Steubenville, OH

Beatty Park DGC

Permanent course
3.265(based on 19 reviews)
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Beatty Park DGC reviews

4 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Not well maintained drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2024 Played the course:once


First 8 holes weren't bad to play


Holes 9 and on are not well marked and completely over grown. Tee boxes missing signs etc

Other Thoughts:

Has potential to be a fun course but the park needs to keep up with the maintenance on the whole course and not just a couple holes
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8 0
The Red Death 30
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 27.7 years 91 played 52 reviews
4.00 star(s)

It's a Freaking Magical Forest

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


Okay folks... I'll be the first to admit that my rating is a bit skewed perhaps. I struggle with how to objectively rate this course. Were there the proper amenities, it would be my favorite course in the world, but there are not and that's the issue.

Let's start with the pros, then, and why I love this place. This is an old park in an old forest and that sets a feel here that I have not seen at very many other courses, if any. The natural part of this course is one of the most beautiful that I play. You are deep into woods on a seldom played course and the sense of isolation and relaxation out there is just unparalleled. The woods have so much wildlife teeming in them and the flora is top notch including mushrooms galore for those interested. There is a creek that runs through a vast majority of the front 9 and that creates some cool shots and views.

The park itself is old and that means lots of cool stuff to see too. You drive in past old stone steps that immediately give you a sense of the age. There is an old fireplace, a burnt down pavilion, stone picnic tables the likes of which you won't see many other places and then of course the old lodge. There is a hole that leads directly up to a century old lodge that is still primarily intact and really sets up a stunning hole. I cannot help but want to play this course all the time because of the stuff to see.

That doesn't stop with the park itself. Whomever designed this course (a mystery I guess because not listed anywhere) made the best use of its' features. There is a hole up an old abandoned road. You get to throw over the street several times and over the creek multiple times. There is a tee on an old bridge. There is amazing downhill off that lodge down into a creek valley. Every shot here just feels like "Wow, I've never played a hole like that before" and the first time I played this course I was amazed. I'm not less so when I return every month or two.

You'll see some reviews hint that this is a bad neighborhood. Those people need to get out more. I have actually not run across many courses with folk as friendly as I encounter here. Every other golfer, walker, park goer always is quick to strike up a conversation and the closest I ever saw to concern was young teens knocking over a portajohn.


Okay.... the course is in ROUGH shape. It always is and always will be. Know that going in. There are small asphalt tees on a lot of the front, but they disappear further into the course. The signage is pretty much non-existent, so app is necessary. There is very little maintenance going on here. Yes, in the front 9 when you are playing through the park the grass is generally mowed, but in the back 9 there is little landscaping. An errant throw is often gone because the rough is high and full of ticks. DO NOT BRING A CART here. I bring a cart almost everywhere, but leave at home to play here. You will be asked to cross a creek multiple times with no footsteps, bridges, etc. In general that's not a problem. The creek is seldom even ankle high, but I have been here when it was full and it is hard to cross. I'd never try it with a cart towing behind.

If you are looking for one of the modern crusher courses that will test all of your shots and distance this is not that at all. This is an older style of park golf, mostly under 300 foot shots. There are definitely a few without discernible flight lanes for your disc.

Other Thoughts:

There is a restroom in season but it's not at the parking lot. That sits at the tee for what I think is Hole 8 if memory serves. That has running water as well. There are multiple benches and pavilions here to sit and rest. Parking area is small, but I'm usually the only one there.

I have seen people complain about the practice basket being on the first fairway but again I've never seen anyone else even playing so this isn't a concern.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.9 years 764 played 387 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Course Is Kind Of Beattyful 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 11, 2021 Played the course:once


