Prospect, OH

Battle Creek DGC

Permanent course
2.565(based on 8 reviews)
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Battle Creek DGC reviews

10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.9 years 764 played 387 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Flattle Creek - Fun Little Park Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 31, 2021 Played the course:once


Battle Creek is a 9 hole disc golf course in a multi use park . There are ball fields , cement walking trail , a pool and a nice playground . A fair amount of parking is available just beyond the main entrance . There is a nice bathroom to the right and behind the playground . The first hole is between the first 2 ball fields you see and about midway behind the 2nd one's outfield fence .
THE EQUIPMENT -- There is a nice kiosk at the parking lot . Take a picture of it if you don't have an online map , to save time . There are 2 tee pads for every hole here . both are cement and 4' X 8' , and flush with the ground . The tee signs are well done . They show hole # , par , distance , and flight path for both tees . The baskets are yellow banded Discatchers .
THE LANDSCAPE -- the park was trimmed and mowed when I was here . Recreation takes good care of the park . The course is all park-style . and is Flat with a side order of Flat . My kitchen table has more elevation . Trees will play a part in your decision-making , but will not be a big enough factor for you to not be able to rebound to par putts when you make mistakes . The course follows counter-clockwise around the park . a creek can come into play down the right side fairway of long #2 and for overshoots on Holes 3 and 4 . there are some park roads that might come into play on a couple of the back holes like 6 , and 9 .
THE HIGHLIGHTS -- The course was kind of sardined into this small park , but not in a bad way . Even though #4 is a carbon copy of #3 , it is still a drive , short or long tee , where you have to negotiate a fairway tree or 2 , to a basket guarded and flanked by trees and a canopy . At 441' , #4 will make you work a little for par . #6 ,( 226' , 331' is a drive with a hanging canopy that will force a low line drive out of your hand .
SIGNATURE HOLE -- Really only 1 choice . #2 off the long tee . Even if you like playing shorts , you have to play this one . at 492' it has water just beyond some trees to the right , a large mound midway in the fairway , and a canopied basket at the end .
THE TIME -- It took me about 35 minutes to play the course . A foursome will get through in an hour .
DISC RISK - If you refrain from chucking a drive into the water on the early holes , you will leave with the same discs you came with . The park is clean , and aside from some brush on the right of hole 5 , nothing should swallow drives .

This is a great go-to course if relaxing and killing time while the kids are swimming or practicing ball . I didn't see anyone else during my round , so you might have the course to yourself during off peak hours .


#1 Safety -- The park is tight . There were kids walking right across the fairways in order to cut across the park , walk or bike the cement trail , and go to the pool . The worst hazard is teeing off on hole #5 . There is a brush wall on your right and a ball field with stands on your left . An errant drive or a crosswind might cause little Jenny or Johnny , the local knothole players , a Skull Skinning . Try explaining THAT to dad ! .#9 goes across a park driveway and over a park bench . If someone is sitting at that bench , you will have to throw way wide on either side because of the canopy , if you want to finish the course .
#2 Navigation -- Finding the start to the course can be a chore , not having a map and trying to find #2's tee pad ( far right and back from #1 basket ) can be a bigger task . Looking confusion can set in when looking at tee pads 6 and 9 , too . Pay attention , and know that holes 7 & 8 wrap around a court and towards and next to the pool .
#3 It's not the designer or the park's fault , but a lack of obstacles combined with the flat topography of this course causes it to lack any WOW factor . planting a few new trees or bushes near the baskets or fairways would help .
any amenities would be nice , a bench here and there , a trash can at some of the holes , or a picnic table or shelter for the disc golfers to rest or congregate .

Other Thoughts:

Even though the city of Prospect is just a blip on the map of Ohio , it seems like all of the residents gather at this park during the day . The park is nice and should be an icon of the city . Prospect certainly didn't have to , and knowing it is a squeeze to put a course in a small area , it is much appreciated that they installed a course to introduce and popularize disc golf here . Check the town out . It is a nice community and seems friendly .
MY RECOMMENDATION -- Not your go-to course in the area ( Sawyer Ludwig is the boss ) , but supportive enough to give first timers , newbies , families , moms and dads to pass the time while kids have swim lessons or ball practice . A good place for the locals meet up and throw . Long tees are enough for intermediates and ams to get a workout . Pretty good for the traveler looking to get off of Rt 23 for a hour , and good for Course Collectors to grab and go to Sawyer Ludwig and Ohio State;s community campus in the north and Delaware State and Gordon Holton to the Southeast . Only if in the area , GIVE IT A LOOK !
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.7 years 205 played 195 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Tricky 9-Holer in a Small Town 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 5, 2019 Played the course:once


Battle Creek is set in the village of Prospect. It's a small town of only 1,000, but the park is very nice and the course is solid.

