Huntington, WV

Rotary Park

3.85(based on 35 reviews)
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.8 years 1176 played 760 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2022 Played the course:once


Rotary Park DGC is one of two courses in the park, Indian Rock being the other. Rotary is actually 19 holes, but the last hole is just kind of an add on to get you back to the parking lot. The course is a mix of open, park style and nice tight wooded holes akin to Indian Rock.

The elevation is used tremendously here. There are only a handful of flat holes here, or I should say very minor elevation change.

There are two concrete tee pads on every hole. These are of a decent size and have excellent gripiness to them. The majority of the long pads are just placed further back from the shorts, but a few were moved off to one side or the other a bit to change the shot shape.

The baskets here are Discatchers. Not the newest ones by any means but they were all mounted level and still caught great. That's one of the nice things about Discatchers, they age very gracefully. There were at least 2 pin positions on every hole, with many of them having 3 it seemed.

The flow of the course is generally pretty easy to follow. Not to many long walks in between holes either. A few but nothing major. If you use the Udisc map you'll have zero issues.

The course design is top notch. They used the available area to make a consistantly challenging and engaging course. There is no point in the round where it starts to feel stale or repetitive. You'll need to have a full arsenal of shots to be successful here. Or at least manipulate your angles really well. There's left, right and straight shots combined with many uphill and downhill shots.

The course is permanent and free to play. There were a few benches throughout the course too, which was greatly appreciated. The course was pretty clean and the park is pretty with some nice views on the main ridge the course plays along.


Just like Indian Rock, the tee signs should be the top priorty for an upgrade. These were more legible, but didn't provide too much info.

The chance to lose a disc here is very possible, again, less so than the other course but if you end up off the fairway the chance is definitely there.

This course has been around for almost 30 years and it's age is starting to show. Most noticeably with the erosion issues. The tee pads are just kind of floating up in the air in numerous spots.

There are no restrooms anywhere on the course or even by the parking lot. You'd like to see at least one porta potty at the lot. Not the biggest deal for us guys, but my wife would've appreciated one.

Other Thoughts:

This was a really fun course. Having another full course onsite is just icing on the cake. These are 2 of the top ten rated courses in West Virginia and for good reason. Huntington has some solid disc golf options. I'd recommend this course if you're in the area or even just passing through.
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9 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 82 played 40 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Longs are... Long! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


Design: 5
Beauty: 4
Amenities: 3
Tees: 2
Replayability: 4

Personal Rating of 3.6
DGCR rating prior to this review of 3.82
I will round down to a 3.5

Design: This course was designed by our very own World Champion Johnny Sias. The style is an extreme version of a park course that overlooks the "city". Elevations are considerable, as is almost every course in the region. Bring your Billy goat legs. We played the Cabell County Classic, from long tees to all of the longest positions. Hole 10 was almost 1000 feet. Great use of "natural" OB. My personal favorites are Hole 2 and Hole 17.

Beauty: I rated this a 4, mostly because of the views. The park is fairly well taken care of. Not much trash, other than a few hobo camp sites (ok I only saw one this time). A hurricane or something came through recently and there are huge trees down everywhere.

Amenities: Tee signs are old, but there. They provide distance and OB rules. Tables and trashcans near hole 1. Many of the holes have benches of some sort. Some form of stairs here and there. Overall, would recommend a big kiosk with huge course map for both courses, updated tee signs, next tee signage, and redo the stairs where needed.

Tees: Every hole has 2 tees. It is fairly obvious that the shorts get played WAY more often. There is a step off on almost every tee area, and it is easy to see how people roll or break their ankles here. Most of these tees went in over 20 years ago. Compaction and runoff has really done a toll on these tees. Overall, this is the number 1 thing that needs addressed on the course... mostly from a safety concern.

Replayability: Even though this course destroyed me from Long tee Long pin (I shot a 69), I definitely want to play this course and layout again. This has to be the most difficult track in the region (although I havent played Johnny's). ARMCO Blue Blue is somewhere in the talks... and I believe Black Bear is also, but both for second place.


See Above, I like to blend the good with the bad.