Steubenville is a quiet city that features Beatty Park , a scenic park that has a section that looks almost to be cut out for disc golfers and walkers . There is a small basketball court just beyond the basket for hole #1 . There is a small parking lot just beyond the entrance to the park . A pretty good bathroom sits next to the tee pad at #8 . There is a kiosk near the parking lot , with a little disc golf information , but no course map . There are benches next too it .
THE EQUIPMENT -- The kiosk is worn , but nice . It needs a map , though . There is a practice basket lined up in the fairway of hole #1 ( I'll address in Cons ) . The tee pads are a mixed bag . Some are cement , others are carpet , a couple are natural . The signs are nice and informative ( and needed ) . The baskets are older Chainstars . Most are in decent condition . There are red arrows on the bottom of the baskets to direct you to the next tee , along with yellow and green arrows on trees . Some railings on a few of the holes are a big help . You would fall if it was muddy , otherwise
THE LANDSCAPE -- I checked out some of the previous reviews and concur with them . The park is on one scenic piece of property . The disc golf course takes up most of it . The course sits in a valley , with the course playing in the middle and on the sides of it . There are a good amount of trees present that are going to force you to shape your shots . There is a main creek that runs down the center of the park , and will come into play several times . There is also a side creek on a couple of the holes to the right of the course . The creek is shallow , and you won't lose any discs in them . I think that the park doesn't cut back branches or cut some grassy areas is to make some holes more of an obstacle . There is some nice amounts of elevation here , from elevated tee pads , to baskets on hillsides , throwing off of sloping hills . Even if you aren't overly impressed with the layout , you will enjoy the walk .
THE HIGHLIGHTS -- There are a couple of holes that will interest you .
#7 , only 191' ( seemed longer ) , to a raised basket sitting near the hillside on the left .
#8 Worth mentioning , because there is a shelter next to the tee pad that has a cool stone mural worth checking out .
#9 Tee pad is on the bridge and throws straight up a hill on the left . It is only 258' , but it plays more like 320 + . If you don't clear the green or hillside and end up short or cut the hill too soon , your disc will either roll down the hill ( like mine did ) , or you will end up in heavy brush .
#14 , 413' . The longest hole runs alongside the slope and has a tight fairway . Expect a ricochet and you disc sloping left and sliding downhill some .
#18 is a nice ending hole . Another tight fairway with heavy trees , which doglegs left and downhill ( 396' )
SIGNATURE HOLE -- The signature hole for me was #10 289' . Running up to a plateau and leveling off , the basket is placed in a tight area to the left . Many might prefer the next hole ( #11 ) because of it's length ( 396' ) and the older structure near the basket . The quiet of this area and the remnants of the building might remind you of the Blair Witch Project .
THE TIME -- The course isn't overly long at just over 5000' , but there are time consuming walks over creeks , and between holes , besides looking for discs on hillsides . It took me 75 minutes to play solo . Group of 4 will take just over 2 hours , maybe 2:15 .
You may have the course to yourself , like I did this Saturday morning ( 9 o'clock ) . Enjoy the sounds of nature , and your walk .
Make sure you wear sturdy shoes and use bug spray . The insects can be bad around creek beds , and you will sweat going up and downhill so much .


#1 SAFETY -- Yikes ! The practice basket sits in the flight path to the #1 basket . What an oddity . How would you like to get drilled by someone teeing off while you walk to grab your putter out of the basket . You also tee off on #4 and go right over the fairway to #1 . Scary , if you have a family on #4 or a newbie , and you are heading up toward your initial drive on 1 . There are some treacherous walks , crossing creeks without bridges , retrieving discs down hard sloping creeks and hillsides . Make sure you wear sturdy hiking shoes if you have them . The footing is bad at the creek .
#2 EQUIPMENT -- I can understand not wanting to lug concrete up some of these places , but the carpet tees are worn and there needs to be some consistency concerning tee pads . The raised basket on #7 is bent at the top , along with a couple of other baskets in need of repair or straightening . Steps , cement , wood or cut into the ground , would help on several of the holes .
#3 DISC RISK -- There is no risk of losing your disk to water , but since the trees can force ricochets , the holes can be deceptively long , it would be easy for your disc to slide under some leaves on a hillside . The grass is high in spots , like hole #10's fairway . Thickets and high weeds will claim your disc , too . If you have lighter colored discs , use the on this course .
#4 CHALLENGE -- Some may not like the challenge , here . Several of the holes play short with easier lanes , some fairways are just downright hard . I am not sure who the target audience is . Very tough for the new or occasional player , but if you are avid , or skilled , you may want to explore somewhere else .
#5 THE ELEMENTS -- It would be almost impossible to play this course with a light snow , or after a good rainfall . Elevation , or just getting to from tee pads would be tough , including crossing the creeks if the overflow .
Expect some long walks to some of the tee pads . 8-9 and 9-10 come to mind right away .

