-Located on a very nice and well manicured lighted Par 3 ball golf course.
-Great place for a beginner or an intermediate to play.
-It's lighted and makes for great night play.
-During the off season, course can be empty at night.
-Innova DISCatcher baskets
-There is a water hazard.
-Very easy to navigate, Score Cards available in the Clubhouse.
-The length can make challenging par 3's for the beginner or casual player.
If you want to add a level of difficulty, make the putting greens OB.
-Rolling terrain, which can affect your placement. Discs can roll down the hill, or land where there is a mound in between you and the basket.
-Located near the beach, and it's centrally located in the south strand.
-Restrooms in the club house, and Garbage cans at each Tee.
-Clubhouse sells food, sodas, and beer.
-There is a water jug stand, with cups near the 4th tee.
TIP: If you do not wish to play the water hole, and you are playing 2 rounds, just loop around and play 5 and 6,or 6 and 7, again. Just skipping 8 and go straight to 9. That way you'll get 18, and you can skip the water hole. It helps if the course isn't busy.
-This is not a professional course, it's more of a novelty rec course.
-One drawback is that this is where people that don't normally play ball golf come to play. If you get stuck behind them, you could be waiting a while. I've been known to skip around the holes if I have to wait to long.
-Summertime, this place can be packed with ball golfers.
-There are no tee boxes, you have to guess-timate by the dirt patches next the BG teeboxes.
-It costs 7$ for 9 holes 10$ for 18.*
*I understand that it costs money to run this course, and I'm not opposed to paying to play.
The cost used to be 5$ for 9 and 7$ for 18, which was a little more reasonable. I would drop 5 bucks for a quick round. It would be nice if 10$ was for an all day play.
Other Thoughts:
Tupelo Bay hosts a huge PDGA tournament in December. They bring in extra baskets and place them along their executive BG course. This course, however, is located on the Par 3 pitch and putt course. It's not a bad course, just don't expect a lot of challenges. Here is my suggestion for enjoying Tupelo Bay. Wait until it's dark, and play the course under the lights. This is a course you play for fun, not the challenge. If you are at the beach, and looking to play a round of Disc Golf, check out Tupelo Bay.
FYI: There is also a miniature golf course at the entrance to Tupelo Bay. There is also a full 18 hole Executive Ball Golf course here as well. The Ball Golf course is one of more popular courses in the area.
For your GPS:
Tupelo Bay Golf Center
1800 Business 17 South
Garden City, SC 29576