Gowen Park, #3
I can't believe that I didn't post this two years go and really thought that I'd get to reply to my own previous post. Anyway...
On 8-6-12, while visiting my brother in law in Maine, I was playing Gowen Park. On #3 I thought that I had an ace. It is a blind tee shot, with a sharp left dogleg, and the fairway kind of funnels down to the pin. I threw a Predator on a nice line, expecting a nice skip down close to the basket. Only I heard solid chain. When I went down to check, my shot was laying 1' from the basket.
Fast forward to last week. On 7-17-14, at Gowen #3 again. This time I threw an SOLF, again on a nice line, and once again heard solid chain. I really thought that it was in this time. So I jogged to the pin, only to find the disc, again, just 1' from the basket.
I'll take the drop in twos... but with it being a blind shot there's such a feeling of anticipation when you hear such solid chain. Oh, well... maybe next year!