DGCR Meet up - Minnesota 2024 - July 13th/14th

Well Alyssa and I knocked out all of Mont Du Lac today. Kinda.

White Cedar is in some half assed 11 hole layout. Not sure what the deal is with that. But we played that and the other three 18's. I'm tired, sweaty and want some pizza now.
Well Alyssa and I knocked out all of Mont Du Lac today. Kinda.

White Cedar is in some half assed 11 hole layout. Not sure what the deal is with that. But we played that and the other three 18's. I'm tired, sweaty and want some pizza now.
ursa minor in duluth is awesome
I think it was @Countchunkula who said "You look nothing like Bjork!" Then again that was before all the heat, humidity, and certain herbs that aren't legal in my state. ;)
Wasn't me! My comment on that topic was that I don't even try to picture what anyone on here looks like. It was all blending together towards the end though!
Rain wasn't a factor at all, just a crazy amount of humidity and bugs. Going from 10-20% humidity to the fricking Amazon jungle that is Chain's Edge I actually missed out on playing the red course as I thought I was gonna die after the blue course and greens courses. Great times to be had though!
Call me crazy, but I think the order was red, blue and then green. So you didn't miss out on red!! ;)