Form advice!!!

Take some video of you doing Door Frame Drill, play around with rear foot placement, distance from frame and foot angle (rear toes should be somewhere around 6" offline from door frame and front toes on the line/inline to inside edge of door frame). Either you have mobility issues or you not are working deep enough into the drill and fully loaded/coiled and completing the backswing. Your shoulders stop turning back early/short and start going forward too early. Your rear foot also appears to spin out during the stride turning more backward and ending up more horsestanced.
Haven't had a chance to get video of door frame drill but have been working on getting a deeper coil as well as keeping my hand on the outside edge of the disc and getting a deeper pocket. Definitely realizing how important hand position on the disc is for being able to get into a deeper pocket as well as kinda "quieting" down the shoulders so the arm can get ahead. Thoughts on these throws?

Camera behind tee probably show it better. Probably need to hinge back deeper into rear hip.
Camera behind tee probably show it better. Probably need to hinge back deeper into rear hip.

So in other words it looks like I'm not coiling into my rear hip? I kinda felt like this session I wasn't really getting any hip action being so focused on the arm. Will shoot a behind angle
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Camera behind tee probably show it better. Probably need to hinge back deeper into rear hip.

Been meaning to get a behind I lowkey kinda forgot this last session lol.. been working on not letting the wrist extend at reach back and keeping the hand on the outside of the disc. Also trying to get the hop out of my x step. I feel like with the hop I'm not getting enough load time on the back leg and keeping the feet more grounded makes my rhythm feel alot more smooth. Do you think I could benefit with more "sit" in the back leg striding for plant? Been thinking about this lately but haven't really played around with it.

The hop should occur on the right leg going into the x-step, almost hopping over the rear leg. You are hopping more off your left leg going into the plant, so you are going upward off your rear leg instead of dropping/sitting down into the plant.

The hop should occur on the right leg going into the x-step, almost hopping over the rear leg. You are hopping more off your left leg going into the plant, so you are going upward off your rear leg instead of dropping/sitting down into the plant.

In my mind I feel like I'm hopping off that left leg into the X but the rear leg going into plant feels too tall/like it never bends/sits down into brace. The rear leg stays kinda extended the whole time and I feel like im just drifting down/pole vaulting off the rear leg. The hop is something I kinda want to get rid of all together as I mentioned I feel like I don't get enough time on the back leg to coil everything. Idk how but I randomly started hopping about a month or so before my firsr post here its so weird lol..
Perhaps a Prescription Rx: Herchyzer Drill

sounds like this might help that; and reinforce the idea of getting your COM further ahead of your rear leg/ ( rubber) before initiating the stride to your body.
Perhaps a Prescription Rx: Herchyzer Drill

sounds like this might help that; and reinforce the idea of getting your COM further ahead of your rear leg/ ( rubber) before initiating the stride to your body.
I've been doing some Hersheyzer (lol) but admittedly probably not as much as I should be to get the idea down. I've been really focused on the arm and shoulders and the hand not leading on the front of the disc as well as trying to get into a deeper pocket but definitely going to be giving this back leg a bit more attention. I was messing around with the bucket drill sidewinder posted yesterday and it's Definitely not what I'm feeling in the back leg. Dry swinging in my apartment after practicing the bucket drill I was focusing on the sit and Loading into the back leg forwards and I noticed I was getting off the back leg alot sooner than usual getting more "squeeze" between the knees. Will be posting some more videos here within the next day or so. It's been raining here which blows.. :/
I'd say you are spending too much time on your rear leg. You can't really coil when you are extending the rear leg.
No problem! Keep us updated on how things go next session!
So I was messing around with my walk up this last session and had this thought when doing one steps. When I'm on the back leg stationary I'm super balanced and driving forward off the back leg and really noticed that in my walk up I felt I never entirely felt the same kind of balance on the back leg. So I thought instead of pushing laterally off my pre X step foot, to get more centered on my X step leg I thought what if I push kinda east off the leg to try to get the same balance I felt in my one steps? Doing this makes me feel more centered on my back leg and like I can drive laterally better. That and I notice it keeps the back leg going behind the plant more consistently to counter weight. I paired this with extending my X step stride to catch my weight on the back leg sooner. Idk if I'm imagining it but I feel like I'm deweighted off the back leg sooner as well. Back foots pointed alittle back being so focused on all of this as well as not really thinking much about the off arm or getting a deep pocket which I'm kinda struggling with. I feel like I can't calm down the shoulders enough to get the arm through deep enough. I tell myself to move laterally but old habit of turning the head forwards to soon kinda creeps in and my shoulders rotate more than I'd like too soon. Anywho thoughts fellas?

Yeah, I like the more eastward step.

You remain extended on your rear leg striding and never really sit/step down into the plant.
Yeah it feels way better! I've been hesitant to try it because it didn't really make sense to me until I really thought about my balance on my one steps and what it felt like. And forsure I'm gonna keep drilling the bucket drill. after trying it out the other day I feel like this is really a big missing part in my stride that I don't feel. When I do it on my feet I feel like I'm going to fall on my butt sorta does this sound about right?
Yeah, I like the more eastward step.

You remain extended on your rear leg striding and never really sit/step down into the plant.
So after watching the step down drill video and the hinge vs squat video a bunch I feel like I was misunderstanding the "sit". Would I be correct in saying the "sit" is achieved not from bending at the knee (squat) but hinging at the waist into coil? Is this the step down or sit into plant?