Oxford, OH

Miami University - Old Layout

3.475(based on 18 reviews)
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Miami University - Old Layout reviews

4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 103 played 49 reviews
2.00 star(s)

I haven't been this sad since Riptide went off the air 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 9, 2012 Played the course:once


Living in East Central Indiana, you hear a lot about a lot of different courses. We are close to a lot of legendary layouts. Idlewild. Lemon Lake. Flip City. And believe it or not, people talk about Oxford in the same breath. Beautiful. Scenic. Challenging. All words that I have heard describe this course. And while all of those things remain true, I am afraid that we are on the verge of losing a course. First, let's start out with the good.

1. The teepads are great. If the pads aren't concrete, then they are hand laid pavers. All of them are longer than most airport runways, and most of them are in pristine shape. As I have pointed out in previous reviews; a great course needs great tee pads. This course has just that.

2. Variety - Unlike a lot of courses you play, this course is not just a long course or just a technical course. Indeed, Oxford has a giant variety of shots. Giant, sweeping Anhyzers, long, downhill bomb shots, short tech shots and tight tunnel shots.

3. Scenery - Unreal. I mean it. This is one of the prettiest courses that you will ever play. Number 4 and 5 play under bridges that have GIANT arch ways. The pond near the back comes in to play beautifully without being an imminent threat. The art museum serves as a backdrop on a hole that sits on a great hill.

4. The baskets catch well and are all functional. Well, the ones that are there do. This begins my sad face.

5. The signs on the holes work. As in, it has yardage and direction. Nothing fancy, but they are functional. It beats a kick in the taint. I guess.


1. Some of the holes are just plain gone. yes, gone. Done. Kaput. Out of here. Finito. El out to hereo. Holes 1,2,17 and 18 are gone and 16 is missing it's basket. The locals that were kindly enough to show us around told us about this and were incredibly broken up. Not as much as I was when they took Riptide off of the air, but it had to be close. This is a HUGE hit for this course. You can't have a destination course with only 13 holes. You just can't.

2. Navigation on this course is sad. Not sad in a "oh man, I skinned my knee". but sad in a "man, I can't believe that people still go to monster truck rallies" kind of way (though, truth be told, who can't enjoy Gravedigger?). OK, 3,4,5,and 6 make sense. 7 is weird. You might NEVER find 8, so listen close. walk ACROSS the football field thing where the marching band practices and go down the hill. It's near where the 50 yard line might be. And then down the hill. 9 is then across the road from that basket. 10 is then over the bridge and to the right from that basket. 12 is a HAUL from 11 basket. Over the road and up a hill. 13 makes sense, and 14 is LITERALLY a block away from 13's basket. The basket for 14 is right in front of 15's tee. so...that's just not good.

3. Amenities stink. There is almost no place to park without a permit. There are no benches. There are no water fountains. There are no trash cans. There is little shade.

Other Thoughts:

I will bet you dollars to donuts that this course used to rule the barren earth. The use of the natural terrain and the bridges is amazing. The shots are fantastic. The use of the campus is ridiculous.. But damnit, how can I give a high rating to a course that is missing 4 holes and another basket?
Also, the parking thing just made me mad. on top of that, the natural flow to this course is terrible. Navigation doesn't make sense and just about everything good about the course is taken away by the lack of a complete course.

Please hit me up with any questions! Thanks!.
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3 3
Experience: 14.5 years 129 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Great Time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 12, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a fun course because of the diversity. The beautiful architecture of the buildings and bridges make it unique. I had to use various types of shots on this course.


It is an extremely difficult course to navigate. It desperately needs directional signs to the next tee after each basket. Also, the baskets are looking quite used. The campus is beautiful, but there is a HUUUUUUGEEE littering problem. It looks like a trash dump on mpst of the holes. There are no trash cans anywhere, and most people are just tossing their bottles and beercans everywhere. My opinion is there are two shames here. First, it's a shame players don't respect this sport, campus, and nature enough to not be slobs. The second shame is the groundskeeping staff would allow this beautiful course and campus to let the trash get so out of control. I may seem harsh, but honestly, the trash is apallingly ridiculous. I probably will not play regularly there for this reason alone.

