Dover, OH

Deis Hill Park

Permanent course
4.135(based on 41 reviews)
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Deis Hill Park reviews

4 4
Experience: 21.7 years 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Home Sweet Home 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Very easy to navigate, some of the best hole signage I've ever seen. Having been playing in south east Virginia for the last 6 years, its nice to see and play some serious elevation changes. The tee from the blues on 14 was bad ass, never played a giant drop off like that before. Lastly, its 3 miles from my moms house, so when I make it up here 2 times a year now, its a little less boring.


I agree with some of the previous reviews that a little more usage of some trees or some sort of diffulculty on the wide open holes would have been nice. It is one hell of a workout, 2 rounds back to back is a test of will.
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7 1
Experience: 15.6 years 17 played 10 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Very Good. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 14, 2009 Played the course:once


Great concrete teepads
Great signage
Well kept
plenty of trash cans (dont litter people)
Elevation changes
Bombers paradise


Lacks shot variety
Overly focused on long shots
Good shot will still leave you with bad footing at spots
Restrooms were locked, which is not nice on such a long course.

Other Thoughts:

Well, for the most part this is a very nice course, great for long throws without worries for the most part but lacking in technical shots other than hyzer or anhyzer.

With how big it is, I think the course could afford to have a random tree obstacle here and there to make shots more interesting and probably add a few holes just in the long walks from your last basket to the next tee. There was a lot of back-tracking like they were crammed for space but that is obviously not the case.

The hills make you feel like a mountain goat by the time you are done and makes shots interesting with elevation changes but also can make footing difficult to unsafe in spots.

Hole 2 was about the only tight hole and from there, it wasnt much more than a hyzer or anhyzer shot, dictated to your largely what you will do, not leaving much choice in shot selection risk vs reward.

There were bathrooms there, in one spot, which happened to be locked when we were there. Given the course size and the ammount of liquid you are likely to drink, I think it would be a nice addition to get some sort of restroom out there at some point that is accessible at least during day hours. Otherwise, you are encouragin guys to go in the woods and discouraging women from likely wanting to go out there at all.

I do find this to be a very good course so I want to finish on the positives. The teepads and the signs are the best I have seen. This is also a great course for people with big arms who want to really air it out and the course is nicely kept which is an accomplishment given its size. A+ as far as this area goes.

All in all, I know now I had no business having my fiance out there as it was a bit much for her, and the same for my 10 year old, but to test myself for distance, I would return.

To be clear, if this reveiw is comming off as negative, it really isnt. If anything it is the best maintained course, tees and signage that I have ever seen and it is only lacking in a few extra obstacles that might make some holes more interesting and maybe more accessible restrooms, other than that, it is likely frustration of the challenge it creates in distance which only would inspire me to play it again to slay the beast.

Worth the outing for the dedicated disc golfer.
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11 4
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.5 years 174 played 67 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not What I Expected 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 7, 2009 Played the course:once


Well Kept
Hole Number 14 was great


Too Open
It's challenging but only because the make each each hole really long. Maybe if they tried mixing up shot types more instead of just long and open.
If your not in shape this one will wear you out

Other Thoughts:

I heard a lot about this course and saw it was rated really high on this site so I was excited about checking this one out. But I gotta say, it didn't live up to what I was expecting

It was challenging but almost every hole was an long open field shot. There was nothing wrong with the course I just thought it was kinda boring. Be ready for a hike. The course isn't that long but you'll spend a lot of time lugging yourself up and down hills.

Hole Number 14 saved the course. I gave it an extra half a star just for this hole. No matter what your skill level is you should play this hole from the expert Tee Pad. I love big holes that are overlooking the fairway from on top of a giant ledge or hill, you don't see it enough, but out of the ones I have, this is one of my favorites.

I'm willing to allow for the possibility that I'm rating this course kinda low out of frustration. I didn't sleep much the night before, so I was kinda grumpy. Also, I definitely didn't bring my "A" game that day. It was one of those days that I just wasn't feeling it. But the guy I was with didn't care much for it either so maybe it's not all just me.

I would recommend it if you live nearby but I wouldn't make it a priority if your looking for a road trip
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8 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.5 years 316 played 67 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Challenging! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 1, 2009 Played the course:once


Gorgeous park

Nice elevation changes

Well maintained

Nice pads and baskets


Lacks diversity

Not enough obstacles/hazards

Other Thoughts:

Wow. This course is what I was hoping for. I read that it was a long course. I like to grip and rip. I could certainly do that here.

