View attachment 354399
The tour of terror is complete!!!
I wasn't going to pop for the detour but there was still a 176g around at an online shop. We'll it's B & M too but I'm not traveling for 2 days to get a disc....haha.
Very impressed with the detour very tursasish or it's a comet front end and buzzz ss for the fade. Shapes real nice, I can't remember if my gyropalooza detour is 174 or 176g but it has that touch of stability it needed. It's started at a sweet spot somewhere around 180g soft uplink or a beat 176g 8yr old comet (big dome). A nice micro S straight runner. The glow uplink is a little turny downhill and the hex lizottle needs juice all the time. It plays angles without flipping like the gyropalooza. Very adequate.
Ive beat some fade out of the eclipse pixel, tapped a field ace and a legit one on 18 at my place. I thought it was short haha. That's two legit at home in a few weeks. Also tossed a OTB soft envy at some baskets at work since a guy had them... just sitting there....and I had my backup 3 under the console in case of a disc golf emergency round.
Those envy are straight, and I mean STRAIGHT BUTTER, with a hint of reliable fade. The eclipse pixel is slightly more stable back end but yet more turny. Those envy are a laser to a drop.