+ The ammentities are about as good as you will see for a 9 hole course. Two sets of concrete tees with 18 colored tee signs, DISCatcher baskets, and a nice big course map by the parking lot.

+ The two tees provide unique lines on most holes, it's not just a variation in distance. Long tees force you to hit tighter gaps, while the shorts are a little more forgiving.

+ Pretty good design, almost every hole has multiple lines to the basket, with a little risk-reward early on with the creek.


- Despite Prospect being a small town, it appears to be a very busy park. A few holes play over walking paths and near pavilions, so make sure you look twice before you toss.

- There's absolutely no elevation whatsoever here. The designers did a good job at compensating for it, but it's still very noticeable.

- #1 can be tricky to find, and #9 doesn't really end near it. If you want to play multiple rounds, it's a pretty long walk from 9 to 1.

- Creekside holes look like they drain very poorly, lots of standing water and mud when I played.

Other Thoughts:

Battle is a solid course with ammentities to make it stand apart from others in the area. Don't forget to stop at "Pastimes Ice Cream" on your way out of town!
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.4 years 401 played 386 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nicely Upgraded 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 30, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Once you find your way to the first tee (as noted, outside the outfield of the ballpark at the southwest corner of the park), the flow of this course works pretty logically (especially from the short tees), and you'll find excellent signage and two large, level, flush, concrete tees for each hole. The DisCatcher baskets are visible and in good shape. There are exposed holes which will be affected by wind, holes playing near the creek and easily deflected off the trees there, and holes in park woods with branches to force low ceilings and line shaping. There's a mando into a piney lane on 8, and paths and paved areas that could be used as OB to make for some serious challenge from the long tees.

Working its way mostly counterclockwise around the perimeter of a multi-use community park, the disc golf course in Prospect, OH presented a surprisingly fun challenge to this mid-level arm, and impressed with its installation and amenities. It has enough variety between the long tees and the short ones to satisfy players from Rec to Advanced.


There's a map kiosk in the middle of the park, at the smaller lot just inside the entrance, but more signage leading to the disc golf course proper would be great. Though hole 9 finishes fairly close to this lot, if you want to play around more than once, remember you've got that hike to hole 1 each time.

The lack of elevation is very noticeable, and something the course designers had to live with. I was concerned about some of the hazardous lines that play right down or over the walking paths, toward the baseball bleachers on long 5, and even straight over a picnic table and at a shelter on long 9.

Though the flow was pretty good, there is a little odd loop after hole five: walk forward, don't cross the path to the tee you'll see first: that's long 9. If you're playing only the short tees, you'll walk across the 6th fairway after 8. The map didn't give a good indication of how far out to the right you'll walk after 1 to get to long 2, so I drew up an aerial map. You also will feel like you're doubling back quite a bit to play long 3 and 4.

Other Thoughts:

You may want to bring a disc retriever if you play the creekside holes (2, 3 & 4) aggressively, especially if you're throwing discs you want to keep!

Reviewer Background as of this writing: 4.5 yrs experience at age 54, not a big gun, and not an impressive rating (Rec to Int skills), but enjoy having played over 250 courses and hopefully shared helpful info about those experiences.
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6 0
Derek B
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 411 played 47 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A gem of a course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 19, 2014 Played the course:once


1) concrete tees
2) 2 sets of tees
3) good use of land available
4) highlight hole: 2
5) nice course map at kiosk


1) lack of elevation changes
2) some holes come close to pedestrian paths
3) long walk to hole 1 from the parking lot

Other Thoughts:

This course is a gem. Although it lacks any elevation changes, it makes up for this by excellent tee and target placement. The course winds around the edges of a park for the first 4 or 5 holes and then criss-crosses through the rest of it.

The tees and targets are expertly placed to allow for challenge and fun at the same time. Hole 2 is a good example of this concept. It's a tight wooded hole right next to an open field on the left and a creek on the right. You can shoot out into the field with a flick or try your luck right up the middle. If you choose a flick and hit a tree early, you're probably looking at bogey. If you go up the middle, it could be the same, or even worse, you could go into the muddy creek and lose your disc.

