First form check!

Neat, I see what you're after.

Did a session, want to check before I get in too deep. Shift is a little easier to change than the arm at first. Couple versions each view:

Hey buddy, I'm probably missing a lot of context here but what really stands out to me is the pause you make before you swing. There's no way that can be a good thing. You're losing all your momentum. When's the last time you tried to throw it fuckin hard and let the body figure it out?

I look forward to being roasted for this comment XD
Hey buddy, I'm probably missing a lot of context here but what really stands out to me is the pause you make before you swing. There's no way that can be a good thing. You're losing all your momentum. When's the last time you tried to throw it fuckin hard and let the body figure it out?

I look forward to being roasted for this comment XD
Yes, good eye. I usually have a hitch somewhere the first time I try something. See the very next video after that one and it may be better, but let me know.

I do throw hard, but only after the first week or two of form changes to reduce injury risks. I always hurt myself otherwise. I am getting the hang of it and seem not to be hurting myself with more power. I want to add standstill distance again for a while now.

Also just since I was playing with it again: I think there's two ways to power out of the backswing- one is abrupt acceleration like Wiggins, the other is smoother ascending acceleration like Paul. I am messing around with both a bit which seems to help my body figure it out.
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System check!

Adding momentum again so some rough edges are showing. Something still a little tough to pin down in backswing and/or transition forward. Here's standstill rear view once it settled down.

X-step has apparently gained some just from doing only standstill work again so sharing that too - same issues I'm still grinding in standstills, and I see I'm still not quite getting ideal compression in plant.

I have my first tourney in 3 weeks so I'll just keep chipping away wherever needed. Thanks <3
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Not sure how much you really want to change before tourney.

1. Something funky with your grip.

2. You are setup uphill and closed, instead of open and downhill. I think this is why your pump seems very stabby/disconnected, instead of swinging with your mass connected.

3. You shrink on the left leg and then extend up during the throw instead of staying down and rotating on front leg.

Screen Shot 2024-03-05 at 12.16.32 AM.png
Not sure how much you really want to change before tourney.

1. Something funky with your grip.

2. You are setup uphill and closed, instead of open and downhill. I think this is why your pump seems very stabby/disconnected, instead of swinging with your mass connected.

3. You shrink on the left leg and then extend up during the throw instead of staying down and rotating on front leg.

View attachment 334859
Tourney: Won't change a ton. I can reach most targets from standstill so probably wise to keep grinding what I'm working on for now.

Grip: I think I'm still struggling to find the best leverage with the new arm pattern. It looks like I'm holding the hammer too close to the hammer head and not the end of the handle. Will tinker with that first based on the img there.

X: I was standing like that because it made it easiest to carry forward the feel from the stagger stance from the current standstills - I understand what you're getting at here. Feels more natural in Dingle arm. I'll check throws a bit later this week and if it's a struggle I will wait 'til after tourney.

Thanks man!!

Ninja Edit:
Felt good and tested 1,2, & 3 for a few. These were sloppy of course but I got somewhat more compressed immediately and in every throw. The potential is much better & less fighting myself for space to swing. Strides & balance would need work again, here I was messing around with bits. I'm not 100% sure if I should take the first step more North, or go West then more East, etc.

Will still be working on ~90% standstills in the meantime.
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Your front foot is leading from the start, instead your mass. Your backswing goes back while you step out. I'd much rather see you lean and swing forward before you step. Leverage your disc as far forward away from your back foot as possible, then step forward.
Your front foot is leading from the start, instead your mass. Your backswing goes back while you step out. I'd much rather see you lean and swing forward before you step. Leverage your disc as far forward away from your back foot as possible, then step forward.
Dude, neat. Also realized I probably needed more Hershyzer/booty preset as part of the lean in my setup to make this change work.

Me after changing setup & a few throws. Any closer? Tweak?

Your front foot is leading from the start, instead your mass. Your backswing goes back while you step out. I'd much rather see you lean and swing forward before you step. Leverage your disc as far forward away from your back foot as possible, then step forward.

Hijacking the thread for a minute.

Not sure how or why, but your comment popped up in my mind during a casual round today and I couldn't really get going.

I tried it out and notices that my timing felt much better, were that the intention for John too?

It felt like I went straight back into a hammer throw and somehow I felt back into that feeling pretty fast. Definitely something that I'm gonna go back to, that big exaggerated pendulum swing.

Brychanus - what changes did you make to your form in the last couple of months? It seems completely changed (or I might just be on crack and not remembering correct).

While your mechanics actually look good (the pocket and out seems SO powerful), you look extremely clunky and I can't really put my finger on why. Anything you've noticed too? Not being disrespectful, just wondering!

Glad to have you back on a daily basis! Hope you and the family are good
Gonna hurry up and elaborate, so it doesn't come off wrong lol.

It's your brace and posture while extending your lead leg that puts me off somehow. I wouldn't say you're rising up through the brace, but, a tiny bit until you're pocket deep.

Please help me out here lol. What am I seeing?
Pump is too late and left foot is stepping too far in the way of right foot.
View attachment 334968
Niiiice, I know how to work on this. Will keep the new setup then and work from there. Going to settle in for a couple weeks again ahead of the tournament. Thanks so much man <3

Hijacking the thread for a minute.

Not sure how or why, but your comment popped up in my mind during a casual round today and I couldn't really get going.

