Nashport, OH

Woodchuck Ridge DGC

Permanent course
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Woodchuck Ridge DGC reviews

15 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 77 played 21 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice park course near Zanesville. Not really near anything else. drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2023 Played the course:once


- well maintained fairways
- good use of elevation
- nice mix of woods and open areas
- easy access to full-service camp store with maps, discs, food, drinks, and ice cream.
- nice big parking lot
- if you play in the evening you get to throw your game while surrounded by delicious smells of barbecue grills and campfire smoke. Its a nice touch.
- Dillon State Park has lots of other things to see and do besides disc golf


- Tee pads are a dangerous wreck
- Few benches and trash cans on holes
- Course winds through the state park campground and spreads on either side of several roads, creating a risk of hitting cars, RV's, and people if you can't keep it on the fairway.
- Depending on season, the camp is full of kids, dogs, and other camp dwellers who crowd the course and cross the fairways with no regard for disc golfers playing the game.

Other Thoughts:

This is a free-to-play course nestled into the campground at Dillon State Park. The park is close to Zanesville, but if you're coming from the Columbus area its a bit of a drive. The park isn't near any major highway and getting there feels like you're really off the beaten path. Hole 1 tees off right at the top of the wooden stairs behind the camp store.
This is a medium-level challenging course when compared to other courses in central Ohio. It offers a number of holes that beginning disc golfers will find friendly, and a few tight woods shots that require your thinking cap, and just one or two long wide open bombs for the 300+ feet throwers.

I found the course quite satisfying to play. My only complaints are that some of the holes play dangerously close to people's campsites, and that many of the tee pads on this course are uneven, gravel-filled, partially completed concrete wrecks. A guy with a long runup is at risk of spraining an ankle here. Sometimes its better to throw from the grass alongside the teepad on the worst holes. But it looks like many of these tees are a work in progress and there is hope that they will be completed and smooth in the near future.
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.7 years 241 played 209 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Flick A Smidge At Woodchuck Ridge 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 19, 2022 Played the course:once


+ The course plays among a campsite, so it is naturally peaceful and relaxed.
+ Some nice hills and patches of trees give the course a pleasant challenge.
+ There are some brand new freshly poured concrete pads on the course, but not all holes have them yet.
+ Scorecard maps available by main office.


- There is no lost disc box that I could find.
- Sometimes, the fairways can play uncomfortably close to each other, a road and/or camping areas.
- No 'next' indicators.
-/+ Kinda easy for an 18-hole disc golf course.

Other Thoughts:

My least favorite hole was hole5 because it played too straight, flat and wide open to keep my interest. Hole14 was nice to look at because, despite its brevity, it resembled a haunted passage through a forest. Hole2 was the biggest surprise and my favorite to play. Even though it throws right over a walking/horseriding path, I couldn't help but giggle with delight upon seeing the basket at the bottom of that steep downhill toss through a dense pine tunnel.

As a whole, Woodchuck Ridge doesn't get much more adventurous than that. I see that it is primarily designed for the campgoers who want something quiet and natural to do to pass the time. There are plenty of disc golfers who love to camp, but most campers aren't disc golfers, and I think this course is designed with the newbie/camper in mind.

If that's the case, however, then there really ought to be more guiding signage throughout the course. We disc golfers have learned what to look for if we reach a basket but don't see any arrow or sign to lead us to the next hole. Campers and novices who are brand new to the sport don't yet know about Udisc and don't have that "disc golfer's logic." But even disc golfer's logic won't successfully get someone from hole9 to 10. If you never got a map, then there is no way you can guess where to go. Just wrap a brightly colored piece of duct tape around one of the spokes of each basket or something.

The disc golfing itself is stuff that you've seen before. There are some healthy hills like the uphill fairway of hole15 and slanted fairways of holes8 and 9 to keep things from getting too dull. And there are a few throws through the woods to practice dodging trees. But, generally speaking, things are a bit too easy.

So, in closing, Woodchuck Ridge is a short but sweet little circuit of 18. It will challenge the newbie and entertain the camper looking for something to pass the time. Most other golfers will appreciate the birdies and ace runs but find the majority of the course to be more than a little underwhelming. It's not brilliant, but not every course should be. Gently recommended.
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3 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice course for the area 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 28, 2017 Played the course:once


-Well marked holes
-Each tee has a mini map of the hole
-Variety of shots


-No concrete tees
-Some holes have campers nearby

Other Thoughts:

This was a fun course to play. There are clear cut fairways with rough that can grab and hide discs for errant shots. There was enough variety to be enjoyable for players of different skill levels. Tee twelve is a monster at 597 feet. The wooded section was fun adn challenging. Some errant puts can be penalized heavily as a friend had his disc bounce off the basket and roll all the way down the kill costing him 3 strokes.
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3 3
Experience: 29 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Love this course. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


-Well maintained
-Easy to find holes
-Campstore sells and rents discs. Also snacks and drinks
-Nice mix of wooded and open


-Lots of campers around to hit if you throw a wild one
-No pro tees or concrete tees
-Hole 18 is a swamp... even on the fairway

Other Thoughts:

I live close to this course and play 2 or 3 times a week. I have played a few others and this is by far the most fun course in the area. They are having a tournament on Sept 6th to raise money for concrete tees. Entry fee is $30.
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6 0
Derek B
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.7 years 411 played 47 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Ace Run for the Hills 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2014 Played the course:once


1) Nice mix of open and wooded holes
2) Elevation changes
3) Camp store with snacks, drinks and discs
4) Moderately scenic
5) Highlight holes: 12 (600' dog leg right. Downhill off the tee and sloping upward about midway through the hole)


1) No concrete tees
2) No pro tees
3) Some holes too close to each other
4) Trash dumpsters w smell close to some of holes (9 and 18 I think)

Other Thoughts:

This is an enjoyable beginner to intermediate course with lots of ace runs and a few longer holes to test your arm. The first few holes are in the pine trees and then it opens up into rolling hills with scattered trees/brush for a while. Towards the end it goes back into the trees for a few and then finishes in the open.