The majority of the holes have trees in play as obstacles. Most of the holes are lightly wooded, but hole 2 is a tight and heavily wooded hole.

My biggest complaint about the course is the walk from the parking lot to hole 1. Not only is it a long walk, but I had to ask a park employee to show me where it is, even though it's marked on the map at the kiosk. They could easily fix this by putting a sign or signs in the ground to direct you to the right spot. It's by the score board for the ball field.

All in all, this is one of the best 9 hole courses I've ever played. This one, Walsh Park in Fremont, and Mt. Gilead are at the top of my list for 9 hole courses in Ohio so far.

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3 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.5 years 174 played 67 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice Park Good course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 28, 2012 Played the course:once


Nice Park Well
Well taken care of
More of a challenge then you would think
Tape on the baskets marking the next hole, big plus. The course would have been a little difficult to navigate without it.


According to the other reviews signs and tee pads are on the way, so I won't put that in as a con (although I kinda just did)

First hole was a little tough to find

Other Thoughts:

I had a little trouble trouble finding the first hole. Luckily I came across a friendly dog walker who pointed me in the right direction. The first hole is open but the next 3 are lightly wooded holes that run along side a creek. They not very long and at first glance they may seem easy but there is a very real danger of a ricochet off a tree into the creek. After wards you play a hole that connects you back to into the park and the next 4 run through a fairly busy park. Watch for pedestrians, keep your shots low and avoid some trees in here, it's a little trickier then it looks.

All in all not a bad course. It's by no means a pro caliber course or one that would be worthy of a road trip. Nothing standout here but it's a friendly little community course. Go to G&R's in close by Waldo afterwords a get yourself a World Famous Fried Bologna Sandwich, they're delicious!!
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.5 years 316 played 67 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Technical 9'er 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 25, 2012 Played the course:once


Nice multi-recreational park.

Two tee's per hole. The longs average in the mid-300's range. This may not seem very long, but these are challenging holes. Every hole has an element of danger to it. The long tee's are identified by orange flags and the short ones have wood block stops.

Many tight lines are needed to par this course. I was pleasantly surprised with the technical challenge here. Recovery may not be gentle.

Holes 2-4 are wooded and run along side a creek. Hole 5 acts as a segway between the land and style. Once you get to 6, low ceilings become major obstacles. You will need to hit some lazers down here.

New Innova baskets. Sexy.


Long tee's were not always easy to find.

No signage whatsoever. However, the course flowed quite well. I never had to look much to find the short tee's.

Other Thoughts:

I read munky's review stating that concrete tee's and signage is coming soon. That pretty much takes care of the con's above.

My rating is for the course as it was yesterday. I will revise this review later this summer.

This is a nice effort. I look forward to seeing this course evolve.
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2 0
Experience: 14.8 years 43 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Course Still Under Construction 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 24, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


new course


its not finished

Other Thoughts:

i went through today and used colored tape to mark the baskets. this will help people find the next tees. concrete tees for the shorts and signs will be in as soon as the workers can schedule it. the toe boards for the shorts will then be moved to the long tees positions. as for marker flags, they keep getting mowed over or removed by mischievous people. i will post a hole-by-hole review once it is finished. until then, please enjoy the course and bear with me until it is finished.
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5 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.9 years 2489 played 135 reviews
2.50 star(s)

need more DG Prospects in Propect, Ohio 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2011 Played the course:once


Found (Jeremy, a local player) near the park entrance and he showed me both long and short tees.

9 holes (Innova baskets)

Well maintained park (and town, watch your speed)

restroom is centrally located to the ballfields and the later section of the DGC.


grass tees, missing long tee flags (was told they may have been mowed over)

no tee signs, nor any next tee signs (i told the local player, Jeremy that colored duct or electrical tape on the spoke in the basket well pointing to the next tee would go a long way for players that aren't familar with this DGC.)

Other Thoughts:

holes #2, # 3, and # 4 play adjacent to a shallow creek. # 8 has a mando to prevent novice players from straying near the pool area.

Short tees have footboards, long tee have nothing of a defined teeing area other than a orange flag.

# 1 starts behind the right-center field fence of the Barrnet ball field.
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