Pickerington, OH

Sycamore Creek Church

2.785(based on 20 reviews)
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Sycamore Creek Church reviews

2 0
Experience: 12 years 6 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Closed until further notice for redesign. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


I just Liked this course.... The way it was.....

Easy Navigation (After the first time, with a map.)

Loved the fact that the hole numbers were on the inner basket poles. May seem like a gimme, but a few of the courses I have been to simply left you guessing as to whether or not you were going for the right hole.


Now closed until further notice for redesign.

(Facebook page says that it Should re-open in spring 2017)

A shame, because I just played this course for the first time this spring 2016.

I know it has been said here multiple times, but the trash on the course was very bad. A little common sense, & consideration for others on the part of the can tossers would have been more than helpful.

Hopefully, after the redesign, the players who were trashing the course will either leave or begin to show a little respect for a FREE course that the church does not have an obligation to provide.

While I am not a fan of "Pay-to-Play," maybe that would be a deterrent to the offenders. I would toss in a few bucks every time I went.

Other Thoughts:

Cannot wait 'til spring 2017 to see the new layout.

Hopefully, I will find it just as enjoyable as before.

For now, Simsbury will have to do.
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2 1
Experience: 47 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

great short course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 6, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-Short with some tight and technical shots with lots of aces to be had.

-Great family course

-I can play the course in under 60 minutes normally as its a easy walk.


-Tons of kids are great for the sport but can be a nightmare in dealing with their lack of course etiquette. I've had kids pick up discs that were not theirs and try to walk off with them as I am walking up for my next shot.

-Litter everywhere in the bushes and rough as kids sneak out with dads beverages and toss the cans on the ground instead of the trash cans. There could be more trash cans available, but I doubt it would help. People just do not treat the course like they should.

- When the course went from 9 holes to 18 and the tees pads were built the church just dug them out, poured the concrete, and left the piles of dirt where they lay. They did zero leveling or dispersing of the dirt so there are mounds of dirt next to the tees and it can be a total muddy mess.

- No bathrooms available

- tons of poison ivy on hole 14 makes it almost no fun to play. A little herbicide would go a long way in making this hole better.

Other Thoughts:

While I enjoy playing this course, the upkeep could be a lot better. There are times when the fairways go uncut for weeks and the tee sign on 3 has been missing since this past summer.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.5 years 179 played 144 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Church Course that Offers Good Variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 3, 2014 Played the course:once


Sycamore Creek Church offers a unique opportunity, playing through different types of land behind a church. It offers more than you might expect from a church course, with an active club/tournament scene, practice basket, concrete tees, and nice new tee signs. There is also plenty of parking and while it may get crowded during church events, it looks like there is a corner tucked away for disc golfers.

I started out not being too impressed through the first few holes, but I ended up feeling that the course does have good variety in its totality. There are the moderately wooded, technical holes 1-5, 9-10, and 16-18, the open holes 6-8 and 11-13, and the tightly wooded holes 14-15. I particularly enjoyed the transition into the woods for holes 14-15, which came as a pleasant surprise compared to the rest of the course's setting. These were easily the most technical on the course and added some precision shots to make the course feel more complete.

Holes 5 and 17 were also fun, unique holes. 5 is an anny with a blind shot over a shallow stream with a basket on a tightly-cornered green. 17 is a pretty extreme anny with a basket on a peninsula. These holes were unique, especially with the rest of the course. Water comes into play on 2 other holes, adding to the course's challenge.

The baskets were in good shape and the fairways were well taken care of. Grass was cut short when I played.

Navigation is great for the most part and the course conveniently circles back to the parking lot.


This course is definitely well designed with the property given, but there are some detractors to the land here. While there are some minor elevation changes, the course is pretty much dead flat.

Also, much of the course is on the open side, with a few too many completely open holes in the middle stretch. There really are only a few truly technical holes here, with many that do little to punish errant throws.

Only three holes are over 300 feet, with six holes under 200 feet. This course is short!

I can imagine a lot of problems when the rough is in full bloom. When I played in Oct, the rough was still pretty bad on some holes. It was disc swallowing on holes 3 and 4 and I think would be a big issue on the open holes in the spring/summer.

Hole 3 was hard to find and not an obvious path from 2, but it was the only confusing part of navigating the course.