There were very few deuce opportunities and really no ace runs come to mind. To have long 400-800 foot holes is nice, but in my opinion, there should be at least a couple short holes mixed in. Also, it was almost entirely open.

The elevation changes are sweet. I actually over shot a 450 foot hole. Yes, it was down hill, but it sure felt great watching it sail. On other holes, you look at 600 feet and think, oh, I should get there in three, but the subtle uphill change makes throwing 300 feel more like 400...and you take a 4.

Challenging and beautiful with heavy rolling fairways and diverse pin placements, this course is sharp. If you are a novice, expect some high scores and some motivation to get better. As an experienced player, you wont want to wait too long before another chance to tame this bad boy.
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6 7
Experience: 18.7 years 16 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Long Is Not Hard. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 6, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Deis Hill is a very well maintained course. The grass is always cut, the brush removed, and tees and baskets kept in great condition.

The scenery is fantastic, and the park as a whole is a really great place to spend a day. Forests, fields, lakes...Deis Hill has it all.

The course is long and open, so it also helps put your shots in perspective, and lets players experiment broadly with the flight patterns of their discs and various throwing techniques.


Deis Hill is extremely long, but it lacks any real challenge. Most of the holes are fairly open and straight; those that do dogleg often do so in odd places and at inappropriate angles.

Unfortunately, Deis Hill's length makes it less desirable for both new players and veterans alike. New players will at first enjoy the open space to work with, but the distance quickly wears out the arm and becomes intimidating and daunting. Veterans will quickly grow bored of "grip it and rip it" shots at such frequency.

Other Thoughts:

Deis Hill has a lot of potential, and a lot of space to work with. They could easily have used the land to make two 18 hole courses that are more varied and challenging, but as it stands, it's nothing special. Especially considering the other courses nearby, like Arboretum and Lincoln, Deis Hill just isn't that great.
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11 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 288 played 154 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Does not disappoint 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 22, 2009 Played the course:once


Awesome course with a bunch of great elevation change holes and really nice shot variety. Three sets of tees from which to choose, almost all of which have trapezoidal concrete pads of ample size. Three tees provide a variety of holes for all skill levels. The tee signs/posts are color coded for the tees (red, white, and blue) making them very easy to spot. Tee signs have a photo of the hole marking the basket location, a detailed map of the hole, OB rules, fairly accurate distances, realistic pars, and creative names for most holes. The baskets are double chain DGA's in nice shape. For navigation issues and hidden basket issues there were large "next tee" signs pointing the way. The park was in gorgeous shape with mowed fairways and pastures.


Poison ivy, lots of poison ivy, the biggest leaves of poison ivy I've ever seen; but stay in the fairways and you're safe. Parking by tee #1 can be limited for large events. There are a couple holes where the road comes into play so be wary of cars before throwing a disc. There was one blue tee that felt crammed in (#17): not only is there insufficient space for a decent throw, the ground is uneven, and without a marked Mando you can "cheat" the hole by throwing around the trees (which isn't a realistic option from the white tee only ~50' closer). UPDATE: the course designer has informed me that the blue 17th tee will eventually be cleared and pushed back into the woods when concrete is poured.

Other Thoughts:

This course has continued to improve over time so put more stock in the more recent or recently updated reviews.

Hole #1 starts off with a 900' bomb (from the blue tee) over a picturesque "valley", the basket is behind a small hill and not visible so there's a large orange sign with an arrow attached to and pointing at the basket. That's the type of attention to detail that was put into this course that make it top notch. Hole #14 from the blue tee is a fantastic shot from up the hill by the road with at least a 100' drop in elevation, very cool hole. Oddly, this course has no water hazards, something a bit surprising on a high class course like this.

The park is multi-use with several picnic shelters, trails, and a swimming pool. Those amenities don't interfere with the course for the most part.

Be aware there are multiple course maps floating around some of which are out of date with respect to a few changes that were made, most notably hole #12 was moved so the fairway is no longer adjacent to all the houses.

This is absolutely a destination course, one of the best I've played. Drive out of your way to play this one, you won't be disappointed.
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4 4
Experience: 20.9 years 19 played 17 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2009 Played the course:once


By far the best course I have played on so far. To think I was less then 30 min away and never played there until now. There is short holes really long holes twisting holes an excellent variety of shoots. The tees and signs are the best I have seen anywhere. The tees are shaped really wide and get a little more narrow. This helps left and right handed players equally. The signs are highly detailed. Plus there are many signs showing the layout to the next hole. I give the course an A+++.


