DGCR Secret Santa Christmas 2012

Not late, midnight tonight's the cutoff. :)

I'll let others find out your clue and will just say "not PA."

What happens if someone doesn't send on time? They don't get a + iTrader notification? They're banned from all future SS?

I think it's 2 negative feedback

On another note my recipients package is out for delivery
Not late, midnight tonight's the cutoff. :)

I'll let others find out your clue and will just say "not PA."

What happens if someone doesn't send on time? They don't get a + iTrader notification? They're banned from all future SS?

Not sure on the penalty, but I think banning from future SS is a good idea.

i am waiting for one disc. I already sent one package out and its contents have been posted. I am hoping it comes today, otherwise I will still ship today

As long as you are active and contacting us with your intentions, everything should be fine.
What happens if someone doesn't send on time? They don't get a + iTrader notification? They're banned from all future SS?

I believe those who fail to send on time are handled on a case by case basis. Those who care will probably be in contact with the coordinators of this SS with the why they are late and when they will be able to ship. Those who don't care will most likely be considered "scamming the SS" and will receive, at the very least, 2 negative iTrader feedback and banned from SS participation in the future.
Got one of my SS today and it is awesome with the exception of the box being damaged/open on arrival.


I'll let my SS confirm if the contents are complete. I'm super stoked with what I got! :thmbup:


11x Eagle ( never threw an eagle. I'll give it a good look for sure)
Blaze (actually been wanting to try one of these. Plastic feels good.)
DD hysteria ( spot on with my list! Can't wait to throw it)
Dx Roc (never have too many)
Ace race Zombee (daughter immediately snagged it)
D-P2 ( another spot on list pick!)

Also got a pack of hand warmers and a Iowa state towel.

Awesome package Santa! Thank you very much!
Package sent today to a State that's included in the largest manmade beach in the country!! I can't wait for you to get your package!!! I sprung for a little faster delivery...should be on your doorstep Tuesday or Wednesday!!!
Got one of my SS today and it is awesome with the exception of the box being damaged/open on arrival.


I'll let my SS confirm if the contents are complete. I'm super stoked with what I got! :thmbup:


11x Eagle ( never threw an eagle. I'll give it a good look for sure)
Blaze (actually been wanting to try one of these. Plastic feels good.)
DD hysteria ( spot on with my list! Can't wait to throw it)
Dx Roc (never have too many)
Ace race Zombee (daughter immediately snagged it)
D-P2 ( another spot on list pick!)

Also got a pack of hand warmers and a Iowa state towel.

Awesome package Santa! Thank you very much!

I am glad you like it, and I can confirm that the contents are complete!

Mine's arrived. I'm going to see if I can determine who sent it before I open it (and finish up some work). It weighs 5 lb, 13 oz. and was shipped Thursday from GR, MI. So I have it narrowed down already... ;)

Mailman left it by the garage door instead of the porch. Good thing I went to the store for some eggs and saw it! It's sprinkling all day today and it could have gotten quite wet if left out overnight!
I am stuck at work all day, so I can't check my mail until tonight. So insted I keep refreshing this page so I can see what everyone else got.

Ok so a little back story on receiving my package. My wife see's a package come in and thinks I bought discs online cause she sends me a text saying "You have this really big box, I shook it and it sounds like your stupid Frisbee discs you better not of bought stuff online again you have to many frisbees" So i am all excited I drive home after explaining what a secret santa is, show her the thread. She still is reluctant to accept my story.

Anyway Someone buys me this nice t-shirt cause I act a little fruity and they thought it would be funny. So instead of thinking its a secret santa gift she thinks that my gay lover sent me a whole bunch of discs for a x-mas present. Now its a joke I hear everyday... "No one would send you that many discs and not want something in return, it must be a woman or your gay lover."

Long story short I had to break out a step stool to take the picture of the discs. I will also include a picture of the shirt to go along with this ss xmas tale. picture of shirt

thank you secret santa i throw every mold you included actually, very kind of you. my daughter stole the pumpkin mini and from what I am not hanging on the wall will be going right in the bag.

received last disc and then put in a box and sent it out with my second box. Sorry SS for having to wait. Enjoy!
Ok so a little back story on receiving my package. My wife see's a package come in and thinks I bought discs online cause she sends me a text saying "You have this really big box, I shook it and it sounds like your stupid Frisbee discs you better not of bought stuff online again you have to many frisbees" So i am all excited I drive home after explaining what a secret santa is, show her the thread. She still is reluctant to accept my story.

Anyway Someone buys me this nice t-shirt cause I act a little fruity and they thought it would be funny. So instead of thinking its a secret santa gift she thinks that my gay lover sent me a whole bunch of discs for a x-mas present. Now its a joke I hear everyday... "No one would send you that many discs and not want something in return, it must be a woman or your gay lover."

Long story short I had to break out a step stool to take the picture of the discs. I will also include a picture of the shirt to go along with this ss xmas tale. picture of shirt

thank you secret santa i throw every mold you included actually, very kind of you. my daughter stole the pumpkin mini and from what I am not hanging on the wall will be going right in the bag.


that shirt is awesome!!! and nice SS haul as well!
Forgot to mention the loot.

awesome stickers
mini i have been after
cfr hurric/tsunam I want to throw the tsun but the stamp is killer, hurr is right in the bag
cfr glow fb/cobra [ cobra wall untill mine breaks in, excited to ditch my banshee for the fb since its not the flat runs ty!]
cfr vulcan [right on my wall
10x tb [instant boner]
flx crystal zone [YES!]
killer color villan [YES!]
cfr buzzz [i missed this torny its local for me been after this disc stamp]
bliz dead flat and hard teedevil [omg wow]
fr nuke [lost mine to a thief, ty]
pepto volt, [exactly want i needed ty]
lost my disc dryer ty for the replacement they are fantastic
other goodies.

and of course the note was the best. thank you JC I mean santa

[edit] bcu has my 2 trackers not sure if it needs to be mentioned here as a post
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OMG..... I have spent the last few hours looking at the numbers

95 participents

50 confirmed by delivery confirmation = 52.63%

of those 50, 45 confirmed by posting in the thread = 47.37% (90% of total recv'd...shame on the 10% that didn't post)

20 pending (sent in DC and package hasn't made it there yet) = 21.05%

25 without DC (have you sent your packages????????? = 26.32%