JohnE McCray and Eric Oakley

I've had this discussion in a few places. And I know Eric well enough to know that if his statement isn't untrue, he's not purposefully lying. He's a good dude, so if he was warned more than once, he forgot. Cause the dude will squirrel harder than the one from icea..whatever that movie is.

And It's been theorized that MCrays stuff is from him having a blow up calling a foot fault on a playoff, and the official wouldn't call it nor anyone else there who is supposed to be watching, so he lost his shit. Rightfully so.
And it sounds like that TD got her fweewings hurt, so she reported him.

PDGA really focusing hard on handing out this stupidity.
But we can't get with players and have meetings with stuff like "hey, if you are not going to call these penalties, were going to start sending officials out and stroking the whole card for not enforcing the rules. And when you do start enforcing the rules, anyone who throws a tantrum over it will be stroked again."

This is how we fix the sport. Rule calling has turned into people think they are being slighted for doing good, so they throw a fit so players wont enforce the rules and stop cheating.
Remember, cheating is intentional or unintentional, its playing outside the rules breaking them.

But players need to get back in the habit of enforcing the rules so people understand its not a slight against them cause they are winning, or some sort of attack. Cause they are snowflakes or some crap. And yes, Pro's are that sensitive, good lord they are soft.
So, we can enforce this with 812. B2, and section C.

A warning to the group for not enforcing the rules.
So basically you can say "oh you were not paying attention, stroke."

This is the fix. Provide penalties for not actually enforcing the rules.
You know, As the F@#$()& rules say you should.

Theoretically, by the rules, you can footfault. If nobody calls it, you can call your card on 812:B2 as a warning. If a official is present, they SHOULD be seconding this. Because you're calling your card on not paying attention to the throw because they didn't call the fault.

And if you do it again and they dont call it, and you call them on this rule again, thats a stroke for all 3 players on the card if its seconded by an official.
Anybody "losing their shit" in professional disc golf, SHOULD be reported and disciplined. Anyone insinuating the "feelings of a TD were hurt", to dismiss such egregious behavior, IS the problem, in any effort to change the rules culture. Regardless of what happened, what should have happened, what a TD, player or spectator did, or did not do, acting out is the response of a child and sports have no room for it.

Changing the rules for infants is not a solution. A culture change is needed and knee jerk changes, are again....not the solution.
Why do we hold disc golf players to a higher standard than pretty much every other type of professional sports athletes?(obviously not including soccer drama queens).

In other sports the entire industry runs cover for their brain damaged athletes having outbursts and unless it involves violence it's basically water under the bridge or a fine that means nothing, in disc golf we act like someone freaking out after a shitty shot just kicked a baby.

I vote proportional fines to income similar to other sports for outbursts. Considering most disc golfers are actually poor I think a swear jar and a 25 cent fine is acceptable punishment for each infraction.
There has been a time or two, not often, that JohnE has been cantankerous. Like the time he started the 30 second count when McBeth was seeing a man about a horse at the USDGC a few years ago. Nate Sexton had to retrieve McBeth, who promptly grabbed a disc, ran to the tee, called JohnE an A-hole on the way, and proceeded to park the hole and birdie it. I think this may be what prompted the PDGA to change the pee break rule

*** Correction. This happened at the Memorial. Thanks to Hampstead ***
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Lol McCray is a cranky, old man. It's funny to watch from the outside sometimes, but then he goes and will make things super awkward for the rest of his card which is not cool.

As much as I love watching sports players get passionate on the field/court (especially 90's era NBA), it just doesn't work the same in sports like golf, disc golf, tennis, etc where it's you and only you representing yourself. Seeing Dennis Rodman constantly foul people on purpose is funny because you can just chalk it up to that's how the Pistons played during that era because there were multiple other "bad boys" on the team so the focus isn't just on one player.

Well, like I said, that isn't the case with sports like disc golf where if you blow up, you're only making yourself look like a jackass. I think Simon has the best attitude when it comes to "getting mad" at himself. He always cracks me up when he tells himself he sucks really loudly with a big grin on his face.
I always thought it was funny that McCray is one of the most outwardly cranky old timers on tour and also wears that humongous pope cross around his neck when he played.
He's always been classic disc golf cranky but the god thing is a new addition to his personality. Maybe he went all in on the higher power after nearly dying. He wasn't like that in the early 2000s when I played with him a lot. It was just him and jen touring around in their perpetually broken down mini van filled with way too many gateway discs trying to clear out my local courses ace pot.
I just remember when he went full time touring in the mid 2010s and seeing him on Jomez/McFly So High and others throwing and that huge cross swinging around like it was going to decapitate somebody in the name of Jesus when he teed off.
I just remember when he went full time touring in the mid 2010s and seeing him on Jomez/McFly So High and others throwing and that huge cross swinging around like it was going to decapitate somebody in the name of Jesus when he teed off.
2014. Should have won the USDGC that year, at 44 years of age, if not for that disastrous meltdown on 17.....he had it in the bag.
Speaking of rules violations.......
Kristin kicked/slid into her mini twice this weekend.
Was noted by commentators and even replayed.
No penalties.
Apologies for the thread drift, I'll penalize myself

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