Other Thoughts:

I recommend taking a picture with a phone or camera of the map at the first tee. If it's you're first time here you WILL get confused on the holes.
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3 1
Experience: 16.8 years 34 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Good Mix 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 30, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- Very good mix of shorter birdie/ace chances mixed with some tougher really unique holes.
- Some of the prettiest holes I have seen using the surround architecture.
- Every time I play the course I find a new way to attack a certain hole that I hadn't thought about before.
- Miami is one of the greatest places I have ever been, miss going to college there.


- Due to construction there is no tee pad or sign for hole #7. (there is a dirt area that is used)
- During the wet season it can be difficult to navigate from the #2 tee pad to the hole because of a small drainage area.
- During the school year you have to be careful because there is always foot traffic, especially on hole #16. FOUR!

Other Thoughts:

- I used to find this course too challenging to enjoy, but the more times you play it the more you will enjoy it.
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23 years 831 played 777 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun campus course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays through a pretty and well-maintained college campus. There are a few nice elevation changes, and they are used pretty well to add challenge and fun to the course. Two stone bridges come into play on a few holes, and add a really fun design element, as well as making those holes really neat visually, great touch to use them in this way. There is pretty good variety in hole lengths, with several ace runs, and a few longer holes to stretch out your arm a little. You'll need to throw some different shot shapes here to score well, there's a decent balance of right and left turning shots.


The navigation here is a real mess. There are several really long walks in between holes with no next tee signage. I pulled up the course map on my phone and still had a little trouble finding my way around, without a map or a guide you'd spend all day trying to find all the holes. Several holes have some pretty major safety issues, playing over or near busy campus walking paths, roads, and sports fields. On a nice day when the campus is full of people it would be a dangerous place to play. The tee signs are inconsistent throughout the course, the ones that are there are decent, with hole layout and distance, but some are missing or broken.

Parking is an issue here. I made the mistake of playing on a weekday, and ended up paying to park in the campus garage half a mile from the course, and starting on hole 7. It might be easier on the weekends, but all the parking around the course was for campus permits, so make sure you read the signs before parking.

Other Thoughts:

I love seeing courses on school campuses, it's a great way to expose new people to the sport and hopefully get them hooked. I saw a flyer for a tournament being held there, very cool! I do think that a few holes are a little tough for a course that will mostly be played by newer players, a little much length especially with brushy rough that can be a bit punitive.

Newer players will find a few holes pretty tough, but the rest of the course is pretty well set up for beginners to be reasonably successful (if they can find their way around). More experienced players will find some fun shots and a few holes where you really need to throw a great shot to score well, but overall it's not all that challenging of a layout.
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2 0
Experience: 20.7 years 5 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Jumbled 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 20, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


The campus is very pretty and the course runs through the more shaded walking areas around it. The course does have some very nice holes that include throwing underneath a bridge.

The course can be technically challenging at times.


Finding where to start and then where to go from basket to basket can be quite a challenge. Even playing with my friend who is a student there we had trouble finding where to go from a couple in the second half of the course.

There are a few holes towards the end where it can be easy to lose a disc and very hard to retrieve it. There are some sharp drops in the late teens off the sides of the throwing area and some very dense brush.

During the summer sometimes people play sports games on soccer fields near if i remember correctly hole 12-13 and you might have to edge around them.

Other Thoughts:

We don't often use this course because of the time it takes to find baskets but its actually a very nice course. I never got the urge to play it very often because of a few times we really lost discs and had to go through great trouble to get them. I think thats where im playing today though, so i'll see if its like how it used to be.
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1 1
Experience: 15.7 years 44 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Great mix of short and long holes. Mostly open course. Course is laid out over a large area. Enough elevation change to be noticeable.

