419's OG form circa 2009-2012 to Present day 2.0 Form


Birdie Member
May 4, 2020
Since I can't get some good updated footage due to mother nature, I figure we at least start to tell the story from the beginning.
I will say this was recorded by my good buddy that does not play disc golf, and we were messing around, no intention of anyone seeing this. lol
The guy behind the camera is one if not the best basketball shooter in the world, he has 7 or 8 Guinness records now, won $200K in NBA 3 point Shot tourneys last year.

For those that do not know, started playing in spring of 2008, and in 2009 started working with local legend Marty Peters ( team discraft) and session in dead winter, I went from 350ft- 475-500ft day one!
He taught me with the backwards walk up, arm extended out to learn, but I was able to get this to work better than planned. lol
This video clip I think I was adjusting the new more controlled 1.5 step modified form you see, but I would still do something close to the backwards walk up with 2 steps for my big hyzers.
I am already aware of the form issues present that my og form had, so don't beat me up too bad. lol

So I was throwing/sitting around 500ft plus of golf distance during this time, and did throw 638ft in distance competition. But I did not practice 360 or just raw distances, I think I used more off-axis torque with an X Nuke.

you can't see it in the video, but there are cones and pylons that were out in the distance at 400 / 450/ 475/ 500 ft measured with a wheel.
After 2012, I may have played 1-2 more times in 2013, but it was over 11 years before I picked up a disc again recently.
So let the story begin.

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I'm hoping this thread becomes fun. We talked about a few things in my thread I thought stood out as why you get so much power out of that initially unorthodox looking move there.

This time I suddenly noticed this about your pump which is fairly easy to miss. You actually line up/prepump your shot there with something that looks very much like "sideways" leverage and centrifugal force. People should try that pump if they struggle with the kinetic connection with the disc thru the wrist/powering the move swinging the whole arm from the body. I found it surprising what it taught me.

I'm hoping this thread becomes fun. We talked about a few things in my thread I thought stood out as why you get so much power out of that initially unorthodox looking move there.

This time I suddenly noticed this about your pump which is fairly easy to miss. You actually line up/prepump your shot there with something that looks very much like "sideways" leverage and centrifugal force. People should try that pump if they struggle with the kinetic connection with the disc thru the wrist/powering the move swinging the whole arm from the body. I found it surprising what it taught me.

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Wow ! Great freaking eye man!!
I just noticed that recently while studying my OG form, and taking notes in my training journal. lol So that is so surreal to me, bc in my head, I remember it differently from look/feel.
Nice coiled hinge and windmill!
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Thanks homie !
I want to get on another video call with you soon once the weather improves , and I can get accurate up to date footage.
That last video call when I was just getting back into throwing in DD, gave me the info/tools I need to hit the ground running to put 2.0 form together.

I will mention this though, once I started throwing golf discs again towards end of last summer, idk if it's the increased weight or what, that just allows everything to naturally connect the remaining dots. Smell I'm cooking there ? lol
I'm hoping this thread becomes fun. We talked about a few things in my thread I thought stood out as why you get so much power out of that initially unorthodox looking move there.

This time I suddenly noticed this about your pump which is fairly easy to miss. You actually line up/prepump your shot there with something that looks very much like "sideways" leverage and centrifugal force. People should try that pump if they struggle with the kinetic connection with the disc thru the wrist/powering the move swinging the whole arm from the body. I found it surprising what it taught me.

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We discussed a lot of things in your thread for sure, I might have to go back and see what can be t/f over to save time or at least help streamline it a little bit .

I'm almost embarrassed to share my first several videos of my form as I was rebuilding my Hyzer form early in DD. lol 😂
Just wanna pop in here and say this looks incredibly clean and easy. Its crazy to me how someone can learn to swing this well this fast.
Just wanna pop in here and say this looks incredibly clean and easy. Its crazy to me how someone can learn to swing this well this fast.

