Mako3 is a mid and not a good putter imo. The Dart is a great tweener for me. I use it paired for my upshots with a Zone. If I am outside my circle I'm either forehanding my Zone or Backhanding the Dart .
I want to try a few Darts in different plastic. I have R-Pro.
I have a couple heavy Big Bird Rc3's, Procul, Prometheus, a champ Teebird, Foxbat, and lots more to trade.
I putt with Omega SS's, and I don't think they are good off of the tee. I do notice more stability with the BB Omega SS's and think they could work for 150-250 feet. I think the SS is good for 150 feet and in.
I was at a tournament where Feldberg lost his Kc Roc that was nicely tuned. He spent the evening throwing a new one high in the air and letting it crash down on the gravel to get it seasoned. I don't see flattening as a being much different. I have thrown Orcs since they came out. After the...