  • Courses 316
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    Columbus, Ohio
    Sep 24, 1973 (Age: 51)
    Years Playing
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    Also, don't get cute with #2 at the Ridge. Everyone I've brought their, has lost one in that mofo (and you gotta tee Red :p)... starting on 10 is a good idea, keeps you away from the worst of the bog until the second 9... but 13-14 are pretty bad too though...

    As unfortunate as The Ridge conditions will be, you got lucky with Standing Rocks being open before Memorial weekend :)

    We're doing a Temp thing (Menasha's Dam Course) tomorrow. Should get some of the Ridge regulars pulled away, so you'll have less peeps in tour way :p

    Probably gonna join you for ZOBEL Sat and Standing Rocks Sun
    Cooley cool
    Couple Pat Blake Courses :)

    Wilderness is also on a Ridge, and is similar to the Rollin Ridge,, but it's all in da Woods,,, but also a bigger ridge. A pretty cool area of Wisco, down along the Fox River (my river) ((Houdinis river too)) John Muir County Park, and Observation Hill are right there

    ZOBEL could actually be the standout, has everything except for water. And if it's Wetout, it drains really well :)

    Also if it's Wet that weekend, Standing Rocks is Sandy and drains well. It's a real gem, really really :p

    ZOBEL and Standing Rocks (Top10 WI) aren't DGCR Top10, but Wilderness could make it on there in the near future
    Snow Storms this weekend at the Ridge! :p

    Ever Look at Justin Trails? Sparta Wi
    *also home to the worlds Largest Bicycle :)

    The Ridge is part of the Great Glacier, and goes up thru the Door Peninsula, and eventually connects to Niagra Falls! That part of Eastern Wi is just North of the Kettle Moraine, and is mostly Lake and Marsh up to that Ridge, which part of the course plays on...

    Justin Trails, however, is not gonna be a Soupy Bog. Southwest region is Sandstone capped in Limestone Bluffs part of Wi... course also has several Springs!

    America, always got options :D
    Rob, so glad I got to spend the day with Josh and you. 102 holes Fri, followed up by 87on Sat in 90° heat... have to say the two of you are serious ballers (especially given Josh's leg)! :hfive:

    Sometime during my ride home, I caught a whiff of how ripe I smelled :gross:... and realized, "At least I don't have to sit in a car for 3 hours next to someone who smells as ripe as I do." :D Thanks for the Boss and Katana, they will be used! Will definitely look you up next time I head toward C-bus!
    Try the new course in Goshen when the weather breaks. A little raw right now but it's fantastic
    Just a heads up, If you ever find yourself on a DG road trip and your near East Liverpool and you get a chance stop by Thompson Park. Not every hole is great but the great holes are fantastic. And I agree, we do need to get that first round in, throw out some times and courses and I'll see if any of them work
    Boy you were kidding about Deer Lakes. FINALLY made my way out there today and it did not dissappoint. Thanks for the heads up, sadly I ran out of time and didn't make it to Lorrain. It will happen one day
    Hey there, I know you saw the thread, but I just wanted to let you know about Battle for the Border: Michigan V. Ohio, dates and location have been set. Check out the thread and hope you can make it.
    I love you profile pic by the way. What is the wind speed velocity of an African swallow, why, I dont know (falls to his death)
    I was definitely interested but I was supposed to be out of state for work that weekend but right now it looks like those plans are gonna fall through and if they do I'll be off that weekend. But now it's too late to sign up. Later this week I'll find out for sure and I was thinking about E-mailing the guy to see if he could squeak me in. It does look fun

    I'm in my hometown for labor day and I was planing to hit up Moraine and Deer Creek but the weather isn't cooperating at the moment so I just hit up the new Yellow course out by the Black course in Moundsville. It was just a tiny little family course but it was pretty fun.
    Awesome, received both payments and have your address. The plan is to hand the packs out at the meet, but I know some people won't be coming out and I will send those. You still planning on coming up for all of the days?
    Cool. I thought that might be the case from most of the Columbus folks. I was debating on whether I wanted to myself, but I love camping so I figured what the hell.
    Awesome. I so glad you and everyone else could make. Looks like we are going to have a great turnout even if no more people confirm. I think there is at least 15 or 20 folks who say they are coming out. Do you think you are going to camp or just come from home? So far there is about 5-6 folks camping at least three, one of them being me, all weekend. Anyway, again glad you are coming out.
    Poll is up. Vote if you think you'll be able to attend. Right now we are thinking sometime in September. Thanks.


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