Cottage Grove, MN

Oakwood Park

3.695(based on 39 reviews)
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10 0
4.00 star(s)

Oakwood Upgraded

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 11, 2023 Played the course:once


--Baskets replaced in 2022 (DD Veterans)

--Examplary large signage with map, linear cross-sectional topography, and total altitude change

--Short and long options

--Free to play


From the construction side, using a single 8' and two 10' boards probably makes a lot of sense, but I'm not a fan of the resulting 4 x 9 1/2 tee box. At Oakwood, the terrain surrounding the tee boxes allows for moving onto the concrete from the side to add a bit of width, but I noticed that in some cases this would only be an option for right-handers. It would be better if the concrete pads themselves were 5 feet wide or more.

Other Thoughts:

The course starts very well with #1 being a downhill shot to a retaining wall island--all the fun of the watery version without the potential $20 de facto fine if you miss--which I did. No matter--the drop zone leaves a short uphill approach which makes for an easy bogey or the occasional throw in par. This ended up being my favorite hole of the course, but honestly, there isn't a lemon in the bunch.

#1 through #5 are played in a field dotted with guardian trees, followed by #6 through #16 in the woods, with #17 and #18 then traversing the same field you started on. The gaps narrow significantly near mid-course, and elevation remains somewhat of a factor throughout the wooded section. This is particularly true if playing from the longs, which tend to change the angle in addition to adding yardage.

I definitely recommend playing the longs, whether or not you're a slinger. Personally I'm not, but I take the approach that if par is out of reach for me, the easiest of all possible solutions is to learn to enjoy bogey more. Why's just one more opportunity per hole to make the shot of the day.

Oakwood apparently underwent some improvements over the past two years, including 27 new baskets and new signage. Already set on an excellent piece of property, this course will be one I revisit, and one you should consider if you are traveling to Minnesota with a disc bag in your trunk.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.5 years 104 played 48 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Oak(wood) Savanna 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 2, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Oakwood Park disc golf course plays partially in a (only sorta) preserved natural Oak Savanna and the wooded area around the edge of the park. There is a nice informative sign about the park and the ecological past of the area. As a environmental science student in university, this is always fun to see. But on to the review.

1) Layout:
The layout of this course feels pretty old school, being almost entirely par 3s, but still has the variety in distance and hole shape to not get boring or repetitive. There are 5 very short holes (1, 2, 5, 9, and 10) that all feel like 'must get' holes, but most of them have their tricks that keep them interesting. Hole 1 (about 230ft and downhill) is the only one of this bunch that I'm truly upset to miss the 2 on, though the rest of them still don't feel great. But they are still definite 'no-bogey' holes for anyone 850 rated and up. For any pro level player, missing them is a huge mistake. 2 of the par 3s (11 and 13) are truly great holes that require very committed and accurate tee shots to get into the circle and can get extremely hairy very quickly if you go off the fairway. 11 is a long left to right dogleg (about 380ft-390ft accounting for the dogleg) over a small valley and then over a crest. There is a tight line required off the tee to get far enough right to attack the basket and a gauntlet of trees over the crest in the last 100ft. I've birdied it one time in about 50 rounds. Hole 13 is a mostly straight and downhill shot around 400-420ft (plays closer to what feels like 350ft-360ft) that has extremely tight gap about 100ft off the tee and then opens up to a nice landing area if you can't make the green. To get all the way to the basket requires navigating a tight grouping of trees surrounding the basket. Long is a relatively steep hill that can take birdie completely out of play and right are very thick woods. This hole is easier to birdie than 11 but has much more danger; taking a 6 isn't out of the question with a bad kick early. There are four par 4s according to the course pars, though I would consider only one of them a 'true par 4' and the rest as tweener holes. Hole 4 is ~520ft, but downhill and very open after you get off the tee. If you don't shank your drive the only thing to miss is the one huge oak tree about 200ft short of the basket. As a lefty it's a two shot hole due to that tree, but a RHBH player with ~450ft of power could definitely get into the circle with a good wind by throwing over/around it. Either way, taking a 4 feels like a huge mistake. Holes 8 and 16 are similar to each other, around 400ft narrow tunnels. 16 is much tighter, but plays downhill so is much easier to reach. As a ~900 rated player both are extremely difficult 2s, but they still feel bad to 4. Then hole 18, the 'true par 4' of the bunch, sits about 560ft and goes sharply uphill at the end. There is a marshy area on the left that can eat discs (though it does completely dry out into the summer and fall if there isn't much rain) and two trees in the middle about 370 out that eat up anything close to them. Not too dangerous and very getable if you position yourself in the right place but it still takes good execution to drop a 3, even with a long drive (unless you are throwing 500ft+). It is a great hole to end your round on.

