:once


I was pleasantly surprised by the UNCA course. Being only 6 holes, I expected something rinky dink. But, for the 6 holes it has, there's pretty good variety, great elevation, and the campus is picturesque. If there were 12 more holes similar to the 6 it has, this course would be a 2.0-2.5 for me.

+ Easy to navigate once you locate the first tee
+ Great elevation (#1 and #5 are fun downhills)
+ Baskets in good shape
+ Tiny area, but pretty course


This isn't a course to go out of your way to play, but if you're in Asheville, make a stop. Only a few cons:

- #1 con is the high risk for disc loss. Lots of leaves on the ground and some blind shots (or long walks from the tee where you can't see where your disc landed) equals disc loss danger. I lost discs on #1 and #5. Searched everywhere, but couldn't find them. Fortunately, I got two separate calls later from people who found them under the leaves.

- The rubber tee pads are slippery.
- Only 6 holes.

Other Thoughts:

Worth a try. Very short, not too tricky, but fun.
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0 1
Experience: 14 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A bit confused. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Quick solo action, pretty campus, grass/weeds were cut, another place in Asheville to play.


Just 6 holes, random non disc golfers using pads for yoga? (im assuming it was yoga), students laying in grass by baskets.

Other Thoughts:

I don't get why the place gets such a bad rap, its not terrible, and I understand Richmond Hill is right down the road, but some days people may not want to wait for the large groups or trek the mighty hills.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.5 years 182 played 59 reviews
1.50 star(s)

You might be pleasantly surprised 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 5, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


This course is pleasantly surprising for a number of reasons. Yeah, it's only 6 holes, but they are actually pretty fun. Most courses like this are bad enough that you only feel like playing it once and walking away. I found myself actually playing this one 2-3 times through each time.

To be on such a small plot of land and only 6 holes, there are actually a few you probably need drivers on. It's not going to be a cakewalk out there.

Every shot is pretty much straight ahead, but they utilize elevation changes pretty effectively. 2-3 mostly flat, 2 uphill, 1 downhill.

Distance isn't overly long or short. A pretty average length on most holes, but the uphill shots play fairly long. Like I said, you'll need drivers for these shots.

Tee pads are actually pretty nice and in good shape. I'm surprised that a 6 hole course even went to the trouble of having tee pads, but it's a nice addition.

Hole 5 is actually pretty cool and probably the only thing you'll remember from the experience. It's a nice little downhill putter shot that would make a sweet little ace. In fact, you'll have several chances for aces out there.


There are way to many chances to lose discs. The undergrowth out here is pretty atrocious and will easily swallow a few. There is even a watery/marsh hazard on hole 2 to be wary of. Thick thick stuff.

Very little variety outside of up/down shots. No big dog legs, no tunnel shots, just a lot of underbrush in a mostly open atmosphere with a few large trees here or there.

There is a chance, since you'll likely need a driver, that you'll hit a car on hole 4 if you aren't careful. The basket is situated very close to the parking lot at the top of the hill and I've had my disc end up there on several occasions. Be aware of that.

Hole 5 tee pad is inside the parking lot. Typically students are kind enough to not park in the designated spot, however I have seen it occupied before and can't say I blame them (I was a student at UNCA and know how precious those parking spots are). You might find you'll have to shoot from in front of the spot on the grass.

Navigation is average. You may or may not have troubles, depending on how lucky you get. Depending on where you park, you'll want to walk to the opening of the park with a smoking circle designation. It's directly off of the main road on campus, not the parking lot where hole 5 is. From there, walk down the hill to the right to find hole 1. A few navigation signs would definitely help someone getting around for the first time.

Other Thoughts:

The course could benefit a lot from expanding to the land across the road. In fact, I was part of that effort during my tenure on campus, however due to logistical issues the plan was scrapped. I sure hope they'd reconsider adding additional holes across the street in order to get a full 18 in.

If you have 20 minutes to kill and want to chuck some plastic, it's not a bad little course to be only 6 holes. Don't expect a lot of challenge, and half expect to lose a disc, but you should at least have a little fun.
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2 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 158 played 83 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Serviceable for Just 6 Holes 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2014 Played the course:once


UNC Asheville DGC is a 6 hole course nestled in in a valley in the middle of campus.