Other Thoughts:

It was cool to play a church course that is well cared for and has an active club scene. I always appreciate when a church allows a course on their property, since it is a great way to introduce new players to the sport. I was however disappointed in all the trash that people left lying around the course. Beer cans everywhere is never an attractive thing, let alone on church property where they may be more likely to pull a course. Either way, Sycamore Creek is well worth checking out for a casual round.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.5 years 401 played 386 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Groovy Pads, Man! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


The Sycamore Creek Church DGC has been upgraded to 18 holes, with excellent, new signage (about half of the holes are just a hair longer than previously listed), large, level, concrete tee pads (including a monster sized tee on 11!) which have been grooved for excellent traction, and quality DGA Mach V baskets. It's a very fun play for the Recreational to Intermediate player to go for a score in the 40's, compared to somewhat tougher courses. Folks at this skill level should be able to get 2's and 3's all day long out here, because even the two holes over 400 feet are open, with generous fairways, and the holes demanding a line through the woods are fair, shorter, and the greens are approachable. You have a decent mix of left to right, straight, and right to left options. A couple of holes toward the end are actually quite scenic, with 16's slope down to the creek-crossing bridge and the lightly guarded green, and 17's pond-side tee, where you can chose the tougher left side line or the right side, with an easily reachable water carry.

Maintenance toward the church (park in the rear, and see the new map added here on DGCR) is really quite good, while the woods and field beyond seem to rely a little more on the conscientiousness of the disc golfers themselves to properly dispose of their empties. There are trash cans out there (please use them, folks!), and some nice benches.

In all, this makes for a nice second-tier course right in Pickerington (along with Simsbury), and playing both in a day is easy, enjoyable, and rewarding for the mid-level player.


The first obvious issue shows up on hole three, as you look downhill towards what turns out to be the 16th basket. With the third tee sign currently lying down, it just points out the fact that the course needed a map for first timers, so I went ahead and drew one up.

Big arms will only have a few opportunities to air it out, and precision experts won't find this course overly taxing. Once you've reached Advanced skill levels, it might not be your cup of tea. That's not to say that the edges in the field and wooded rough won't be a little hard on casual level players, either. It's really a mid-skill level course, so know what to expect.

I've played here once when it was damp, and once extremely dry. It's better dry. The low areas can get marshy and muddy, and attract bugs.

Other Thoughts:

As mentioned above, folks who carry in here need to do a better job of carrying it out, or cleaning it up, please. And they might want to consider respecting this course because it is on church property, after all!
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2 4
Experience: 13.5 years 12 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

yuck 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 15, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


decent tee pads


overgrown grass has eaten TWO of my discs

Other Thoughts:

They need to mow/cut down all of the crap that is in the out of bounds areas. I've lost two discs now (my beloved Innova Eagle on 3 and my TeeBird plus mold on 4) due to the grass being out of control.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.7 years 38 played 25 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun and Challenging 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 24, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Concrete pads.
Good challenge, even on short holes.
Clear signs (with a couple of exceptions).


Trash. Need more trashcans, but also need more respectful people.
What I call "Columbus Par" (short par 4s and 5s).

Other Thoughts:

Not a lot that I would consider cons, but not perfect either. Could be a challenge to anyone that doesn't have a forehand game (thankfully, I've finally developed one, and it helped). Hole three could be a problem (the basket you see is hole 7's), but others have covered that detail here, so it wasn't a problem for me.

There are some BRUTAL doglegs on this course (#6, I'm looking at YOU) that add to the challenge. I have trouble understanding why 13 is a par 5 (noodle arm me birdied it twice easily with only a midrange and putter), but it helped me out in the Birdie Bash, so I won't complain. I agree with other reviewers that the trash on the course is pathetic -- the church is letting you play in their backyard, people -- show some respect!
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3 3
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice improvement 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 25, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Concrete Teepads
Neatly Mowed
New Signage


Trash everywhere

Other Thoughts:

The course is up to par finally. There is still a trash issue, and kids coming out to tear up the place. Brand new signage is nice, making the course comprehensible. Keep em coming!
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3 0
Experience: 45 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Immensely Improved 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 12, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Concrete tee pads now
Well trimmed fairways
Good course to practice shorter technical shots
A few holes where you can air it out
Good course for first timers and beginners


Sometimes layout is confusing
Course has the tendency to be muddy
Rough tends to be long (watch your disc) (bug spray would be a suggestion)

Other Thoughts:

This course looks and plays much better now that they have done some renovations. I would suggest checking it out again if you have not played it for a while as it was a fun experience.
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2 7
Experience: 20.7 years 12 played 6 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Promising Crap 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 10, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


-Decent bit of land
-Concrete Tees are now in
-Behind a church
-You pretty much can ace run every hole
-Some pretty shots


-You pretty much can ace run every hole
-Very confusing to follow and navigate
-No trash cans
-No water
-Course is typically mistreated and people don't treat it with respect and there is trash everywhere
-Signs are destroyed and crappy
-Often has huge groups of ill-mannered kids.
-Behind a church

Other Thoughts:

I completely re-did my review following the 2013 Ace Race. They had the course in good shape and there was minimal trash and destruction. Hopefully this carries through. The addition of concrete tees is nice, however, they are not uniform and one or two may actually be a bit dangerous at times.

