Beaver Ranch Issues

But cool. You're on a forum posting stuff while we're trying to fight for our course. Success....

Just curious - what happens if your boycott works and the course closes because they make no money?

Are there locals that are going to pony up to become the new owners? Will the county just sell the land to the highest bidder? Has anyone thought that far ahead?

The boycott seems shortsighted. Not only because getting the place closed seems counter to your goal of "fighting for it", but also because who's going to want to be the next owner after what happened to these guys? Not saying they didn't treat you guys like crap, but flinging crap right back usually isn't the best idea. New potential owners aren't going to hear the whole story, they are just going to see the new owners getting dragged through the mud on social media.
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Just curious - what happens if your boycott works and the course closes because they make no money?

Are there locals that are going to pony up to become the new owners? Will the county just sell the land to the highest bidder? Has anyone thought that far ahead?

The boycott seems shortsighted. Not only because getting the place closed seems counter to your goal of "fighting for it", but also because who's going to want to be the next owner after what happened to these guys? Not saying they didn't treat you guys like crap, but flinging crap right back usually isn't the best idea. New potential owners aren't going to hear the whole story, they are just going to see the new owners getting dragged through the mud on social media.

The course has changed ownership a few times. This one didn't work out, hopefully the next one will. The course is a big source of revenue for the county, out grossing the zip-lines, etc that are there so the park wants it. We just need a different steward.
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I signed up for a DGCR account just to weigh in on this and rant a little bit as I believe some things are being left out or overlooked. I have been tracking this since it started publicly with that first post about the bloom announcement and I just wanted to throw out a few thoughts. First of all let me just say I live in the area, am a season pass holder at beaver ranch and was a foothill flyer tag holder for one year (last year) but didn't play a ton with them, just a couple of matches throughout the season. The people I met were very friendly and welcoming and overall a great bunch of disc golfers. However, I am definitely on the side of supporting beaver ranch as I think the foothill flyers approach and handling of this situation is just wrong, namely encouraging their members to post bad reviews because they couldn't get their tournament sorted seems inappropriate to me. Trying to get a course shut down and taken away from the general public because they are upset with management or the board or whoever they are claiming is the root of everything… I saw that someone had posted that long post from a founding flyer explaining the situation in detail but I don't believe anyone posted the second post from that guy where he explains that some information had not been made present to him, here is a snippet from it, it's on their page if you want to read the whole thing,

"He did suggest that he spoke with Ben Ray about the possibility of reducing the $10,000 am prize requirement and the cost of $10/player round to $10/player, period. The latter would have reduced the burden of cost to FFDGC and/or participants by a grand total of around $800, if I have my math correct. This is information that I was not aware of and I want to set the record straight. Ben did confirm these details were mentioned but nothing was ever set or settled. I do feel a bit as though Brad got caught up in this and took a backseat approach to Tom O's and Jill D's leadership. The vast majority of my blame falls on the Beaver Ranch Board Leadership team,"

