Has 8 baskets that look like new
Nice Tee Posts with distance and QR code to a map
Tee posts are not just inside of circle 1, but sometimes less than 10ft from the basket
Basket 7/12 missing
A few dangerous holes
Other Thoughts:
Ok, this is a small college campus with what is suppose to be 9 baskets playing back and forth to make an 18 hole course.
Hole 1 starts on the east side of campus and the course winds around counter clockwise by the ball fields and though a RV camping area, then back again.
One think you notice is you can see the tee sign for hole 2 from the tee sign for hole 1. What you might not notice at first is this is right next to the basket.
I could see the tee sign for hole 3 behind basket #2. When I got to that basket I realized we were playing the same baskets one direction and then back again. EXCEPT holes 1, 6 and 10.
Hole 2 has a tricky gap to hit but the fairway is wide open.
Hole 3 has one tree that comes into play and is about 300ft across the bands practice field.
Hole 4 throws along the outfield fence of the baseball field and is the longest hole on the course.
Hole 5, well you throw ACROSS the RV park. And yes, my first shot hit an RV. I threw a 2nd shot over the fence to the football field. (thankfully one of the gates were open and I was able to walk around to get it)
Hole 6, you actually cross a foot bridge for this one and throw back to the #6 basket.
Hole 7 is missing it's basket. i just played to the tee sign considering they were all so close to the baskets anyways.
Hole 8 is a chip shot with a couple of tree's.
hole 9 is only 130 across a small ditch to a basket inside a few large trees. Ace run!!!
Hole 10 is another 130 foot shot, you walk down the creek a little and throw back to the #9 basket.
Hole 11 is hole 9 backwards.
Hole 12 is hole 8 backwards but is missing the basket.
Hole 14 is just a 130ft shot across the ditch to the basket next to the fence of the football field.
Hole 15 is back across the RV park.
Hole 16 is #4 backwards, same with 17 and 18.
Other than holes 3/16 that were 300ft shots and 4/15 that was almost 400ft, the rest of the holes were under 250 with 4 of them less than 130.
Decent course for those that are students and new to the sport. Kind of boring for a more experienced golfer. Hole 5/15 would not be playable if there are more campers. As it was there was one RV and of course I hit it.
The missing basket was next to a pavilion. Makes me wonder if they removed it due to the pavilion being used more than the disc golf course. It's pretty much got a huge blind spot near the basket, easy for a shot falling off left to hit someone you couldn't see from the tee.
Would I play here again? Nope. It's pretty obvious this was not installed by someone who knows anything about course design. Putting the tee signs too close to the basket, the shots over the RV park and next to the pavilion and basket 9/10 is near some swings. Slight tweaking could make this much better.