Other Thoughts:

Having 2 very good courses at the same complex, and the ARMCO complex right down the road... I really believe that the TriState is become travel worthy for the disc golf scene. Update/level the teepad areas for safety, add more signage, add a Kiosk. This course would rate in the low 4s possibly even 4.5 if done right. Thanks Andy and the local Crew for continuing to keep this place in shape!
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12 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 42 played 38 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Rotary Park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 13, 2020 Played the course:once


Nice scenery
Mix of wooded and open, elevated and flat
Very friendly locals
Decent signage


Other activities near the course
Not the park's fault, but don't trust Google to get you to the right location.

Other Thoughts:

This is a course set in a city park that's set into some of the hilliest area in the city. As a result, most of the course has elevation in play, although they did manage to find some spots for mostly flat throws. Some of the course goes through trees, and a bit more than half somewhat open--most of the open holes throw near or along tree lines. In many courses, this gives a certain sameness to the holes, but that's not as much of a problem here because the designers used the various elevation changes in unique and interesting ways.

I've only been to the course once, and it was on an overly hot and muggy weekday evening. Despite those issues, the course had a lot of people playing on it. Everyone I met was friendly, but if my experience is typical, expect the occasional wait to play, or to be letting other groups play through, depending on your speed.

It is definitely a course worth going a bit out of your way to get to.
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13 0
The Last DJ
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 345 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A West Virginia Original 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 26, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


+ Course Design by 4X World Champion Johnny Sias: The layout flows well and uses elevation as a key feature on several holes. There is a nice mix of open and wooded holes here.

+ 19 Holes with Long & Short Concrete Tees: Shorts provide many birdie opportunities while still being a challenge. Longs add plenty of distance and difficulty for more advanced players. The 19th hole acts as a practice basket close to the main parking area at the top of the park.

+ Signs: Signage is in place on every tee and provides distances to the pins. Most holes are easy to find and baskets are visible from the tee box so it's unlikely you'll get lost playing this course even without a map.

+ Alternate Pins: There are multiple pins on every hole which adds some variety for locals that play the course regularly.

+ Location: This course is located in Huntington which is one of West Virginia's bigger cities. Being a college town and sharing a home with Marshall University (Go Herd!) there are lots of options for shopping, food, lodging, and entertainment for traveling players.

+ Proximity to Other Courses: Rotary Park also is home to Indian Rock which is a tight and technical woods course on the same property. Playing both in the same day is very doable but know that Indian Rock is more of a challenge than Rotary. There are several other nice layouts within 30 minutes including Valley Park, Barboursville Park, Armco Park, and a pair of private courses in Lavalette.

+ Van Man Discs Pro Shop: Van Man is a local legend that has set up a pro shop close to the course and sells about everything you'd need for a round of disc golf. The owner volunteers his time to maintain courses, run events, and introduce kids to the game. Be sure to support him if you get the chance. The address is 102 Linden Circle and is only minutes from the park. A lost & found bin is located inside the shop.

+ Extra Features: This park also has baseball fields, playgrounds, hiking trails, basketball courts, and shelters for public use. Several well-placed benches are in place and provide a spot to rest in between holes.


- Trash: Some areas are known to collect refuse despite the receptacles placed throughout the park.

- No rest rooms or water are available unless you walk down to the playgrounds & ball fields beyond the #8 basket.

- Poison Ivy: Be on the lookout for the green stuff if you are allergic. You could find some if your disc goes too far in the rough.

- Losing Discs: There is a potential to lose some plastic on a few holes. There are no water hazards but an errant shot may cost you as the rough can be very thick if you miss a fairway. I would highly recommend a spotter on hole #14 which is a blind dogleg left with heavy woods and a sloping fairway.

Other Thoughts:

Rotary Park was one of the first courses installed in West Virginia and it shows its age. The wooded holes have been worn in so that you'll have to play some skip shots and track any roll-aways that might happen. The locals work with park staff to take care of the course so it always seems to be in good shape.

The locals typically play doubles on Wednesday evenings. The last time I attended the club hosted a random-draw format that started at 5:30 and it was $5 to play. I'm no longer a local and would confirm with club members to ensure these details are correct should you want to attend.