If I have to post a con to the course. I guess I could say it is really bad if you throw the disc the wrong way on hole on. You will regret the walk that awaits you.

Other Thoughts:

This course ROCKS!!! It will challenge you mentally physically and maybe even spiritually.
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1 7
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

First Course/Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2009 Played the course:once


Beautiful Layout. Great workout, these are the hills I ran in high school cross-country. Paved Tees. Great Maps of each individual hole.


Gets a little confusing between holes 12-14.

Other Thoughts:

This is my practice location. Anytime I'm not traveling, I will be playing this course.
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5 2
Experience: 16.7 years 49 played 7 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Best course in Ohio! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 15, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


All around very strong course. Good mix of long drives and shorter holes. Some holes very open, so if you hook or slice, you're not on a nature walk. New tee signs, nice baskets; the course is really new. The upkeep is fantastic, all tee pads are clear, fairways defined, and wooded areas trimmed nicely.


Some of the holes are rough for a new player, distance wise.

Other Thoughts:

This course is fantastic, second to none in the state. Similar to Pickerington in difficulty, elevation changes and variance of shots. You can see all different kinds of shots and there are holes for everyone.
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7 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.2 years 120 played 27 reviews
4.50 star(s)

WOW ! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 8, 2009 Played the course:once


Situated on a scenic hilltop in Dover City, the course starts at the high point and plays around the vast expanse of an immaculately-maintained park with all the amenities. One of the most aesthetically picturesque courses imaginable, it even has a fountain near #5.
Everything was freshly mowed which is a huge job considering the acreage involved.
The new tpad signs are the best I've seen on any course with a photo,drawing and even a nick-name for each hole.
3 huge trapezoid-shaped concrete pads on nearly every hole.
3 Color-coded posts for each pad which eventually will have it's own sign.
The red white and blue posts are really nice because you know exactly where your next pad is when you finish a hole.
Unlike most DG courses where red is the red-headed step child,red, blue and white tees are afforded the same first class attention to detail, so you really have the equivalent of 3 courses in one.
Good flow, easy to follow.
Huge (long and wide) open holes with significant elevation changes,bordering islands of woods on several holes. It also has a few very well-designed wooded holes and a couple with large, scattered hardwoods (#3-#5). The front nine had alot of variety and interesting holes for an open course.
The course is easy to get to, just off I-77 and would make a great trifecta with A-spiker and Lincoln Ridge (Oak Ledges).


The only con is the worst poison ivy that I've seen on a dg course. Otherwise this course has 5 stars written all over it ! Either stay out of the woods, wear long pants,long-sleeves and gloves or plan on scrubbing down with Technu afterwards (we did).

Other Thoughts:

First course played in Ohio and what a treat ! We played the whites and every other course I've played paled in comparison to the grandeur of this one.
I don't have the arm for long, open courses, but Deis Hill transends your personal preferences with the astounding attention to detail throughout the course. I whole-heartedly agree with the earlier review describing Deis Hill as a world class course. If disc golf ever becomes an Olympic sport, Deis Hill would have to be a serious contender as the host course.
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2 4
Experience: 19.8 years 33 played 31 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 6, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Some of the most longest holes i've seen in disc golf . Very well maintained and very beautiful. Multiple tees offer multiple distances. Red blue & white . Most holes have concrete tees

Hole 1 shoots over a valley that drops about 200 to 300 ft(estimate) An errant shot on this hole and it will make about 15 mins longer, as make you tired.

There are a handful of holes 6,7,8 wich are nestled in the woods. For the most part this entire course requires a great deal of arm ....and well legs as the elevation changes are abundant.

For the most part course is grip and rip.


Alot of walking. Alot of poison Ivy.
can't really complain here.

Other Thoughts:

They could probably add 4th and 5th tees with the amount of distance on these holes. Drink plenty of water, and wear very comfortable shoes, as this course takes at least 2 hours to play.

Pavillions walking track bathrooms and a swimming pool are among the ammenties
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4 1
Experience: 17.8 years 60 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Pro Level 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 26, 2008 Played the course:once


Great signs, and mutliple tees, you know exactly where to throw and how far. Challenging no matter what your level. Expertly maintained. No two holes seem to be the same, a very good course.


The distance may be off putting to players that do not have the biggest arms. The course takes nearly 2 1/2hrs to play. So make sure you have the time and endurance to trek over 2 miles up and down hills.

