This small community greenspace park course won't be terribly attractive to competitive disc golfers due to its lack of challenge (on all but the ninth green), but if you're introducing someone (of any age) to the sport, or live in this community, it's really a nice, fun nine. The middle four holes actually have enough distance to break out a midrange disc (as much as 276'), while 1,2,7,8&9 are putter/ ace runs.
Starting just on the far side of the pond from the nice course map next to the street side parking on Norn Street, basic tee signs, toe board, natural ground tees and good DGA baskets are all that's really needed. Most of the shots are laid out for safety, and a few have trees that are growing in to force some line shaping (see the new pics I just added). The 9th hole will actually give you a second's pause when you realize that, though short, the basket lies only ten feet in front of the corner of the pond. You can slide long, to the right, but you'll bring several trees into play, to interfere with your putt. So you need to decide, how do I ace run this temptress, keep a dry disc, and be sure to get my two, if I've gotta?
The park appears to have walking/ jogging paths, a playground, a pavilion, tennis courts, and an extremely scenic pond, and none of these other activities will be straying into the disc golf course. So my overall impression is of a beautiful, beginner, park nine.
It's too short, and not tight enough to interest the competitive disc golfer, and there may be places where the reckless chucker might drill a drive all over the place (the 4th tee is pin high for an errant shot to the right of the 3rd basket). The tee signs are basic, and sometimes (like on 6) face the wrong way, so as to be unhelpful for course navigation. There is only on-street parking for a dozen cars or so. I couldn't spot a bathroom. The course is clearly intended for the neighborhood, and not really for visitors.
Other Thoughts:
The bathroom issue arose, as I'd just dropped my daughter off for an event (my excuse for trekking from Cincy to Columbus for the day), and I didn't figure on there not being any restroom. Next time, I'll go before I throw.