DGCR Secret Santa Christmas 2012


Thanks Santa!

Champ Wraith
ESP Zone
Cryztal Buzzz
Lat 64 Flow(never thrown one)
A frisbee that you can program words/names that are visible in it's flight. Going to check this thing out in a few when it's dark.

Glow sticks
Roc Patch
Innova magnet/bottle opener
Tiny carabeaners(spelling) going on the bag
Some stickers and snacks!

Thanks again and Happy Holidays!
Got my second package!!!! LOVE IT!!



Blizzard Katana - Gonna give it a rip next time I can get out
DX Rhyno - I've never thrown a DX so that ones gonna fly too!
Proton Ion - Straight into the bag!!!

Sweet Moerlein Lager Mug - Currently is filled with Leiny Snowdrift Vanilla Porter ;)
2 Tee shirts
Pencils - which is awesome since both my kids and I both need them
2 Jager/Peavey shot glasses
Sun screen
Post-It notes

Absolutely amazing. I'm guessing it might be from Old Bassman. Great stuff! Thank you!
Thanks a lot Santa!


Discraft Xtra
Champ Mamba
S/DS Destroyer
Bliz Teedevil
Opto Riot
D Challenger
DGA Aftershock


Some sweet swag
Self Massager
Sweet and Salty nuts
Super sweet hat with ear protecters
Chap Stick
Candy Canes
Instant French Vanilla
A mini

Many thanks to Santa's elves (Solomon and Co.) for putting in the time to make this all happen for all of us.

:clap: :hfive:

Merry Christmas everybody!
Thanks Santa Jones!


Zing mini
DGCR flyboy Vulcan
SS Magic
Innova bottle opener
C-PD (plus)
Sparkle leopard
Innova mini

Thanks again to my SS's and Solomon and crew.
I wish I could of done more. You deserved it after you hooked me up. Hope you have an awesome christmas. I actually wrote a note but ended up sealing the box before I put it in. I'm an idiot :D.
Dude this is plenty! The Vulcan is really cool because of the DGCR tie in. The pd is probably going right in the bag with my other 2. The leopard is just sick looking with the purple stamp. Definite wall hanger. And the Magic is going in the practice basket. Never have too many putters. Thanks again!
Got my second package!!!! LOVE IT!!



Blizzard Katana - Gonna give it a rip next time I can get out
DX Rhyno - I've never thrown a DX so that ones gonna fly too!
Proton Ion - Straight into the bag!!!

Sweet Moerlein Lager Mug - Currently is filled with Leiny Snowdrift Vanilla Porter ;)
2 Tee shirts
Pencils - which is awesome since both my kids and I both need them
2 Jager/Peavey shot glasses
Sun screen
Post-It notes

Absolutely amazing. I'm guessing it might be from Old Bassman. Great stuff! Thank you!

Love the Trans-Siberian Orchestra shirt. :clap:
Finally got home to get my hands on my gifts :) Thank You!!!


Opto Air Saint (Can't wait to try this out. Much lighter than my other drivers).
Opto Pain (This could become my midrange if it flies straight)
DGA Sticker
Community Discs Mini
Note "Merry Christmas. This is not your only item."