Other Thoughts:

As far as sheer beauty , this course ranks high . Sitting between 2 hillsides , it offers 18 holes of pleasurable disc golf .
This is a place that you could buy or pack a lunch , and eat it at the nice stone pavilion next to tee pad 8 . There are just a couple of holes that I would throw out or redesign . This is the type of course that you would grow up on and learn from .
As much as I think there is more potential here , I just don't know how you would fit it in the area that is here . Maybe some equipment upgrades ? a couple of bridges , steps and more railings could be a good start .
MY RECOMMENDATION -- The terrain might be a little testy for the family or the newbie ( unless the newer player wants to turn around at #10 ) . This is a solid local course for the Steubenville players to hang out . Even high schoolers to gather after school or on weekends . The main thing that intermediates and up will take away from this course is its natural beauty . This stop might be a little extreme for the traveler to use as a leg stretch when coming off of Rt 22 . The Course Collector will like that Beatty Park sits conveniently between Thompson , Chester and Tomlinson Parks to the north , and Bud Billiard , Wheeling Island , Memorial and Lynn Hunkler to the south . I wouldn't go terribly out of my way to play here , but if I was going through the area , this is a nice town with a gorgeous park . If it's dry , TRY IT !
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.7 years 241 played 209 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Beatty's Batty Beauty 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2019 Played the course:once


+ More than half of the tee pads are filled cement within wooden frames. They are sturdy and flat.
+ What tee signs exist are well illustrated and reliable.
+ Orange road cones atop each basket help to see them.
+ Bright red 'next hole' arrows suspended from the bottom of most baskets guide the player along. Green arrows attached the trees occasionally appear to help between long walks.
+ The whole course plays within a peaceful valley forested park. From start to finish, the player is surrounded by rocky cliffs, dense trees and a central stream.


- The other tee pads are ragged carpet or just missing altogether. Holes 7, 10, 16-18 are a few examples of those.
- Some of the tee signs are badly damaged or non-existent. Holes 11 - 13 especially suffer from this.
- Why is the practice basket right in the middle of hole 1's fairway?!
- No lost disc box. I understand that this course may not have a dedicated team to regularly check up on it, but lost discs are a real possibility here.
- Many of the baskets are mis-numbered.
- Some navigation issues. I had a real problem going from 6 to 7 and all throughout 10 - 13. In a forest setting, it is crucial to have redundant signage to minimize people getting lost.
- It appears a bit run down. Not much maintenance here. The info board looked vandalized, too.

Other Thoughts:

My favorite hole to play here was hole 12. I love downhill throws, and that one certainly scratched that itch as it flew down a nearly endless tunnel. My favorite hole to look at was hole 11. Alongside a burned down pavilion, the player throws up a dark steep tunnel for a few hundred feet to a basket that's right next to a mysterious crumbling long-since abandoned building. I can only guess that it was someone's house or inn at some point in the past, judging by the old stone steps in front. Moments like these make me glad that I play disc golf!
My least favorite hole to play AND to look at was hole 8. The tee pad was right next to an outhouse, and 80% of the fairway was a parking lot. That's just gross.

As for the course as a whole, Beatty is a scary pretty course. This course has so much going for it in terms of atmosphere. As it is nestled in the crease of a valley, there are so very few man-made sounds to interfere with your session. It's just you, the trees, rock faces and various wildlife. It's quiet... maybe too quiet?
Not only that, but at a certain point, the venue takes on a completely different vibe. Once you cross the closed-off bridge, the course feels like it plays within an abandoned park for the next few holes. It's okay to be scared. Just keep your eyes on your disc at all times. There are so many ditches and piles of leaves here that discs can easily be lost.