Right now, the course has won me over, the Ace Race did the trick. But will it last? Treat it with respect, people!
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3 2
Nasty Nate
Experience: 21.9 years 12 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Getting better 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 14, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-Is right by the Disc Golf Mart
-Has nice trees and is a decent park area
-Good course to introduce n00bs to the game
-Concrete tees and new signage
-Good practice for the short game and has a few long bombs as well. This course offers a nice variety of shots.
-Good use of course flow and design


-Often littered everywhere, which is unfortunate.
-The tee pads can get a bit short so if you need a long run-up it will be tough
-Not many other cons I can think of since the course has improved greatly in the past few seasons. Mostly the problems are with people throwing on you when they can't wait 30 seconds for your group to finish.

Other Thoughts:

The course has seen much improvement lately and also seems to be getting better care. It has come a long way from its humble beginnings and is now a decent little disc golf course. It's a good beginner course and also has challenges for more experienced players. I used to avoid this course but now I am happy to play it and work on my shots. Hole 1 is a total ace run and I swear I'll get it one of these days! Also they host a lot of local events at this course so keep on the lookout for cool things over there!
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5 0
Experience: 12.7 years 21 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sweet Course, with minor troubles 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 12, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Nice short course, great for an after work round in the summer.
Good variety of shots (open field, woods, water and mixed lengths).
Permanent baskets.
Pretty scenery.
Grass is kept mowed.


Natural tee pads that get mucky and slippery at times.
Lots of broken glass (although the church youth group does pick in up from time to time).
No garbage cans.
Signs are often damaged.
Hard to navigate on your first couple of visits.
Can get very congested if busy.
TONS of poison ivy.

Other Thoughts:

This is a sweet, well designed course. It is nice and short if you want to head out after work in the summer and get a quick round in. The holes are well placed with lots of different shots to take. Left, right, woods, fields, short and longs. The church tries it's best to maintain the course, it is always mowed and in pretty good shape as far as vegitation goes. Over all I feel that this is a very good course.
The CONS are that some of the people using this course are not at all respectful. More often than not there are large amounts of broken glass all over the place. The tee signs get ripped off and posts are busted on a few holes. The church youth group tries to clean this up, but it gets ahead of them. It is sad that a few crappy people are making the course ugly and even slightly dangerous for those of us that want to go out and enjoy it. Also, the church is maintaining this course and letting us play for free, so people should try a little harder to be tidy out there. Right now it is cleaned up, hopefully it will stay glass free this summer. Tee pads can get really slippery, but a rumor is going around that concrete pads are coming. If you are allergic to poison ivy be VERY careful, it is everywhere in the woods and growing up a lot of the trees.
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7 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.6 years 36 played 36 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A nice warm-up... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 12, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


* Beginner friendly

* Nice, high quality baskets

* Second course in Pickerington provides a good warm-up before you go play Simsbury.

* Concrete tee pads are in


* NO trash cans means tons of trash all over course

* concrete tees seem a couple feet shorter than I'm used too

* Poorly marked layout leads to lots of hunting for the next tee.

* May be closed soon. I'm hearing the church may sell the land to a developer. :( Hopefully they'll donate the baskets to another course if this comes to pass.

Other Thoughts:

I want to like this course, I really do. And it has tons of potential. However, the people who play this course are clearly a problem. The first thing we noticed about this course was a ridiculously high number of broken beer bottles around some of the baskets. In addition, several signs had been ripped down, and replaced by laminated paper signs. One of these had been torn in half and left lying on the ground. To me this shows that the church is TRYING to keep the course up, but the idiots playing the course are a problem. In fairness, having a trash can every few holes would alleviate some of the issues with trash. However, I fail to understand why people cant haul their trash out with them, and REALLY can't understand why someone would buy a 12 pack of Bud Light Platinum and proceed to smash every bottle over a basket, leaving tons of blue glass lying around. Due to the amount of trash, and overall poor repair, I wonder if the church will keep the course open.

update: Concrete tees are in, and there was little glass to be found during the Ace Race. I'll play this course again in a few weeks, and if it's still clean I'll give it another 1/2 point bump.