Very little traffic on campus during the summer.


Navigation from hole to hole is nearly impossible without a course map, and still rather difficult with one.

Other Thoughts:

A bridge comes into play for two holes, which is unusual and makes every trip to Oxford worth it.

Miami is a beautiful campus and the course here is set on one of the more open and pretty parts of campus.

Be sure to stop at Bagel and Deli while in Oxford!
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2 3
Experience: 16.7 years 98 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Eye candy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 24, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


-Course signs and map by hole 1
-Good variety of many different shots and options of what to throw on many holes.
-Large trees throughout the course are overshadowed by the shots through and under two cobblestone bridges.
-The pond behind hole 8's basket, it is kinda in play but not severly close to the basket.
-There are plenty of short birdieable holes.Holes 8 and 11 are a good challenge for 3's.
-Nice to throw a course around a bunch of sweet old building's and nice cobblestone walkways.
-Deer the deer are not afraid of discer they just watch you drive and eat away, for a minute we thought it was fake.


-A few cracked teepads.
-Having errant throw could be a problem as roads and students will be thoughout the course.
-Alot of the holes are easily reachable and some of the holes are wide open with little to know elevation.

Other Thoughts:

The key is to get the disc close enough to start a converstattion with the Sorority girl's, but you can't hit them or you never gonna get laid. This course has a huge fun factor and throwing holes 4 and 5 it is always worth the drive. I have heard they add alot of holes for the CCS every year, will check those out this year.
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3 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.5 years 174 played 67 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The best College Campus course I have ever played 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 21, 2009 Played the course:once


Beautiful Campus Scenery
It's the 1st Course I've ever played where walkway bridges come into play
Good mix of shot types and distances
Some nice elevation changes
Great use of the land


Can be difficult to navigate
A couple of filler holes
High Traffic College Campus so look before you throw
Campus is filled with Prius Driving Dandys and Fancy Lads, on their way to the latte bar with their Sweater Vests and Cardigans, talking about how much they love San Francisco and how great it is to be super liberal. A couple times I wanted to stop and beat one of them up

Other Thoughts:

Most of the shots are here are fairly open but they never get repetitive which is rare. The do a great job of working with the area they have. more than one hole has a walkway bridge in play. You find yourself in the unique position of deciding whether to try and loft one over the bridge or weave your way under it. I thought that was really fun. Also the course has some excellent elevation changes.

I ran into a guy that showed me where to go or else I might have had trouble finding my way around. Even it you do get lost it's a good place to walk around and just site see.

Typically I prefer wooded and secluded quiet nature type courses. But this one is and exception, it is definitely the best College Campus course I have ever played. It's a Unique Disc Golf Experience and I would recommend it for a locals and for road trippers

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1 2
Experience: 16.7 years 44 played 7 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Beautiful course on a beautiful Campus. Nice blend of technical holes with obstacles as well as open rippers. Holes 5 and 12 among others are signature holes.


Hard to find your way the first time - I took a pic with my phone the first time just in case we got lost. In the summer, you might run into some people milling around the course but its never been a problem when I've played there.

Other Thoughts:

This is a must play course as it is enjoyable for players at all levels!
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2 1
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Awesome Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 19, 2009 Played the course:once


I haven't played many courses but this course is the most fun out of any that I have played. I don't consider myself good at all but I shot a 65 on this course. It would have been hard to navigate but I just used my phone and took a picture of the course map that's next to the #1 tee and that made it easy.


The construction makes it harder to get to the back 9 but there's a path cut through the woods that makes it a little easier. On the 11th tee it's very easy to throw it over the fence into the construction zone. Just throw it short and you'll be good.