2) Variety:
This course has a little bit of everything except a true bomber hole. Short must get holes of all shapes, check. Long and tight holes, check. Open holes, check. Moderately wooded holes, check. Heavily wooded holes, check. Up hill, downhill, flat, all check. 8 of the holes play out in the the open, 8 of the holes are in the woods but not super tight, and 2 holes play super tight in the woods. 7 holes favor RHBH, 5 holes favor LHBH, and 6 holes are a horse a piece. And while there isn't a ton of elevation on the property it's used amazingly. You can get by with just a backhand here due to it being (mostly) pretty short, but having a full bag of tricks will definitely help you out.

3) (Long) tees and benches:
All of the tees are concrete and grippy. The sizes of them vary, but their size is never an issue except on hole 14 where the dirt behind the tee has a tendency to erode and cover the back portion of the tee area. There are also benches on most holes. Some of them are very high quality, others are quite makeshift but if you find yourself in a backup you usually can find a place to sit that isn't on the ground.


1) Maintenance:
This is the biggest on here. The course isn't run down by any means, most of the time it's pretty average but vandalism and litter is a bit more of a problem than other courses in the city. It's certainly not bad, but you just see some weird stuff around this course from time to time. Examples; had some poop (I'd rather not think about of which variety) on top of a basket for a couple days a few months ago and a dead animal under a basket for about a week last month. The rough can get very rough and the grass in the savanna can get EXTREMELY long (like multiple feet tall) in between mowings but this year, at least, it hasn't been an issue. They did a bunch of clearing of underbrush in the woods last fall and the grass in the savanna hasn't gotten over about 6in all of this year so they seem to have gotten that under control. But, I'm still keeping it in the cons as it could get out of control again if they don't stay on top of it.

2) Routing:
The navigation isn't terrible here, most people would probably be fine without a map, but the way the holes interact is an issue at times. Baskets 3 and 18 are very close to each other, this isn't an issue while playing hole 3 but it is very easy to accidentally throw at 3s basket on your approach for 18 if you aren't familiar with the course. I've seen many many people do this. Holes 4 and 18 have overlapping landing zones so anyone on either hole can hold up another group teeing off on the other. ie; Group approaching to hole 4s basket will usually be in the middle of hole 18s fairway and vice versa. Baskets 4 and 17 are also kind of close to each other, but mixing up the baskets is much more difficult than 3 and 18. This one isn't much of a con, just figured I'd mention it while on the topic. Lastly, the path to walk from basket 17 to tee 18 implores you to walk directly through the middle of 5s fairway. It's not required per say, but everyone does it since there is a very well worn path to follow. One of these issues by themselves isn't all that bad, but all of them together can cause for some bigger than necessary backups on those few holes when the course gets busy.

3) (Short) tees:
For all intents and purposes they don't exist. They are 'technically' there and marked by large railroad ties set into the ground but almost all of them are overgrown or extremely rutted out on the side of slopes. I haven't counted (or even found all of them for that matter) but I'd say only 2 or 3 of them are in a condition to be played without breaking an ankle.

4) Tee signs:
Tee signs don't really exist. There are tee markers which are large wooden posts in the ground with hole number and (mostly inaccurate, but that's typical) distance. They do not have par or hole maps. They make it easy to find every tee, but that's about it.

Other Thoughts:

Overall this course is pretty good. Probably truly deserves a 3.25 rather than a 3, but there isn't quite enough for me to give it bump up to 3.5. With a little more distance around the course (but that's just the nature of the course being over 20 years old and bumping up on the edge of the park boundary on all sides so it's nothing to put into the cons section), better/more consistent maintenance, or an upgrade with high quality baskets and tee signs it would certainly get that bump up. It's not a course worth driving way out of your way for, but if you're in the city I'd recommend stopping by for a round for sure. It's starting to show its age with the short holes (and quite a few trees coming down in storms over the last couple years doesn't help) but the woods and the few longer holes keep it more than interesting enough to stay interesting and replayable.
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2 0
Experience: 18.7 years 16 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great experience for an out of towner 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2017 Played the course:once


Tee pads and baskets in great condition.
Great variety of long, short, open, tunnel, left, right.
Easy to navigate. I was a first timer and had no issues. Took a photo of the course map sign at the started, but even without it I think I would've done ok.
The part of the course in the forest had clearly defined fairways that gave you a true line to aim for.


