Missed ace commiseration thread

Splashed chains on the left side of the basket a couple of times this past week, but couldn't get either to stick (couple of shorties: a Buzzz on Woodland Mound #9 & a Pain on Williamsburg #5). Just gives you the feeling that one's on its way, you know? :hfive:
I was playing a local course that is 9 pins with 18 pads. I came up on hole 5 (205 feet) and skipped my drive into the side of the cage. It fell flat to the ground. I threw 2 more drives that both landed within 6 feet of the pin. Came around on the "back 9"...same pin (long position - 252) and threw another drive that skipped and hit the side of the cage and fell straight down. Proceeded to throw another 2 drives that were within 6 feet of the pin.

Pretty short shots but still would have been cool to have aced the same pin twice in the same round.
First throw ever in Arizona, my uncle was there watching took my buzz and put it on a nice Hyzer on hole one at marana.. Hit the basket and sat.. Woulda love to get that ace
Huge gash

Hole 12 Crestmont in Bloomington IN. Threw the KC Roc I aced the hole with last year and off the tee it looks perfect. Starts fading right at the pin but comes in high and hits the number plate taking a huge gash out if the rim. (First picture) when I get to the next tee I grab my little knife to cut the peice if plastic sticking out off to use it later. When I look at it I noticed it like familiar. The little chunk frayed into a perfect little peice resembling the little wing logo which was only so crazy to me because it was a little wing roc I threw. (Second pic) Best part was I had been trying I beat that roc in a little more an that chuck did the trick just perfect. Win, win. Thought I'd share check the second picture out. All my friends and I were in disbelief it was too perfect. Wasn't bummed it didn't go in I'll get it again
2 today during a tag round. Hole 1. First hit pole or bottom of basket. Was behind of trees so didn't have a clean view. Just saw it shoot off awkwardly. The second happened on hole 8. Flicked my saint pro and watch it start turning back and hit basket. Celebrate another near hit with the group. Next guy up aces it. Son of a b!&&!&8&!
Not sure if you would call this a missed ace but Hole 2 at fallasburg I landed about 5 feet right behind the basket. Its a tight fairway to a hidden basket, I had the line perfect, but just a bit off.

Every shot is a missed ace. So sorry I don't keep track of my missed aces.
Still hunting. I splashed chains high right on a beautiful hyzer line (LHBH) last week on hole 8 at Mountain Crest. :/
I hit the chains just to the side and they deflected the disc just enough to fall out of the basket on a fore arm slightly to the right dogleg on #1. Then later that round I hit the number post right on top and it came to rest on top of the basket on #6. Never had two misses like that in one round. Still hunting for the first of they year.
^My first ace, was on hole 4 and I think hole 10 or 11, i chained out with the same disc. Would of been crazy if my first ace was followed by a second.
I missed an ace today. Oh well. I'll have to be happy with the 3 aces I've made this week already. =)
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Didn't see this thread but i just posted this in the aces thread yesterday

Earlier today played at Lakewood Dry Gulch (Paco Sanchez)for my first time. Ran into a guy, Brian I think. He said holes 9 and beyond were overgrown, so we played 1-8 & 21 twice for 18. Anyways hole 7 my second time throwing Flicked my star Tern out there FH into a head wind watched it driftback nicely and dive at the basket, slammed into the bottom and bounced out barely hit chains. Such an intense rush in probably my 12th round. Hooked. hope to join the ace party this year.
Hole 14 at Hudson Mills, OG course, shorts. 280' tunnel. I disced up for the job. Sent a Stalker with some steam, caught a little lettuce short of the pin for the slowdown/kick left and CHING...

Easy 2. I don't know how it didn't stay in, it caught a LOT of chains. I was getting some spooky action of the nubs all day though. I got 3 so far this year, so I guess I can't complain? Still tho.

I came closer than ever today, full chain hit with a DX Sting Ray from about 200 feet on #10 at the Willows. Spat out the side.
This weekend, 270' downhill hole with basket behind two lean-ish guard trees. Laser'd a drifting hyzer with an Anode all the way at the basket, hit all of the chains on the right side of the pole and still bounced out.

Third time hitting metal from the teepad, first time chains...still no aces.

Makes me a little concerned now, seeing how many chains I hit and it still didn't stick because of the speed. Must take some luck too to get it to sit in there.
Gowen Park, #3

I can't believe that I didn't post this two years go and really thought that I'd get to reply to my own previous post. Anyway...

On 8-6-12, while visiting my brother in law in Maine, I was playing Gowen Park. On #3 I thought that I had an ace. It is a blind tee shot, with a sharp left dogleg, and the fairway kind of funnels down to the pin. I threw a Predator on a nice line, expecting a nice skip down close to the basket. Only I heard solid chain. When I went down to check, my shot was laying 1' from the basket.

Fast forward to last week. On 7-17-14, at Gowen #3 again. This time I threw an SOLF, again on a nice line, and once again heard solid chain. I really thought that it was in this time. So I jogged to the pin, only to find the disc, again, just 1' from the basket.

I'll take the drop in twos... but with it being a blind shot there's such a feeling of anticipation when you hear such solid chain. Oh, well... maybe next year!
I missed getting an ace on hole 11 at Warwick by inches....snapped a dx roc from the tee to the long basket and was going straight at it....as it was going over the creek it was a laser beam and I thought for sure I had it....it broke just a bit to the right and missed the chains by about 6 inches....dropped 15 feet away for an easy deuce. That would've been my second ace. I'm just waiting till I get my next one.