Marty did not intend or anticipate that I would find that level of success with using the initial backwards walk up w/ arm extended behind - that I had. So he did not try to change or force anything right away, he let me get used to the new level of power, then we went to course in Michigan - Willow Metro park, very technical wooded course w/ holes that require smart golf like placement shots, I know Climo held course record for the longest time, might still actually. That is where we started developing the form you see in the video as my controlled form, played around starting in stand-still to 1 step, and how you see the 1.5 steps lol - that just felt natural for me to do as I worked on just traditional 1 steps in the field.
But that is the summary of the evolution of that og style there. lol
We discussed a lot of things in your thread for sure, I might have to go back and see what can be t/f over to save time or at least help streamline it a little bit .

I'm almost embarrassed to share my first several videos of my form as I was rebuilding my Hyzer form early in DD. lol 😂
I'll never push you to publicly be/feel embarrassed, just wanted to say I benefitted/benefit immensely from doing it around here lmao
I'll never push you to publicly be/feel embarrassed, just wanted to say I benefitted/benefit immensely from doing it around here lmao

No, your good! I say that tongue n check w/ dose of hyperbole, b/c I m just joking around. I don't let the good ol' ego get the better of me anymore after our many battles in the depts of Parts Unknown where I tapped him out with the sharpshooter! lol

No, your good! I say that tongue n check w/ dose of hyperbole, b/c I m just joking around. I don't let the good ol' ego get the better of me anymore after our many battles in the depts of Parts Unknown where I tapped him out with the sharpshooter! lol
Either way most mortals will look at your first video and want to achieve similar results despite any nitpicks with your move, I reckon ;-)
I think I can bring a different perspective to things because when I came out of retirement after not throwing for 11 years, this 2nd time around was a different experience for me.

This 2nd time around, I went through many ups and downs more like the avg person b/c I wanted to come in with blank mind and build my form with hyzer for disc dog the proper way. The big thing in my mind was I associated a lot of my previous form has really bad, and thought I had to get away from that. This how I felt at first, I will find my post in Johns thread where I share my reasons for my abrupt discontinuation of playing disc golf, and share it here soon. That was a big part of it, those reasons, it was like more of an emotional association in my mind with it being bad b/c they were connected I think.

But I will say, I learned and gained so much insight, I am beyond thankful and grateful for it! Things worked out how they should of it seems now, from the benefits of disc dog training and throwing that translated to the my dg game, it was blessing in disguise.
This is all due to my dog Jericho naturally discovering disc, and us finding our way to disc dog, that changed everything for me. It is very emotional for me, it means that much to me to back doing something I love so much. But also, discovering a new love in disc dog, and being able to share my love of throwing discs with his love of catching discs to form this team we are.
I'll never push you to publicly be/feel embarrassed,

It's better to be embarrassed, pick yourself up and learn and improve, than to hide away and never learn at all.

You will always learn more to expose yourself. Putting yourself out there is a fear that most people have, and conquering that fear alone will put you on a path of success in many different areas.

It's like when people come at me for my opinions here and stuff. I'm not mad. Im putting myself out there in my honest and true self.
I might get frustrated at times. but I can grow because I'm not hiding and trying to keep myself from being embarrassed.

If you wanna get good at disc golf, especially with help. There is no better way than to post up in someplace like here on DGCR, because you're going to get good help, and lots of good observation from people who want to help you and not purposefully make fun of you to drag you down.

People get worried by a bit of tough love now days because their skin is so soft, they have been coddled a bit to much.

let me tell ya.
I got a yardstick here, and I'm fixin to start smacking some calves. hahaha.

Totally not true.

But encouragement is what we need to do to help people grow who might be feeling embarrassed. And sometimes that means a little bit of a push.

I totally just posted some old embarrassing photo's in a chat to be silly. Why? I dont' care, make fun of me.
Makes me tougher. =) that and it's a good laugh from my end, cause they are claiming the photo's were taken in 1945. cause they all call me old. hahaha
Just a reminder to everyone who talks about how negative I am all the time.