Some knee high grass to deal with on a few holes, but with 4 of us we never lost a disc.
If anything this course was a little on the short side.

Other Thoughts:

I had a very positive experience at this course, would recommend. Living in Utah, courses like this are few and far between. I grew up right next door but never played disc golf until I moved away. Wish I had this caliber of course close to where I live now.
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1 6
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Needs lots of maintenance! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Variety of open and wooded.
Cement tee pads.


The open holes need to have the grass cut.
Down tree on 16 blocking off tee shot.
Lots of dead sticks and logs in the fairways.
Lots of trash and broken glass.

Other Thoughts:

This course just needs a lot of work.
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3 3
Experience: 8.6 years 17 played 11 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Cut the grass! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2017 Played the course:once


18 hole layout. Tees and Baskets in good shape. Layout makes sense and flows. A fair mix of challenging shots and ace runs.


When we played this course the part of the course "in the open" had nipple high grass with only a tiny walking path from the tee box to the baskets. we spent a bunch of time looking in the tick infested grass for our discs...we were very frustrated by that.
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3 1
Experience: 3 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful day for disc golf and exporing a great couse 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 8, 2016 Played the course:once


Conditions were prime. 0 wind.

This course has a good mix of technical wooded areas, and nice wide open lanes in some spots. The tee pads are concrete. Gotta love those Mach V baskets.
Challenging and beautiful course.


Trail maps were a little confusing at first. Some garbage throughout the course (pack it in pack it out, people! Or at least use the garbage cans!

Other Thoughts:

This is an instant favorite of mine and can't wait to return and play many more rounds.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.8 years 1176 played 760 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 8, 2015 Played the course:once


The course is set up in an area that is disc golf exclusive. The first 5 holes play in a mostly open section of the park along with the last 2 holes. The next 11 holes play through the wooded section of the park and are the real highlights of the course. Starts and ends near the parking lot which is always nice. There was a very nice large course map before hole 1 and there's a helpful map here on DGCR too. That being said the course was pretty easy to follow, good design. The course is free to play and in ground all year. There's a port o potty right by hole 1 as well. The baskets are Mach 5's that are all in pretty solid shape and caught just fine. The tees are concrete and were all level, grippy, and worked just fine. There's a good variation of shot types required here. Left , right and straight shots are all required to score well here. there's also a decent amount of distance variation throughout the course as well. The signs that are present were serviceable not great though. There's a number of benches sprinkled throughout the course which is always nice to see. There's also a small, pretty shallow pond by holes 8 and 9 I believe. It's easy to retrieve a disc that goes in along the edges, but gives you something to think about. I didn't even realize the pond was there when we teed off on 8, but it does show it on the tee sign so that's me bad there. Hole 9 throws over it for the first 30 to 40 feet and my wife landed in it. Luckily it wasn't deep and we got it back. Always nice to see water though.


The bugs can get bad but there's nothing they can do about that. Just be sure to bring bug spray and it's not an issue. There are a number of areas that would seem to flood or at least collect some standing water after heavy rains or in the early spring. Quite a bit of trash lying around the course which is unfortunate since it's otherwise a pretty scenic course. Seems like it could get pretty busy, though it surprisingly wasn't on an august afternoon.

Other Thoughts:

The cons considered, this was a really fun course to play. I'd recommend this course to anyone. I'd actually rate this more as a 3.75 but since that's not an option I opted to go with a 3.5. With a few upgrades this easily could be a 4. Very fun course that will be challenging for beginners and intermediate players alike. Advanced players shouldn't have too much of a problem scoring well here. Basically just a great course for all skill levels.
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2 8
Experience: 12.7 years 65 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Would be a good course in winter or spring. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 3, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


1. Good layout for some technical holes.
2. First few holes are well mowed and open.
3. Good mix of open and wooded holes.