This was the first course I ever played as it was the only layout close by when I got started over a decade ago. Since then I've played Rotary Park hundreds of times and still enjoy it today. I would highly recommend giving it a try if you are in the area.

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5 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.9 years 764 played 387 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Rotary Park , A Crowd Favorite 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2019 Played the course:once


Rotary Park is part of a disc golf course mecca ( Indian Rock DGC sits next to it ) with 2 18 hole courses that both start towards the back of the park and mere steps from each other . Rotary has 2 medium sized tee pads , both concrete and Solid Machs for baskets that catch well . There are multiple pin placements per hole . The signage is okay , giving hole # and distance to each pin with hole sponsors , but some are fading a little . The park and course are both well maintained . The navigation seemed okay . The online map was small and showed both courses on it , but I never had to use it , as I played with one of the local enthusiasts ( Hi , Chris ) . Even though the park has many activities going on , this course sits away from the other park users , and the only contact you may have is improbably having your disc hitting a car on either holes 17 or 18 . The course starts from the disc golf parking lot , uphill into a grove of trees . The course plays technical , in and out of woods the whole way , but still giving you that " park " feel . Elevation ? This is what you call a typical West Virginia course . Course design is very good and uses the hills to its advantage with basket placement . Since the course has multiple pins , they can use the tougher pin positions in the summer/fall , then dial it back to the more manageable pin setting for the winter/spring . They put white plastic piping on the pin base not in use so ,A. you know not to throw that way , and B. You don't trip over it . ( A great idea ) The course could be negotiated solo in a little over an hour solo , if you know where you are going . Maybe allow for a little over 2 hours for a foursome . When I was there on a late Sunday afternoon , this course was packed with players . Definitely a crowd favorite . Having 2 courses on this large park would put it over the top , but unfortunately , Indian Rock is never played , according to the locals , and is not being kept up . Still , Rotary can accommodate everyone , from the casual to the pro . Plenty of variety on this course , and the fun factor is abundant . I don't like holes that play on the slopes of hills , but I really like this course . #1 starts you off with this , a 201' technical drive around trees to a sloping right to left green . Some fairways tighten up , while some open up . I like what this course throws at you . , like #6 , a drive between right and left trees to a basket that has a steep hill directly behind it , then going directly to #7 a very tight downhill run . The course opens up for good at the 16th hole and gives you an island hole at 17 , a downhill midrange toss to a basket with sidewalks on the front and sides and the park road behind it . #18 is a nice 366' right to left finishing hole that wraps around a brush line to the basket , which green falls off to the right of it after about 10' . Signature hole : #10 687' from the longs and 354' from the shorts . The fairway moves you gradually left to right and the pin position it was in when I was there sits uphill on the right tucked into some woods .


#1 Navigation . The map will help , and if you are playing in the evenings or weekends , all of the locals are friendly and will help guide you , but if not , there are a few places that will confuse . #2 The elevation/weather . This course is not cart friendly and the elevation can be extreme in places . After a constant or hard rain , this course would be really tough to play . Use good judgement , not only for your safety , but that digging into the hills and pushing the ground mud downwards will enhance erosion , which is already a problem here .#3 Disc Risk . This is pretty high here . Even though local player Chris plays this course a lot and has only lost 1 disc in the last year , there are a lot of ways to lose one . The rough here is dense in areas , and rollaways on the downhill and side slopes on this course can take your disc 100' from where it hit . #4 amenities . Bathrooms are in the lower section of the park , saw little in the way of trash cans , so carry out what you carry in . Course signs : More NEXT TEE or arrow signs could be added , along with updating the hole by hole signs , since many are worn . Bring bug spray on warm/hot days . They can be bad in the woods section .

