Reykjavík, Iceland

Grafarholt - Old Layout

Permanent course
2.55(based on 1 reviews)
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Grafarholt - Old Layout reviews

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Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 776 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Where the missing trees went 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 1, 2019 Played the course:once


2-3 tee locations per hole, each ~4'x~10 astrograss.

Excellent tee signs, showing all three tees with distances, and directions to next basket.

Some baskets framed with logs and woodchips.


Location of teesign varied between white and blue.

Walking paths near some holes

The required mortar shot which is #8.

Other Thoughts:

Course is set in the open space and ridge of mid-sized evergreens behind a series of apartment complexes.

Hole Descriptions, from the Whites:
#1: Somewhat elevated tee. Short, but the basket is guarded in front by tall shrubbery, so need to drop a shot just over.
#2: Flat, long, open, but the entire left side is roped-off ob, island green.
#3: Flat, moderate length, tree tucked into treeline at end.
#4: Flat, 90-degree turn at midpoint moderate window, or try to bomb over the trees and stick the landing.
#5: Flat, moderate length, narrowing funnel, a small tree to miss just a bit short/in front of basket
#6: Flat, moderate length, thick trees entire left side, ob (rope-marked) right side, variable-height brush directly between tee and basket.
#7: Tee in trees, need to turn right after exiting treeline mid-fairway, down towards a basket on a moderate slope. Prettiest hole, with evergreens, brush, heather, a view across course.
#8: From a tee position much higher than the basket, need to lob a shell, I mean, a disc, over tall evergreens, hoping it lands near the basket, as opposed to staying lodged up high in the bough of a tree. Steep walk down to landing zone.
#9: Flat, moderate length, random-height brush scattered throughout, basket set upon a decent-sized rock.

Navigation: Use the map! Markers on baskets to next tee, like many other courses have, was lacking, and sometimes would have been useful ( i.e. use map, or you may go right from basket-4 to tee-6, instead of straight to tee-5).

Of the eight courses I played on my six-day trip, had the best signs and tees, some of the more challenging holes, and most of the trees!
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