Small but steep and grassy Kentucky hills perfect for disc golf. Excellent, class leading signs and oversized cement tee pads. Lots of bridges make it easy to cross creeks, and water hazards aren't so deep that you can't retrieve your disc after errant throws. Favorite holes include a long (600 feet), and straight mowed grass fairway with trees and moderate slopes on each side (Hole 1), a terrific downhill forest hole with a basket at the bottom across a creek (Hole 13), and the signature Hole 11 with wishbone tree and island basket. Many holes feature grassy, wooded fairways through winding creek areas (2, 3, 11, 16), and others have narrow but defined sloped fairways in wooded areas (7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17). Hole 15 is a monster 1000 foot meadow hole with a downhill approach that could be a signature hole by itself.
Some holes are a little too long and tight and have difficult, luck dependent drives (Holes 5, 6 and 16 are the best examples). Course design could be changed to create more holes by splitting up 5, 6, 10 and 15 into smaller holes (15 from the 400 foot mark would be outstanding). Includes a few too many very narrow uphill drives (4, 5, 6, 12, 18) and a relative lack of wide open or overhead shots. Few if any ace opportunities. A couple of navigation hiccups (Holes 4/5 and 11/12 interchanges) but decent overall.
Other Thoughts:
Unparalleled challenge (the most difficult course I've ever seen, bar none). Does this make it a better course? You be the judge. Beginners would be discouraged playing here, but that may be an advantage to others. In my opinion, most would have more fun playing the Lincoln Ridge course a few miles away. That's what it's all about, right?