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I flipped a Stratus
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I flipped a Stratus
I mean I put a lot of hyzer on it if my memory from 26 years ago holds. :\Redundant
The kid got some ESP Stratus a few years ago that she could crank on a lot harder than the old-school Stratus. Of course that possibly could be because I gave her some beat-up old Stratus to use as her first drivers when she was eight and after I used them and she used them they probably need to go in the trash... She has a soft spot for the Stratus. I gave the other kid Stingrays for her first drivers and she still throws a Super Stingray as her main midrange. We are a sentimental bunch.
The Archer was supposed to just be a tweaked Stratus that could be run in premium plastics at legal weights; my understanding about the Stratus was that it never became a Z/ESP disc because it was very difficult to get them to mold up in legal weights. The Archer was that answer to that problem, but I never see anyone throwing Archers. The kid that loves the ESP Stratus hated the ESP Archer, go figure. I bet if they just stamped "Stratus" on an Archer she would never notice.
Sorry, I've been throwing a Wombat3 instead of Comets so I have no Comet talk to add to the Comet thread. Why am I throwing a Wombat3? Well, I'm supposed to do some course bagging and I decided I didn't want to lose my bougie Comets in BFE Indiana, so I'm going to lose Wombat3's instead.
Added a pretty dyed Comet to my bag today. That brings the total in the bag to 7. I really need to remove some of these other discs, so I can add in at least one more...
Seems like a bit of overkill. I love Comets but I bag one that does Comet things.....and three other mids. I will occasionally take 6 or more Comets out to a field to work on form though and that's always time well spent.
Kinda doubt even MJ bags more than three.
I generally carry five mids, and when I'm throwing Comets four of them are Comets. I have the usual turn/straight/fade arrangement, but I've got an old Z "used to be my straight Comet that is too flippy to be that anymore but not quite so flippy to be my turnover Comet" disc. Its use kinda depends on the conditions i.e. it's a decent headwind and I'm afraid my turnover Comet will turn and burn OR I've got a long straight shot and a nice tailwind so I'm going to put some hyzer on the old Z and watch it bomb. Stuff like that. Some days it gets the majority of my throws. Other times it just rides around in the bag. It's kinda hard to explain when I throw it, I just kinda know. Ya know?6 comets feels like a lot, but I love seeing how everyone uses theirs. I gauge mine based on how they react thrown pretty hard, have an old 18 MJ esp glo, that goes right, a pfn z that is dead straight and the new icon that will still fade.
I adjust speed, spin and nose angle to cover everything I need a comet for. Have a solstice backing them up for hard fade shots.
I generally carry five mids, and when I'm throwing Comets four of them are Comets. I have the usual turn/straight/fade arrangement, but I've got an old Z "used to be my straight Comet that is too flippy to be that anymore but not quite so flippy to be my turnover Comet" disc. Its use kinda depends on the conditions i.e. it's a decent headwind and I'm afraid my turnover Comet will turn and burn OR I've got a long straight shot and a nice tailwind so I'm going to put some hyzer on the old Z and watch it bomb. Stuff like that. Some days it gets the majority of my throws. Other times it just rides around in the bag. It's kinda hard to explain when I throw it, I just kinda know. Ya know?
Mine is 173g.That's my old, light weight, production Z one, to a T.
With the range of stabilities I get out of the Comets I bag, I don't really need another mid mold. If I need short and stable, I throw a Zone. If I need long and stable, I can underthrow any number of discs consistently. Those only tend to come out when I'm throwing into a noticeable headwind. If I need wide left carry, I'm throwing a Zone, Athena, or Flick anyway, unless I've got unlimited ceiling to work with.
Old pfn orange Z that's possibly my favorite comet a true point and shoot comet where the line you release it on is the line it holds to the ground.