The disc golf itself is just fine. Tunnels, tree-dodgers and high tee-offs abound. There were some showpieces like 11 and 12 as I mentioned earlier, but everything else seems garden variety and not much else really leaves a mark on the player. For some, that may not be worth it. For some, the trees in all directions may not be worth it. If you have bad balance or are unsteady on your feet, this course won't be worth it.
But if you enjoy a bit of adventure in your disc golf and enjoy a healthy walk, then come give Beatty Park a try.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.5 years 179 played 144 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Cool Natural Setting 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 24, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Beatty Park is an interesting spot, located in a peaceful, natural setting right in Steubenville. The course makes you feel far away from the city and offers some picturesque shots. It's a very narrow park with steep hills on each side and you play on the narrow flat part, around the hills, and a few times across the road from hill to hill. Parking is available right where the course begins and ends and there are bathrooms, a practice basket, and local tourney/club info on a bulletin board near the first tee.

The best part about this course is the natural setting that it's in. The design makes good use of the type of land offered with numerous uphill, downhill, and hill to hill throws. Some of these are blind shots - adding to the challenge - while multiple holes contend with the creek as O.B. Rollaway potential is found again and again, and a good drive or upshot is never completely safe while playing on the hillsides. Bad tree kicks can send discs far off the fairway. Hole 3 is a highlight, a sharp downhill anny shot to a blind pin on an island-like flat green surrounded by slopes. This is my favorite hole on the course.

While there aren't many open bomber shots, there are a few par 4's that offer a good test of length and precision. Holes 14-18 are good examples of this, combining multiple lanes to the basket with challenging elevation.

Flags and orange cones on top of the pins serve well in making them easier to find in the dense woods. Arrows on the pins pointing you in the direction of the next tee and a few rails and steps on the steep hills help navigation. However, there are several navigational issues here as noted below.


There was some attempt in guiding you through the course, but this is still one of the hardest I have ever had to navigate. A lot of times the direction to the next tee isn't obvious or intuitive, especially in the woods where there aren't always clear paths. Even with a map, some tees are hard to find and a big factor is because the holes have been renumbered. The pins display a number one less than the actual hole number starting with 8 I believe.

It is also tough to navigate the course in a physical sense. I wouldn't recommend playing here unless you like to hike, as this course is just as much a hike as it is a round of golf. You have to cross the creek numerous times and there is nothing in place to help you get across. When the creek is any bit high, you'll end up getting your feet wet a few times. Also, if the leaves are wet, you may struggle traversing up and down the steep hills.

Because the park is so narrow, multiple holes play on, near, or across the park road.

The tees are a blend of natural and gravel and are often uneven and somewhat uncomfortable to throw from.

There are a few holes that have no clear fairway, just throw and pray your disc doesn't get kicked too far.

Other Thoughts:

This course isn't "typical" like a 2.5 rating suggests on here. This is a very cool, natural setting and I enjoyed playing some of the unique holes and shots. However, the navigational issues really hurt this course's rating for me and combining all factors I think it deserves a 2.5. I recommend playing here to experience this unique course, but make sure you have a map and try to find a guide to play with.

Make sure you follow the directions on this site and not use googlemaps or mapquest to try to find it. They will not get you here, but the directions on here are great.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.5 years 335 played 198 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bulworth, Almost Great! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 7, 2014 Played the course:once


18 chainstar baskets with multiple tees on many holes. Short tees were mostly boxed gravel, and long tees just a piece of wood and the asphalt road was used on a few holes. Decent signage and navigation. Practice basket. Excellent use of the terrain, creek, and elevation especially around the baskets. Good variety of shots, most heavily wooded defined fairways with good elevation, but a few fairly open and flat holes, and a few chuck and pray mixed in, mostly short par 3 holes with a few short par 4s toward the end. Nice handrails and stone steps for traversing some of the steep slopes. Benches galore in the park with interesting structures and ancient ruins around. Portapotty. Lots of wildlife, I saw my first live turkey or a dozen of them, and lots of deer and woodpeckers!


The practice basket is right in the fairway of hole 1. Hole 4 crosses the fairway of hole 1 as well. IMO hole 1 which is rather bland should move, not hole 4. A few holes play up, down, and across the road and a parking lot. Tee sign for hole 13 was ripped in half. Could use some bridging across the creek you have to cross several times.

