Spring, TX

Timber Lane Park DGC

Permanent course
2.865(based on 7 reviews)
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Timber Lane Park DGC reviews

12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.8 years 161 played 142 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Just another old man playing a young man's game 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2021 Played the course:once


First new review in 7 years! It doesn't look like much has changed. Timber Lane is still a 9 hole, shorter course with some tight wooded lines, a couple longer holes, and lots of trees. And honestly, for the first time ever, I'm not even sure what else to say.

The tee's are dirt, marked with posts with number and distance (though the distance is apparently inaccurate). The baskets are Mach...3's? Pretty old school.

The layout, hole shapes, are actually pretty great for a short 9 hole. There's some short holes, two over the bayou (but minimal risk). But the different forehand/backhand lines and distances are all pretty exciting and really keep the round fresh!

The rough isn't super rough. If (don't lie to yourself- when) you throw off the fairway you might go deep but your disc will be pretty easily retrievable.


The cons are just the forced-luck factor of some of the holes. Most of them are in the challenging variety, but a couple are really in the "c'mon is THIS what you're asking me to thread?" category. One hole is a really nice forehand anny line, short mid distance, but then there are just a couple too many trees, and the foliage is too low to get the height for the anny line

The dirt tees an be soft, and/or full of roots. As mentioned before, and in the hole details, the distances on the signs seem inaccurate. There's no map but there's no real blind holes either. (There's 2 and it's pretty intuitive)

Other Thoughts:

As a person gets older, their body just can't keep up anymore, and slows down, muscles are tighter, weaker, everything hurts. I feel like this course is whatever that version of aging is for disc golf. It's an old course that was probably in peak condition back in the day but, through no fault of it's own, is outpaced by the younger flashier courses of a new generation.

Ok I can't keep that up anymore I looked at the Course Details, it was made in 2011 not 1991, I don't know why it is the way it is. It's a course that is fun on a good day, and don't expect to have a good day. I would play it again because it's quick and interesting, but not really recommend it.
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4 0
Experience: 12.9 years 15 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Quick to play. Hard to master. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 5, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


If you're coming from downtown Houston area to play some of the courses in the Woodlands area this course serves as a decent stop to warmup your control shots. The course only takes about 30 minutes to play and you really only have a risk of losing discs on two holes (3 and 9) but even then the chance for retrieval is high.

Very tightly wooded holes with linear fairways require dead on accuracy. If you nail it you feel awesome. But little error and your patience will get tested. A good example of this would be hole #2. a less than 200ft hole with a straight shot and a right fade with trees on both sides leaving little room for a release error.

Something i really liked about coming here is multiple times I've been I've seen cleaning crews out removing shrubs and stumps from fairways.

Very few of the holes have interference from the rest of the park. A Major plus in my book.


No course map.

The first tee is a bit of a walk from the lot. As well as the last hole.

No trash cans in the course. The best you get is a trashbag hanging from a tree at hole 1's basket. And Thus, the course tends to have trash everywhere.

Other Thoughts:

In my opinion, I'd have the course start at hole 9 and end at Hole 8. Hole 8 ends right near the parking lot and hole 9 shoots back towards hole 1. i often find myself skipping hole 9 and just walking to the car.

Overall, great course to play if you're time restrained or looking for a warmup. I wouldn't plan your day on this course though.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.9 years 156 played 142 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Another Fun, Yet Average Wooded Course in Houston 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 8, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


This short course is full of tight lines and strategic placement. The fairways are very constricted and technical on most holes, bordering on pin ball golf, but still fun. It's easy to understand the design since most Houston courses follow the same motto - "no elevation or variation of the terrain, then use the foliage to your greatest advantage." I don't know if more trees have been taken out since Eric's review, but the course didn't seem unreasonable when compared to similar courses in the area. Bottom line - if you like it tight, this course and nearby River Grove DGC will give you a fix.

