It'd be kinda like getting modern NBA fans excited over a new Bill Russell line of balls/jerseys/shoes/etc.
Like, yeah, legend and all, but zero direct relevancy to the current state of the game.
Now, he can still be an asset media-wise, but even his 'in depth' commentary will be mostly out of date(he's from the era where you just didn't need a usable forehand and people rarely looked up-think simonline). So, all that's left is color commentary and media engagement.
I just don't see how its worth 200k/year currently. Maybe down the line, but the hobby don't got that kind of depth lore-wise yet.
It might've made sense if he just got a line of discs somewhere to take a 'this is the disc I wish I had while still playing' kinda vibe, but this just seems like a charity signing lol