Other Thoughts:

Rotary Park is proof that older , more established courses (ca. 1994 ) can be fun AND challenging . Multiple pin positions , 2 tee pads , length , woods , variety , fun factor . It's all here . Add that to a meaner tougher course right next to it , providing they can make it playable again , and you can have a whole day of great disc golf . I came her a little skeptical of Rotary , and came away a believer . A course full of locals can't be wrong . Just a thought , but you may want to bring a beverage of choice , or a sandwich and sit at the picnic table next to the parking lot and admire the view of the hillsides . My Recommendation : This is a course suited for everyone beyond one disc newbies . just a little under Destination Status but just off of I-64 , PLAY IT !!!!
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1 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.7 years 79 played 37 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Home Sweet Home 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 13, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Great mix of long and short throws as well as open and wooded.
Good amount of up and down hill. You'll get good exercise; that's a pro, not a con!
Parking available.
It's always well taken care of by the parks department.


I've played a lot, so i know the course well. I can see where some additional signage would help lead to the next holes in some spots for first timers.

Other Thoughts:

Always good to come back and play here.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.5 years 401 played 386 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Billy Goat Mild(er) 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 20, 2017 Played the course:once


You want to play some elevation, do you? Well, there are two courses on site here, with Indian Rock being the brutal, newer, billy goat endurance test, and this established course (Rotary), being its only slightly less challenging brother. Almost every hole will test your skill at judging how disc flight responds to hills, and about two thirds of the holes will also require technical precision.

The course boasts two decently sized, concrete tees and three basket positions on every hole, and they bought high quality DGA baskets that are holding up well with the course's age. I like that they leave white pvc visible in the other sleeve positions so you can see how the course might play, even if you're only in from out of town. Many of the 'greens' have dastardly rollaway potential. We played from the short tees because this was our third stop for the day, and old heavyset legs can turn to jelly with these West Virginia hill climbs, so we knew throwing the longs would be a struggle. Most of the long tees extend the use of elevation: if it's a downhill hole, it'll be more so from the longs; if it's a short, blind shot up to the top of the ridge, you bet that long tee will give you a bigger challenge. Hole 10 is a fairly open one, but the long tee doubles the length to a monster of almost 700 feet. We really enjoyed the short tees to a lot of B pin positions on a springtime warm President's Day.

Rotary is not a beginner course, but might still produce a lot of 'under par' scores by Open level players. It's well suited for Intermediate to Advanced skill sets, with shots that shape in both directions, and with open meadows (3, 8 through 10) to tight woods (2, 7, for instance), to hillside risk-reward holes (1, 11 through 15). There are usually great opportunities to use hillside edges or OB roadways to force control for tournaments. There's even a really cool pin position in an island on hole 17 (a very pretty glide down the hill with purgatory if you go too long and over the road!).

Over the years they've put a ton of effort building the infrastructure of this course, including landscaping the tee areas level, usually with mulched surrounds, benches, and all the nicer amenities.


The only downside to the course is that a lot of the landscaping is aging, such that rebar that used to hold in a landscape timber might now just be standing up where you're trying to get up and down the hill safely. Other places, especially in the wooded holes, have worn in so much that the 'path' is now also the mud run off the slope, and when covered in dead leaves, gets exceedingly slippery when wet. Some of the older park stairways, even though concrete, are really getting old. The simple metal plate signage is well past due for an upgrade.

Not so much a con as a warning: for those who are used to relatively flat courses, or worry about your knees or ability to traverse wooded slopes of 45 degrees, you need to be aware of what you're going to be facing in Huntington. We had considered hitting Indian Rock as a fourth stop for the day, but enjoyed Rotary Park, and saved its rougher brother for another trip.

Other Thoughts:

You can tell on only one visit that this is a much beloved and much played course. With another generation of volunteers willing to upgrade some of the infrastructure, I could easily see it being a solid 4.0 rated course again! For road trippers, The area here from Huntington, WV to Ashland, KY has at least a half dozen courses now that are worth a trip, and Rotary was one of the first.

Reviewer Background as of this writing: flirting with Intermediate skill levels and grandmaster age, I've now had the pleasure of being able to review 273 courses. Thanks to all who build 'em!
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1 1
Experience: 25.7 years 19 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A Good, Challenging Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


This was the course that my friends and I grew up on. There is nothing I would call an "easy" hole, except maybe one placement of one hole. If you like tunnel shots, this is the place for you! All-in-all, this is an outstanding championship-worthy disc golf course.