The course is in a park, and has the basic amenities you'd see in most parks. It has playgrounds for the kids, restrooms, and a walking path. The walking path really only comes into play on hole one. Another subtle feature is the painted spoke on each basket signifying the direction to the next tee box. It's such a small thing, but still a very nice touch for first timers to the course. There is a practice basket near #1, and tees are natural with two posts showing hole numbers and distances on the sides.

BEST HOLE/S: #2; #3


Like many wooded courses in Houston, the same pros can usually be listed as cons as a personal point of preference. I felt that if just a few more smaller trees were removed on the latter holes, then things would be smoother but that's mostly just nit-picky. Also, unless you are LHBH on #3, there aren't many opportunities to rip it at 2379" total feet, although the balance of hyzer versus anhyzer throws was okay. The boxes are dirt and although the course is fairly easy to follow - there could be some definitive improvements. Finally, first timers take note that hole #1 is the furthest box from the parking lot, so you'll have a small walk.


Other Thoughts:

Ultimately, I think I'll take the approach that I'm happy there is another course within 45 minutes of my house, but it's a simple and unremarkable course at best. Like River Grove DGC or Bear Branch Sportsfield Park, it's just another wooded Houston park course, with the greatest pro being improving course density in the area. Go out of my way to play it - no, but if I'm in the area would I enjoy a round here, certainly.
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4 3
Experience: 13 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Will be returning! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 8, 2011 Played the course:once


This was a great fun course! I live down in Pearland and travel quite a bit to Spring an Humble area. I have been searching for a course like this one. I love the wooded area. It makes it great to practice your control. Pins are in good distances so grabbing your disc and letting it rip is awesome! Baskets are in great shape, well this because they are new!!


When I pulled up to the park there were no course direction to #1 tee. Didn't see any course lay out. Took a good 30 min to figure out where #1 was ( thank god for iPhone ). There are a few trees in the fairway but I didn't think there were TO many. It makes it challenging and motivated to keep your disc under control.

Other Thoughts:

I will most likely be returning to this course! My only other thoughts about the course is really would like to see a course layout. I tee boxes I really didnt care for so it would awesome to see some concrete pads.
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13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.2 years 288 played 154 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good 9-hole course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 29, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice city park location with decent amenities like convenient parking, restrooms, playground, and ball fields. The baskets are brand new dual chain MachIV's. The course slightly favors RHBH throwers but does a decent job of trying to have a mix of lefty vs. righty holes. The wooded fairways are tight forcing players to play well or smart because offline shots can be punished harshly, even on short holes. There are two mostly open holes that allows you to air out your plastic in contrast to the rest of the wooded holes. The soccer field with it's netted goals make for a nice disc throwing practice driving range. Basket spokes are painted black to point you in the direction of the next tee. Distances posted are pretty close to laser measurements except #2 which is off by 20'. (DGCR distances are correct.)


There are a couple holes that still have too many tress in the fairway. That results in reaching the basket or not becoming a matter of luck for almost identical shots. The sharp-top-post tee markers are potentially dangerous for anyone tripping and falling on one, or extremely short players hitting their arm/hand on follow-throughs. Some of the holes have blind baskets, but it's only a short walk up the fairway until you can spot the target. Tee #1 is a long walk from the parking lot.

There was a dog that was buried in fairway #3 that has become unearthed. Hopefully that will be cleaned up by the park shortly.

Other Thoughts:

To play the course with a reasonable challenge you should play OB for creek and beyond as well as any walking path and beyond. If you park in the main lot, you're better off starting on hole #3 and finishing on #2. Note to first-timers: to get from #8's basket to #9's tee you walk past #3's tee.
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11 0
Experience: 18 years 224 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice new course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 8, 2011 Played the course:once


This is a nice little course in a neighborhood park. Baseball and soccer field, swimming pool, kids playground and plenty of picnic benches makes for a great day at the park with the whole family. Great use of land. There are some short shots, long shots, straight shots, left and right shots. A few open holes and some wooded technical holes. Accuracy is a must in the wooded holes as errant shots will drive your score up. Water can come into play on a few holes as well. For the average to intermediate disc golfers like myself, this course will challenge you and make you use a wide variety of shots.