2015 Update: Signage and navigation is much improved, although a few more "next tee" signs are needed. Despite having played here within the last year I found myself playing only 13 holes, due to skipping 9-13. There are still a few missing signs, and there is some trash laying around, but overall, it's improved over my last time here.
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3 1
Experience: 17.7 years 26 played 8 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 20, 2012 Played the course:once


ace runner
tech anhyzer RHBH shots
lots of small window shots
elevation variation
wonderful short-to-long hole variations
manicured nicely


lots of trash on course
no tee pads
redundant walking on some holes
signage distance incorrect on several holes

Other Thoughts:

today was my first round out here. i enjoyed the layout of the course, got to throw lots of magics, rhynos, rocs, coyotes and king cobras, like the tight lines and smooth turnover opportunities. i would love to see teepads and better signage. i did hit a mulligan ace on 8 and threw relatively well. i give it a strong 2.5 and would love to give it higher......and with a little more work it could easy
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7 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 36.5 years 316 played 67 reviews
2.00 star(s)

I'll play it again 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 18, 2012 Played the course:once


This course may be relatively short and simple but it has some variety.

There are plenty of open holes. A couple of those open holes have nice distance. Don't leave your drivers at home 'cause you will need a couple distance drives. 7 & 13 are both bomb shots of 400+ft. Just a note though, 13 claims to be 510ft. I find this embellished a bit. It seemed more like 450 at most.

A few of the technical holes were quite nice. 3 has an elevated tee tossing to a sharp hooked pin. 5 was one of my favorites. It has you shooting a 250+ft. shot over a little creek to a tucked pin. 9 also has some style. Its a short hole but you need to lay-up through some brush to make a deuce. To mention one more, 15 was a nice little run to a guarded pin.

It's nice to have another 18 holer in town.


I found myself multiple times, through the round, double checking to make sure I am aiming at the right pin. Hole 3 is understandable. It shows (and identifies, more specifically) hole 7 which is in view. Then you move to hole 4 and there are again 2 pins in view and the sign shows a minor dog leg. Since the tee's are natural and multi-directional, it was dicey. Same with holes 7 and 12.

I know it's been said repeatedly, but the mud is truly a concern. I think it's harsh to judge a course poorly for this because it is simply a product of the land available and the recent weather. However, you should avoid this course when its wet. The natural tee's and many of the fairways will suck you in.

Other Thoughts:

This was a reasonable effort.

Certainly, this course is worth playing. It has just enough diversity to make it interesting. You will use everything from distance drivers to putters off the tee (although it is definitely a short course). You will need to thread a couple tight lines. You will have plenty of room to hyzer yet there are a couple hard anny's mixed in.

Take this course for what it is...a recreational course. This course is not meant to hone your PDGA skills. It is meant to provide an opportunity to get away from your TV and your social media and get some time in with nature.

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3 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.7 years 46 played 18 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Good For Family Discin' 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 8, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


+ Now a full 18 holes

+ The kind of course that would rarely be crowded.

+ A reasonable variety of shots, both distance and lines.


- Confusing layout with no course map available

- Poorly defined natural tees, if defined at all.
**********Many holes have their tee areas dug out and framed to pour concrete tee pads in the near future*****************************************

- Not very challenging to the average competitive player.

- Many forgettable holes

Other Thoughts:

This is the kind of course that would be perfect to bring the family, or new players, to. If you're looking for a challenging/competitive experience you'll be much better served by going to the nearby Simsbury DGC.

I never did get over to this course when it was only 9 holes. As far as I can tell the previous layout was still somewhat evident and made following the flow of the course confusing. At multiple points, we had trouble figuring out which basket we should be shooting at. On one hole we figured out after that fact that we played to the wrong basket. What bugged me more than that though were the poorly defined tees. We could not tell where the front of the teebox was supposed to be on pretty much all holes so we agreed to use the sign posts as the mark for the front of the box. On top of that the natural tees were often pretty rutted and I can see how on a soggy/muddy days teeing off would become miserable

The good points of this course are few but there. There are 18 holes to play for free, and the odds that you would go there and it would be crowded seems like it would be slim to none. There are shots that vary from under 200' to over 400' and that finish left, right, and straight. However that variety ends up feeling fairly stale by the end and many of the 200' and under holes were very forgettable. The land itself appears to be able to host a more challenging layout, yet the woods get under utilized in my opinion and there are a few ponds that I wish really came into play.