1. Very high grass on hole 4 and beyond when I played.
2. Some holes are very hard to get a good shot. 5 foot opening between trees.
3. Can flood easily. (When I went, tee 3 was completely submerged in water and mud.)
4. Littered with garbage in the summer.
5. Smells like crap after a good rain. (Rotting fish stench.)
6. Easy to lose a disc in the FAIRWAY when not mowed.

Other Thoughts:

If not mowed, go play a close course. A nice course in all, but not taken care of well enough.
[Edit] This time I went the course was less muddy, and I've gotta say, it made the whole experience better.
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5 0
Experience: 15.9 years 92 played 21 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice Winter round. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 17, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


-Easy to find
-Had a great map, both onsite and online.
-Very easy to navigate even without the map. This was a very well laid out course.
-Great mix of holes. From short birdie-able ones to longer arm testing ones. Some open holes with efficient use of elevation. And my favorite, the better portion of this course was wooded and technical. Some fantastic holes here, making perfect use of the woods and hills, along with some great pin placements.
-Seemed well balanced, lefty-righty.
-Shoveled tees!! Of the 7 courses we played on this trip through MN this was one of only 2 that had tees shoveled. As someone who shovels the tees on my home course i really appreciate this! :)


Not much to put in the cons part for once. (can't complain about cold in the winter) The garbage I had read about in other reviews wasn't apparent. That might be due in part to the snow but there did seem to be to be a large number of well used garbage receptacles along the course.

Other Thoughts:

This review was based on 2 quick winter rounds. The second, only because the first was so fun despite the cold and wind. The wooded parts were nicely sheltered. I could see this being a great course to learn on, or improve the technical aspect of your game. I can definitely see all levels of skill enjoying this course. I will be back. I would love to see this course in summer!
**If you are looking for a nice winter disc golf fix this course is perfect!
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2 7
Experience: 13.2 years 24 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Solid free to play course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 28, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Wide variety of shots
Good signage
Easy to navigate


Mosquitos during the early part of the year
Still a few small stumps to trip over

Other Thoughts:

Good free to play course with good signage, definitely worth checking out and playing a few times
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3 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.5 years 106 played 48 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Mosquito Heaven 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2014 Played the course:once


- Many elevation changes
- Good variety of open and wooded holes
- High quality baskets and teepads
- Easy to navigate without a map


- The run of tight, technical holes can get frustrating
- Some of the signs were missing
- Standing water breeds mosquitoes! I basically had to bathe myself in DEET in between holes to keep from being carried away by them.

Other Thoughts:

I will never understand what compels a person of any age to add graffiti to a bench or tee sign. And why does it usually have to be explicit? You're better than that Minnesota. Sand it down or paint over it immediately to prevent giving these morons who give the sport a bad name the benefit of seeing their artwork a second time.
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6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 112 played 104 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Generous and Cruel 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 13, 2014 Played the course:once


Good variety on this course with lots of holes that will allow anyone to have a chance at birdies to the holes where you literally have to play a real golf shot and simply throw to a spot to give yourself an upshot. The course makes great use of the terrain of the park with lots of good elevation changes. The baskets were all in really good condition and tee pads were nice. Tee signs were good but not great. The course is set in a very nice park with amenities nearby as well as plenty of commercial establishments nearby. There is a very nice pavillion that sits right next to the first tee. The holes that are in the woods are exceptionally well designed in my opinion with the fairways being far and the rough being rough. Generally speaking it is rather easy to find where to go next on this course and a map really isn't needed.


There are a couple places, specifically around the baseball field where pedestrians may get in the way of a hole without realizing it. There were places on this course that had heaps of trash. This of course makes me think that the local crowd that plays this course is not typically your high level player or even serious player at a lower skill level. It was sad to see the lack of respect for this course in trash alone considering how good everything else is on this course. Far too many holes felt like gimmie holes where one is expected to get a birdie. When it rains there are a couple of places that get muddy and make simply walking down the fairway a bit tricky.

Other Thoughts:

This course was enjoyable for the most part but is one of those courses that you really feel like you should be shooting better than you are on it. There are simply too many holes that one would need to birdie on this course to shoot a respectable score. The setting for this course is very nice and the park itself feels like it is top notch, until you find the trash in various different locations. Then you literally feel like you are playing on a trash heap. Even with so many short holes that one needs to get there is still plenty of challenge on this course and the easy holes aren't too easy. It does make the course fun for a wider variety of skill levels. I am not sure why, but it really does keep coming back to how much trash I found on this course.
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6 1
Experience: 23.8 years 37 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Markers! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 20, 2013 Played the course:once


-Very clear markers, most of the baskets have large orange signs attached so they are very easy to see.

