I tried to design a course that is difficult but fun. Most advanced players will be over par so you need to get your birdies when you can. There are different types of shots needed, back hands, forehands, big hyzers, straight shots, rollers and overhands. The front nine are mostly right hand back hand and the back nine is mostly right hand forehand. Beautiful park, camp store has disc and ice cream!
It is a newer course which means we are still working on it. The rough is rough, the woods are woodsy, they are tight. It is truly a work in progress. There is still loose brush and down limbs that need picked up. I have a guy working on tee signs and another guy working on scorecards and arrows pointing to the next tee. The rest of the tee pads will be in by the Spring of 2012. We still need tee signs, trash cans, some tee pads, a message board, alternate pins and maybe, just maybe short tee pads.
Other Thoughts:
Again, I wanted to make the course as tough as possible, so remember if you are over par, most everyone is too. I wanted to make it as difficult as I could with the land that was available. There is work still being done and it is looking better all the time. Please do not litter.