If the park doesn't get crowded then some of the layout cons are not much an issue. I understand some of the holes have been redesigned because there was too much walking back to the parking lot. Well now 18 ends right by hole 1 and the parking lot. IMO I'd rather walk than have compromised a few better holes/less holes in the danger zone(road/parking).

Other Thoughts:

What an awesome piece of property for disc golf! This course while not a long beast should be a blast to play for most disc golfers. With a few improvements this could easily be a 4 disc rating. I love the elevation through hardwoods and the greens around the baskets! Many of the baskets are on a flat tier with roll-a-way slopes around the circle or near water and protected by trees. This course will be on my radar to play again the next time I'm back in the Pittsburgh area and makes a great combo with the Black Course in Moundsville, WV.

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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 776 played 417 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Ned v. Warren 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2013 Played the course:once


Variation of elevation changes, ranging from flat to somewhat extreme, but mostly mild/moderate.

Nice new signs and other navigational aids - relatively easy to navigate, even for a first-time visitor sans map.


The access road serves as a tee and/or fairway on a few occasions.

A few bridges to assist with the stream crossing would be nice.

Other Thoughts:

Course plays up, down, across, and along two wooded ridges, separated by an access road and a shallow, paralleling stream. The stream crosses some fairways, or lurks near some baskets, but is quite shallow, so could add strokes, but should not steal discs.

Fairways range from open (the access road) to moderate (former access drives) to somewhat tight (wide walking paths), but nothing too tight. Some holes are open throughout, and a few play from/to open to/from woods, but about half are wooded in their entirety. You'll need a variety of shot shapes - straight, lefts, rights, and a few S-shapes. A few holes offer shape choices - pick your preference.

Front nine (longest hole < 280') is definitely easier than the back nine (six holes > 280', three near 400'). The more interesting holes, like up-slope, twisting, to basket-in-front-of-cabin-ruin #11, steep downhill through trees with stream just behind #12, and up-n-over wooded ridge, battling right-to-left slope while doing so, #18, are all on the back.

Tee signs are good. Some holes appear to have an alternate (longer/blue) tee location. Most tees are natural, but if a hard surface was available, it was used. Evidently, a hole was inserted near the midpoint, as the basket numbers start being off by one, but the number on the signs are correct.

Quite an enjoyable course, worth a visit if nearby.
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1 3
Experience: 6 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Hometown Course that I will Always Return To! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 8, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Variety of Hole Lengths and Obstacles
Interesting Terrain
Plenty of Elevation Changes


Too many rough terrain
Easy to lose discs on some hole locations
Plenty of Elevation Changes

Other Thoughts:

Front Nine is Simple, Back Nine is a bit trickier. Plenty of trees to mess things up. One of the most fun and exciting courses that I've ever played. And even though it is my home course, I've traveled to quite a few around the country and always enjoy coming back to play this one!
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2 3
Experience: 13.6 years 61 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 13, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


- nice hole variety
- neat old structures to play around
- nice use of elevation and land
- good mix of open shots and tight hallways
- challenging enough to be interesting but lets newer players score too


- tee areas can be a little rough
- some holes on the back nine seem repetitive

Other Thoughts:

This place is great. Neat use of a small piece of land, and love the variety of shots, especially on the front nine.
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9 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 44 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Hikin' 'n Discin' 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2012 Played the course:once


+Nice baskets: including a practice basket
+Nice scenery and a pretty rugged hike through this little valley.
+Good signs: tee signs are pretty good and there are plenty of signs to get you to the next tee.
+Amenities: benches at many holes, garbage cans easily accessible, port-a-john and restrooms, and picnic tables


-Tee pads/areas are a little rough or poorly defined on many holes.
-Layout: front nine a bit cramped, a park road runs through the front nine, several stream crossings and no foot bridges.

Other Thoughts:

The park is in a pretty narrow valley and this contributes to some of the challenges and some of the downsides of this course.

The front nine are a bit more open than the back and played a little easier. Hole 4 stood out for me on the front nine. It is a downhill shot that throws over the creek to a small flat. The back nine pick up the challenge a bit and offer a little bit more distance. Notable holes include 12, a big downhill shot to the basket tucked just feet from the creek. Hole 18 is another nice hole consisting of an uphill throw to a dogleg and then downhill approach shot to a green on a little flat just above the creek.