-Baskets are DISCatchers with double chains and are all in good shape.
-Short, scenic course with a couple of small ponds, bridges, a shelter, fire pit and a stone wall on the right side of hole 1's fairway.
-Elevation is very well used. You have down hill shots, uphill shots, and pins positioned on the side of a hill which prevents the course from being redundant or boring.
-Great fairways that are lightly to moderately wooded.
-Hole 5 is a very fun downhill shot that plays from a parking space with "Disc Golf" painted on it. Cars noticeably skipped parking in this space.


-The course being only 6 holes is a definite con. This course could be upgraded significantly if expanded to 18 holes and crossing the road to incorporate more land.
-When I was there it appeared that it had recently been bush hogged, therefore the grass was cut low, but I could definitely see how this course could quickly become overgrown and be a nightmare in the Summer.
-The rubber pads nailed to plywood were very slick. Hole 2's rubber pad was missing (you teed off from the plywood) and Hole 4's tee pad was missing altogether.
-Several fairways were very muddy.
-This course did not have that secluded feel that I really wanted it to have. It's sandwiched in a valley between two campus roads and therefore there are always people around.
-No real opportunities to open up and throw a long drive, but the tee pads were so slick that I threw everything from a standstill anyway.

Other Thoughts:

UNC Asheville is probably the best course I have played with less than 9 holes. All pins were very well placed and the small space that the course is placed on was incredibly well-utilized. It's probably good that there are only 6 holes because I feel that 9 holes would be overly crowded unless other tracts of land were used.
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3 1
Experience: 16.3 years 68 played 53 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Great course if they just ran a lawn mower through it! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 19, 2014 Played the course:once


Decent tees (it's supposed to be 5 rubber and one from a parking lot, but the rubber is gone from #2). All baskets in great shape. Decent hole design.


6 holes! This course is just a tease. Besides that, the course is way overgrown and unkept, with a couple of disc-eating fairways.

Other Thoughts:

With a good mowing, this would be a reasonable course, albeit 1/3rd the length you'd prefer.
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 301 reviews
0.50 star(s)

No longer good 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2013 Played the course:once


-Well, it doesn't take much space and it ends where it starts. I realize that it has been good and still has potential to be a nice, quick 6 hole course. It's close to the college campus and you probably will see some very pretty college girls by the time you get to hole 4.
-#5 is a great, straight downhill ace run about 230' feet long. It's easily the best on the course. The tee is in the parking lot but the locals are considerate of the course and do not park on the tee so it's all good.


-Neglected, neglected, neglected. There is no maintenance here AT ALL. Every hole has a very high lost disc factor. I lost a purple prodigy midrange on #1 and really want it back. It's so bad out here and I was desperate for the snake kings from the Christian movie "Courageous" to kill the possible snakes out here. I didn't see any but I'm a lucky guy. I never find snakes no matter what. BUT, I got cut up pretty well while I was looking for my midrange. I felt like an emo person with all of those cuts on my arms and legs.
-Navigation is a problem here. It took me at least 20 minutes to find hole 3. It's a very overgrown steep uphill shot about 250' but plays a bit over 300. I never found #4's tee. What I do know is that it's a real gimmick as it is very close to the parking lot. I felt like skipping it and playing hole 5 twice because THAT'S THE ONLY GOOD HOLE ON THE COURSE! There was a "next tee" arrow on the transition from 1 to 2 and it just felt like the designers wanted to stop making next tee signs after that. After you finish #2, go straight ahead toward the woods and you will find the third tee pad. Just skip #3 and #4 because hole 3 is in the worst shape and I have no idea where 4's is. Or you could just create your own #4. I seriously recommend you play #5 over and over. Weedeating needs to occur on that hole but it only plays maybe 150' due to an elevation drop of maybe 30 ft.
-#4 is gimmicky and very messy. I'm sure it's over the parking lot or way too close. If you land just a bit to the right, you better pray it is on the path on the left that brings you to the basket. You have to walk down the whole fairway to get to the teepad. Take a left once you get to the basket if you REALLY want to know where the mystery teepad is. If you don't land on the trail to hole 4 which is only 10 feet behind the basket and to the right, you're disc is a goner. I recommend you skip that hole and play hole 5. Not to mention hole 3 doesn't have a legit lane to the basket that promises you that you won't lose a disc.
-My parents dropped me off here because I didn't want to shop for 45 minutes. I think I should've gone with them because I still would have had my favorite midrange.
-No tee signs or next tee arrows in exception to the next tee arrow from 1 to 2. Every basket is visible from the tee except #2 because the tee shot is blocked by weeds. Estimated lengths would be 225', 240', 250', 285' from the tee I "made up", 235' and 190. It's a pretty straightforward course but it needs work to be like the way it was a few years ago. It can be saved!

