Strum, WI

Viking DGC

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Viking DGC reviews

10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.8 years 1176 played 760 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 2, 2024 Played the course:once


Viking DGC is an 18 hole summer layout that plays amongst the 9 hole ball golf course. Apparently there's a 9 hole winter layout too. I've never played that but there is a map for it on Udisc.

Pretty decent design for a golf course setup honestly. The course is completely flat for the most part but they did a good job of tucking many of the baskets along the edges of the course or into groupings of trees to make the approaches and potentially putting a bit more challenging where possible.

With it being so open off the tee it's really dealer's choice for shot type off the tee. That said there are still a few that do actually favor a FH over a BH and vice versa. The distances are pretty varied out here. They range from 226' all the way up to 757' with three par 4's on each nine hole loop.

Nice orange Prodigy baskets on all holes. These aren't permanently mounted in the ground, just temp bases on all of them. Easy to spot and catch pretty nicely, or as nice as Prodigy baskets do. One basket and pin placement per hole.

The grounds were in great shape, which is to be expected from a golf course.


There are no tee signs here, which isn't unusual for this type of course. The main issue with this is that without a map the navigation would be impossible. I will say that the Udisc map lined up almost perfectly with the basket and few actual tee locations. Without a map this would be basket to basket play which would take away from the fun factor compared to the intended layout imo.

Speaking of tee pads. There's 4 of them here. Two are green turf pads, which was odd that they even bothered if that's all they were going to do. The other two were orange spray painted lines on the cart paths. The other 14 "tees" are just in random spots that are impossible to find without the map.

The course is pay to play. $10 a day is pretty steep for a course with just baskets. Add in the fact that you have to give way to the bolfer's and they prohibit any carry on beverages other than a water bottle. They do offer to refill it for you all day at least I guess. The problem with that is that the course starts by the clubhouse and doesn't come anywhere close to it until you finish the round. They also don't rent carts out to disc golfers due to multiple factors, speed of play being number one apparently.

It would've been cool if one of the three tiny ponds were used a bit better. The one closer to the parking lot is technically in play on hole 16 but barely. The other two aren't used at all.

Other Thoughts:

I'm not a big fan of these types of courses in general for the most part. I will say that this one was better than I was expecting honestly. I wasn't expecting though honestly. It plays like a pretty basic park style course just with a much higher price point. This one is worth a visit if you're nearby at least once, just to say you played it if nothing else. Not worth any kind of trip out of the way for, and honestly there's not much of anything around here anyway. Not the best golf course design I've played but far from the worst either. Pretty average stuff.
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11 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.7 years 699 played 41 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Viking Recreational Area

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2023 Played the course:once


- Bigger arms are going to love this one. Some pretty good distances ranging from 200 to 700 feet. There are even some decent obstacles so it's not just throwing in a giant open field over and over again as hard as you can.

- The equipment were some type of Prodigy baskets which I cannot recall but they caught well and there were no issues in that regard.

- The course design was surprisingly good and like I mentioned earlier, it wasn't just the same shot over and over again. There's even a little water carry action on the last few baskets. Nothing super threatening but still wouldn't be fun to try to have to fish your disc out of there.

- There's a clubhouse which does offer food and drinks after a round which is always a huge plus. There's also restrooms and ample parking.


- I don't believe DGers are able to rent the golf carts which kind of sucks but maybe they will start offering in the future.

- Ball golfers are playing along side you so you absolutely must be careful when they are around. I suggest letting them play through as to avoid any injuries which would not be good for the DG part of the course.

- No teepads.. which is usually the case on these types of courses although a few had some astroturf laid on the ground which I guess is sorta helpful. Better than nothing I suppose.

- No tee signs which is a pretty big thumbs down in my opinion. You absolutely have to rely on uDisc to navigate this one which I know will be a negative to a few of my older DG companions who don't use modern technology.

- Pay to play. Well, yea that's again something that's pretty much expected at these types of places and in my opinion, $10 is a little steep for a round here.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this wasn't a bad one at all. With some even basic signage and temporary teepads, this could be a solid 3.5/3.75 given the fact it was designed very well.

It is only available during the summertime which is kind of strange considering this would be a great winter time course. You wouldn't have to worry about the bolfers like you do during the summertime but I'm guessing they don't want to have to keep the clubhouse open all year around.

Regardless, this is a pretty fun one to check out if you're in the area playing Wildapple down in Osseo (which is only about 10 minutes away?).
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 1.6 years 136 played 83 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very Solid Golf Course drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


- Plenty of parking
- Clubhouse with food, drink, and restrooms.
- Great use of the golf course hazards.
- Brings the limited trees into play a decent bit.
- Good test of your distance shots!
- Layout is simple to follow!


- Plays along with golfers, but flows pretty well with the course.
- Not a whole lot of trees available on the course to come into play.
- The amount of distance required may be a turn off to beginners.

Other Thoughts:

Viking DGC was put into place for a tournament, designed with the help of Cale Leviska. It is now a seasonal course for play! It is $10 to play for the day and you need to be cognoscente of any ball golfers out on the course.
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