I say positive stuff a lot.
you're just looking to hate on me to get epenis credits. /me makes wank motion. =)
Either way most mortals will look at your first video and want to achieve similar results despite any nitpicks with your move, I reckon ;-)

I appreciate my og form much more now, and from the start of the rebuild where I resented any association with my og run- then eventually after making mistakes I never had before, issues had to work through, found my way back to the og form in the end.
Then I was able to use that form and build off it, strengthening the weaker links of it, to create 2.0 form.

But if you think about it in that throw, its from from the drive step landing to the plant/swing. If you look at it like that, that is the meat and potatoes of the swing, that helped me connect the timing when adding the x step into it, this is just drive step coming behind me then the rest of the swing that follows.
So my approach when I started playing was different than most players at the time. My goal was to continue improving my skill/talent level, even though I jumped right into tournament play ( 1st even week after I started playing) but unlike others, I did not care at all about ratings, to me it was am I getting better skill wise/ improving.

Even in tournaments to a fault I always kept working through things, as I was only trying to gain mental experience from tournaments. In my mind it didn't matter yet, b/c I was not "all-In" yet, and coming from a traditionally team sports background, I never had to think about anything, in golf, there is a lot of time to think and get in your own head.

I found it strange at the time that people used rating to determine someone's skill level, when the eyeball test alone tells you differently. At the time, it was very Number-Geek to me, not athlete-like POV, so I could never wrap my head around it for developing players. I did not care if my rating was lowest in Am-1, if your ranking skills, am I top seeded? The skills, that is what mattered to me.

When I felt I was ready to actually go all in, and play for best score, no more skill acquisition phase, something happened..

I had a hybrid putt that is common now, and it worked for me, but Marty Peters felt I had to have the push putt style for that next level.

That messed up my mind so bad, my putt looked so unathletic. It got bad, the yips was an understatement, I had events where I played amazing off the tee but couldn't make 5ft putts. I remember playing Toboggan with Marty as my caddy, that course was made for me, but the putting was so bad that it did not matter how great I was off the tee or approaching.

This is a fast-forward cliff notes version of it all. This all led up to me needing to take time away, but never intended for it to be like 11-12 years. I also finished college, was burnt out from working 3rds full time in psych ward finishing school, and often went straight to tournaments with no sleep to play. There were other factors in the meta/ big picture of things, but hopefully that paints a picture.

I realize now no matter how good I could be skillswise at the time, mentally and emotionally I was not capable of winning, I know and understand that now.

For me, it was not anything to do with my mindset athlete wise. It was more due to the fact that right when I found disc golf I had just gotten clean from opiate addiction. I got physically clean, but I did not tackle the inner demons and issues yet. I did eventually tackle all those things, and don't regret those mistakes, but b/c you realize after you go through certain things and make it out the other side, what you're capable of.

Nowadays, my putting is becoming one of my strengths, especially in C1.
With my disc dog Jericho loving to train with me in the backyard with putting, I had to switch to premium pures . He brings back my misses, and won't bite down on my discs, but baseline putters still get messed up easily with him gently retrieving them.

He has actually helped me greatly, especially since I want to avoid the slobber on my opto pures that missed putts provide.
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I realize now no matter how good I could be skillswise at the time, mentally and emotionally I was not capable of winning, I know and understand that now. There were issues much deeper that plagued me, but I will save that for my coming soon thread. Lol

Mental game is the secret.
Mental game is how we stay consistent.
Mental game is how we are able to keep our throws under control and where we want them.

I can throw some of the most amazing shots you've ever seen in your life.
My brain is to busy thinking about other stuff other times.
Sometimes I can keep it together and play 12 or 13 of the best golf of my life.
Then I snap out of it and throw like a newb.

The real thing we should focus more and more on is trying to learn how we can improve our mental focus as golfers so we can stay in the game.

