Baskets, 5x12 framed cinder tees, informative teesigns ...
...most of which warn about oob, mandos, and to be aware of other park patrons.
Other Thoughts:
Avenel is a well-maintained public park, consisting of playing fields (baseball, soccer), surfaces (basketball, tennis, playground), a circumventing walking path with benches and accompanying treelines ... and a squeezed-in disc golf course.
The holes themselves:
* distances range from about 170-370', averaging ~270'
* luckily missing the nearly continous trees on #4, the tunnel on #6, and the double-mando on #7 are the accuracy challenges, with the other six primarily playing as openish, although some mandos force throws to be right-to-left.
* Over half the holes are essentially flat, with some slopes (none extreme) to deal with on the other holes
And to prove beauty is in the sight of the Beholder, I actually liked the challenging s-shape required to navigate tree-laden #4 (Monocacy's least favourite), and disliked #'s 6 (his favourite) and #7. For the most common throw (RHBH, with its natural fade), these two holes brought oob, followed by external walking paths, followed by public streets (if you really botched a throw) into mis-play.
Probably NOT a course to play on a pleasant weekend day. On a mid-morning random weekday, I had to wait on holes 1,2,3,6,9 for random park patrons using the park for other activities.
Adequate for a course-bagger or a desperate local, but probably won't be on anyone's regular rotation.