I think that there is some really good use of land with a very good mix of uphill and downhill shots. There is also pretty good pin placement. Many holes, particularly on the back nine, require a pretty well placed tee shot to set up a good approach or birdie chance. One of the biggest gripes is the lack of footbridges. Just two would make navigating holes 4 through 8 a bit easier.

Overall, I think it is a pretty good course, it definitely challenged mine and the pups hiking legs. I don't know that I'd drive from Pittsburgh again just to play it alone, but I wouldn't hesitate to include it in a future road trip through the area.
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1 3
Experience: 25.9 years 303 played 25 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Course could be great 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2012 Played the course:once


Very nice course with good signs and other markers to navigate throught the woods. Offers great variety of shots through the woods with a nice mix of long open shots mixed in too. Use of elevation makes this course unique.


There is a creek that you have to cross over a few times. Adding a bridge or two could improve this course.

Other Thoughts:

Well worth making a special trip to come play this one.
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2 0
Experience: 17.7 years 111 played 52 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Literally Just a Disc Golf Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2012 Played the course:once


The course had great baskets. It also had amazing signs and arrows on trees to lead you from hole to hole which made navigating a breeze. The course used pavement where they could as the tee pads, but the natural tee pads were fine also. Had a few big downhill tee off which are always fun. Had a mix of long and short and a mix of ones that were very wooded and some more open tees.


You had to cross this creek bed a bunch of times and it could be hard for older players because there are no bridges. A couple more trees could be cut down to make legitimate fairways. Not to many cons for this course.

Other Thoughts:

A great Ohio course, I would recommend anyone within 45 minutes or an hour take a weekend and come play this once or twice because it is worth it.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.9 years 109 played 109 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Swizscenic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2012 Played the course:once


~Very technical w/ lots of elevation change
~Some holes have numerous different paths to the basket
~Serene wilderness within the city limits
~Great signage & good baskets
~Lots of rustic items "built" into the landscape
~Many different shots are required
~Some of the holes utilize pavement for the tee pad


~Lots of overgrowth throughout the course
~A few areas where the holes cross or are close to it
~Around half of the tee pads are loose and uneven
~No holes for big ol' drives (I like at least a few)
~Favors right hand back hand (I'm a lefty)

Other Thoughts:

Played while down in Steubenville for work, and this heavily wooded 18 gave me a tremendous work out. Constant elevation change coupled with tight wooded holes made for lots of hiking around. Much of the course could use some bottom clearing along with bringing down a small tree here and there, but aside from that it plays real nice. Pavement is utilized as tee pads on some holes while the rest are natural creating some difficulty for a good tee shot. Mid ranges and putters were the only discs to come out of my bag the entire time, and it was great to shape lines and weave your way to basket instead of trying to throw big distances. Navigation got easier after the first handful of holes thanks to helpful tee signs and arrows on trees throughout. The creek was all but dried up for me so tossing into the water was never an issue. The deeper into the park you play the more beautiful and inspiring it becomes. Old stone structures, stairs, and tables are built into the landscape which create a really cool vibe. The course has plenty of modern benches placed throughout for catching your breath, for which I was grateful. Aside from the need for some clearing and the lack of firm/level tee pads I was pleased overall with my experience. Very cool place for a tight technical round.
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3 0
Experience: 75 played 6 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2012 Played the course:once


Great use of terrain! Hole 4 is very fun - throwing across the width of the park. 12 downhill is a cool shot. 13 is throwing across the valley again in a different area.

Nice reward for taking a risk on most holes, but the penalty for a bad miss is high.


A couple of holes are boring (1 and 9) but just a couple, and those had some obstacles to make up for it - partially.

Other Thoughts:

Looks like a new hole 11 added. That puts the old #11 at the bottom of the hill, and subsequent holes off on the basket markings, the signs are correct, though.

Several chances to throw across the whole park (it is a narrow park).

If there were tee pads, I would have gone to 4.5.