Other Thoughts:

The course is nice in that it has multiple tees and thus offers you a wide varieity of shots and lengths. However, if you not physically fit it may be hard to complete some of the climbs are long and up hill. The long distances make time playing less of the game than walking from throw to throw.
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2 7
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Tees are coming!!!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 10, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


All kinds of shots are used. accuracy is rewarded most of the time. Not over crowded.


Ivy, not all tee pads are finished.

Other Thoughts:

Tees are done on #6 through 15. thank you Chris Kerr for your help on this!!!! When it warms up I will be helping with the digging.
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19 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.7 years 235 played 185 reviews
4.00 star(s)

following suite 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 3, 2008 Played the course:once


- A year later I've come back and now it has about 1/3 cement tees!
- Epic, intensely hilly open and long course puts your endurance and physical ability to the test.
- Some tight shots to attempt to balance out the course.
- VERY well marked- large signs at each of the 3 tees per hole, and a map.
- Well mowed, no tall grass, rough off a few holes is not thick unlikely to lose a disc here.
- Elevation changes unlike anything in the region, wind and hills make up the most challenging aspects.


- Still some dirt tees.
- Kind of the middle of nowhere (but an hour from my grandma's house!).
- Ivy vines dripping from trees on 3-4 holes just off fairway make a serious hazard to avoid if possible, if not you're screwed on those shots.
- Apparently closed when snow on the ground for sledding (another decent, 9 hole course 'nearby' in Minerva if that happens BTW).

Other Thoughts:

Keep up the good work pouring those giant new pads this is one of the great courses in the world to play, tops for Ohio.
Kill some ivy too!
I'll be back for a tournament someday.
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6 6
Experience: 19.5 years 156 played 17 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Meets the Hype 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 5, 2008 Played the course:once


May be the most fun course I have played. Has the variety I appreciate in a course. Best signage ever. Interesting & challenging at all levels.


Had a hard time finding the right park entrance. A miss on 17 can roll forever. I know.

Other Thoughts:

Sometimes, multiple tees feel like the course was designed long, and the short tees were stuck in as an afterthought. Here, each level stands on it's own. I played the white tees, while my wife played the red. It made a fun challenging day for both of us.
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18 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 356 played 59 reviews
4.00 star(s)

El-ev-a-tion 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2008 Played the course:never


Some of the best tee signs I've seen on a disc golf course. Actual photos of the hole with an arrow indicating where the basket sits. Each of the three tees has its own sign with a photo unique to that tee. Very cool!

It's been mentioned before but this course is full of elevation.. lots of great downhill shots and some brutal uphill walks. The course was also well laid out and very well maintained.


Poison ivy is abundant if you stray from the fairway. Also, the tees are dirt but it would appear that there are plans to put in concrete so that complaint may not be valid for long.

Also, as others have pointed out, if you play from the long tees expect to do some backtracking.

Other Thoughts:

Deis is a very scenic and challenging course. Each hole, regardless of tee, plays fairly long. I played from the blue tees during my round and my legs were aching by the end of it but the physical pain did little to detract from the fun factor.

With three tees per hole, golfers of any skill level can have a blast here. The elevation changes you'll find make for some truly fun holes as well. You might need to take a minute to catch your breath once you reach the summit of the steep hill that holds the #14 blue tee. Once you do arrive, you'll be greeted with an absolutely massive downhill crush. Several other golfers and I emptied our bags on this one. Definitely a stand-out, signature hole. A couple other interesting notes, a lot of the holes have names on the tee signs. For example, hole #1 is the "Deis Drive". Also, the massive arrow attached to the basket on hole #1 was helpful and quite unique (see Photos).

I can't disagree with the other reviews, this is a stand-out course and a must-play. Elevation, scenic vistas, challenging shots, Deis has no shortage of these key course ingredients. If you have a big arm, this course will really put it to use.. there aren't a lot of drive-putt holes you'll run into here. More like drive-drive-drive-putt! Do yourself a favor and play this course if you're remotely near Dover.. and don't forget to fill your water bottles either, you'll need them!
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6 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 59 played 22 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Amazing Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 21, 2008 Played the course:once


Great distance, challenge, and shot shaping. Wonderful use of elevation, woods, and open fields. Multiple tees (three I think) on every hole. From the short tees this is a GREAT par three course. From the longs it's a FANTASTIC Championship Caliber course. The tee signs are terrific. Some of the best I've ever seen. They contain a photograph of the hole with the basket location well marked.