Other Thoughts:

What a shame. This course is almost unplayable. If it's not going to be worked on anymore, then there is no point in keeping it here when it can be saved with a little, okay a lot, a whole lot of weed eating and development of tee signs and if someone could make some "next tee" signs on confusing transitions. Like 3 to 4. This course would be saved but right now, it's in terrible shape and desperately needs to be finished. People are going to be out here and will not be satisfied at all if no locals will work out here. I know I sound inconsiderate and rude but I don't live up here and can't do anything about how overgrown it is right now. Many trusted reviewers will really rant about UNC Asheville's overgrowth. I won't bother coming back here. At least Richmond Hill is close by. Just go there. I'm sorry to say this but if it wasn't for #5. I'd give this place a 0.0. Don't come here in the summer EVER. It's so rough out here. It's probably better in the winter. Just hope that it will get better and actually finished.
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2 6
Experience: 6 played 3 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Do not play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 18, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Short, doesn't eat your time.


However it eats discs! I will never play this course again. yesterday I lost a star Vulcan and almost lost 3 others (15 minutes to find each disc). Let me say this was not due to poor shots but to the terribly maintained course and the hellish rough.

Other Thoughts:

I you really want to play take the extra 5 minutes it would take to get to Richmond hill.
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6 1
Experience: 25.2 years 191 played 16 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Six Quick Fun Holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2011 Played the course:once


A nice pleasant little course perfect for a few quick holes between classes. Although short, there is good challenge, good balance and a good use of elevation change. A fine course for skill developement. The rough is rough, but not punishing. After getting started properly the flow is pretty easy to follow, with baskets visible from the tees, and next tee visible from most baskets. The baskets are like new Discatchers. The tees are nice grippy rubber mats on plywood. I'm told that next week another 12 holes will be installed - a big positive!


This is a single track course with one teepad and one goal per hole. Although there is a small pond to the right of hole #2, it won't come into play except with an extremely errant shot. Perhaps a tee could be developed to put that water into the mix. There were no signs, no toilets, no benches, no trash cans, no practice basket. The tees are only 4X8 - OK for downhill, but small for the uphill drives. The mat on tee #2 was torn off and in the weeds. Some other tees were showing wear also.

Other Thoughts:

I used a map printed from DGCR, but it really wasn't needed. This is a course for developing skills, not for experienced big arms. But although short, there is enough uphill elevation to allow a bit of stretch for the future serious hucker. If you are rated over 900 you will seriously kick yourself for missing some dueces. Being on a college campus there are bathrooms in nearby buildings, and six short holes are OK without benches, but it would be nice for the visitor like me to have that info posted somewhere. If this were an 18 hole course I would give it a slightly better score, but the primary short comings for me are the similarly short hole lengths, and the lack of amenities. If the new added holes have some length variety, and some signs and benches are added, this course could get a considerably better rating from me.
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2 3
Experience: 11 played 11 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Short but sweet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 26, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


- It's a decent little course...probably just a warmup for most people.
- Each hole has it's own challenges.
- The rubber tee pads are OK as long as they are dry.


- No tee signs.
- No scorecards.
- No map (but a map really isn't necessary, so not too bad of a con).
- Rubber missing from #2 tee pad.

Updated to add: There is an extreme HEAVY carpet of poison ivy starting in April/May. On nearly every hole if you don't hit the fairway you will be in poison ivy! #6 is the worst.

Other Thoughts:

I recommend playing this course starting at #5 (you can park pretty much right at the tee which is a parking space itself.)

There is definite room for improvement. I know that UNCA has plans to expand this course in the future. I don't know when that will happen with all of the budget cuts they've had to do recently. For me, if they just expanded to 9 holes, added tee signs and score cards that would be enough to bump it up to a 3. If it were a full 18 with a few more wooded holes to rival Richmond Hill then it would be an easy 3.5 for me.
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1 2
Experience: 33.2 years 174 played 13 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Surprized 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 6, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


It is right in the middle of a college campus. Quick play, fun shots, some challenge.