Overall the course seems to not live up to its potential. If you live in Pickerington I can see frequenting there for casual and solitary rounds. But unfortunately not worth much of a drive to get there.
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3 1
Experience: 15.4 years 49 played 18 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not Sure I Like The New Layout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


-Kept most of the good holes from the 9 hole layout and built on it.

-A couple nice ace runs make your round more exciting.

-Large variety of hole distances, from 155'-510'.

-Water comes into play

-Some wooded holes as well as open bombs.


-As stated before, mud becomes a very large issue on the lower elevated holes.

-A few holes that seem like they do not need to be there, like hole 8

-After playing the first wood hole, I got very excited because I saw a lot of potential in the woods. But there was only one other wooded hole. I thought that certain holes could get pulled and there could be a few more wooded holes.

-No bathrooms or water fountains/vending machines

Other Thoughts:

I thought that the design was a little bit off on the new 9 holes. I think I enjoyed the old layout better.
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4 1
Experience: 16.7 years 14 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Work In Progress 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 1, 2011 Played the course:once


A few challenging holes.
Good beginner course
New Baskets
Well built bridges over creeks


Semi-confusing first time out
Couldn't find 16's basket (hope it wasn't stolen), and by extension missed throwing on 17.
Sign for hole 5 from what I assume was the original 9 layout added to confusion.
Ambiguous tee areas

Other Thoughts:

It is always appreciated when anyone installs a course and opens it to the public. If I had any suggestions for this course it would be to set up some tee pads even with a couple of 2x4's in the ground. I would also color code some of the holes where baskets are very close together to avoid some of the confusion. It has been said before that if you have some time to kill it is a decent play, which it is, but if it has been raining the mud gets pretty crazy.
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4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.5 years 174 played 67 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A little more to Sycamore 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 3, 2011 Played the course:once


New Holes
Family Friendly
Not Difficult
Good mix of wooded to open
Decent elevation changes
Taken care of
Nice signs


Can get muddy
Can be a little problem navigating some of the newer holes but it's well posted so eventually you figure out where your going
Not for advanced players

Other Thoughts:

I love the new holes and I love the new layout. I thought it was cool how they set up the new stuff to weave in and out of the old stuff. It's great to have another 18 hole course around.

The new course starts out with the same original first 4 holes as the old course. Then you break off with a few new wooded one then out again into a big open field. Some times I got a little confused at this point of the course your in a pretty big open field with several baskets in site. Everything is well marked though so you figure it out quick enough. Then you finish up with the final 3 holes from the old course. I really like the changes

Even though the threw in a few 400-500 footers this course is still very much a family course and a beginner course. I would say it is still less challenging then Blendon. If I were to compare it with another local course I would say it's very similar to Sunbury in both distance and skill level. If your an experienced player looking for a challenge I would skip this one.

Even though I said it wasn't challenging, that doesn't mean it's not fun. So hit it up. It's a good time. Good job guys
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1 2
Experience: 13.9 years 12 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

great day today 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 3, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


New baskets. Good use of the land. Good variety of holes and shots. No crowds.


Muddy. A few holes hard to figure out the flow pattern to connect the next hole. The signs are not all exact on their maps.

Other Thoughts:

After the new holes have a chance to regrow next year, my review score will go up.
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3 1
All Day
Experience: 14.4 years 52 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice new 18 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 24, 2011 Played the course:once


Good balance of left to right, right to left, wooded, and wide open.

Fairly well maintained, and newly added 9 holes make this a whole new course, obviously.

Not very busy, but that could change once everyone realizes this is 18 now.


Gravel or dirt tees get muddy and slick. If you're not careful on some holes, you could pull something.

A bit of confusion on some baskets--could definitely benefit from numbered baskets. Some old tee numbers still remain as of now, two posts showing hole 5, etc.

Beer cans and trash in several areas despite trash cans.

Drainage is a problem so leave your white shoes at the house.

Other Thoughts:

Breath of fresh air after recent addition of 9 holes. Several aceable holes, and some will challenge good amateurs. Pros won't fall in love with this one compared to 18 hole at Simsbury Park in Pickerington, but overall fun course. Several "Blendon-like" wooded holes were added, which gives this course a little bit of everything, even if it is a bit short.
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