Other Thoughts:

All the people we ran into on the course were very nice contrary to popular belief about most Miami students. It was a great time and I will definately go back many times.
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3 1
Experience: 17.7 years 26 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Oxford DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 9, 2009 Played the course:once


This course does a nice job of mixing long holes and short holes with only a few real easy open holes.
In some circumstances during the year you will be able to play from some very noticeable alternate tees areas making the course much harder.
This course has a very scenic park feel, you barely notice the surrounding campus buildings and some of them just add to the appeal of the course.
A beautiful bridge comes into play on two holes.
Most basket areas have "dirt greens" from the foot traffic and give the park a nice look and can make some holes more difficult.


The course is very hard to navigate as a first timer, try and research a course map before you play.
As of June 2008 holes 9-11 and some others have construction on them that has made some easier and some unable to play.
Many of the designated distance signage are incorrect you may want to copy the ones listed here as they were measured pre tourney.
Some not all of the baskets are very old.
Some of the tees may be under construction or out.

Other Thoughts:

*I played this course during a tourney and some alternate tees were used.
**You can't go wrong playing on a campus that has been voted as having some of the most beautiful coeds in the U.S. in the spring you can see them laying out in the sunshine.

Hole 1. (270') A mostly straight approach at the basket although the hole is trickier than you imagine. A large tree in front of it and bushes directly to its right protect the basket with a small canyon surrounding it.
Hole 2. (230') A pretty severe dogleg left with an OB road within 20' of the basket. This hole has a pretty unique drive as you play through a small opening of low branches and shrubbery with no view of the basket.
Hole 3. (266') Another blind shot at the basket over a small ridge in the fairway that flows diagonally to the left and into another canyon surrounding the basket. Trees line the fairway to the right and come into play on mistake RH drives.
Hole 4. (310') A very tricky RH tunrnover where a player can take two routes around a large tree and brush obstruction. The longer route plays under the bridge that obstructs the view of the basket sitting on a hillside. Woods straight ahead and to the right punish very arrant drives.
Hole 5. (285') A memorable dogleg left that plays alongside a wooded creek and under a bridge to another basket on a hillside.
Hole 6. was an alternate hole when I played. We played form the top of the hill that made the hole 600'+ and an amazing challenge.
Hole 7. (420') A severe dogleg left that plays through a wooded gap and past some small trees with OB road straight ahead. Two large pine trees and the small growing trees after the initial gap make this a very difficult hole.
Hole 8. (580') Your initial drive is going to need to be as straight as possible while avoiding the wooded area all along the right of the fairway. The basket then plays down the hill and to the right through an opening in the wooded areas. During my tournament we played back at an orange line in the concrete sidewalk that makes this hole much more challenging. The good this is there is a field to the left of the sidewalk most of the hole that allows for some error.
Holes 9-11 were under construction and we used alternate baskets or placed mandos to make the holes more challenging.
Hole 12. (525') A very challenging downhill hole for both the RH and LH with a large tree in the middle of the fairway 300' down to really hinder long arms. The basket is protected by another wooded area.
Hole 13. (130') A nice blind ace run over a small hill obstructing your view of the basket which plays directly under and to the left of the single skinny tree you see off the tee.
Hole 14. (199') Another ace run or 2 chance. Your only obstruction is a V shaped tree that directly obstructs your view of the basket, which site 10-15' behind it.
Hole 15. (254') A wide open drive to the basket with only a small tree that can slow down some drives.
Hole 16. (460') A long straight drive off of the tee to the left of the large tree to your right is the safe play. A snaking drive to the left of the tree and then looping out and around the wooded area obstructing your view of the basket will wow your friends.
Hole 17. (260') Two large tree trunks and some overhanging branches are all that keep you from parking this short hole.
Hole 18. (265') A wide open drive with only the small chance of over shooting the basket and landing in the OB road.
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3 1
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

One of my favorites 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 22, 2005 Played the course:5+ times


Great hole diversity, beautiful scenery, plenty of challenges but some par 3's mixed in to help keep the score reasonable. Tee pads are nice. It is possible to be the only one on the course.


If its your 1st time, you must tag along with somebody who has played it before to know where you are going. Depending on which hole you are on and at which time, it is possible to hit a student or two.