Couple of things that I get from reading this, 1- Sounds like beaver ranch owner was working with them and trying to make it work, they got rid of the guaranteed set prize requirement, and they drastically reduced the player fee. I'm not sure where he comes up with $800 in savings, by my count, lets say it is 150 players ( I heard maybe 200 possibly more but lets stick with 150 for arguments sake...) 150 players x $10/day = 1500 x 3 days of tournament = 4,500. Reading that post we find out that beaver ranch owner offered to change that to a one time 10 dollar charge = 1500.
4500-1500 = reduced cost of 3,000 dollars to the flyers/players (800???) plus we don't know what the reduced charge for the prizes were but we do know that they reduced the overall cost by well over 3000 dollars when accounting for this (more if they were having more than 150 players). secondly, it is clear that Ben had this information, did not communicate it to anyone, but still chose to post a announcement that very obviously was intended to harm beaver ranch. This sounds like something personal to me, we can't know for sure but to me it sounds like some sort of a personal beef and then he or they or who knows who, tried to post fairly misleading information to incite their club against the owner/course. Thirdly, I don't know why they are blaming the beaver ranch board and expressing so much anger at them for charging them a 1500 dollar rental fee? The building is directly opposite the entrance to the course and its not like they were going to be able to rent it out that weekend to the general public when the parking lot and park is slam full of players, spectators, volunteers etc. I think they usually rent it out for weddings..
I recall reading that the flyers didn't want to use the building but from the board's perspective I understand their request for compensation as they are losing the ability to rent it out, and also I vaguely recall from last year that the flyers utilized the building for players and providing food or party or something one evening during a glow round.. I would think they would have been able to find a good use for it if being required to rent it anyway.
Lastly, numerous posts from the flyers are touting their awesome penchant for volunteer work and when offered the chance to do 8 hours of volunteer work with 25 people on the course they claim to maintain they are appalled? A chance to spruce up the course before THEIR tournament and they say $7.50 is too little and they have already put time in in the past for free. Free labor in the past is fine but paid labor to get their tournament sured up is outlandish to entertain? Makes no sense to me, it was a way to not have to pay any money to rent the facility and it would have helped the course, again a course that it very clearly states on their FB that they maintain. To be honest it seems like the flyers were the ones who were somewhat unwilling to actually negotiate and find a way to make the tournament happen. It seems like it was either their way or the highway, which I imagine is tough to work with from a negotiation standpoint.
Another side note, I own a small business/store in Denver and my take on the prize money is this: even though they are doing x amount in prizes (lets say the 10 grand even though we can assume it was something less) and that prize money will be used to purchase stuff through the shop the owner still must have to preemptively purchase the inventory and items that the prize winners will pick up anyway so its not like they are really getting 10,000 or whatever that actual number is. Maybe 40 percent margins best case? I don't know what that value really is, but my point is it has to be only a percentage of that number that will translate to profit. The rest is just overhead until the prizes are actually claimed. Anyway, many of the flyers posts that I have seen appear to be trying to paint the picture like Beaver ranch is asking for ungodly amounts of money but I just don't see it..

Another couple of random things that I read in these posts that I wanted to speak my mind on: and let me first say I play at beaver A LOT and I have played there since around 2007 or 2008, some years more than others: one member was saying that flyers don't receive discounts? I'm not sure where he is getting that information from? by my account they get discounts on day passes and season passes. Every time I've been there they have offered that, even recently.. I even saw replies on google reviews from Beaver Ranch saying something about offering to sell tournament tee shirts for the flyers if they wanted regardless of this current situation. The fees / discounts are even on their DGCR course review page. It also says the pins are always short position which is misleading. They change every week, and I know for a fact after playing a morning round on Monday that the owner is the one who is moving them. Him and one of the shop guys that I always see there. Additionally I have seen him once repairing a broken tee pad sign and replacing brooms for ones that had been vandalized at some point last year. I see him playing there pretty frequently as well. Also, on my most recent trip I saw that some new counters were built for the front of the shop and it looked like they were spreading fresh wood chips out in the front area. They even threw up a suggestion box where you can request pin placements or submit general course suggestions. Thats a new thing that I don't recall ever seeing in previous years. I can't speak to much more than those few observations of him but from them I feel that I can make the assumption that he presumably cares about the course and experience.
I'm not sure where the hostility towards management is coming from, even that founding member suggests they are more upset with the beaver ranch board which is completely separate from the course so I'm not sure of their logic of harming the course to get back at those people... affect their bottom line by removing a source of income? and then the entire community park will suffer? seems malicious and harmful to the community. Best I can tell the only way they were going to have the tournament there is if it was of absolutely no cost to them which seems kind of unreasonable to me. I realize their point of view of being the ones to get the course up and running, and on an individual level I say thank you a thousand times over, but the past is the past and unless it was stated that they were allowed free tournaments for life I am not sure the reasoning or their current stance..
Last thought I have is on that basket swap… after digging around through their facebook page I saw that Ben the tournament director fellow issued a reply to a comment from someone on their fb asking if the flyers can remove the baskets where he said
"No, ffdgc gifted the baskets to the park. So as long as there is a disc golf course those baskets stay"
So, in my opinion, one could reasonably assume that prior to this, they must have assumed the course was going to be there forever and they already effectively gave the baskets away with no real intention of taking them back. It strikes me like more of a benign gesture on the part of beaver ranch to offer that to them just to feel like they are getting something in place of money. Sign over something to us that you already gave to us and you can do the tournament without owing money… This is just speculation on my part but that is how I piece that together…Again, to me it seems like there must be some behind the scenes quarrels that are the real culprit for of all of this, and more importantly a few key individual's frustrations are coming out in discreet ways under the guise of finger pointing for unsuccessful negotiations.
I usually don't get into the fray of social media and such but this just grabbed my attention over the last few days and I finally saw enough things that really irked me as a member of the conifer community that I felt the need to speak out some and this seemed like a good place to do so. It just is bothersome to me to see such a large scale negative knee jerk reaction when clearly all of us are missing pieces of the puzzle. I am going to continue to take everyone I know to beaver ranch as, in my opinion, it is one of the best courses in the country, and I believe the best public course in Colorado. Too, I think it is worth mentioning, all these posts make it seem like this guy just bought the course a month ago and made drastic changes. I can't say when exactly but I know he has been associated with the course since at least last season. O.k. done ranting, I feel better, shout out once more to DGCR for moderating so professionally. You guys rock. Here's hoping the course and club and park can find common ground and move forward together amicably in the true spirit of disc golf.
Yet another example of why it's going to be awhile until someone can run a profitable disc golf course. Too many folks want quality courses, but don't want to pay, or if they do pay, they want it be be the equivalent of a Mickey Ds happy meal.