I wouldn't recommend most of this course for beginners. Stick to holes 8-10 and 16-19 if you are just starting out, then work your way into the woods.
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10 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.7 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Challenging Course Makes For A Nice Pit Stop. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 14, 2016 Played the course:once


With two courses to pick from here in the hills of West Virginia, players have choices to make. Supposedly, Rotary Park is a little less challenging than it's neighbor course, Indian Rock. The area here is typical West Virginia rugged and extremely hilly.

Rotary Park has nice concrete tee pads, older baskets and sub standard tee signs. They are very simple little metal signs with stick on tee signs over the metal. As you can expect, these stick-on signs don't last long in the weather or with the vandals.

There are lots of fun, challenging holes here. # 5 has a lovely, engineered tee pad and then the basket sits on a sloping hillside. # 6 is a pretty hole, 279' and from a raised tee pad. The course finishes with two fun downhill holes. # 18 is 300 plus feet down to a basket near some trees. And then the finishing hole, # 19, is 300' feet to a basket. There is one tree in your route that is a mando left. My drive managed to go through the very narrow Y of had tree branches.

Perhaps the biggest challenge here are the sloping fairways and treacherous basket placements. There are serious rollaway possibilities here. It can really mess with your mind when putting or on your approaches.


The signs could use some work. They're small, simple and a little difficult to read at times.

Some tee pads were a little shorter than I would have liked.

There are some erosion problems in a few places. Hiking this hilly course is quite a workout.

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice, challenging course for even intermediate/advanced players but a total recreational duffer like myself, can play and enjoy it. There are lots of holes on treacherous hillsides. After all the hilly trekking, the last thing you need or want is a carom 60' down a steep hillside.

Solid course which is compatible with the game of many players. Try it! You'll see.
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4 0
Experience: 4 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Review of Rotary Park DGC 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Good mix of elevation, basket placements, length of fairways, park location, terrains, and beautiful scenery.


Park entrance lists restrooms and water as being located in park but you will not pass any on way to parking at the course or on the course.
Meaning bring liquids and use bathroom beforehand.
Would like to see better directions to next tee pads and most baskets are somewhat hard to find.
Terrain is extremely varied but for someone who cannot traverse this type of terrain you can skip these baskets and cherry pick easier holes.

Other Thoughts:

Rotary Park Disc Golf Course is a nice outing for anyone wishing to enjoy a round of disc golf or a fine days outing. Centrally located to a major thoroughfare and many businesses Rotary Park is beautifully perched atop the city. The park provides a getaway of nature scenery not seen in the city of green hills, trees, and especially in the fall and winter, wonderful long views of mountainous terrain West Virginia is so known to provide.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.9 years 805 played 125 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Championship course that needs some TLC 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2015 Played the course:once


Excellent design.
Great mix of length, elevation, open/wooded holes.
Tons of risk/reward.
Plenty of roll away putt opportunities with basket placements.


Tee signs don't show anything but hole # and distance.
Most of the wooded holes are goat paths.
Storm damage hasn't been cleaned up for a while. Massive fallen tree on one of the holes covers the whole fairway.

Other Thoughts:

I think it was hole 5 that was a massive shot slightly downhill with road OB to the right and basket on side of steep hill. I threw several drives cause it was so fun. A couple of shots hit the hill by the basket and rolled downhill, across the road. While retrieving my discs, I realized across the road is also a steep drop off in the woods and found 2 other discs along with mine. This hole must be a disc eater!

With some TLC, this course could easily equal Mt. Airy in Cincinnati.
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8 1
Derek B
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 411 played 47 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Hike and shoot 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 2, 2015 Played the course:once


1) Concrete tees
2) Beautiful property
3) Course design
4) Elevation changes


1) Tee signs

Other Thoughts:

Scenery: 4/5
Difficulty v Fun factor (5/5 is best mix): 4/5
Tees: 4/5
Signage: 2.5/5
Navigation: 3/5
Course design: 4.5/5
Total/Average: 3.7/5

I played this course for the first time at the Tri-State Open. I played it from the long tees, so my review is only reflective of the longs.

