Form Check Diary ✅

Looks like in general you are stepping too far/jumping off the rear foot.

On Inside Swing Drill, reachback more behind you toward rear foot instead of keeping disc on wall. Load/coil back more into rear leg, rather than offline of it. Try to keep your front knee straighter and bounce your center of mass east/west a bit. Probably end up moving the rear foot a little further east/deeper when you start bouncing.

On Whip Step it looks like your front foot is crossing over rear foot, so you are stepping slightly southwest and tipping over, instead of stepping west or slightly northwest so you can still brace inside front foot.

I'm doing some quick research just to prepare for off-season, it seems like the drills are just making things better for me so that's nice.

But how do i stop «step to far/jump off rear foot», i feel like that is the only major difference i see from me and AB is that right now.

( i need more sidebend and better timing also, i know)

So the idea is for me to drop more down earlier with plant foot/sit more with left butt? what is the remedy here to fix this issue?

I put a video from coaches eye here, had to edit speed in tiktok so sorry about the damn music.

Jumping off rear leg/stepping to far, form check

I could use some pointers on this because im not sure if the current drills helps me with this problem.

Also fun sidenote on the drill part, reverse stride is making me wait longer with pull after plant 🤝🏽
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Keep your front foot closer and flatter(heel) to the ground during the stride, like hover just above the ground.

Imagine you are on a lake and pushing yourself off the dock standing on a paddle board. You would never push upward off the rear leg. - Only horizontal.
Keep your front foot closer and flatter(heel) to the ground during the stride, like hover just above the ground.

Imagine you are on a lake and pushing yourself off the dock standing on a paddle board. You would never push upward off the rear leg. - Only horizontal.

great stuff, sounds doable!
Keep your front foot closer and flatter(heel) to the ground during the stride, like hover just above the ground.

Imagine you are on a lake and pushing yourself off the dock standing on a paddle board. You would never push upward off the rear leg. - Only horizontal.

Alright, so i tried for a few hours just to see if i could pull it off.

I wanna describe what i feel during the xstep/transition « i land with rear foot behind front in x-step ,then i push off rear foot/toes and it feels like you said before that i try to slide on the board from the dock horizontaly. Then after that it feels like i drop into brace with front foot straight down and if i dont do that i end up with a very long stride ( ill add a picture example )

So here is the video, see if it looks fine now. ( with practice i might even get it more closer to the ground )

Board slide from dock

And a picture of what happens if i dont drop down earlier with my brace foot, not sure if im doing it the correct way after the slidetheboard but yeah.
I just have to smash it down earlier then before.


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Looks a little better there, especially compared to your pic with super wide stance, but still end up quite wide stance and much further behind front foot during hit. I think you still get a little too crouched and backwards on the rear leg which causes you to stride too far. Need to stand up more on rear leg and squeeze everything tighter back into inside the rear leg. Do door frame or bow arrow drill kind of backward from the plant back into x-step/Hershyzer, so you pull yourself back away from target into rear leg or even further back into step before xstep. Make the stride step back and forth across the rear leg more fluid perpetually - go back and forth over and over. Also recommend doing this(Hershyzer) with Buttwipe drill. You will have to stand up more on rear leg to move/stride across rear foot/leg more efficiently.

Rear camera view will probably also help see something differently with your posture/stack/CoM. Single camera views can be deceiving in only 2D. Two camera views help get better 3D spacial rendering.

kim ab eagle me stride.png
Your shoulders/scapulae stop rotating back and remain too horizontal. Note how AB has a lot more right side bend of the spine/torso and rotates his shoulders vertically coiling/loading/pulling them further back into the rear leg. You can see how your head is tilted more back/right ear up with a more vertical spine while AB's head is tilted more forward/with right ear down and left shoulder rotates upward and behind his head and right shoulder. His left torso/spine extends up while the right spine/torso is compressing down.

I think you need to play around more with your rear foot placement in door frame/bow arrow drills, probably need to walk your rear foot northwest while holding frame low and pulling your shoulder down and back underneath chin and over rear foot and raising/reaching your left shoulder up to the sky away from your rear foot.
kim ab side bend bow arrow.png
Your shoulders/scapulae stop rotating back and remain too horizontal. Note how AB has a lot more right side bend of the spine/torso and rotates his shoulders vertically coiling/loading/pulling them further back into the rear leg. You can see how your head is tilted more back/right ear up with a more vertical spine while AB's head is tilted more forward/with right ear down and left shoulder rotates upward and behind his head and right shoulder. His left torso/spine extends up while the right spine/torso is compressing down.

I think you need to play around more with your rear foot placement in door frame/bow arrow drills, probably need to walk your rear foot northwest while holding frame low and pulling your shoulder down and back underneath chin and over rear foot and raising/reaching your left shoulder up to the sky away from your rear foot.
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The upperpart of the body with sidebend i can fix that with some weeks focusing on it. ( ive done it in the past but it hasnt sticked )

But i think working on that rear foot and standing more up on it is very important.

Ive compared myself to many throwers with that rear foot, seems like many top throwers stand up on it alot more then me.

