I still frequently encounter little things in form that I suddenly realize are sources of power but it can be frustrating to get it into the total move. I think you see a lot of differences in stride patterns out there and it's probably some kind of optimization between body type, balance control, pull/swing type, grip, yadda yadda.
Sometimes - and I bring this up because I am used to watching your transition move off the rear side - the northwestward stride pattern is a compensation for tipping off the rear side a bit. It does tend to land you closed off to the target, and therefore lets you get (1) a momentum stop, (2) a closed leverage point to pull/swing, and (3) also can get you a ground force reaction and leverage point hard against the ground. However if that is the case, it is probably somewhat harder on the leg in the long run than coming off a balanced full CoM-shifting Figure 8 transition move, and it is related to missing out on some of the efficiency "tricks" we were chatting about. So I'd be curious to see the move in real time + of course your TD data.
It potentially sounds like previously, your northward pump was bringing you more "over the top" of the brace whereas you are not bringing it either "on top" or "behind" the brace (possibly bad, depending on my paragraph above). I do think sometimes attention to the stride pattern can trigger/reshape the balance points too, so maybe that's part of what's happening (we could see).
1. I've used GG's move before and that's kind of how I think it works. I stopped because my lower body and balance were nowhere close to being able to make good use of it at the time. There's also a scary amount of potential power in that maneuver.
2. I don't know that this man thought of
everything, but yes:
3. In general I don't think it's unusual for people to go through phases of unstable left or right or up or down releases relative to wherever their "ideal" ends up. Based on what I've seen out there, people tend to find sources of power before they can control them. A "WTF Richard" rightward release can still teach you something about an arm swing - but connecting it up to balance and the lower body can take a lifetime (or to whenever you stop fussing with it).
Next suggestion for you: what would it take for you to get your posture/booty into this transition move like Simon? Ignore the shot & angle, just talking about balance and posture again.
Pre-set the booty.
Adapt to Backhand.
Be tall or rising in the step before the X-step, then drifting and dropping into the plant in transition.
Profit (if done well).