There are many reasons a P2P is a serious challenge, but the above mentioned dbaggery on the part of the new owners mentions none of them aside from shortsighted, poor decision making. I see "penny smart and dollar dumb" all the time. They're actually hurting their biggest marketable resource by not building on an event on a holiday weekend- traffic is money! Concessions has great margins and when you have people, people need food and drinks, hats and shirts etc. Smart managers BUILD on events like that and snowball them into bigger, better events. A better call would have been to use the event to throw a bash- concert series, food trucks, disc vendors etc... But instead we get this crap.

It hurts me so deep to watch people blunder so hard on the most basic stuff like that. They had a huge crew behind them 100% and they turned them into their biggest and most vocal detractors. Total fail!
SafariCharlie - I appreciate your digging into this, and your lengthy post, but!! You have assumed many things, and got many other things partially wrong or partially right, depending how you look at it. I am privy to it all, as I am a founding member of the club and have been on the board for 12 years consistently. I am not going to go into this very deep, but I will point out the most important thing. #1. When we "gifted" the course to the park that we (FFDGC) conceived, designed, paid for, and built, we asked the park to commit to an agreement that would give us use of the course for free, one weekend a year, to hold a local legend of a tournament. They gladly said yes to this agreement for all of our efforts, and thanked us for all of our hard work, and helping them save the park due to the revenue that the DG course generates. They went back on that agreement this year after many-many years of abiding by it. This happened for the first time in conjunction with new ownership of the course pro-shop, and course management. I am not going to go into all the other aspects of this debacle, or the outright disrespect that we have been shown. This comes down to breach of contract/agreement, lack of respect, and kicking a gift course in the teeth. That's it.
Paul Rothley - Thanks for getting back to me with your cordial response. As an outsider of the situation, but a member of the community I'm trying to get to the bottom of this. To clarify, are you saying that the real issue lies with the fact that the club is being charged $1500 from the park itself and not the course? As I mentioned in my first post, after reading numerous reviews from club members, I'm not sure where all that expressed anger towards course management/owner is coming from. This sounds like a dispute with the park, not the course. This leads me to the obvious question of why are you guys trying to take the course down?
From those follow up posts from the other founder it sounded like the course owner was working with you guys?

Also I would have to think that the Bloom tournament has grown significantly over the years into a whole different type of animal, possibly from their perspective this merits revisions to the agreement? I'm not saying that this is necessarily right on behalf of the park but I'm just trying to see the various sides. I believe that depending on how much the tournament size has changed and how much the course, as well as the park, has developed from the time when these initial agreements were made that there very well may need to be some revisions.
I really hope you guys can find some sort of way through this that doesn't leave everyone with black eyes.
Beaver Ranch DGC

Thank you to all that have such an interest in the Beaver Ranch DGC. I'm here to clarify a few details. First off, I have lived in Conifer for over 23 years and am certainly a local. I've been a frequent visitor, volunteer, and neighbor to Beaver Ranch Park since I was 5 years old; well before the disc golf course had arrived. I've been playing the course on a regular basis since it's inception, nowadays I'm spoiled and get to play almost every day (what a true blessing)! Last year I became a 50/50 partner with the man who founded the course and started the Foothill Flyers club, by the end of the season I bought out his stake, where he is now flourishing in his other business. Those of you who have claimed me to be a unsavory person purely trying to get rich off the back of others, this is simply untrue. If I wanted to get rich I would have continued with my previous business which would have equated to more money, more stress, and less time with my family, the idea of getting "rich" in the disc golf industry is far fetched and a fruitless battle.