1.I tried it out and notices that my timing felt much better, were that the intention for John too?

It felt like I went straight back into a hammer throw and somehow I felt back into that feeling pretty fast. Definitely something that I'm gonna go back to, that big exaggerated pendulum swing.

2. Brychanus - what changes did you make to your form in the last couple of months? It seems completely changed (or I might just be on crack and not remembering correct).

3. While your mechanics actually look good (the pocket and out seems SO powerful), you look extremely clunky and I can't really put my finger on why. Anything you've noticed too? Not being disrespectful, just wondering!

4. Glad to have you back on a daily basis! Hope you and the family are good

Hey man - numbered & answered:

1. Minimally I was out of sequence, which also means I was out of leverage and also not getting the full effect out of my body mass.
2. We basically rebuilt my standstill from Dingle arm again. So there is a lot different "under the hood" mechanically. We're gradually getting my body out of its own way.
3. I am getting a lot more power out of the pocket than ever. I can tell you exactly where the clunkiness is or starts - any time I X-step I have trouble finding and getting leverage off the rear leg in the first instance in a good sequence. I could never find a good starting posture to move out of, but this last tweak seems to be working better. So I think these last couple posts will help a lot with that.
4. Glad to be back, trying to find a good balance of work, life, & play, but getting a bit of them all so I can't complain :)
While your mechanics actually look good (the pocket and out seems SO powerful), you look extremely clunky and I can't really put my finger on why. Anything you've noticed too? Not being disrespectful, just wondering!
Oh, also worth mentioning for you/any lurkers - I am still putting a lot of focus on my leg fitness to build them up right now. They're definitely tired today. I'm still learning how much throwing vs. conditioning my body can take. Once my legs start to go I've learned it's wise to stop form work until they're fresh again.
While your mechanics actually look good (the pocket and out seems SO powerful), you look extremely clunky and I can't really put my finger on why. Anything you've noticed too? Not being disrespectful, just wondering!

Glad to have you back on a daily basis! Hope you and the family are good

Pump is too late and left foot is stepping too far in the way of right foot.
View attachment 334968

Got a 2nd wind and wanted to address some of the "clunk" before bed. Kennets, any better than what you noticed before? SW, will keep working on strides/sequence/balance...

Got a 2nd wind and wanted to address some of the "clunk" before bed. Kennets, any better than what you noticed before? SW, will keep working on strides/sequence/balance...

It must have been your move of the rear leg that put me off. Just seemed like your transition into the brace were.. sloppy? In lack of better terms. This one seems more fluid with better posture in general.

I forgot you're having issues with the legs, so it might've been because of fatigue?
Your front foot is leading from the start, instead your mass. Your backswing goes back while you step out. I'd much rather see you lean and swing forward before you step. Leverage your disc as far forward away from your back foot as possible, then step forward.
Sorry, I may have confused part of your intent in the last part of the quote above.

Pump as far away from rear foot as possible.
View attachment 335008

At this point do you just want my setup and pump sequence to copy you overall right here?

Edit: tried a few. Maybe closer to your sequence but not quite. You start your first step just before the pump, whereas I start the pump just after, I think. Legs getting cooked, taking a break.

It must have been your move of the rear leg that put me off. Just seemed like your transition into the brace were.. sloppy? In lack of better terms. This one seems more fluid with better posture in general.

I forgot you're having issues with the legs, so it might've been because of fatigue?
Good, combo of bad sequence + posture + balance on rear leg + fatigue, yeah. Gassed today. I think I'll switch back to the swing drill w/out throwing for a couple days to work on sequence once I confirm what he wants me to do above.
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Looks like you are trying to keep your pelvis open and then doing a plie, instead of waltz balance step or kick the can/ball.

1st pic - When the right foot drives forward and leaves the ground your pelvis should be turned closed and butt leading. You can see how much more crossed up your knees are with pelvis open and leaning back. I've got my butt and mass leading more.

2nd pic - you can see how you bend the rear knee and plie dropping down a lot early behind your rear foot. Looks like your backswing is sucked in behind your right knee/hip which is bent out to get around your rear leg as your pelvis is still too open to target. My right leg is free to swing back and forth unimpeded by the rear leg with the pelvis closed. You should be able to step back and forth around the rear leg freely and backswing should swing freely with front knee hanging out of the way.
Screen Shot 2024-03-08 at 10.04.10 AM copy.jpg

Looks like you are trying to keep your pelvis open and then doing a plie, instead of waltz balance step or kick the can/ball.

1st pic - When the right foot drives forward and leaves the ground your pelvis should be turned closed and butt leading. You can see how much more crossed up your knees are with pelvis open and leaning back. I've got my butt and mass leading more.

2nd pic - you can see how you bend the rear knee and plie dropping down a lot early behind your rear foot. Looks like your backswing is sucked in behind your right knee/hip which is bent out to get around your rear leg as your pelvis is still too open to target. My right leg is free to swing back and forth unimpeded by the rear leg with the pelvis closed. You should be able to step back and forth around the rear leg freely and backswing should swing freely with front knee hanging out of the way.
View attachment 335027

Oof, I follow & drills make the action clear but it's *very* hard to move the needle on this in live throws.

Legs at their limit after this week. I'll pick it up here when back at it. Thanks man :)
