Great variety and layout
Maintained nicely
Easy to navigate
Really quiet and never crowded
Very clean
Course has nice flow
Trash cans throughout
Short and long tees on each hole
Natural tees on back nine that do get slick
A couple of the tee signs could use new maps and a couple were missing altogether
Other Thoughts:
Course can be a little difficult to find on your first trip there. It is located beside the reservoir and right in one of the neighborhoods, so when you are coming into the park you may feel that you aren't heading in the right direction, but you are. I updated the directions with what I found to be the quickest and best route there, they had updated some streets and renamed them.
The course itself is pretty nice. The font nine are mostly open, but there is some good use of some mature trees and some small, but good elevation changes. The wind can also make these front nine hole a bit more challenging. The front nine are pretty clear of rough except for around the edges. The only real way into it would be a case of griplock and if this happens it could ruin your round pretty quick. The rough around the edges is pretty thick and is full of brush, my buddy tossed his X -out roc in there on hole nine and it never came back out (well not for us at least).
The back nine are wooded. After hole nine you walk into the woods and down the hill to ten, it is marked with signs so you should have no issues locating it. Once you are into woods the back nine switch from the concrete tees that were on the front nine to natural tees. They are all clearly marked, long and short, but most could really use some work. When we were there it was a little wet out and most of them were unplayable, we just teed off from behind the original tees. The wooded holes continue to vary in distance and most are also very technical. The rough is heavily wooded but is pretty clear of brush and undergrowth, so locating stray discs wasn't that difficult. The hard part about getting back from a bad throw is finding a path back out, there are very few clear routes back out, trees are abundant so a lot of times you may find yourself just tossing out and taking the extra stroke. One other issue we had with the wooded holes was some of the fairways. The don't have grass and are mostly just dirt. This is an issue when it has been raining, you can't get good footing on your fairway shots because you are standing in mud. I would suggest putting in some mulch or something along those lines to improve traction for approach shots.
Overall the course was really good. If there is any question where you need to go next there are signs to direct you. There are short and long tees on every hole, some of the long tees are excellent, they add length and challenge to the hole. Other long tees weren't so well thought out in my opinion, a few of them are about 30 feet behind the short tees, and add no extra challenge to the hole. The pros of this course definitely out weigh the cons, so if you are thinking of giving this course a shot I would highly recommend it. This is also one of the cleanest courses that I have played so please keep it that way and use the trash cans that they have placed throughout the course.
This course is also located on a nice little reservoir, so there are other activities in the area as well. The course is located next to the boat launch area, and there is picnic areas and restrooms located in the park as well.