This is a championship-level course that is located in the rolling hills of West Virginia. It is set on beautiful property, with a nice mix of open bomber-style holes and tight, wooded holes. I don't really have a whole lot of negative things to say about it. It's got it all and will test every shot you have. One thing of note: there are quite a few target locations that allow for roll-away putts/mid-range shots, so be aware of this when you try to go for that 40' putt when there's an 80' drop off right behind the target. This feature of the course racked my score up more than any other feature of the course.

My biggest complaint on the course are the tee signs. They are small and are plain. Some of them are damaged and you can't read them. Some of them don't seem to match up with the real distances of the holes.

I can't really comment on navigation because I played with a local and just followed him around from hole to hole. I could see it maybe being a bit confusing, so I would err on the side of caution and bring a map.

My total average for this course is a 3.7, but I'm rounding up to 4/5. I highly recommend this course from the longs if you are looking for some serious challenge and some serious fun. You better bring your A game. Unfortunately, I brought my C game. :( lol
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8 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.5 years 335 played 198 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Rotary Ate My Shorts! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 22, 2014 Played the course:once


19 holes with dual concrete tees, dual pin positions with Mach III baskets. Decent signage and navigation. Fantastic elevation changes throughout the course providing a great fun factor and watching your discs soar. I don't know if the sand trap/pit on hole 10 was intentional, but I liked that feature. Excellent variety of shots, you got some well defined tight wooded lines and wide open bombs and some in-between. Second course on site.


Tee signs showing some wear. Some poison ivy on the edges of the rough. Downed trees and trash in places. Plays close to walking path and park users. Only one loop of 18 holes back to parking lot. No bathroom or water. Hole 19 A basket position is ripe for crazy roll aways. I threw my putter on 19 and landed right next the basket, I turned around to pick up my bag, and I see my disc rolling down across the road and down toward hole 1 of Indian Rock another 60'. This area is steep! It's so steep I ripped my shorts trying to rock wall climb back up it after finding my putter.

Other Thoughts:

Despite losing my shorts on hole 19 I had a blast playing the Rotary Park disc golf course! I really liked the variety of wooded vs open holes, awesome elevation changes, and basket positions. I highly recommend anyone within the vicinity to play this course!
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3 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Great course for all skill levels 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Well kept course
Great mix of open fields and wooded holes
Multiple pin locations
Good use of the land makes for fun and memorable holes
The scenery is extremely beautiful


The wooded holes can be a bit of a trudge around the end

Although most wooded areas near holes are easily accessible, you are so close that losing discs can be quite easy. Especially for beginners.
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4 4
Ed Cordle
Experience: 12.7 years 15 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good Variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 13, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Good change of pace from wide open fairways to tight woods and elevation changes. Concrete tee pads, Usually not very crowded. Two tee pads available for most holes.


Gets really muddy after heavy rains,

Other Thoughts:

I've lived in this area all my life but just started playing DG in the last year. Really good use for this park and a great way to spend an afternoon!
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1 4
Disc Golf Dave
Experience: 41 years 13 played 13 reviews
4.50 star(s)

I Love to Play in the Clouds 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2012 Played the course:once


Am I in heaven or what. The views are quite an inspiration. The day I played I was literally in the clouds. Many of these holes are truly unique. It has the feeling of a great course. Many holes let you rip it good and let it fly. I love this kind of course, and this one is extra special. The elevation changes are just enough to make some perfect holes, sometimes subtle and almost always memory making.

Other Thoughts:

The Huntington-Ashland area is a great area for disc golf. I love this place.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 201 played 147 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Worth a stop 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2012 Played the course:once


18 holes built around the top of a hill in a city park. Baskets were all in good shape and there were concrete tee pads for each hole. Most holes had 2 tee locations for additional variety or difficulty.

The wooded holes on this course are designed well, and a pleasure to play. Nice tight, technical lines. There is also nice use of the elevation and hillsides. Instead of simply going up and down repeatedly, Indian Rock has several holes, 13-15, that play along the hillside. It add some risk to drives, and makes landing your drive or approach flat important. It was a nice change from many courses.