6 holes. Limited space available. some signs/ directions misleading. one tee box missing the rubber mat.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I was a bit leary about playing a 6 holer. I got there and did find that I enjoyed the course, although short and a bit up and down. I played three times - different score each round - I got tired by the third. last time i did math 3 times 6 is 18 right. pretty cool.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 45.4 years 994 played 118 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Quick fix six 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 21, 2009 Played the course:once


*Elevation changes on every hole. Three holes have significant differentials of 22 to 30 ft. (4 Up/ 2 Down)
*Baskets on slopes. This adds challenge because of the potential for roll aways.
*Fairways are well shaped
*Map. Online. It's average but essential for finding your way.
*The course will draw more college students into this great sport.


-Navigation! Do NOT attempt to play here without the map or a guide because you'd have a lot of trouble finding the tees.
-No tee signs! This makes it hard to navigate.
-Lots of poison oak
-Terrain feels kind of scruffy. This is probably because of lots of thick scraggly shule in many places, but even the grass is patchy.
-Fairway variety is low. Too many straight holes. (4 Straight/ 1 Left to right/ 1 Right to left.)
-Length variety is low. The length of the holes were all pretty similar
-Tees were just a bit too short.
-Few amenities. The course is still new, but other than the map there are no restrooms, no score card, no warm up basket, no benches, no trashcans.

Other Thoughts:

Course Level: White (most suited for Intermediate players rated 900.)

My favorite hole- 5. A down then back up shot over a valley that had an elevation drop of 24 ft. (It took me a while to find the tee, though. It's one of the parking spaces in the parking lot.)

If you see tee 5 in the parking lot then it would probably be easier to just start there.

For more information about navigating the course go to "UNC-A course navigation".

I usually feel dissatisfied after playing 6 hole courses, and UNC-A was no exception. It's like going to a restaurant and being served a plate with only 1/3 of a normal portion. Just as you're getting into it you've finished. I wanted more. I know there are limitations, but, like Oliver Twist, I'd like to ask the designers, "May I have some more please?"

A note about my rating: My rating is a subjective measure of my enjoyment of the course it is NOT intended to be a measure of the quality of the course. My ratings are given "on the curve" in relation to all other courses I've played.

To have my reviews delivered to your Inbox join the Yahoo group "DG Course Reviews" . More detailed "Overall Rating" notes and "Hole-by-hole Ratings" are also available there in the Files section.
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.3 years 98 played 63 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fast 6 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 3, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Clean, quiet, wooded campus course. Good use of land. All baskets are set on sloping greens. This turns an easy up-shot into a roll away. I like this! It makes you think about how you want to land your disc, not just where. Nice new Innova DisCatchers.


It's over too quick! There are only 6 holes currently but plans are in for a full 18. I can't wait! The tee pads are too short length-wise for me.
No benches.No tee signs but you dont necessarily need them as there is a path to the next tee already beat in.

Other Thoughts:

#5: start here. Parking lot shot. Short downhill shot through large trees. Pin set on hillside facing thrower. Trail behind pin leads to #6.
#6: Short, slightly uphill shot to pin set on sloping green left to right.Heavy shule on right. Select large trees to navigate on left. Next tee is left up hill to keosk area. Look for #1 tee sign & head down hill to #1 tee pad.
#1: Med length, slightly downhill shot.Sloping fairway runs left to right. Heavy shule to right. Two large trees frame the pin. Next tee is to the left & then downhill around to the right.
#2: Med length drive fade slightly uphill at finish to pin. Eco-pond on right side. Do not go into the pond for any reason.
Pin set on sloping green left to right. Next pin straight to road.
#3: Med uphill shot that plays long because of severe elevation change. Low ceiling branches snag discs. One large tree to the left & a group of small trees to the right help guard the pin. Run up onto this tee pad is good. Next tee is left & down the hill.
#4: Another medium length shot that plays long because of elevation change. Steep uphill shot with basket fade right. A couple large trees gurd the left side fairway. A group of small saplings guard the front of the green.
Pin is placed on roll away hillside. Next tee is up the hill in the parking lot.
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2 0
Experience: 10 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Fun 6 hole course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 2, 2010 Played the course:once


For 6 holes I really enjoyed the course. Some might think the holes are too short but elevation change on several holes adds enough for me to require a driver. Most holes offer more than one possible route with enough obstacles to fairly punish bad shots. The course is on the UNCA campus and there were alot of peope around but the course is out of the way enough that not too many people were walking thru the course (my experience).


