I've had this discussion in a few places. And I know Eric well enough to know that if his statement isn't untrue, he's not purposefully lying. He's a good dude, so if he was warned more than once, he forgot. Cause the dude will squirrel harder than the one from icea..whatever that movie is.
And It's been theorized that MCrays stuff is from him having a blow up calling a foot fault on a playoff, and the official wouldn't call it nor anyone else there who is supposed to be watching, so he lost his shit. Rightfully so.
And it sounds like that TD got her fweewings hurt, so she reported him.
PDGA really focusing hard on handing out this stupidity.
But we can't get with players and have meetings with stuff like "hey, if you are not going to call these penalties, were going to start sending officials out and stroking the whole card for not enforcing the rules. And when you do start enforcing the rules, anyone who throws a tantrum over it will be stroked again."
This is how we fix the sport. Rule calling has turned into people think they are being slighted for doing good, so they throw a fit so players wont enforce the rules and stop cheating.
Remember, cheating is intentional or unintentional, its playing outside the rules breaking them.
But players need to get back in the habit of enforcing the rules so people understand its not a slight against them cause they are winning, or some sort of attack. Cause they are snowflakes or some crap. And yes, Pro's are that sensitive, good lord they are soft.