Variety could be considered a pro as there are also wide open shots in fields to balance out the technical wooded holes.


Signs at tee pads are pretty basic. They do not show any layout for the holes or basket positions. Not a huge issue except on a couple blind holes.

A few tee pads were either short or narrow.

By my count there are 11 holes that require straight shots with no line shaping at all. There is also 8 holes that are in wide open fields. Those 8 holes almost felt like fillers. None were exceptionally long either. Almost all of them could be easily reached by an advanced player.

Other Thoughts:

While I really enjoyed the wooded holes on this course, the open holes really didn't offer much enjoyment. And since there were 8 of them that really hurts the overall course IMO. This would probably be a good place to learn the game though. The wooded holes are fairly tight, and require some decent placement with a putter or a mid. The open holes are not so long a newer player would get intimidated throwing them. I wouldn't make a special trip to play this course, but it would make a good place to learn the game, or to stop by on a road trip.

And either they changed the course or I completely missed the shot under the bridge. #3 was a wide open shot with woods to the right as I played it. It does look like there may be some alternate basket positions, so maybe the course layout changes from time to time.
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10 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.5 years 174 played 67 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Wooded, Hilly, Windy....Wonderful 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 15, 2011 Played the course:once


The Land, couldn't be better
Multiple Tee Pads
Lots of Elevation Changes
Diverse Shot Selection
Lots of Benches and Trash Cans
Great Views
Another Quality Course on Site
Every Hole is Unique
Doubles as a Great Nature Hike
Incredible fun factor


Poor Signage
Can get Windy
Look out for Pedestrians
Stay on your Lines or pay the Price

Other Thoughts:

Located high atop some West Virginia foothills this disc golf land at its finest. Not only is the land it's built on insane but they used it perfectly. Nice mix of open and wooded with a great shot selection. Not necessarily big in hole distance but it's a nice hike up, down, and around large rolling hills and excellent views. Definitely nature based, this is the kinda course I love.

There are 2 courses on site when I arrived. They were unmarked so I just picked one since I didn't know which was which, I wish they had labeled it better. I really wish I had the time to play its sister course. I'm told it's even bigger and harder but I'll be back. They take great care of this course and It didn't take long for me to realize that this one was gonna be special.

I did have a problem with the signs. They list the distances but a lot of the holes are blind and a small map showing the pin direction would be very helpful. It's on a giant hilltop so wind can also be a factor. It also plays around several walking trails so keep an eye out for joggers and walkers.

The distances were just about perfect for someone with a better than average but not great skill level. It's very diverse, there are a few ace opportunity's and some chances to let a few rip. Most of sport some really fun elevation changes. Each one is different and there are probably 5-6 holes that are good enough to compete for the title of signature hole. Fun Factor is very high

Some of the holes you will need to stay accurate or end up in some thick brush at the bottom of a ravine. This was a challenge for me due to the wind.

Since there is another course on site that I'm told is just as good I would recommend this place for all skill levels. I would recommend it for locals and I would suggest it for a road trip from just about any distance. Good job guys, this one is one of my favorites

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2 2
Experience: 13.5 years 4 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2nd Round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 23, 2011 Played the course:once


***Keep in mind, I am new to this sport and have only played three different courses***

I love the idea of two different tees. Being a beginner, I played the short tees. There is a lot of variety on the course--Some holes in the wide open, while others in the woods with tight fairways.


The signage is very poor. The elevation changes are severe...I was physically tired after my round (albeit, in 90+ degree weather).

Other Thoughts:

I really want to like this course--After I gain more experience, I think that I'll either love it or hate it. As a "newbie," I found it challenging, so I am anxious to play it sister course that's rated for "experts."
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1 5
Experience: 28 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


A great Par 3 Course
Good variety of open holes, wooded holes, and elevation chanes


not enough bathrooms or water fountains

Other Thoughts:

Two others and I got stung by something near the basket on hole 14. It stung them multiple times and me once.
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