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  • Overall Stats

    Most Played Course: Gordon Holton Memorial DGC
    DGCR Player Rating: 0
    Total Rounds Played: 2
    Total Holes Played: 43
    Total Distance Covered: 2.13 Miles
    Average Score per Round: 69
    Average Putts per Hole: --
    Total Shots: 137
    Total Aces: --
    Total Double Eagles: --
    Total Eagles: --
    Total Birdies: 5
    Total Pars: 26
    Total Bogies: 11
    Total Double Bogies: 1
    Total Triple Bogies: --
    Average Round Rating: --
    Total Rounds Played: 1
    Total Holes Played: 18
    Total Distance Covered: 0.97 Miles
    Average Score / Best Score: 59 / 59
    Average Putts per Hole: --
    Total Shots: 59
    Total Aces: --
    Total Double Eagles: --
    Total Eagles: --
    Total Birdies: 1
    Total Pars: 12
    Total Bogies: 4
    Total Double Bogies: 1
    Total Triple Bogies: --

    Recent Rounds

    Score: 59 +5
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    18 / 27
    77°F / 25°C Cloudy Calm n/a
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:1
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:1
    Round notes:I lost a green beast on hole 16. Please call the number on the back to return it and I will give you a reward. Thanks, BZ
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 280 3 3 -- --
    2 206 3 3 -- --
    3 400 3 3 -- --
    4 270 3 3 -- --
    5 232 3 4 -- --
    6 255 3 3 -- --
    7 318 3 3 -- --
    8 258 3 3 -- --
    9 332 3 3 -- --
    10 298 3 4 -- --
    11 300 3 2 -- --
    12 320 3 3 -- --
    13 275 3 4 -- --
    14 368 3 3 -- --
    15 280 3 5 -- --
    16 284 3 3 -- --
    17 170 3 4 -- --
    lost green beast in the weeds to the left
    18 276 3 3 -- --
    Totals: 5122 54 59 -- --
    Score: 78 +3
    Date/time played Holes played Tee Temperature Weather Wind Rating
    25 / 27
    77°F / 25°C Cloudy Calm n/a
    D. Eagles:0
    D. Bogies:0
    T. Bogies:0
    Discs Lost:0
    Round details
    Hole Distance (ft.) Par Score Putts Penalty Note
    1 ** Skipped **
    2 ** Skipped **
    3 191 3 3 -- --
    4 345 3 3 -- --
    5 259 3 3 -- --
    6 248 3 2 -- --
    7 293 3 3 -- --
    8 285 3 2 -- --
    9 264 3 3 -- --
    10 266 3 3 -- --
    11 305 3 4 -- --
    12 165 3 2 -- --
    13 280 3 2 -- --
    14 370 3 3 -- --
    15 180 3 3 -- --
    16 318 3 3 -- --
    17 280 3 4 -- --
    18 394 3 4 -- --
    19 156 3 4 -- --
    20 186 3 3 -- --
    21 177 3 3 -- --
    22 170 3 4 -- --
    23 160 3 4 -- --
    24 195 3 3 -- --
    25 240 3 3 -- --
    26 235 3 3 -- --
    27 175 3 4 -- --
    Totals: 6137 75 78 -- --
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