* Ace Member *
Hey, I'll make you have a point here because you know I love ya.[COLOR=var(--text-lighter)]I think a lot of the standard cues (pour the coffee, turn the key) can be exaggerated to the point where they have the opposite effect. I mostly believe this because it seems like it happened to me, and when I started emphasizing a more neutral nose to the trajectory, rather than trying to get a negative angle, my swing feels better and my discs fly farther. Take all of this with a mega dose of salt because its all feel based.[/COLOR]
I do not personally have a tech disc, but will in a couple of weeks from what it sounds like. Maybe I will find some interesting ways that I am wrong
/Not to brag, but my tech disc setup is gonna be sick. My Dad is the one actually getting it, and they live out on a bunch of land with this 100 foot astroturfed, air conditioned barn. The net he set up is like 12' high by 15' long so I can throw whatever shots I want lol. Hoping I can help him figure out nose angle without using the bonapane style grip as one of my main objectives lol.
I think you and I share a budding/common experience about finding "natural" cues that work. I have made far more progress using things like an Indian club and noticing how my arm works as a unit to transfer force, then trying to get the same thing to happen with a disc. That's why I like that Clement "arm unit" video so much. I also like my hammers, but it was interesting that I needed something at a certain weight moving in a certain way for it to work and then the hammers made more sense to me, but in a slightly different way. I literally just went through that again yesterday messing around with 10 lb weight plates trying to understand how to fix something else and why one move was naturally much more powerful than the other without micromanaging it.
I'm not sure the initial video at the top of the thread is inconsistent with that in the sense that philosophy by isolating and exaggerating part of it. Like you're saying, people can take any part of this stuff and overexaggerate it to the extreme to their peril. I think you and I are in that ballpark where finding those naturalistic moves can help sometimes. But I also personally needed help getting to that point in the first place too when it comes to tossing these dinky little circles, ya know?