Other Thoughts:

I wish I still lived near a course of this caliber.
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3 0
Experience: 16.5 years 14 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 9, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


-Plays through miami university which is a very nice campus.
-some holes are rather challenging.
-has tunnels/bridge you have to throw under which is different.
-Its a lenghty course so it can be good exercise.


-hard to navigate the first time.
-can only really play on the weekends or when school is out because of student traffic on/near the course.
-some tee signs are missing.

Other Thoughts:

definitley play this course. It is one of my favorites...Also there is normally not many people on the course, so you can take your time and relax...
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3 1
Experience: 17.3 years 16 played 16 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Miami University 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 23, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Awesome course on the campus of Miami University. All holes of decent lengths. Not very hard to lose a disc. Hilly, wooded, and open holes.


Some teesigns missing. 7 teepad is natural. Hard to navigate for the first time. Some holes par is crazy. It plays downhill 315 ft. and its a par 5. Walking paths will come into play. Pond on hole 8.

Other Thoughts:

Pretty nice course to play if in area. I recommend this course to someone who wants a challenge. Very fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.5 years 353 played 321 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great college course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 7, 2007 Played the course:2-4 times


Wonderful setting on a beautiful college campus. Course is often integrated into the architecture (buildings, bridges, walls, tunnels, etc.) of the campus.

This is one of the most fun courses I have ever played, especially on the first time. There are things I had never seen on a disc golf course before- throwing through large arches of an overhead walkway, watching a tee shot bounce off a building and almost in the basket, and playing a hole with a bra on a stick instead of a basket---priceless!!!


It is a little tricky to find the next hole sometimes the first time through. No course maps when I was there. Lengthy walks from time to time. There are signs with arrows, but I think they mark a cross country course instead so they can't always be trusted.
Parking could be an issue. I got a warning ticket last time I was there. You could probably get a temp permit if you knew where to ask.

Other Thoughts:

College campus courses have their own style, usually not too long, but a completely different setting and feel. This is by far the best college course I have played. I wished a had a DG course on campus when I was in college!!!

Worth the drive if you like unique and fun courses.
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4 0
Experience: 16.9 years 26 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

College Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2005 Played the course:2-4 times


Decent mix of hole types. Some woods, mostly open, occasionally treed. Beautiful scenery. A mix of lush green grass, old and mature trees, and amazing architecture.

Honestly though the best part of this course is that it is situated right on the south east end of Miami University's campus, and the women are gorgeous.


It almost seems that the course was once 9 holes and then 9 more were added without much thought. There is a pair (I can't remember the numbers) that simply go up hill and then back down. The course is also not well marked.

Other Thoughts:

If you go to Miami or live around the area, it is totally worth playing. I haven't played it since college, but it was great then and I am sure it still is. Starts behind Bachelor hall, which is hard to miss: big building sitting right at T intersection at the end of Spring Street.
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1 6
Experience: 18.5 years 5 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Miami University 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 11, 2007 Played the course:never


Beautiful scenic course, elevation changes, good community, various shot opportunities.


Most of the course is wide open, hard to navigate if you haven't played this course before.

Other Thoughts:

Beautiful course, definitely well worth the stop if you are in the area.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.9 years 179 played 110 reviews
3.50 star(s)

I wish I went to College here 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 10, 2005 Played the course:never


I love campus courses. There are some awesome holes at Miami. Good use of a stone bridge on one hole (throwing underneath) Long holes and short holes.


It is poorly marked and tough to navigate. There could be lots of students when class is in session.

Other Thoughts:

It is worth the tough navigation and I have played it twice now (both during summer) and the crowds haven't been a bother at all. I have played a lot of courses and I consider this one a gem. It is out of the way but worth the drive. The first time we played it the basket for #15 was missing and instead there was a post in the ground with a bra hanging on top of it. We used the bra as an object basket for the hole. If that doesn't make you want to play a course, then i don't know what will.
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