Ken Climo leaving Innova

I gotta have hope amigo - Scott and Ken are only a couple years older than me. I'm not trying to stay 'relevant' but I'd like them to see some success now so they're not pimping discs at events at 75.
Unfortunately, I got to witness this in Huntsville before I cashed out of the area. A legendary hall of famer would park his van at a course daily selling discs, practicing, and picking up sticks dawn to dusk. Most people loved it and sang his praises online because they got to brush shoulders with a legend. I always felt sad for the guy out there all day desperately trying to hang on and have some form of interaction with players to the point I avoided the course all together. It's cool to be retired and play disc golf all day. But, damn there has to be more to retirement than that!

Maybe I'm wrong. I'm not going back to the best times of my career and hanging out outside the Toyota plants I helped launch shaking hands with the newbies and former coworkers that didn't save their money.
Unfortunately, I got to witness this in Huntsville before I cashed out of the area. A legendary hall of famer would park his van at a course daily selling discs, practicing, and picking up sticks dawn to dusk. Most people loved it and sang his praises online because they got to brush shoulders with a legend. I always felt sad for the guy out there all day desperately trying to hang on and have some form of interaction with players to the point I avoided the course all together. It's cool to be retired and play disc golf all day. But, damn there has to be more to retirement than that!

Maybe I'm wrong. I'm not going back to the best times of my career and hanging out outside the Toyota plants I helped launch shaking hands with the newbies and former coworkers that didn't save their money.
Hmmmm......I can imagine few better retirement hobbies than hanging outside, in a park, playing disc golf and socializing with disc golfers. I, of course, also like to travel [and play disc golf], play golf, read and take long walks on the beach.
Hmmmm......I can imagine few better retirement hobbies than hanging outside, in a park, playing disc golf and socializing with disc golfers. I, of course, also like to travel [and play disc golf], play golf, read and take long walks on the beach.


..which is probably what we should do re: Kenny's return amirite?
Hmmmm......I can imagine few better retirement hobbies than hanging outside, in a park, playing disc golf and socializing with disc golfers. I, of course, also like to travel [and play disc golf], play golf, read and take long walks on the beach.
There's a difference between doing that because you can and doing it because its the only thing you can do.
so i have a tough time with the Climo having his name on Discraft. Only because people know kc rocs he threw them. i wouldnt buy myself a ken climo buzzz. it feels off to me to put a name like that on a brand he never threw in the competitive years. if he goes that route awesome on him just a odd move to me
I've shared this story before, but it ties some things together. 2015 Pittsburgh Worlds (where Climo yelled at me and Stokely had the foot fault), the owner of the shop where I worked and I stopped to talk to Dave Dunipace. They were friends going back to the 80's. Two kids walk up "Hey, mister. Could you sign our disc?" He takes it. Looks at them. "Do you know who I am?" They gave a slightly embarrassed "Yes". He laughed, signed the Buzzz and handed it back to them.
so i have a tough time with the Climo having his name on Discraft. Only because people know kc rocs he threw them. i wouldnt buy myself a ken climo buzzz. it feels off to me to put a name like that on a brand he never threw in the competitive years. if he goes that route awesome on him just a odd move to me

Now, the way drew spoke about it the other day in a video which I don't think was recoreded like 2 months prior was that it didn't really sound like the climo to discraft thing was official, and it was just a rumor.

I'm just so confused on this stuff now.