There a little bit of a walk from the parking lot to the first t-pad, but its not really that bad. First hole plays across a sidewalk, so beware of other park users. No benches or trash cans. Had to walk most holes before I threw to locate the basket, but that happens a lot on courses that are played for the first time.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I thought was a great little 9 holer. I played on a Saturday afternoon and only saw 2 other players on the course. If I lived nearby, I would definitely play this course more often.
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15 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.7 years 59 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Finally, another course near Humble, TX 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 6, 2011 Played the course:once


Conveniently located off of FM1960, and Aldine-Westfied, right off two major roads, makes this any easy course to get to .

Very good use of small plot of land. Tees are well marked, and easy to find. Even though some of the holes are shot, the technical nature of this course makes it very challenging for all players.
Each hole it totally different, and you really have to think about each shot. No pitch and putt here. You can make a great throw, but one bad hit off a tree, and you are off the fairway, having to re-think everything.
Restrooms near by, and locals seem very friendly and happy about the course. New baskets catch good , and each basket is marked with black paint on one of the spokes pointing you to the next tee.
Even with the recent rains, the course was quite dry, and seems to drain really well.
Plenty of shade of most of the holes, so looks like a great place to play on a hot summer day.
Very challenging for a 9-hole course


Parking is limited. You can park by the pool, and be close to the first tee, but in the summer, you will have to park on the other side of the park a few blocks away.
Hole 1 crosses a walking path, so you need to be careful throwing on this hole.
If you get off the fairway the underbrush is very, very thick.
Can't tell now, but it seems that in the summer, snakes and spiders are going to be a real problem.
I am not a real big fan of the short tee marker on the left. Seems a little dangerous is you slip. I would rather see a marking on the ground like a 2x4.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course 3 times today, and all three times I was challenged. Here is a hole by hole review:
Hole #1 : 267ft Straight shot across a field, and then into the woods, were the basket is protected on three sides. Looks like an easy ace or birdie, but looks can be deceiving.

Hole #2 159ft . Very narrow fairway 8-10ft wide,through the woods. Looks easy, but its not. Basket is protected by several trees. You could go for it, but its a risk.

Hole #3 : 413ft. Long right turning shot will get you near the basket, but a wrong turn right or left will put you in the woods, or the bayou. Once you get half way there, you can see the basket , tucked into a pocket in the woods. Make every shot count or you will be wet or in the woods hunting a disc.

Hole #4 : 197ft Looks easy , but its not. Fairway goes out about 100ft and then makes an 90 degree turn to the left, though a tight fairway in the woods. A hard hyzer shot will get you there.
Hole #5 : 283ft Narrow Fairway through the woods with a slight right bend, and a forest of trees to get through, to the basket. Very tricky.

Hole #6 272ft . Very narrow straight fairway, and then 200ft forward, it makes a 50 degree turn to the left. A well placed shot down the gut, and a good skip can walk you around the corner on this one for a birdie, well, it worked for me.

Hole #7 239ft . Not a long hole, but a hard left turn, with a narrow fairway , protected by a forest of small trees. Looks easier than it is.

Hole #8 169 ft. This is an ace run, if you can pull it off. Not a long hole, a good midrange, or putter throw, what ever you prefer, but you have to get through many, many trees to get to victory. There is an ace on this hole , just waiting to happen.
Going from8-9
Just a side note. When you leave the #8 basket, get on the sidewalk and walk down about 75 ft to the swing set on the left, and turn in the woods on the right. There you will find the #9 tee right by the #3 tee

Hole #9: 283ft This is a long, left hand turn (hyzer) were the bayou comes into play on your right. Not to hard to stay dry for experienced players, but new comers to the game should be careful. A good long hyzer shot, and you could get a birdie and maybe an ace.

Enjoy this new course in the Houston area. I am happy that myself an others that live in the Humble area, now have a new course close by. If you are in the area, its a must play.
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