Battle Creek is a 9 hole disc golf course in a multi use park . There are ball fields , cement walking trail , a pool and a nice playground . A fair amount of parking is available just beyond the main entrance . There is a nice bathroom to the right and behind the playground . The first hole is between the first 2 ball fields you see and about midway behind the 2nd one's outfield fence .
THE EQUIPMENT -- There is a nice kiosk at the parking lot . Take a picture of it if you don't have an online map , to save time . There are 2 tee pads for every hole here . both are cement and 4' X 8' , and flush with the ground . The tee signs are well done . They show hole # , par , distance , and flight path for both tees . The baskets are yellow banded Discatchers .
THE LANDSCAPE -- the park was trimmed and mowed when I was here . Recreation takes good care of the park . The course is all park-style . and is Flat with a side order of Flat . My kitchen table has more elevation . Trees will play a part in your decision-making , but will not be a big enough factor for you to not be able to rebound to par putts when you make mistakes . The course follows counter-clockwise around the park . a creek can come into play down the right side fairway of long #2 and for overshoots on Holes 3 and 4 . there are some park roads that might come into play on a couple of the back holes like 6 , and 9 .
THE HIGHLIGHTS -- The course was kind of sardined into this small park , but not in a bad way . Even though #4 is a carbon copy of #3 , it is still a drive , short or long tee , where you have to negotiate a fairway tree or 2 , to a basket guarded and flanked by trees and a canopy . At 441' , #4 will make you work a little for par . #6 ,( 226' , 331' is a drive with a hanging canopy that will force a low line drive out of your hand .
SIGNATURE HOLE -- Really only 1 choice . #2 off the long tee . Even if you like playing shorts , you have to play this one . at 492' it has water just beyond some trees to the right , a large mound midway in the fairway , and a canopied basket at the end .
THE TIME -- It took me about 35 minutes to play the course . A foursome will get through in an hour .
DISC RISK - If you refrain from chucking a drive into the water on the early holes , you will leave with the same discs you came with . The park is clean , and aside from some brush on the right of hole 5 , nothing should swallow drives .
This is a great go-to course if relaxing and killing time while the kids are swimming or practicing ball . I didn't see anyone else during my round , so you might have the course to yourself during off peak hours .
#1 Safety -- The park is tight . There were kids walking right across the fairways in order to cut across the park , walk or bike the cement trail , and go to the pool . The worst hazard is teeing off on hole #5 . There is a brush wall on your right and a ball field with stands on your left . An errant drive or a crosswind might cause little Jenny or Johnny , the local knothole players , a Skull Skinning . Try explaining THAT to dad ! .#9 goes across a park driveway and over a park bench . If someone is sitting at that bench , you will have to throw way wide on either side because of the canopy , if you want to finish the course .
#2 Navigation -- Finding the start to the course can be a chore , not having a map and trying to find #2's tee pad ( far right and back from #1 basket ) can be a bigger task . Looking confusion can set in when looking at tee pads 6 and 9 , too . Pay attention , and know that holes 7 & 8 wrap around a court and towards and next to the pool .
#3 It's not the designer or the park's fault , but a lack of obstacles combined with the flat topography of this course causes it to lack any WOW factor . planting a few new trees or bushes near the baskets or fairways would help .
any amenities would be nice , a bench here and there , a trash can at some of the holes , or a picnic table or shelter for the disc golfers to rest or congregate .
Other Thoughts:
Even though the city of Prospect is just a blip on the map of Ohio , it seems like all of the residents gather at this park during the day . The park is nice and should be an icon of the city . Prospect certainly didn't have to , and knowing it is a squeeze to put a course in a small area , it is much appreciated that they installed a course to introduce and popularize disc golf here . Check the town out . It is a nice community and seems friendly .
MY RECOMMENDATION -- Not your go-to course in the area ( Sawyer Ludwig is the boss ) , but supportive enough to give first timers , newbies , families , moms and dads to pass the time while kids have swim lessons or ball practice . A good place for the locals meet up and throw . Long tees are enough for intermediates and ams to get a workout . Pretty good for the traveler looking to get off of Rt 23 for a hour , and good for Course Collectors to grab and go to Sawyer Ludwig and Ohio State;s community campus in the north and Delaware State and Gordon Holton to the Southeast . Only if in the area , GIVE IT A LOOK !