Grass tees! This course would be in my top five, and would recieve a 4.5 star rating from me if it had concrete pads.

Other Thoughts:

Holes #1's and #14's "Blue" tees are MUST play golf holes!
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5 3
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.7 years 77 played 68 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A bit of everything, great scenery 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 29, 2008 Played the course:once


Lots of variation in the holes, awesome scenery, the best tee signs I've seen yet.


Lots of backtracking to the Pro/Am tees, dirt tees. Poison ivy abounds.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a very cool course. Very hilly and the holes take this into account well. Lots of blind holes, but the tee signs have great maps as well as photos which point out where the baskets are. Still, your first time out you'll be hunting baskets.

You'll use every throw/disc you have throughout the course. A few so-so holes are made up for by some spectacular ones, particularly the blue tee on #14 and #17. Majority of the holes are named (King's Row, The "Dan"hyzer, etc.). The park itself is full of rolling hills and beautiful scenery, although the course does touch on some residential neighbors here and there. Otherwise nicely secluded.

Definitely worth checking out.
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13 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.9 years 2489 played 135 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 15, 2008 Played the course:never


Panoramic views of the Tuscarwaras Valley from most every hole. If you like to crush most every shot, this is the course for you. Most Basket locations are on a slope. Red, White and Blue tees make it fun for ALL skill levels. Course has over 5 signature holes [most course might have 1 or 2 at best]. Some of the best Tee signs you'll ever see at each tee box [to boot]. Has practice basket near hole #1. Has anyone ever seen a marker such as the one one hole # 1 that shows where the [blind] basket is?


While designing this course we had to make consessions with the park director to as keep it out of the woods, thus some holes could be better than the current layout. Hole # 14 white should never have it's tee box at it's current position, but have it up on top of the hill along with the blue tee. Oringinal #12 would of been a screaming hole, well it turned out to be such a hole that it had to be changed because of the neighbors and Disc Golfers screaming at one another, too bad it was a beautifull hole. Needs a few more trees stratigically placed in the fairways. Dirt tees, suck. plans for 36 trapizoid cement tees planned for late '08 [need volenteers for digging up tee boxes or else face just 18 cement tees, contact park department if interested]. Poison IVY is abundant, walking paths close to a few holes ( # 4 & # 5) . tee box for # 8 needs moved [just a little]because it doesn't allow a left handed player a full run up. Not to many holes in the woods [what's up with that?]. Needs a BIGGER KIOSK/Bulletin board. considerable backtracking to play the long tees on many holes.

Other Thoughts:

Of the 500 plus courses I've played this is in my top 20. One of the better courses within 250 miles. I can't wait til they get cement tees [late '08] Drive thru/ state liquor store just down the street [next to High school football stadium] from the park. Swimming pool in park [ near hole # 6, in case you want to take a dip on a Hot Summer day.The park does have a restroom/drinking fountain near hole one. There's also some playground equipment, boccie/shuffleboard court, and picnic shelters. so if you take your family, there's stuff to do if they don't play DG.

Whom ever designed this course should get a pat on the back. Good job over all.
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12 0
chris deitzel
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 286 played 54 reviews
3.50 star(s)

very nice 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2008 Played the course:never


Beautiful Park, great holes, challenging. Real fun downhill shot. Few players.


Sort of dangerous with some of the walking paths. Hole 18 plays right beside 17's fairway, not sure why as there is so much room in this park.

Course must have been designed from the short tees because there is considerable backtracking to play the long tees on many holes.

Really geared to the big arm players, and a few holes where the par is a 3.5 instead of a true 3 or 4 par.

Other Thoughts:

I played here the other day and really enjoyed the long tees. They were super challenging like Moraine or Deer Lakes, but some of the holes were just big wide open crushes. Which is fine, but not really my kind of golf. The rest of the course is beautiful. 4 and 5 are absolutely gorgeous. Too many blind shots that play near roads or walking paths, someone is going to get hit for sure.

I would put this in my top 10 favorite courses if you did not have to backtrack so much to get to the tees and if hole 1, 18 and 13 were different. they are just big bombs with nothing exciting going on. Has potential to be one of the best courses out there, but it just needs a little tweaking. Pars need to be thought out better and the tweener holes need shortened or lengthened to make a better scoring spread for the holes. Overall a great course that is better than 75% of the ones that I have played so far.

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