Recent content by smook

  1. S

    Eager and adaptable.

    Hey guys, I'm 17 years old and have been playing for a few years now. I have recently just been getting back to playing as I've been ball golfing for my high school. I max out at 370' with my champ teebird on flat ground. I'm very determined to put some practice in and getting a better...
  2. S

    What are some good Roller discs?

    Personally I like to roll with a beat Z AvengerSS but I have also heard discs with big rims will plow through the grass and bumps in the ground a little bit easier.
  3. S

    Philo Brathwaite and Steve Rico In the bag vids

    Some of the better in the bag vids ive seen!
  4. S

    [Question] Black Friday Deals ...

    Thinking about ordering an opto saint, soft wizard, esp zone and evo illusion for 43$
  5. S

    [Latitude] Test run vs Gold

    I have recently fell in love wiht my Test Run Material River by Lat64. It has been my go to understable disc for many months now. I am now worried that it soon might become to understable than my liking. I know there are a few places that sell test run material rivers but its not as common as...
  6. S

    Ask John Houck about Course Design & Development

    I appriciate it.
  7. S

    Ask John Houck about Course Design & Development

    I posted this earlier on the forums and was told that here might be a good place to post as well(: I am currently in the process of getting a disc golf course in the southern san diego area. I have scoped out an area that i believe would be nice (what do i know). But i have emailed the city...
  8. S

    Habitat Sensitive Disc Golf

    I am currently in the process of getting a disc golf course in the southern san diego area. I have scoped out an area that i believe would be nice (what do i know). But i have emailed the city and they told me that the area was dedicated open space and i would have to work around the regulations...
  9. S

    What is this disc worth? (Part III)

    Price check on a first run 1.1 QOLF?
  10. S

    discs you just despise

    2012 Ace Race Disc
  11. S

    [Innova] 10x KC Pro Teebird

    Cant throw right now because of school.
  12. S

    [Innova] 10x KC Pro Teebird

    any ideas??
  13. S

    Please Take our Survey.

    Disc Golf Survey 1. How much would you pay for a disc golf backpack? D) $55.00 + 2. Would you enjoy playing disc golf, and listening to music at the same time? Why? No i prefer getting the entire nature effect. 3. How often do you play disc golf in a span of one month? ___ Once ____ Twice...
  14. S

    What do you throw? 2012 Edition

    Drivers: innova wraith discfrat avenger ss Fairway: lat 64 river innova teebird discraft predator innova leopard mid: discraft buzzz putter: discraft magnet
  15. S

    What is this disc worth? (Part III)

    I have two discs unknown of their worth. the first is a uknown wieght kinda used first run turqiouse QOLF? the second is a creamy well used 10x KC pro teebird? both have ink