My GPS did not want to take me to the right entrance - make sure you approach from Lincoln Ave.
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5 0
Experience: 15.5 years 64 played 12 reviews
3.50 star(s)

What a workout! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 15, 2011 Played the course:once


Great use of the land to present many unique challenges. Great scenery throughout and some old ruins to explore here and there.
This course has many holes that I would consider signature holes:

Hole 11 - As others have stated...WOW! I've never seen a hole quite like this one. I felt like I was looking into a pit with a basket at the bottom. The ruins near the tee are great too.
Hole ? (somewhere in the back 9,can't remember the number) - This hole had two line options, one left one right. It had the feel of an "island green" in ball golf. Just a tee, lots of trees and a round splash of green in the distance with a basket in the middle.
Hole #16 (I think) - A par 3 over two sections of the stream with a HUGE lip in front of the basket. I ended up on the little peninsula and could only see the top of the basket for my birdie putt. Very cool hole.


The biggest con for my group was the lack of bridges over the creek. Due to errant throws and confusion as to where the next hole was in a few spots, I think we crossed the creek at least 10 times. In many spots, there were high banks on both sides so it was interesting. I took a bit off of my rating simply due to this. A bridge or two (or three or four) would greatly improve this course.
There are many areas, particularly on the back nine, that could use some clearing
The final thing noticed by my group was the rough terrain, LOL. We started with six people and a dog. Three of us finished the round. You will get a workout, especially on the back 9 but it's well worth the effort.

Other Thoughts:

This is simply a phenomenal disc golf course. I had a blast trying (and often failing) to hit some of the tight tunnels. The highlight of the course, IMO, is hole made my day.

Note: The 3.0 rating is based primarily on the "rawness" of the course. This course will be a 4-4.5 rating once it's beat in a for a few years and bridges are in place.

Update: Played from the blues on 7/5/2014. Had a blast! The stream wasn't much of an issue this time since the water was low. Upping my rating .5.
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7 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.6 years 201 played 61 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wooded Disc Golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 16, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Located in a very nice, secluded park. The park itself is a little rundown but there are pavilions, a playground, great walking trail and a port-a-john.

Great use of available land. The course plays down a stream valley between two large hills. The front nine is more open* with less elevation changes* (*both relative). The back nine is very heavily wooded, with longer holes and larger elevation changes.

Great tunnel shots and lots of shots over/around the creek. Alot of the holes provide you with alot of choices on routes to take and there are very nice risk/reward shots. Errant throws are punished.

Great locals (Bill). There might not be a ton of them but they are always friendly and helpful. They provide the score cards and maps at hole #1


Bad tees. This course is not heavily funded and is maintained by just a few people so the tees are not able to be upgraded. As people have mentioned previously they are gravel which is never all that great but is better than throwing from mud ruts like some courses have.

I think it is hole #4 that crosses hole #1's fairway. Admittedly this course is never very busy so it is not really a factor but holes that cross are never a good idea.

Other Thoughts:

I really had a good time at this course. It has a very high fun factor, and it has a very different feel to it than alot of other courses I have played. The fact that this very nice course was put in and maintained by about 4 or 5 guys is pretty impressive.

The hillsides are steep and can be a little treacherous (not a con) so be prepared. Also you will be crossing the creek a few times so if it has rained recently get ready to get your feet a little wet.

One last note: I would advise against playing the back 9 if there is more than an inch or so of snow on the ground since it becomes pretty dangerous.
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6 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.5 years 174 played 67 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course in an area that needs it 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2010 Played the course:once


It's a work out
Great use of available land
Really fun and interesting course
Some fantastic elevation changes
It's in an area (Ohio Valley) that filled with great land for Disc Golf. Also filled with nice people with not a lot to do. I think this is a good place to introduce Disc Golf


Not a lot of variety, Mostly hilly and wooded
Can be a little confusing to navigate
Gravel Tees, ouch. I hate Gravel Tees, they kill my knees
Footing can be a problem
This course will punish you on mis-throws

Other Thoughts:

When I was getting ready to play the first hole, a Gentleman and his wife drove by. He stopped to introduce himself and wish me luck, said he helped design and maintain the park. He was very friendly and I was happy to met him

The course itself is almost entirely tight wooded shots up and down a very large hillside. That's not necessarily a bad thing depending on your preferences, I personally prefer it. Be ready to get your feet wet and be ready for a good hike. Make sure you have good footing because you can fall easily in the mud or loose dirt. There also seems to be a lot of old structure debris hidden around the area you don't want to fall into.

