Rotary Park is part of a disc golf course mecca ( Indian Rock DGC sits next to it ) with 2 18 hole courses that both start towards the back of the park and mere steps from each other . Rotary has 2 medium sized tee pads , both concrete and Solid Machs for baskets that catch well . There are multiple pin placements per hole . The signage is okay , giving hole # and distance to each pin with hole sponsors , but some are fading a little . The park and course are both well maintained . The navigation seemed okay . The online map was small and showed both courses on it , but I never had to use it , as I played with one of the local enthusiasts ( Hi , Chris ) . Even though the park has many activities going on , this course sits away from the other park users , and the only contact you may have is improbably having your disc hitting a car on either holes 17 or 18 . The course starts from the disc golf parking lot , uphill into a grove of trees . The course plays technical , in and out of woods the whole way , but still giving you that " park " feel . Elevation ? This is what you call a typical West Virginia course . Course design is very good and uses the hills to its advantage with basket placement . Since the course has multiple pins , they can use the tougher pin positions in the summer/fall , then dial it back to the more manageable pin setting for the winter/spring . They put white plastic piping on the pin base not in use so ,A. you know not to throw that way , and B. You don't trip over it . ( A great idea ) The course could be negotiated solo in a little over an hour solo , if you know where you are going . Maybe allow for a little over 2 hours for a foursome . When I was there on a late Sunday afternoon , this course was packed with players . Definitely a crowd favorite . Having 2 courses on this large park would put it over the top , but unfortunately , Indian Rock is never played , according to the locals , and is not being kept up . Still , Rotary can accommodate everyone , from the casual to the pro . Plenty of variety on this course , and the fun factor is abundant . I don't like holes that play on the slopes of hills , but I really like this course . #1 starts you off with this , a 201' technical drive around trees to a sloping right to left green . Some fairways tighten up , while some open up . I like what this course throws at you . , like #6 , a drive between right and left trees to a basket that has a steep hill directly behind it , then going directly to #7 a very tight downhill run . The course opens up for good at the 16th hole and gives you an island hole at 17 , a downhill midrange toss to a basket with sidewalks on the front and sides and the park road behind it . #18 is a nice 366' right to left finishing hole that wraps around a brush line to the basket , which green falls off to the right of it after about 10' . Signature hole : #10 687' from the longs and 354' from the shorts . The fairway moves you gradually left to right and the pin position it was in when I was there sits uphill on the right tucked into some woods .
#1 Navigation . The map will help , and if you are playing in the evenings or weekends , all of the locals are friendly and will help guide you , but if not , there are a few places that will confuse . #2 The elevation/weather . This course is not cart friendly and the elevation can be extreme in places . After a constant or hard rain , this course would be really tough to play . Use good judgement , not only for your safety , but that digging into the hills and pushing the ground mud downwards will enhance erosion , which is already a problem here .#3 Disc Risk . This is pretty high here . Even though local player Chris plays this course a lot and has only lost 1 disc in the last year , there are a lot of ways to lose one . The rough here is dense in areas , and rollaways on the downhill and side slopes on this course can take your disc 100' from where it hit . #4 amenities . Bathrooms are in the lower section of the park , saw little in the way of trash cans , so carry out what you carry in . Course signs : More NEXT TEE or arrow signs could be added , along with updating the hole by hole signs , since many are worn . Bring bug spray on warm/hot days . They can be bad in the woods section .
Other Thoughts:
Rotary Park is proof that older , more established courses (ca. 1994 ) can be fun AND challenging . Multiple pin positions , 2 tee pads , length , woods , variety , fun factor . It's all here . Add that to a meaner tougher course right next to it , providing they can make it playable again , and you can have a whole day of great disc golf . I came her a little skeptical of Rotary , and came away a believer . A course full of locals can't be wrong . Just a thought , but you may want to bring a beverage of choice , or a sandwich and sit at the picnic table next to the parking lot and admire the view of the hillsides . My Recommendation : This is a course suited for everyone beyond one disc newbies . just a little under Destination Status but just off of I-64 , PLAY IT !!!!