I tried it in a corridor with glass around me to force myself to stand more upright with rear foot.

Am i on to something here?

What mental que should i have going into x-step with rear foot?

Just to simplify it for me, its a little complicated.

Also when i slide on the board from the dock, it feels like i have to sit down on rear leg but that's fine?

So i stand up high on rear foot and then sit down while i slide the board from the dock?

Should i continue sliding the board, that part looks better and fine?

Many questions here but i would love to just understand what im trying to do.

Here is another video of me and ab throwing a shorter shoot with angle from behind.

Maybe its easier for you to work with.

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Plant with your right leg straighter. You bend your right knee so much and gives it too much slack. You want a more sudden stop/crush the can.
Plant with your right leg straighter. You bend your right knee so much and gives it too much slack. You want a more sudden stop/crush the can.

Alright, ive done that here and ive also squeezed everything together as you asked before.

Looks like the straighter brace leg makes me release 10-11 o'clock instead of 12-13:00.

I also get more spin and speed, i think this is a breakthrough, but it was a tough change.

I personally can feel myself rip the disc alot faster, its still a little akward as you can see but this will be very nice when im used to it!

Reverse stride keeps making my timing better also, slowly and steady.

Ive tried the changes you sendt to me on messenger @sidewinder22

Let me know if some of the attempts is somewhere close to how it should be.

Dont mind the plant foot bend, im not focusing on it here and i need to integrate it more.

So just focus on rear foot in x-step and tell me what you think.

Ive worked in all the changes into my swing, now i just need to make sure it sticks to my form.

Since there is 3 things i have to think about during the practice swing, it's alot harder then changing stuff in the past.

If i change one thing at the time it feels like it messes upp something else, so this is a tough nut. But i know how it should feel and i can think about thoose 3 things while working on it since its on different time sequences during my throw.

It feels like im shifting from behind now, i dont spill the beverage, i dont get stuck in transition, buttwipe/sidebend/straigher leg during plant/crush the can.

i just have to do it slowly and get reps in, another winter with heavy training and i should get that tech disc to explode.

But im not ready just yet

Backhand feels really good, im throwing further with less effort.

I'm gonna try to gain weight to around 243 pounds this off season, just to see if it will benefit my distance.

When season gets closer i will convert most of the mass gained from weight training over to speed blocks to check if it will benefit my arm speed.

Im 6.3 so 243 pounds/110kg's might be a little to much but i will test it either way.

Ive worked on the sidearm aswell, trying to get it ready for next season.

if anyone have any pointers, let me know ☺️

Backhand feels really good, im throwing further with less effort.

I'm gonna try to gain weight to around 243 pounds this off season, just to see if it will benefit my distance.

When season gets closer i will convert most of the mass gained from weight training over to speed blocks to check if it will benefit my arm speed.

Im 6.3 so 243 pounds/110kg's might be a little to much but i will test it either way.

Ive worked on the sidearm aswell, trying to get it ready for next season.

if anyone have any pointers, let me know ☺️

I am going to defer to SW on any FH pointers otherwise, but when you enter the release your shot I think you are still not committing the whole chain all the way into it. Try to see if you can get deeper into it like an MLB pitcher or Ricky below. Their posture is getting them more range of motion and more leverage off the ground. My suggestion is to tinker and see what it would take to naturally end up with that follow through.

Learning aid: I use weighted clubs and hammers to work on this motion and strike a bag trying to find the motion that will give me max acceleration/impact at least effort. It's highly related to better or worse FH (don't generalize from just me, as you know I borrowed all these ideas from SW and elsewhere). The hardest part (for me) is the difference in disc ergonomics sometimes makes it hard to find the same sweet spot, but when it does it's directly related to the follow through/release speed as per below.


You land your front foot very heel first, and then your knee leaks forward past your ankle in a more quad dominant position. Try planting more flat footed or toes first. I only plant heel first on really long stride. You should feel your hamstring being stretched in the brace.

kim rick eagle fh brace.png
Ive worked on landing more flat footed/stretching hamstring, i also plant with a little angle on front foot is that a problem?

The foot angle is ok, but plant more inline or slightly west/left/open. Looks like your knee still leaks forward over your ankle.

When you push off rear foot, the rear foot should slide in behind front foot toward northwest.

You need to tuck your left elbow into your body during the throw. It's just hanging out away from your body the entire throw.

Small update on form and base strenght.

Im gaining weight and strenght but after talking a little to merela, i decided to transition into more speed training earlier since i already have very high power output.

1 rep squat 396 lbs
1 rep bench 336 lbs
1 rep pull-up 154 lbs

I noticed already after a few weeks that im getting faster focusing on rate of force developement.

Form wise im working on crush the can/straighter brace leg.

I use plyometrics that can be paired with a discgolf throw and bracing. ( check video below)

i'm throwing really fast now with straighter brace leg( crush the can is good stuff)

But i still have problems centering my head, my spine tilt is good ( ride the bull ) but not my head.

Anyone have a good mental que for how to center my head so i dont destroy my neck now that i have elite speed?

Any help is appreciated.

Here is an example where you can see my head tilt a little after plant during pull through.