- Each basket also has an arrow marker for the next tee, although some ar ein disrepair.

-Very well kept and nicely mowed, there are trashcans throughout the course and little litter.

- Nice mix of holes, both wooded and open fairways

- tee signs are simple but sufficient.


- The course had a bit of standing water which almost submerged the tee of hole #2, and added extra danger to hole 18, although it seems as they may dry up.

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed this course, it had a very nice variety of holes that vary in many respects including, length, obstacles, and elevation. I was very pleased with how they used the park to lay out the park, although hole two comes dangerously close to unplayable during rainy weeks.

The course was easily navigable as well, we spent very little time trying to find the next hole. I will play again, and am anxious to see how it plays in dryer months.
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7 0
Experience: 17.7 years 55 played 31 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 26, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Great course with a great mix of holes and shots. There are several holes out in the open and several that will test your accuracy and technical shots in the woods. There are a variety of lines that can be taken on the holes out in the open, but it is also important to avoid the trees in order to have a low score. Water also comes into play on holes 8 and 18, although they were quite dry this past summer from the lack of rain, but it is something to watch out for when you're playing there. I really like the layout of this course in the way that the holes at the beginning and the holes at the end of the course are in the open, while the holes in the middle (6-13) of the course lay in the woods. Every hole in the woods has quite narrow fairways to hit and requires you to have some accurate shots. There are also several pin location that are tucked back in the woods on the more open holes, like holes 5 and 14. There is also some quality elevation change, which makes the course more interesting. Considering that it is not pay to play, the tee pads, signs, and baskets are in good shape as well.


If you have not played it before, it can be slightly tough to navigate. Several holes in the woods could also use some brush cleanup and benches. Many of the lanes are very tight, which is fine, but if you miss the fairway, the rough/brush gets quite thick and difficult to deal with. Some wood chips around the baskets to knock down the dust would also be a great improvement.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this course is awesome and provides an excellent variety of holes and pin locations. The shots in the open really allow you to rip some shots, while the holes in the woods are much more technical. The holes in the woods are challenging, but fair and really test your accuracy, which is great. The course reminds me of a shorter version of C.P. Adams, but requires some more technical shots and more accuracy while playing in the woods. If this course was pay to play in order to improve the conditioning and maintenance of the course, I would definitely rate it a 4.0 or 4.5.
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2 3
Experience: 19.8 years 27 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Needs Some Love 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 23, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Free-to-play 18-hole course with cement tees, close to the twin cities. Excellent variation in hole style, including elevation change/flat , open/wooded, long/short, rhfh/rhbh, shots.


This course needs some attending to as previously mentioned. Can be very crowded, and pace of play is generally slower.

Other Thoughts:

An above average course. A must play in the twin cities area. I think someone needs to coordinate a twin cities area bi-annual ace-pool tournament that cleans up the courses you play as most of your entry fee...
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.5 years 571 played 284 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun for everyone? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2012 Played the course:once


