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Recent content by MasterP97

  1. MasterP97

    Stop asking if you are outside the circle!

    I want it taken seriously, and it's already happening; think about Uli's partnership. Besides, I'm sure if you guys were good enough and could make 1 million a year throwing plastic in the woods, are you telling me you'd turn that down?
  2. MasterP97

    Stop asking if you are outside the circle!

    For sanctioned events, make an actual circle. I think this is one of the reasons why some organizations (read as: Olympics, sponsors, and others) don't take disc golf seriously. Look at basketball, for instance, everyone knows where the 3-point line, free-throw line, and key are. We already...
  3. MasterP97

    P2 putter - Psycho

    What is your secret? I've not had this luck :-(
  4. MasterP97

    TD2 Fever

    I was thinking something slightly more stable and in pro plastic, but still a fairway driver.
  5. MasterP97

    Disc speeds

    I'm going to steal your words Blake, this is exactly what I've been trying to tell one of my friends. It is either my lack of proper articulation or he is just stubborn.
  6. MasterP97

    P2 putter - Psycho

    Absolutely nothing, they're just not production.
  7. MasterP97

    TD2 Fever

    I'd like an FD2 please.
  8. MasterP97

    P2 putter - Psycho

    Nice! An even better replacement for my BB ADs.
  9. MasterP97

    Mid range anhyzer question...

    Get an X or D Buzzz if you don't want to change molds. A Buzzz in all three plastics should get you the results you're looking for.
  10. MasterP97

    Help me pick a putter

    :cry: I've got 7 of them now and just put in an order for 10 more, so I'll have some for the next year or so :wink:
  11. MasterP97

    Help me pick a putter

    Lat64 Zero Pure
  12. MasterP97

    <175' Approach, What Do YOU Throw?

    I'm going to have to 2nd this for sure, I might use the EZE as well (depending on the wind). I'm totally enamored with this disc in the new Opto and EZE, zero is cool and all, but it doesn't hold up. Zeros pretty much lose all their stability after about 3 solids sessions of field practice.
  13. MasterP97

    Sidearm mid

    Thanks man, I'm happy I'll be there, not sure when yet. Looks like the end of August or beginning of September. I missed this on my post, but I guess I touched on it indirectly. I think for what you use it for (range control), would/might be considered utility. Like someone (dave?) once...
  14. MasterP97

    150 Lovers

    I just recently got a 150 Blizzard Wraith, OMG does this bomb with no effort.....so much glide and so straight. 450' never seemed so easy, but I wouldn't throw this disc in a sizeable headwind. I've not really given the 150 class of discs a fair shot, but I've never really had a need (read...
  15. MasterP97

    Sidearm mid

    I don’t know if this is the info you’re truly looking for, but… You can throw any disc sidearm, it all depends on what you're trying to achieve. Mark made a great post about the training wheels of overstable discs. You'd be better served if you just went out into a field (like the vid Mike...