Power is not emphasized on this course, accuracy is much much more important. Tight and Technical

Hole number 11 is the best one. (I'm so predictable) It was about 200 feet straight down (and I mean straight down) a tight tunnel. I can honestly say I have never played a hole quite like it.

I'm a sucker for elevation changes and nature so this course was right up my alley. If your a local, it a must. And if you love road trips (like me) and you live within 4 hours of this place then I definitely would hit it up. Good job Stuebenville
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6 1
Experience: 19.8 years 33 played 31 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 5, 2009 Played the course:once


Challenging Course that palys back and forth across a small stream with some major elevation changes. Offers some really unique holes as well as pin placements.
I particularly liked hole 11, plays straight down from at least 200ft up to pin nestled between sometrees on the creeks edge.

The back 9 is a hike!! You will go up and down the mountain at leas 2 or 3 times. Heavly wooded , and errant shots will just make you miserable, if not make you want to give up on looking for your disc.

Very Nice signage on all tees. Hole 8 is on the path with the sign attached to the bridge on right side.


Disc swallowing bushes, Some overlapping holes. Gravel tees...ouch!!

Other Thoughts:

I happen to think this was a beautiful course. I am partially biased because Im a mountain guy. The par its self appears to be nestled between 2 very large mountains. Lots of nice scenery, Rock formations and cliffs line the right side of the park. You will find abandoned stone structures throughout the park. Stone tables are in several locations.From what i have been able to research this use to be a cemetery. If anybody has more info on the history of this park please message me.

There is a playground and some pavilions, along with a outhouse. Scorecards are availble at the start and have map on them as well. I would've posted the map on here, but i lost my scorecard.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.7 years 27 played 27 reviews
3.50 star(s)

challenging course, even tougher hike 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 29, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Lots of variety in the second nine layout. #10 is a very tight uphill to the stone foundation of an old house - kind of cool to find it there. 11 is a beautiful steep downhill to the edge of the creek. 13 makes a twisting slight downhill s-curve to the hole. 16 is another fun one near the creekbed, with a generous landing area to the right if you can start straight enough.

Lots of tactics to think through, but it's never an option to thoughtlessly rip a long drive.

Very clear and helpful tee signs. Be sure to check the "next tee" indicators on those signs. There's also some low-to-the-ground posts that help confirm the path from basket to tee.


A bit too much back and forth and up the road on the front nine. On the other hand, I liked the downhill drives on both 4 and 5.

No cement tees or multiple tees - lots of gravel tees make a run-up drive impractical. Same situation in 2010, as in 2008.

Lots of bugs along the water when I was there.

Huge walks from hole to tee - starting with the walk up the road to get to #8. Most of the back nine tees require a bit of a hike. You need a lot of time and energy to finish 18 - not to mention one more walk back up the road to the starting point.

Other Thoughts:

The two nines are extremely different in challenge required - back nine took twice as long for me to play.

#14 is no longer a massive slog from the creek, straight up the hill. It now follows the trail, with the basket slightly uphill and to the right. Cuts down significantly on the walk to the tee, and keeps the score down a bit. I'm guessing it's close to 250 ft. now.

Tee for #8 is the middle of the road, and the best option for a shorter driver seems to be "keep it on the asphalt." I don't know the OOB rules for that one.

I talked with one of the course designers after my round. These guys deserve a lot of credit for making a good fun course. The park itself looked somewhat rundown - the course is the best thing that could happen to the area. It also sounds like they have some good local events set up.

Flight paths to the basket seemed a little clearer through the woods, compared to two years ago. There are still several holes are set up tight along the walking paths. There's no alternative to a controlled straight shot.

It's not too hard to lose a disc - 15 is one example. Hole placement invites a fade left, and it's downhill, so you could go a long way depending upon your luck with the trees. But anything short - straight or left - gets swallowed in extensive brush.
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