Like for me. I can't even stay focused enough to practice. Why? I duno. Can't explain it.
I dont like to play alone.
But you wanna see my best golf. Pair me with a decent doubles partner.
I can maintain focus when I have a doubles partner that has good focus.
Mental game is the secret.
Mental game is how we stay consistent.
Mental game is how we are able to keep our throws under control and where we want them.

I can throw some of the most amazing shots you've ever seen in your life.
My brain is to busy thinking about other stuff other times.
Sometimes I can keep it together and play 12 or 13 of the best golf of my life.
Then I snap out of it and throw like a newb.

The real thing we should focus more and more on is trying to learn how we can improve our mental focus as golfers so we can stay in the game.

Like for me. I can't even stay focused enough to practice. Why? I duno. Can't explain it.
I dont like to play alone.
But you wanna see my best golf. Pair me with a decent doubles partner.
I can maintain focus when I have a doubles partner that has good focus.

Like how our bodies have to work in harmony and balance when we are moving or doing anything in the 4 pillars of movement ( Locomotion, Level Changes, Push/pull and Rotation ) so does our life.

Have you ever thought to yourself*, if I could go back and do that, with what what I know now, no matter what it is ? - I feel like that with returning to disc golf, the issues that plagued me that I had to grow through, have been addressed, and now there is harmony / balance/ and stability in my life.

It is crazy to think I was gone for over a decade, but maybe I had to go down that road less traveled to get here. That road includes the fact I lined up to get another Amstaff puppy from another breeder initially, but certain practices they did that I noticed rubbed me the wrong way so I chose another breeder, thus that puppy I picked out was " The Walls of Jericho" himself aka Jericho the disc dog ! A dog that is not naturally supposed to play or be good at the sport of disc dog, but luckily, he did not get that memo!!

* side note* I am friends with my breeder and his wife still to this day, and they are always sharing Jericho's disc journey to their ecosystem of people that include other breeders and people that show champion level Amstaffs. I will always be advocating and showing the breed in the best light, and the amazing things they are capable of.
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** Also feel free to ask any question about your own form or anything in general in here, it does not have to pertain to myself honestly. **
Mental cue / Mental Check - TIP

When I am throwing I like to mentally ask myself this - Do I feel the connection lines running from the tips of my fingers down to the tips of my toes, across my body, down the body, through it, between my feet, between my arms/hands , and where I am I missing it ? - & what do I have to do to activate it so the whole line can be connected.

Exercise/ Tool that may help with kinetic connection through hand/arm/ wrist and using that with ground forces to create/ release energy/object

I am big advocate like others on utilizing tools to help connect everything further, and I know we talk a lot about hammers / sledge hammers around here, but the next one is ROPE OR ROPE FLOW. ( david weck is huge advocate of this - use google machine to check him out).
It teaches you and your body how to leverage those ground forces and be able to use it to create energy lines with your arms/hands.
This will help connect the windmill style backswing we discuss on here often to everything if you have not tried it or have struggled getting to work.
This will teach us how to not only create and transfer energy, but also recycling it as well ! Like in the swing, we use the plant foot/leg as our brake or DAMPENER system for de-acceleration phase, but this also where we recycle our goods b/c that kinetic energy goes through recycle process in a way and travels back up to be available for transfer.

This really does a good job at syncing in what I call the synergy of " Ground up with Sky/ hands down " concept I have mentioned - through this we use gravity and momentum to power up and direct where the energy is going.
It is really fun as well, I dabbled with playing with ropes during my og run through advice from Marty Peters aka Martin Scores Easy. lol This may have played a role on what you see I do with throwing arm during address and with the sneaky pump that is sideways/ centrifugal .
It helps that connection of the arms to the core and how to use the core to basically power and direct the arms.

I would recommend using the feet to create those figure 8 movements to leverage ground and move the hips through a figure 8 patterns then just play around and explore with 2 handed rope flow. Tinker with tensions, amount of slack, pulled taut, and most importantly let it help teach the body create energy lines through the arms/core and hips/feet plus ground.
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