Regarding the club, I have not, nor will I ever pull my support as long as I own the course. Even with the current backlash, we're still offering club discounts, as well as offering to sell club tags, and tourney fundraising shirts. I have a great amount of respect for the labor and relentless fundraising it took to establish this course, this course truly took a village to foster, and I am forever grateful for that. The majority of the members in this club are kind, encouraging, and truly great people.

Some people seem to be confused about the baskets... The baskets were funded by local businesses who put up "x" amount of dollars to pay for the Tee pads, signs, baskets, and benches; in return the business that provided funds for the given hole were guaranteed as a lifetime sponsor for that given hole (which I will always honor). The baskets do not belong to me, they do not belong to the Foothill Flyers club, they belong to the course. In the event that the course is ever dismantled, I would be sure that the baskets would be returned to the club.

As for the tournament, it's now only myself and my former partner (the founder of the club and course) that are still trying to make this happen! I've now offered up 5 different deals to make the tourney happen, the last deal being: Host the tourney for free this year, and going forward in 2019 and all following years you can have a free tourney weekend in the Fall. This is exactly what the Foothill Flyers club has wanted, yet still no tourney at Beaver, and the slander continues?... In short, being a young business owner in any industry can spark jealousy and unwarranted personal vendettas, which, unfortunately, is what has happened here...

My hat goes off to the professional moderators on the Disc Golf Course Review website, thank you for the discernment of blatant slander and an actual course review! Beaver Ranch Disc Golf Course is one of the top courses in the country, and we aim to keep it that way for generations to come. For those of you who support us, we look forward to providing you with the best possible course experience!
When I hear people say we need to grow the sport and go mainstream ASAP, I think about scenarios like this as the downside of what that can mean. People getting involved that don't give a s**t about disc golfers, just how they can make money off them.

Exactly. Please take my money and give me what I am willing to pay for instead of pretending that I should be happy with whatever you are willing to provide.
But to hand down an ultimatum like that is just totally uncalled for and crappy.

Frankly, at the worst description made it seemed like a pretty reasonable offer and certainly not an ultimatum. The "owner" basically said, "here's your options, take your choice." You know, kinda like a business. Go to a restaurant sometime and complain about the "ultimatum" of choices that the waiter hands you when you sit down and see his reaction.

Heck, even people who are implying that $60,000 is enough (whether or not that is the current profit) don't seem to understand business very much.
To be fair, just yesterday we received a proposal that seems as though the park, and BRDGC management want to now work within the perimeters of our original agreement. I have also been told that the new owner of BRDGC knew nothing of our original (one weekend a year) agreement with the park. Just setting the record straight. We have an upcoming board meeting where we will determine if this new proposal has come to us to late in the game to take advantage of this year. NO ONE wants the course shut down, nor do we want to sever ties with the course we built with our own hands. All along we just wanted them to live up to the agreement that we had negotiated when we "gifted" them the course in the first place.
Just curious - what happens if your boycott works and the course closes because they make no money?

Are there locals that are going to pony up to become the new owners? Will the county just sell the land to the highest bidder? Has anyone thought that far ahead?

The boycott seems shortsighted. Not only because getting the place closed seems counter to your goal of "fighting for it", but also because who's going to want to be the next owner after what happened to these guys? Not saying they didn't treat you guys like crap, but flinging crap right back usually isn't the best idea. New potential owners aren't going to hear the whole story, they are just going to see the new owners getting dragged through the mud on social media.

That's great to hear Paulie!
Frankly, at the worst description made it seemed like a pretty reasonable offer and certainly not an ultimatum. The "owner" basically said, "here's your options, take your choice." You know, kinda like a business. Go to a restaurant sometime and complain about the "ultimatum" of choices that the waiter hands you when you sit down and see his reaction.

