Since you got SW in here correcting you, I won't go in too muchdetails (since Andrew knows much more than I do).
You start your plant in a great "angle", but somehow end up with the front foot slightly open when the heel sits. Your rear feet is pointed backwards too (I know some of the pros does that, but they get their weight off it waaay sooner than you do. )
It looks like your posture could use some work. English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if this doesn't makes sense. It looks like your anterior pelvic tilt is "too much". Gonna post a picture of Simon at release, notice how he's "leaning" in over the disc, whilst you're "tilting" backwards (flexation?).
Your release is funky. It looks like you're just letting the disc go, instead of it "ripping" out. That might just be due to you throwing lower power shots.
Good part is: I absolutely struggle A LOT with the same stuff. Posture and release point is "easy" to fix. Hammer drills! Swinging a hammer with your current posture will suck.
Dingle a hammer for a good amount of time, just to get the feeling on how the hammer dictates how the body should move. You don't even have to think about "getting in the pocket", just a straight arm on a somewhere straight plane (pendulum).
When you get the feeling of it, go to a field and yeet that sucker out there, I'll promise you, that your posture will look way better!
Just my two cents.
Seabass22 - hammer drill
Aceitdiscgolf -hammer
Search that on YouTube, and you'll get plenty of stuff on drills.