There is not much in the way of signage but finding the next hole was not a big problem. I liked the tee pad design but they are a little short for me and most did not have even ground behind the pad to make a easy transition. It is only six holes. I know there are plans for a complete 18 but I wonder where they are going to put them. I would imagine it will require a walk and that is when they will require better signage. One pad was a parking space and people will park in the space. I just stood between the cars so it wasn't a real big deal but with no sign it is kind of problem if you are not familiar with the course. When summer comes the rough is going to be pretty rough but hopefully with more play and some work it will be managable.

Other Thoughts:

As I said it is only 6 holes but playing it 3 times worked for me. Parking is an issue but I parked in the Botanical Garden's parking lot at the far end of the lot by the exit. If you cross the street and turn left over the bridge you will see a path by the creek. Follow the creek and you will find the tee pad for hole #2, not a far walk. Starting on the #2 works with the flow of the course. No parking hassles with campus security. I am looking forward to more holes. I am sure my rating will increase
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 709 played 132 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Good little new course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2009 Played the course:once


I was almost going to wait to play this... But, my 'play everything' mindset made me go... Glad I did.

-Good shots with great use of elevation. Holes 3, 4, and 5 stood out the most... with Holes 3 and 4 have significant elevation gains (the pins being 15' and 30' feet above the tee), and Hole 5 having a good size elevation loss (25'). Holes 1, 2, and 6 were decent shots, definitely not bad shots.
- This would be a great place to learn. The fairways are FAIR. The gaps are medium to open in size, and the holes are not terribly long, but not terribly short either. All the holes are probably between 180'-250', with the longer holes being uphill... making them feel like 310'.
- This course is going to help expose a lot of students to the game of DG... and with Richmond Hill down the street, this will be a good spot to hone their skills. I hope everyone takes advantage of it, giving the University reason to develop the course further.


- Weekends only... Unless you want to get a ticket for parking in the Parking lot (or you're a student). I never saw a machine in the PL to get a 1 day pass either. And, I can't really fathom another way to get there; it's not like you could park out on the street and walk in (bus or bike... maybe?). After 5:30 and Holidays are free too.
- Tee-pads. The tee-pads were just a little too short. And, since the dirt behind a few of them was sloping, it was awkward to start off the back.
- No Signage. However, it's not really needed once you get past Hole 2. All the pins are visible from the tee-pad, and most of the holes have trails leading to the next tee.
- Only six holes. I know there are plans to make more holes in the future... but, as of now it's hard to commit to going there except for the desire to bag another course. And, since it's close to Richmond... that would be easy to do.

Other Thoughts:

- Park in lot across from Zeiss Hall... Take a moment to examine some of the layout from above... this will help navigation later in the round.
- To find hole 1... walk out of the PL and down the sidewalk to the left and across from Robinson Hall. Look for Hole 6's basket... then the Campfire Circle... then walk down the hill to a grassy fairway... tee-pad under some trees.
- To find Hole 2... walk down the grassy trail 50 yards and around a bunch of bushes and dirt mound to the right.
- Because it's only 6 holes... and there are no signs... I have to rate it a 2. It's almost a 2 ½ though based on shot quality alone... and, with tons of room for improvement... (and knowing the guys in charge of making it happen)... I could easily see this course move up into the 3.5 - 4 range.
- My Score: -3
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El Oso Peligroso
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.3 years 27 played 17 reviews
1.50 star(s)

A work in progress 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 25, 2009 Played the course:once


Good variety of holes, very nice rubber tee pads. Tight fairway shots that will definitely punish a bad drive.


No signage, Hole no. 1 hard to find but from there the course flows naturally. All the holes are fairly short.

There is massive underbrush EVERYWHERE! I lost two discs in six holes to the jungle just off the fairway on nearly every hole (although 1 and 6 were the worst, and incidentally where I lost my discs).

Other Thoughts:

This is a very new course, and in time I hope it will get better. There are plans for a full 18. Before adding new holes I think they need to spend some time doing something about the underbrush. It's hard to like a course that eats two of your discs over the course of six holes, but the hole layouts themselves weren't bad, although hole #2 should definitely be longer. There's a lot of underutilized room behind the pin. Still, for this course to compete with its almost-next-door neighbor Richmond Hill, it's going to take a lot of work.

As the rest of the holes are put in and more work is done to the course I'll update my review, but for right now, just go to Richmond Hill instead.
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