Considering this isn't a restaurant and is, in fact, a negotiation, I stand by my original statement. To have no negotiations whatsoever and just be unilaterally offered deals is pretty much crap in my book
Paul Rothley - This all sounds like very good news. However, I have some things I'd like to get to the bottom of. First and foremost, just this morning you posted the exact opposite of this, you said,

"They went back on that agreement this year" and "This comes down to breach of contract/agreement".

While with your most recent post you clearly state that you had this information for upwards of day. Yet this morning you still chose to post information that was clearly untrue. By my standards this is a lie. Seems very deceptive on your part and quite shady as well and it is shedding light on how the club has been choosing to handle this entire situation… You yourself said you are a founding member and are privy to everything yet you are knowingly and falsely perpetuating this entire thing.

From where I'm sitting, it looks like the only reason you posted this is because the current owner of the course posted the details and informed us that an offer of using the course for free was extended. Otherwise, you would have come right out and said it to begin with. What's worse, is by your own admission, you state that the new course owner knew nothing of this previous tournament agreement yet you and your club have been dragging the course and the owner through the mud all over the internet and social media and you didn't even have the facts?

It appears to me that you guys are clearly in the wrong here and I am curious to hear what your efforts to remedy the situation may be as members of your club are still slandering the owner and course all over the place. Do you intend to set the record straight on your club facebook page? And everywhere else for that matter? The bottom line is a community park and disc golf course is getting a bad rap because your club members are posting things that are known within the group to be untrue.
To be fair, just yesterday we received a proposal that seems as though the park, and BRDGC management want to now work within the perimeters of our original agreement. I have also been told that the new owner of BRDGC knew nothing of our original (one weekend a year) agreement with the park. Just setting the record straight. We have an upcoming board meeting where we will determine if this new proposal has come to us to late in the game to take advantage of this year. NO ONE wants the course shut down, nor do we want to sever ties with the course we built with our own hands. All along we just wanted them to live up to the agreement that we had negotiated when we "gifted" them the course in the first place.

So, just to set the record straight, did anyone on the club board actuall speak with the new owner about the agreement with the park when the issue first came up, or ask either the previous owner, who purportedly was one of the founders of your club, or park management to speak with the new owner about the agreement and ask him to honor it before you all decided to launch a coordinated slander campaign against the new owner?
To be clear I was not slandering anyone. I was simply explaining to safaricharlie how things went down, and why we were upset. We were unaware that the new owner was not privy to the agreement until yesterday. We also just yesterday received a proposal that was in the spirit of our original agreement with the park. If it seemed as though I was throwing someone under the buss, it was not my intent. I was merely being factual as to the timing, and circumstances that we were presented with. I am sure we will let all the club members know of the new proposal, and we are committed to working things out with all involved. This has gotten way out of hand, and we will be addressing all of this, and how to come out on the other side in an amicable way at our upcoming board meeting. Regards.
From the Foothill Flyers FB page:

"Foothill Flyers and Beaver Ranch have come to an agreement! In 2018 The Bloom will be at Beaver Ranch Disc Golf Course and Bailey Disc Golf Course! We are very excited to have come to an agreement and really pumped to be able to host a bigger event. We will be running both courses on Saturday and Sunday to accommodate for more players. A tier (open divisions) will play Bailey on Friday, Beaver on Saturday, and Bailey on Sunday. B tier (amateur divisions) will Play Bailey on Saturday and Beaver on Sunday.

Going forward (2019 and beyond) Foothill Flyers Disc Golf Club will still be running our trifecta of events (Pollination, Bloom, Harvest) but we are going to shift our major event to The Harvest. It will be at the end of September or the Beginning or October going forward because it is a much more reasonable time to host a major event at Beaver Ranch. Please consider adjusting your reviews for Beaver Ranch Disc Golf Course, most of this was a miscommunication from an agreement that was made 10 years ago and going forward Beaver Ranch and Foot Hill Flyers have each other's full support.

Registration goes live for the A pool (open divisions) on 5/29/18. This is an A tier so you have to be a current pdga member to register. Registration for the B pool (amateur divisions) goes live on 6/5/18. Links to registration page below, prices are on this link as well.

I hope you all are as excited as us!"