The course is taken care of fairly well. I didn't notice any trash laying around even though there were no trash cans on the course. There is a camp store right before you get to hole 1 that sells discs (so far only Innova, although I was told they will be expanding to include other manufacturers) and food and drinks. I didn't get to go in because it was closed at 5!? I was told they also serve real ice cream too which would be a great treat after your round because it can get hot out there on those open holes. Hole 1 is right behind the camp store. Go up the wooden stairs and the tee is right there.
Another note: Off of hole 8's tee there is a little building that has a drink vending machine. Very nice on those hot days.

Although the course is not very long, it is somewhat hilly, which makes up for the lack of length. This makes for some interesting angles on the holes. And there is a 600' hole on 12 which has length and elevation changes. Although many of the holes are short, they're interesting in some way. For example, holes 2-4 are in the pine trees which is beautiful. There are several more short holes that have an obstacle to get around or get through so it's not so boring. Also, it's a good feeling to step up to the tee knowing that you could get an ace on the son of a bitch. And there's enough longer holes that allow for medium to full speed drives with drivers that manage to keep the course interesting.

All in all, I enjoyed myself here and will return someday, especially when they get some concrete tees in (a local that we played with told me that they are raising funds to do so) and some pro tees installed. Even without these things, I'll be back someday and if I lived here I'd play this all the time. The challenge isn't too awfully great, but it's not boring either. Do yourself a favor and get out there and play it.
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2 1
Experience: 13.9 years 12 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice remodel 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 5, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Now includes woods and hills. Nice mix of short and long. Includes the longest hole i have played for the red tee. 597'. Discs for rent and sale in the camp store at the start of the course. Holes 1, 9 & 18 are all at the parking lot.


Still newly updated. needs broken in. Wooded trails muddy on a wet day. still too fresh this will improve over time.

Other Thoughts:

More benches and trash cans needed. Need arrows for the next tee on a few holes. Maps available at the counter of the camp store.
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4 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.5 years 174 played 67 reviews
2.50 star(s)

How much Disc could a Disc Chucker Huck if he Hucked at WoodChuck Ridge? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 27, 2012 Played the course:once


Nice Park
Friendly Staff
Mowed Fairways
Markers signs and benches on every hole
Long enough for beginners but not so short that an experienced player couldn't have fun there
Some decent elevation change


Lots of great land around but the spot they chose for the course was not in the prime area
Anything off the fairway is pretty thick
Kinda short, never far from the parking lot
Course is OK, but nothing stands out about it

Other Thoughts:

I was driving to my hometown for Easter and got a traffic ticket in Cambridge. I thought it unfair so I decided to go to court and contest it. So after a hard morning of fighting the man I decided I would make the most of my trip and hit up a local Disc Golf course.

Nice Park, Nice Course, friendly people. I did have little trouble finding it at first (Go to the Regular Camp, not the Horse Camp) but once I did navigating was no problem. Fairways are very nice but be sure and stay on them, cause any stray throws become difficult to find in the tall grass and itch weed. Each hole has a bench and a white pipe which doubles as a marker and a has a small map on it.

The Distances are such that a new player won't be intimidated but an experienced player wouldn't find ridiculously short, most holes are 250-300, with maybe a small dogleg and some slight to moderate elevation changes. Clearly designed for family's and people who need something to do while they are camping.

On the drive in I noticed It seemed like a beautiful area, I was a little excited because I love the nature aspect of Disc Golfing. But none of that great land was used for this course. It simply Zig Zags behind a parking lot, up the side of a small road, back down and to the lot again, I played 2 rounds in under an hour. This course is nice for what it is but it has a medium fun factor and nothing about it really stands out in your mind afterwards. Definitely forgettable.

To sum it up it, Nice Park, Fun Course, If you live nearby it's worth checking out but don't drive out of your way to play it. Hopefully this course is some what popular because it's in an area that's a little thin of courses. Come on Zanesville/Cambridge, wake up! Lets get some more courses in there
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3 2
Experience: 17.7 years 26 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 7, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


new player friendly
lots o benches
close to the camp check in station
well groomed
good variety given size of course
good baskets


not many opportunities to throw big shots
shallow green areas around some baskets
no tees

Other Thoughts:

like it. play it every year when i go hunting there in the fall.
love how well maintained its
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5 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.9 years 2489 played 135 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Dillion Lake State Park is worth the long or short term visit 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 28, 2010 Played the course:once


NO FEE at this STATE park (yet) (but their is a donation pipe that one should feed, if possible).

Benches at almost every hole.

Manicured fairways (mowed), the rough is jus higher grass.

good balance of LRC (left right center design)


only 9 holes.

some holes play next to camp road (but with the amount of traffic and the slow speed limit, it shouldn't present to much of a problem, but it could).

Some holes play right next to camping lots (so if the people we're non friendly to DGers , it could present a problem or if players threw an errant throw)

No REAL long crusher holes (though they're are some good holes to play)

Other Thoughts:

directions can be misleading as Dillion Hills drive will appear before Clay Littick rd when driving WEST. Clay Littick rd is at a stop light, turn right at the light and veer left as the directions state on Dillon Hills dr. and follow to camp ground.

Camp store has delicious ice cream and plenty of other camping needs.

Nice lake to take advantage of

Camping is available.

I liked holes # 6 (blind RHBH hyzer) and # 7 (LHBH hyzer around the BIG tree) the best
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