- Course is set in a large park that has lots of woods available to disc golf. There is a baseball field by a few holes, and a pavilion at the start, but there shouldn't be much interference with the discing.
- The first and last holes of the course are in a more open area, with larger mature trees and a decent sized hillside. #1, for instance, is a decent downhill shot with trees on the right size, #3 is a big hyzer up the hill/over the trees, #4 is a very long, gently downhill bomber with a huge tree to go around, and #18 is the longest hole that finishes uphill amongst larger trees. These holes allow for a variety of lines, but it is still important to miss the big trees.
- A couple more holes play from the open area to the woods, with well protected baskets behind gaps in the treeline. #5 is a straight shot, slightly uphill, where it is important to stay in line between the basket and the teepad to get a decent putt. #14 is wide open to a RHBH hyzer, but the basket is almost blind behind a thick patch of woods/forest. Both are generous off the tee, but tricky near the pin.
- The rest of the holes are set in the woods, with ample fairways carved out of the tall trees. There are some shorter ones, like a downhill RHBH hyzer on #6 and #9, an uphill flick shot on #10, and a tricky uphill shot under or over a horizontal branch on #15. Also a few tricky medium length ones; #7 is a wooded RHFH shot that has a nasty pool of water on the right side or the fairway, and in front of the pin. #12 is a slight uphill shot through a skinny gap on top of a hump, one of the tighter holes on the course.
- Lastly, there are many holes that are much longer, with wider fairways that allow for more ambitious shots off the tee. #8 is a straight valley shot over a swamp, with trees blocking the approach to the pin, that checks in at 435'. #11 is an uphill valley shot, that hooks right and ends up a little downhill by some trees, 360' from the longs. #13 is a cool elevated shot, through a gap and straight downhill, at 390'. #16 is another elevated/slightly humped teepad that shoots downhill, with a valley sloping down on the right to watch out for.
- There are definitely hazardous spots here, to make up for some generous lines. Water is in play on #7 and #8, for sure, and it can definitely get swampy to the left of #18. Map shows another low/wet spot by #10 and #11, which I didn't notice, but it's something to look out for.
- Teepads are great, and grippy even when wet. Baskets in good shape, signs are nice but a few are missing. Map can be helpful, like after #7 and #11.


- Layout is a little odd at some parts; #18's basket can easily be mistaken for #3's basket, you have to backtrack a little to get to #8's teepad, which is in danger of stray hyzers from #7. Nothing too major.
- Terrain is pretty uniform from start to finish, there are the holes out of the woods, and the holes in the woods, which all look pretty similar. Not much of a con, but the holes can blend together a little bit.

Other Thoughts:

- Well, I must say, I really liked this course. Fun factor for me was very high, especially with the wooded holes. The lines are fair, but still tough, some fun downhill shots in and out of the woods, a good mix of open and forested shots, and a variety of lines. A few places make you choose whether to lay up or go for the glory, due to hazards or landing zones on the longer holes. I would recommend this place to almost everyone, even though some spots might be too tough for beginners.
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5 1
Experience: 16.8 years 61 played 34 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 14, 2012 Played the course:once


Great tee pads and signage. Very easy to navigate, even for a new-comer. This course plays short, long and technical. Scenic course with protential difficulty. Traditional 'Hit the gap or Pay the price' type of course. Good elevation and great pin placement.


Some holes seemed a bit short. . The picnic table area (just right of Hole 1's teepad) could use a Disc Golf Map area or at least a Welcome Sign...Not alot to complain about this one

Other Thoughts:

For this course to be still considered a 'City course' it felt more much more rural in a good way! I love the fact that you start with 4 restrictive clear path Holes and then hit 12 holes of wooded dog legs and gap shots. And on top of that you finish the round with 2 open 'Bomber' shots!......Very well layed out course that finsihes where you start (which is always a plus). If you are just East of the Mississippi in the Twin Cities area, it is worth a stop!
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2 5
Experience: 19 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Awesome. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 27, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Combination of short and long holes.
Half are open, half are in the woods.
Good for beginners and experts.
One of the most fun courses to play.


Sometimes the grass gets long, areas flood, and gets buggy and muggy.

Other Thoughts:

This is one of my favorite courses and is definitely worth going to even if it is a drive to get to.
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2 5
Experience: 13.9 years 21 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 22, 2012 Played the course:once


Easy hole locations and also easy for a first timer to navigate. Has a nice mixture of short and open holes and also long wooded holes.


Fairways are almost right on top of each other beware fo flying discs. Rough paths on the sides of hills.
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5 1
Grape Drank
Experience: 14.5 years 8 played 5 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 4, 2012 Played the course:once


- Nice variety of shots
- Good mix of distance
- Varied terrain
- Low non-disc traffic
- Signs
- Cement Tees
- Wood chips around baskets


- Garbage everywhere
- Vandalism
- Equipment is aging

Other Thoughts:

This is an awesome 18 hole course. There is a good mix of open, lightly wooded, and densely wooded holes. There is even water in play on a few holes. There is a good range of distances too, hole 18 is over 600 feet. One feature that looked newer was the wood chips. There was a ton of mulch spread around, which really caught the discs very nicely. There were a lot of other folks playing but the course design was good enough that there was no back-ups.

You can easily tell this is an old course though. There is garbage everywhere and the baskets are worn out. Some chains are broken and one was even cut off and is much shorter than the rest. Nevertheless still an awesome course to play.
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